More hair...

Date Posted: 7th May 2007 at 9:11 PM

Well, after not touching the hair I babbled about in my previous journal entry for weeks, I decided to scrap it and start over. I wish to create something similar, only better-looking . We'll see...

The last week I've been busy working on a set with 18th century furniture, Swedish style... I'm new to object meshing but since the meshes aren't too complicated, I think it'll turn out pretty good!

But while I looked at the finished objects in game, trying to think out how take the nicest screen shots, I realized that I wanted a pretty 18th century lady to pose with the furniture. But an 18th century lade would need to have a 18th century hairstyle, so...

Oh yeah.

It's not a great mesh, and the textures are even worse, but I did it!

It's for teen to elder, five colours and it doesn't have any flaws (except for the crappy textures) so I guess it's not too bad after all. I'm still not sure if I should share it, mainly because of the bad texture mapping and textures (I suck at hair textures! Big time!) but on the other hand - people who want 18th century stuff in their games aren't exactly spoiled with hair and stuff, so perhaps someone would be gratful after all?

I dunno...

And now I'm almost tempted to make an 18th century hairstyle for males to...
Comments 5
Hair mesh in progress

Date Posted: 29th Mar 2007 at 12:22 AM I tried hair meshing. Baby steps towards hairmeshing, at least.

I edited a few things in Milkshape, imported, opened Bosyshop, held my thumbs...

...and it worked!

The mesh was there, I could view it, I could turn it around. It even worked in game :P

It's not a great mesh, but I think I would have dowloaded it if I had seen it somewhere.

I'm recouloring it right now, after a bit more diting in Milkshape, which is also great fun!

I hope I'll find enough courage to put it up for download it later, if I don't wake up and realise it's all crap and scrap the whole thing, of course...

Oh, btw... Why mus Bodyshop always pick outfits that hide what you're working on? Like an untucked shirt when you're working on pants, or in this case: a clumsy jacked that won't let you see the hair from certain views? It's a lot of re-loading sometimes...
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