Hello fellow Simmers!!
I am back in the game!!
I will try my best to get some Houses built again for the sims 2!!
I do hope everyone in the community is in good health, in this trying...very trying year!!!
Stay save, wear a mask if need to and keep on Simming!!
All the Loves from your JpgSim
I may be changing my name, is that even possible???
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I have My Sims Back!!
Date Posted: 1st Jun 2020 at 8:58 AM
Hello fellow Simmers!!
I am happy to announce that i have been playing the Sims 4 on console. (XBox One)
I can be found in the gallery under the name SnailsGroove2 or the name Cowagie <---xbox gave me that weird name..
I do hope to return to the PC platform.
Till then my fellow Simmers Happy Simming!!
Thank you ModTheSims team for still having my OG Houses here. :lovestruc
on a side note our big move was a full success. My Husband is a Police Officer, our girls are flourishing and my health is somewhat stabil. All is Good in the JpgSim House!!
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The Big Move....
Date Posted: 11th Sep 2014 at 10:20 PM
I am so happy to see that my Houses are still safe on this site!
Thank you modthesims.info team!!
I have not logged in....in such a long time due to health issues and a big move to the USA!!!
I currently can not play sims...i do not own my games any more no a PC ...which saddens me because i do miss them terribly! !
we moved from overseas to The USA and i did have to give/sell my complete Sims collection!
i do hope in near future to be back in the building business!!
I have missed you fellow Simmers!! :lovestruc
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