2nd TS3 Upload, Craftsman Style House
Date Posted: 18th Nov 2009 at 1:49 AM
I'm glad to say that a TS3 upload was not a one time thing for me!  I just uploaded my next home, I hope yall enjoy it, it should be on the site soon. Hear's a preview...
Happy Simming.
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Exiting Retirement (Hopefully)
Date Posted: 14th Oct 2009 at 6:13 AM
I haven't uploaded a new home in about twenty-two months, but I'm planning to return and start uploading again. I already have a house completed, I just need to resize some screenshots and I should be ready to go. Hopefully I'll have the house up by the end of the week. It'll be my 43rd upload total and first upload for The Sims3. It feels good to be building again.
Update: Uploaded the house, waiting for a approval...
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Date Posted: 12th Oct 2008 at 6:19 AM
It's been probably eight months or so since I've posted and ten months since I've uploaded anything. The reason beeing that last April or so (I can't remember exactly when) my computer crashed while I was finishing a house. It was the best house I had ever built, I was really proud of it. I lost everything, all files on my computer were lost. The idea of reinstalling the game and its expansions and redownloading all my custom content, recreating the custom content I had created just all seemed like to much, especially when I never even have time to actually play the game. This year I have so much homework that my total freetime is around and hour to an hour and a half. And when thirty minutes of that time is just loading its just doesn't seem worth it. Being as long as it's been, I'm wondering how many regulars of this site even know who I am. I'll still visit the site every once and while to manage my uploads the best I can.
I'm still intrested in architecture and I still like designing homes, but I just can't do it in the sims anymore.
-Happy Simming.
Comments 2
New Home Soonish...
Date Posted: 18th Mar 2008 at 2:51 AM
I haven't been active lately, but I am still here and I have been working on a house since the beginning of January. I've been very busy with school so I've had almost no time for sims. I don't know when I'll finish the house, all I have left to do is the backyard, but I'm not sure what I want to do with it. Hopefully I'll finsih it soon but I won't give an estimate as to when I'll upload since I'm always wrong.
Happy Simming!
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75,000 Downloads & Happy New Year!
Date Posted: 1st Jan 2008 at 8:27 AM
Happy New Year everybody and to start off the new year I just reached 75,000 downloads. I guess the next goal is 100K, I wonder how long it'll take.
I'm gonna try to have something new in soon, I don't exactly know when though, but I just got the Seasons EP so maybe that'll inspire me.
Happy Simming! 
Comments 3
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Date Posted: 24th Dec 2007 at 2:24 AM
I just wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Be safe.
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Preview & Goings on...
Date Posted: 25th Nov 2007 at 3:14 AM
Sorry that I haven't had anything new on the site, I've been busy lately, mainly with reading "A Tale of Two Cities", an extreamely boring piece of literiture. Personally I feel that Charles Dickens is one of the most overrated authors. All his charachters talk the same and the plot of that particular book is based entirely on a mere coincidence. I'm very glad I'm done with it.
I'm currently working on two projects, I'm not going to say when I'll be done with them simply because I'm always way off. According to my last post I was suppose to have a new upload a couple weeks ago, so much for that  .
Here's a pic of a small home I was working on, I'll prolly upload it tomorrow and it will most likely be available for download on Tuesday.
Happy Simming!
Comments 1
Happy Halloween!
Date Posted: 31st Oct 2007 at 11:04 PM
Just wanted to wish everyone a happy Halloween! :D
I haven't been able to upload anything new because I've been very busy with school, but I should have something new by mid-November.
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School Starting :(
Date Posted: 20th Aug 2007 at 4:36 AM
Alas Summer had to come to an end. But at least I won't be going back as a lowly freshmen. And I should be taking Driver's ED this Fall hopefully, I'll be turning 16 next month. I actually already have a car, I just can't drive it until I have my licence and everything. Since the first couple weeks of school aren't to harsh I should be able to get at least one more house in and after that my uploads will have to be every once and a while as usual.
Happy Simming.
Edit, in response to Tig- I'm in Central Texas and we start school in middle to late August.
Hmmm, I guess I did make it sound like as if I hate school, well that's not true. The reason I was upset was because I would have to be getting up at seven in the morning (which really isn't that bad, as some get up a six or five-thirty) but it throws me out of my habit of 9-10 and I have to re-get use to the new time. As for saying that the first week is harsh, I was referring to homework, I'm in a private school (I won't state which one for privacy reasons) and so I get a lot more homework then public, plus I'm in 3 out of 4 honors classes (Chem, Geometry, English) I could take so that means extra in those areas. But I'll survive, I get along with just about all the upper classmen so I don't really have to worry about bullying. I know for a fact that'll be saying in ten years "I miss school"  .
Comments 4
Rain, Rain, Rain...
Date Posted: 26th Jul 2007 at 4:43 AM
For the past year or more SA has had a drought, however in, if I remember correctly, in May, we started having downpours. For the past few months we've had non-stop rain. Sometimes for severel days at a time, even a whole week full. Currently we're forcasted for another week of rain and I'm not talking sprinkles, I mean hard downpours. It looks like SA is going to add the "Flood of '07" to the current floods of '98 & '02. That's the thing about Texas, the weather is unpredictable, you can have 100 degree day and then a rainy 75 degree day the next. So maybe we won't have a whole week of rain, but at the moment I think we are.
Reguarding the sims, I should have a new home on the site soon, I'm for sure it won't take three months to have another one.
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