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#1 Old 23rd Jun 2014 at 3:29 PM Last edited by HystericalParoxysm : 26th Aug 2014 at 11:34 AM.
Default Will my computer run TS4?
If you would like to get some advice on whether or not you should upgrade, you will need to post the system specs of your current computer so we can tell if it's upgradeable, etc. This is how to find out your system specs. When you post a new thread, make sure to include at least your current:

Operating system
Graphics card
Hard drive(s) capacity and speed

Please post your own thread rather than posting on an existing one, so everyone's issues and advice may be kept separate.

The official system requirements may be found here. Please note that automated system-checks like CanYouRunIt are notoriously unreliable, and just because they say you can run the game doesn't mean you can!

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