Date Posted: 6th Jun 2013 at 8:46 PM
My policy found on my profile:
NEVER reuse/edit or reupload any of my creations for anything (personal use included), anywhere!
ASK before using pics of any of my creations for movies, stories,...
Creator Policy
Uploading terms:
Do not upload to the Exchange.
Upload only on S2I
With my meshes:
You may not include with Lots.
Do NOT include my meshes with recolours.
Do not re-use my textures for unrelated projects.
Do NOT recolour this in any way.
With my recolours:
You may not include with Lots.
You may not include with Sims.
Do not recolour / can not be recoloured
Do not re-use my textures for unrelated projects.
General terms:
Special - see profile page.