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#1 Old 25th Apr 2007 at 3:25 PM
Default How to get rid of Lucs'easy cheat ?
i have downloaded and installed lucas'easy cheat thing and i think because of that i can not upload my houses now.(i am not sure tho)And it didn't work with my game.
But the main problem is i'don't know where it installed itself so i can't uninstall it or remove it..all help wellcomed and thank you
world renowned whogivesafuckologist
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#2 Old 25th Apr 2007 at 3:29 PM
That wouldn't have anything to do with whether or not you can upload houses to this site.

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#3 Old 25th Apr 2007 at 3:49 PM
Ooo....ok..thank you! but how do i get rid of it any how..coz its not working with my game.
if thats not it why can't i upload than?
Knitting fiend
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#4 Old 25th Apr 2007 at 4:33 PM
I'm not trying to be smart, but did you ask Lucas? I believe he's at Aussie Topenders.

"Evil genius is still genius." Asura NPC GW2
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#5 Old 25th Apr 2007 at 11:28 PM
heey why didn't i think of that..bugger..ty jlonier...Thanks again

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