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#1 Old 18th May 2018 at 10:21 PM
Default Should Smoking In Public Be Banned?
i say yes because when someone is walking in the street smoking it can go into peoples faces,they inhale the second hand smoke and could have health problems in the future due to that of course i'm not saying they can only smoke at home but there should be designated smoking areas everywhere.

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#2 Old 19th May 2018 at 2:46 PM Last edited by TheSweetToddler : 8th Sep 2018 at 12:22 AM.
I think in some places of the world they have already banned smoking in public, and I agree that they should, because it's not fair towards the people who hate the smell of smoke, and especially when there's children around.

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#3 Old 19th May 2018 at 3:53 PM
It's not directly banned outside where I live, but it's not allowed to smoke inside public buildings and there are only designated areas outside now. I'm all for restricting smoking even more. If people want to ruin their health, it's up to them. But that doesn't mean they've got the right to ruin other people's health with their bad habits.

Personally, I can't stand the smoke. It makes me a bit nauseous, and I tend to get a cough and a headache if I'm standing close to someone who is smoking. It also smells really bad, and I struggle when sitting beside a person who's just been out smoking (their clothes and breath tend to smell like month-old garbage).

I'm also not a fan of snuff (it's a replacement for a lot of smokers around here, and it's a more or less popular bad habit among young people who'd probably otherwise been smoking). Sure, it's better for non-smokers (they're only damaging their own health, unless they're pregnant), but it's still gross. One of my roommates while I was studying had an awful tendency to leave the snuff bags in the bathroom (in the shower, on the sink, in the toilet, etc.) instead of the garbage bin, to the rest of his roommates' frustration. Someone I know also used snuff while pregnant, potentially risking causing harm to the baby.
Lab Assistant
#4 Old 22nd May 2018 at 4:22 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Emerald1234
i say yes because when someone is walking in the street smoking it can go into peoples faces,they inhale the second hand smoke and could have health problems in the future due to that of course i'm not saying they can only smoke at home but there should be designated smoking areas everywhere.

I agree i shouldn't have to passively smoke the filthy smoke coming from the cigarette, it harms you and others around you especially if you have lung problems e.g Asthma. Also smoking areas in resteraunts are usually outdoor seating which is really ashame I can't simply eat or drink outside of a café on a nice day, because of coughing and spluttering people slowly killing themselves and others slowly by smoking, It costs health services too much like the NHS (except US healthcare) smoking should be banned from shops AND shouldnt be allowed and be illegal. I don't care that you like smoking, It is YOUR fault for getting addicted. You are harming those around you.
Whats more important everyone's saftery or your enjoyment?

Sometimes I feel like one of the unborn Ottomas twins.
Test Subject
#5 Old 11th Jul 2018 at 5:06 PM
Yeah I agree. It seems that smoking is rude especially when you do it in front of a person, so yes
Field Researcher
#6 Old 27th Aug 2018 at 11:09 AM
The only people I actively dislike are the jerks who light it up at bus stops. It's actually banned within 7 metres, but of course people still smoke, and then become slobs by throwing the buds on the ground, sometimes still smoking, sometimes in a garden. The rest of the province only happens to be burning right now, so why not try and burn down some more? And there's so many cigarette buds left on the ground, it's disgusting. "It's just one," but open your eyes, "just one" adds up quick when many people are doing it everyday, and no one really cleans up your mess. My mom used to smoke, but quit. She just carried around a tiny ashcan because she was responsible and actually cleaned up after herself. Same idea should go with litter, carry it with you until you can throw it away, it's not hard!

Like there's some smokers who aren't bad, but the bad ones are awful.

WowoW it's a badly hidden owo UwU Yeet skeet Idk what I'm doing
#7 Old 9th Sep 2018 at 5:12 PM Last edited by Johnny_Bravo : 9th Sep 2018 at 10:31 PM.
I always stay away from kids and non-smokers who are bothered by it. As a smoker I dislike people who come stand next to me and start complaining about it. Just go away will ye.
With tabacco taxes skyrocketing and becoming unaffordable I don't see an additional need to ban it. We already have tiny designated smoking areas in public places.
I know we don't smell nice, but there's worse things to smell in public.

I feel smoking isn't frowned upon as much in Europe as it is in the US, though.

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Mad Poster
#8 Old 14th Sep 2018 at 11:57 AM Last edited by HarVee : 18th Sep 2018 at 3:40 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by rb47798
I agree i shouldn't have to passively smoke the filthy smoke coming from the cigarette, it harms you and others around you especially if you have lung problems e.g Asthma. Also smoking areas in resteraunts are usually outdoor seating which is really ashame I can't simply eat or drink outside of a café on a nice day, because of coughing and spluttering people slowly killing themselves and others slowly by smoking, It costs health services too much like the NHS (except US healthcare) smoking should be banned from shops AND shouldnt be allowed and be illegal. I don't care that you like smoking, It is YOUR fault for getting addicted. You are harming those around you.
Whats more important everyone's saftery or your enjoyment?

You know what also harms ya? The pollutants from vehicle exhaust emissions. The pollutants from the coal we burn for electricity. Waste from plastic, aluminium, and synthetic rubber products.

But yeah no I totally agree. We must blame the smokers for ruining the air, costing healthcare services money and just plain being a rational human by putting their personal enjoyment over that of a person they've never met. That'll show 'em and get them to stop indefinitely.

Because the earth is standing still, and the truth becomes a lie
A choice profound is bittersweet, no one hears Cassandra Goth cry

Mad Poster
#9 Old 24th Sep 2018 at 2:09 AM
I suffer from coughing fits from the mere scent of it. Although I outgrew my asthma when I started high school, it is an irritant regardless.

In Washington state, the minimum distance to smoke in public from the entrance to a public or commercial lot's building is 25 feet. Now that I live in New Jersey, I don't know the minimum distance, but yes, I prefer to be in a no smoking zone.

Also, I don't understand the custom of smoking. Who'd want to be burned alive from the inside out?

Personal Quote: "I like my men like my sodas: tall boys." (Zevia has both 12 and 16 oz options)

(P.S. I'm about 5' (150cm) in height and easily scared)
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#10 Old 24th Sep 2018 at 1:32 PM
Former smoker here (quit the day I had open heart surgery) and I can't stand the smell of it now. That said: as long as it's outside and not right in my face? Ok, let "em smoke.

Anyone else notice that the "No Smoking" signs include " No Vaping" now?
Mad Poster
#11 Old 24th Sep 2018 at 3:08 PM
Quote: Originally posted by mustluvcatz
Anyone else notice that the "No Smoking" signs include " No Vaping" now?

I noticed that back in Washington on the bus stops along the Swift line in Snohomish County.

Personal Quote: "I like my men like my sodas: tall boys." (Zevia has both 12 and 16 oz options)

(P.S. I'm about 5' (150cm) in height and easily scared)
Mad Poster
#12 Old 25th Sep 2018 at 12:24 AM
Quote: Originally posted by PANDAQUEEN
Also, I don't understand the custom of smoking. Who'd want to be burned alive from the inside out?

For me it's not that I want to be burned alive from the inside out as you put it, but rather smoking helps me deal my stress and bipolar. Smoking helps me get out of bed and outside when I'm depressed. Smoking also gives me time to slow down and observe the world around me, to which this time helps lower my stress.

Because the earth is standing still, and the truth becomes a lie
A choice profound is bittersweet, no one hears Cassandra Goth cry

#13 Old 26th Sep 2018 at 5:34 PM Last edited by Johnny_Bravo : 26th Sep 2018 at 6:08 PM.
If it'd burn me from the inside out I probably wouldn't smoke either. I agree with harvee about getting out of bed. This month and next month I don't have any money at all, so there were a few days already where I just didn't leave my bed, because why should I get up and go out when I can't even have a cigarette?

Alright this got off-topic.

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Test Subject
#14 Old 27th Sep 2018 at 1:09 AM
I feel like banning smoking shouldn't need to be a thing, however there should be a ban on walking down the street or smoking in crowded public areas; I know it varies heavily on the laws of where you are as to whether or not they're a thing, but they're certainly not here–or at least aren't enforced.
I have COPD from having lived with smokers until I was fifteen; it destroyed my lungs when I was really young, and it's only gotten worse over the years. Cigarette smoke could easily kill me, and there's a lot of people like me (whether they have COPD, asthma, or any other health problem that affects it), which is why these things are so important. Yeah, sure "just don't do it around kids" is fine and dandy, but there's a lot more people than just kids that it's a severe health hazard to, and you don't know who that's going to be (unless, like one of my best friends, they wear a filter mask).
I'm not gonna tell a smoker to "just quit", it's not that simple, and I know that–addiction is a complex health issue–but when you're smoking around others, it's not just you that it's affecting, which is why these areas need to be a thing, and people using those specific areas needs to be enforced.
Field Researcher
#15 Old 16th Oct 2018 at 6:44 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Johnny_Bravo
I always stay away from kids and non-smokers who are bothered by it. As a smoker I dislike people who come stand next to me and start complaining about it. Just go away will ye.
With tabacco taxes skyrocketing and becoming unaffordable I don't see an additional need to ban it. We already have tiny designated smoking areas in public places.
I know we don't smell nice, but there's worse things to smell in public.

I feel smoking isn't frowned upon as much in Europe as it is in the US, though.

You’re still putting you’re health at risk when smoking. Here in Australia the cheapest pack is about $33. I don’t know how much they are over where you are, but they still should ban it to make everyone stop.
Lab Assistant
#16 Old 17th Oct 2018 at 8:51 PM
As bad as smoking is, I don't think banning it in public would be a good Idea, however I do know places like Japan have designated smoking areas where those with the unhealthy hobby/addiction could have their cigarettes and other places like the USA only have places with rules like no smoking inside the building and all that. Perhaps a good way to deal with this would be to take a playing card out of Japan's deck and start having designated smoking areas where you have to go smoke there if you need your fix and make it illegal to smoke outside of these areas.
#17 Old 19th Oct 2018 at 3:15 PM Last edited by Johnny_Bravo : 19th Oct 2018 at 3:34 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by suzanne70
You’re still putting you’re health at risk when smoking. Here in Australia the cheapest pack is about $33. I don’t know how much they are over where you are, but they still should ban it to make everyone stop.

Here in Germany I can still buy packs for about €5. I know how unhealthy smoking is, that's no new information.

The US has a so called 'Opioid Epidemic'. That means they should ban Opioids as a whole, right?
There are alcoholics putting their health at risk. There are people out there who only eat fast food, putting their health at risk. There are people out there doing extreme sports, putting their lives at risk. Let's just ban everything so there aren't any health and life risks anymore.
Also, forcing people to stop smoking is bad, and you can't do that. It's an addiction, but a legal one. Quitting any drug is a long and unpleasant experience.
See the Prohibition which banned alcohol, nicotine and marihuana, and the uproar that came with it.

At last, banning substances makes way for new spots in the black market. Has banning marihuana stopped people from growing and smoking it? Has banning cocaine and heroin stop people from taking it? There's always a way to get it. And that in case, adds to the already ridiculously expensive war on drugs, which is paid by the taxpayers.

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Field Researcher
#18 Old 19th Oct 2018 at 5:12 PM Last edited by suzanne70 : 28th Jan 2019 at 9:28 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by Johnny_Bravo
Here in Germany I can still buy packs for about €5. I know how unhealthy smoking is, that's no new information.

The US has a so called 'Opioid Epidemic'. That means they should ban Opioids as a whole, right?
There are alcoholics putting their health at risk. There are people out there who only eat fast food, putting their health at risk. There are people out there doing extreme sports, putting their lives at risk. Let's just ban everything so there aren't any health and life risks anymore.
Also, forcing people to stop smoking is bad, and you can't do that. It's an addiction, but a legal one. Quitting any drug is a long and unpleasant experience.
See the Prohibition which banned alcohol, nicotine and marihuana, and the uproar that came with it.

At last, banning substances makes way for new spots in the black market. Has banning marihuana stopped people from growing and smoking it? Has banning cocaine and heroin stop people from taking it? There's always a way to get it. And that in case, adds to the already ridiculously expensive war on drugs, which is paid by the taxpayers.

I’m a smoker and I’m trying to quit and it is very hard. So is my mum and she’s a heavy smoker. I’m only saying this because of how expensive cigarettes are in Australia but I need to quit because I can’t afford to keep doing it.

It's now $50 a packet lol
#19 Old 19th Oct 2018 at 7:49 PM
Quote: Originally posted by suzanne70
I’m a smoker and I’m trying to quit and it is very hard. So is my mum and she’s a heavy smoker. I’m only saying this because of how expensive cigarettes are in Australia but I need to quit because I can’t afford to keep doing it.

Then there honestly is no reason to ban them, just because you want to stop.

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#20 Old 24th Dec 2018 at 12:56 PM
to be honest it's up to them if they decided to stop smoking or not but personally i say yes.

because there's children around when people smoke, it's bad for your lungs, there's a chance you could get cancer (lungs cancer is one of the 1st cancer you could die when you don't get help on time) it's also not good for your eyes

i noticed that on my own when some people started to smoke (especially inside) my eyes get warm, and get tears by 1 of my eyes (most of the times it was on my right eye when i got tears)
some people thought i was crying when it wasn't

it also smells bad when you smoke, but the person's who smoked won't notice a thing about the bad smell.
you Always get stressed out when you won't smoke, it might calm you down for a bit when you smoke but when you stop smoking you get stressed out even more.

to make it short: smoking isn't good on anything, it's bad for your health (emotionally and to your bodies)

i almost forget but in my country it's forbidden to smoke in hospitals, shops, nursing home,school (unless when there's a place where only smoke people are allowed to)
at the park, in the car, train, the bus, and where your working at (inside)

that's the place where it's not allowed to smoke in the Netherlands/holland,

in the future it's also forbidden to smoke in cafe's and restaurand
Mad Poster
#21 Old 24th Dec 2018 at 1:21 PM
Quote: Originally posted by sailorplanet97
it also smells bad when you smoke, but the person's who smoked won't notice a thing about the bad smell.

Not true. I notice the smell all the time after I puff. Of course, I smoke Cigarillos--which have 3 times the tobacco of cigarettes--mainly, but even when I smoke the occasional Marlboro I notice it. I just don't care to give a shit about it.

Quote: Originally posted by sailorplanet97
i almost forget but in my country it's forbidden to smoke in hospitals, shops, nursing home,school (unless when there's a place where only smoke people are allowed to)
at the park, in the car, train, the bus, and where your working at (inside)

that's the place where it's not allowed to smoke in the Netherlands/holland,

in the future it's also forbidden to smoke in cafe's and restaurand

Your country sounds like a depressing shithole where freedom doesn't exist. And I'm not saying no offense for that, because I meant it.

Because the earth is standing still, and the truth becomes a lie
A choice profound is bittersweet, no one hears Cassandra Goth cry

#22 Old 24th Dec 2018 at 5:38 PM
Quote: Originally posted by HarVee
Not true. I notice the smell all the time after I puff. Of course, I smoke Cigarillos--which have 3 times the tobacco of cigarettes--mainly, but even when I smoke the occasional Marlboro I notice it. I just don't care to give a shit about it.

Your country sounds like a depressing shithole where freedom doesn't exist. And I'm not saying no offense for that, because I meant it.

i was actually trying to say that you won't notice the bad smell till you stopped smoking (or atleast when he don't take any cigarretes)
my dad has that when my sister was just a child (i might not be born back by then) my sister noticed the bad smell in the car while my dad was smoking
and of course he didn't noticed the bad smell and got rude to my sister back by then

and relax it's just the smoking part, you still have freedom in other stuff though
you can have an opinion, when you don't have religions (like me) you could say it out loud (when you do that in countries when there's a lot of muslim (for examble then) you might gonna go to jail for saying it out loud or worse, but i'm not sure though)

you're not allowed to drink alcohol till your 18 (in the past it was till your 16 but it got changed by 18)
your not allowed to smoke till your 18 (yup even that topic isn't allowed till your 18)

i don't know about drugs though, but i don't take illegal drugs, also i don't smoke and don't drink alcohol either

you can be gay, bi, pan, lesbian, straight and even be transgender (it was the first country that was allowed back by then )
and when it comes to clothes it's all up to you, so that's also accepted in the netherlands

everyone is allowed to be different such as: music styles, what you would like to do, type of movies, what you would like to do when your an adult (me for examble i like to work at computers at the reception)
so yes there's some stuff that is allowed

i can't think up with everything else though
Mad Poster
#23 Old 24th Dec 2018 at 9:36 PM
It's quite contradictory to try to make a statement about your country being accepting of different lifestyles when that country wants to ban people from partaking in one of their lifestyle choices (smoking).

Because the earth is standing still, and the truth becomes a lie
A choice profound is bittersweet, no one hears Cassandra Goth cry

#24 Old 24th Dec 2018 at 11:50 PM
Quote: Originally posted by HarVee
It's quite contradictory to try to make a statement about your country being accepting of different lifestyles when that country wants to ban people from partaking in one of their lifestyle choices (smoking).

i get what you mean haha

although like i said earlier it's still up to them if they want to stop smoking or not
i'm not forbidden anything from them but some people think it's okay to banned anything when it comes to smoking

but it is good to give information about smoking though
because this way you can prevent certain types of cancer (especially lungs cancer)
on cardiovascular disease and bad lungs in general

maybe they can decide if they wanna started to smoke or not, but banned anything when it comes to smoke nope i think that's way TOO far for everyone in my opinion
forbidden anything isn't good for everyone because they might gonna do it sneaky without everyone knowing it

not all dutch people like me are rude, i say it's up to them even though it's bad for your body and emotionally
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#25 Old 25th Dec 2018 at 12:54 AM
Smoking laws here in Australia https://www.allianz.com.au/life-ins...ntrance-smoking and thank goodness for them. It was a happy happy day for me when these laws came into effect. For people like me whose airways literally start closing even being a few meters away from a smoker I wish it was banned 10 meters away from building entrances rather than 4 because for people like me that isn't good enough. I start chocking up finding it hard to breathe if I even talk to a smoker who isn't currently smoking, that's how bad it is.

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