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Field Researcher
#33726 Old 6th May 2024 at 1:41 AM
Quote: Originally posted by jonasn
Links these days are often not safe to write. The post may end up in a spam box. The modern user might feel safer if he gets the link vetted by Alphabet Corp., and also get a feeling that he's made a personal choice to get this product over similar ones.

Wow. Are people these days really so scared of links? Insane.

Shabado... sha..ba..doo..badooo
Mad Poster
#33727 Old 6th May 2024 at 2:44 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Ruusupapu
Yes, I know this. You can rotate camera like that with keys in screen corner also. But I am seeking how to change angle of point of view. What to do if your game like something like this.

Doesn't the laptop have a touchpad with buttons? It should have similar functions to a mouse. Maybe not perfect, and it's possible some of the functions have to be combined with keys to work. I've used it in a pinch, or if I have my hands on the keyboard and is just doing an adjustment to the camera. Can't remember if everything works the same, but most of the time it has the button functions (left/right) and tracker.

To change angles like that, you need the TAB mode (cam-mode).

Quote: Originally posted by iforgot
Wow. Are people these days really so scared of links? Insane.

Depends what kind of links. If they look shady, I'm not clicking them.
Lab Assistant
#33728 Old 6th May 2024 at 7:16 AM
Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
Doesn't the laptop have a touchpad with buttons? It should have similar functions to a mouse. Maybe not perfect, and it's possible some of the functions have to be combined with keys to work. I've used it in a pinch, or if I have my hands on the keyboard and is just doing an adjustment to the camera. Can't remember if everything works the same, but most of the time it has the button functions (left/right) and tracker.

To change angles like that, you need the TAB mode (cam-mode).

Depends what kind of links. If they look shady, I'm not clicking them.

Yes, those buttons are down while in mouse they are in up so this is challening. I think I tried it but maybe I can tried it second time before I get a new mouse.
Mad Poster
#33729 Old 6th May 2024 at 8:35 AM Last edited by simsfreq : 6th May 2024 at 8:52 AM.
The problem is to rotate with a mouse you have to press the middle button (wheel) and that doesn't exist on a lot of trackpads.

Edit: I googled "middle mouse button trackpad" and a bunch of ideas came up, depending on what laptop you have, might be worth looking at.

I use the sims as a psychology simulator...
Mad Poster
#33730 Old 6th May 2024 at 5:32 PM
Quote: Originally posted by simsfreq
The problem is to rotate with a mouse you have to press the middle button (wheel) and that doesn't exist on a lot of trackpads.

Edit: I googled "middle mouse button trackpad" and a bunch of ideas came up, depending on what laptop you have, might be worth looking at.

You should be able to rotate with , and .

I saw something about using the Ctrl button + the trackpad buttons. Might work?

I'll see if I can do a bit of testing later, but chances are I'm going to fall asleep at some point early in the evening, so don't have too much hope...
#33731 Old 6th May 2024 at 8:49 PM
To learn how to change the camera angle, follow the tutorial that teaches you how to play The Sims 2.

Or simply hold Ctrl and the right mouse button on the trackpad, and glide whichever finger you have left on the trackpad up–down to change angle, and left–right to rotate.

The wheel on my mouse is pretty broken (serves its purpose for scrolling, but not clicking), so my left hand's index finger is constantly hovering over the left Ctrl key, and using the right mouse button for both moving the camera and angle/rotation is pretty neat; you just toggle the Ctrl. :D

But I have to admit, all that I find pretty sloppy for the trackpad.
Lab Assistant
#33732 Old 7th May 2024 at 7:19 AM
Is it safe to copy/extract a lot that was lived in? Say I move out a family out of the house (use a mod to keep all the furniture intact) and then try to extract the lot so I can use it in a different hood, will this corrupt anything due to family memory data or something? I know occupied lots are not good to extract.
Mad Poster
#33733 Old 7th May 2024 at 11:08 AM
It doesn't corrupt anything even if it's occupied. All that happens is that it causes copies of the sims occupying to be created (more character files) and stub files of everyone those sims have a memory or familial relationship with (potentially, a lot of character files).

Extra character files don't cause corruption, though. However you might wish to avoid bringing a lot of character files into a hood just because this is excess data that you don't need. There is a total limit on the number of character files, though it's thought to be very large.

If you extract a previously occupied house it might contain sim references which then don't make sense when it's imported to another hood. But that doesn't really matter, either. Those references are very rarely used. You might get some strange effects when using something like the fingerprint scanner Police career reward. If you're using a mod which enables the hidden bed-ownership feature, you might need to reset this if it stops new sims from claiming a bed. That's about it, really.

We used to think it was dangerous to do these things but it isn't really. If you do want to clear a lot of sim references, there are a couple of mod objects which will do this. Cyjon's Lot Inspector and Chris Hatch's Lot Cleaner. There are also ways to do it in SimPE.

I use the sims as a psychology simulator...
Mad Poster
#33734 Old 7th May 2024 at 12:29 PM
I'd use the lot cleaner. Better safe than sorry.
#33735 Old 7th May 2024 at 10:47 PM
How would you fix a posebox that's broken? This posebox: https://modthesims.info/d/455525/on...r-pose-box.html shows up ingame as paul's reaction tester box, the debug item, and also can't be placed. I can't think of anything that could have gone wrong during the creation of it which led to this. Does it have to do with the fact that it may be cloned from paul's reaction tester box? But then why would it not be place-able?

Cats are the cutest creatures. And the most stubborn.

My Simblr
Mad Poster
#33736 Old 7th May 2024 at 11:55 PM
The reason it looks like the reaction tester is because they never changed the posebox texture.

Why it can't be placed, though... Could be a GUID conflict, but it does look like it's got a new GUID, so then it most likely would be conflicting with something else in your game.

Could also be that they've removed a necessary BHAV or some such ("function - Init" seems to be missing, but I'm not 100% sure it's needed for placement. BHAVs aren't my expert area).
Mad Poster
#33737 Old 8th May 2024 at 12:09 AM
HCDU Plus can check for GUID conflicts.

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#33738 Old 8th May 2024 at 10:35 AM
Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
The reason it looks like the reaction tester is because they never changed the posebox texture.

Why it can't be placed, though... Could be a GUID conflict, but it does look like it's got a new GUID, so then it most likely would be conflicting with something else in your game.

Could also be that they've removed a necessary BHAV or some such ("function - Init" seems to be missing, but I'm not 100% sure it's needed for placement. BHAVs aren't my expert area).

Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
HCDU Plus can check for GUID conflicts.

It could be a GUID conflict. If you look at the comments of the upload a good amount of people have the same problem. The creator asked one person what happens if they enabled moveobjects and then try to place it down, but I doubt that would work in this case. Some people also report the issue with looking like paul's reaction tester box but that doesn't really bug me, I just mentioned it if it's got something to do with the non-placeability of it. I'll try the HCDU to see if it conflicts.

Edit: Nothing conflicts with the posebox, so it's not a GUID conflict. No idea what could be the case.

Cats are the cutest creatures. And the most stubborn.

My Simblr
Mad Poster
#33739 Old 8th May 2024 at 11:13 AM
I checked a few more poseboxes, and the ones I checked have the "function-init" BHAV. It's quite possible missing it is the reason the posebox isn't placing properly. They likely deleted all other BHAVs except the other "function" BHAV and started making their posebox.
Me? Sarcastic? Never.
staff: administrator
#33740 Old 8th May 2024 at 11:22 AM
#33741 Old 8th May 2024 at 11:26 AM
Okay, mystery solved. Thanks everyone for helping

Cats are the cutest creatures. And the most stubborn.

My Simblr
Lab Assistant
#33742 Old 8th May 2024 at 12:08 PM
Should I be worried because two sim died in previous rotation and I think no one does not remember their death? Not even best friends or family members from different household.
#33743 Old 10th May 2024 at 2:14 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Ruusupapu
Should I be worried because two sim died in previous rotation and I think no one does not remember their death? Not even best friends or family members from different household.

Honestly I don't really know how the death memory works because sometimes my Sims also don't get memories of other Sims dying, I can't understand what the criteria is for them to have the memory. I had a Sim die and no one in the entire neighbourhood knew.

Cats are the cutest creatures. And the most stubborn.

My Simblr
Mad Poster
#33744 Old 11th May 2024 at 9:36 PM
May I respectfully ask why the hell did the game developers make such a thing as the "Mysterious Bookcase" if the damn thing was not going to rotate into another room? Why bother if it does not fulfill the task for which it was designed?

Or if it is supposed to rotate how it is supposed to do so?

I find it highly misleading and fraudulent!


One very irritated witch-in-training.

Receptacle Refugee & Resident Polar Bear
"Get out of my way, young'un, I'm a ninja!"
Grave Matters: The funeral podium is available here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/e6tj...albits.zip/file
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Mad Poster
#33745 Old 11th May 2024 at 9:52 PM
Okay, there's two mysterious bookcases. One of them is just a bookcase, the "mysterious looking" bookcase, the other is a door, "the mysteriously mysterious bookcase" I believe.. In order to operate the switch, you have to pretend to try to read the, let's see, I think it's called the "mysteriously mysterious novel" or something like that. You can't just walk through it to another room, you have to choose the operation that works the switch every time.

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
Mad Poster
#33746 Old 12th May 2024 at 1:06 AM
If you have Pescado's autosecretdoor you can just walk to the other room.
e3 d3 Ne2 Nd2 Nb3 Ng3
retired moderator
#33747 Old 12th May 2024 at 11:13 AM
Pescado's hacks here for those who don't know- pick your latest EP and hacks>autosecretdoor.zip:
Field Researcher
#33748 Old 12th May 2024 at 9:26 PM Last edited by LauraPamplonaS : 12th May 2024 at 10:37 PM.
Does anyone know if there is a % chance for which maternity outfit a sim gets, or is it just completely random?

I'm trying to get at least one sim with each one of them to test out some default replacements, so I'm getting a bunch of sims pregnant. I've gotten to 72 ladies and I'm still missing two outfits!!! How is it possible that they don't get them? (It's the "navyrust" and "spring" ones).

In the meantime, I'll keep impregnating sims and hope I get those missing two.

Update: I finally got them!
e3 d3 Ne2 Nd2 Nb3 Ng3
retired moderator
#33749 Old 12th May 2024 at 10:57 PM
Quote: Originally posted by LauraPamplonaS
I've gotten to 72 ladies and I'm still missing two outfits!!! How is it possible that they don't get them? (It's the "navyrust" and "spring" ones).

I had no idea there were so many, they all kinda look the same! Did you reboot the game between generating the sims, and do you have anything to fix the broken random generators? I'm wondering if this was a bit of 'sad-o-randomness' (firstborn effect).
Field Researcher
#33750 Old 12th May 2024 at 11:25 PM Last edited by LauraPamplonaS : 13th May 2024 at 12:44 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by simsample
I had no idea there were so many, they all kinda look the same! Did you reboot the game between generating the sims, and do you have anything to fix the broken random generators? I'm wondering if this was a bit of 'sad-o-randomness' (firstborn effect).

I did it all in one sitting no rebooting. But no, I didn't fix anything. I did, however, finally get the missing two when I changed to a different household, and the sims who got them were made in CAS instead of generated with the tombstone of L and D, though I don't know if that means anything at all. I have no idea how their maternity outfit is chosen


Another question: is it possible to unmerge cc files? I'm testing out different sets of maternity defaults, but most sets I've found come in one single file, and I've been trying to see if there's a way to bring them back to being individual files so that I can mix them up with other sets. I've looked around and all I can find is Sims 3 and 4 tutorials, but nothing for TS2.
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