
29th Apr 2012 at 3:58 PM
Last edited by Phaenoh : 17th Aug 2012 at
9:15 AM.
Sims 2 Scrapbooking Contest
The idea here is to make a Sim Scrapbook. Contestants will create a family within the guidelines and then take photos of them at 5 specific Life Events and scrapbook it all together as their entries.
Qualifications to Host:
Judged the
MTS TS2 Calendar Contest. Winner of wgroome’s
Foundation Challenge Contest.
Rules:- This is a TS2 only contest.
- There will be no eliminations, but only proficient applications will be accepted.
- CC is allowed as long as it is good and the feel of the photo is still maxis/cartoon opposed to realistic. Examples: obviously photoskinned clothes will lose you points, as will poorly made/textured/blocky objects.
- Photoshopping is very much required. This contest is about how well you can digitally scrapbook.
- For our contest, a ‘page’ is a 954px square of color or pattern. An ‘image’ is the actual picture file. All pages must be 954px square. Posted images may be 954px square or 1024px square with an even border of white space. (This allows for a 35 pixel width border all around the image.) If you have trouble with the sizes, I've created templates you can work from. DO NOT change the size of the template.
- Please attach your images to your post instead of using an image hosting site like tinypic or photobucket. Judges please attach your images as well, but do not include inline versions.
- Please attach all your scrapbook pages in your application post. That will make it easy for everyone to view your entire 'book' all in one go.

- Please remember to take your time and not submit anything till next Friday if you want bonus points. You are allowed to edit your entry as much as you want, but when scoring bonuses we will base on the time stamp of your last edit, not the original post.
Timeline- Each round will be 2 weeks long.
- This is a long but fast paced contest. Please consider if you will have time for it. For each round, you will likely need 1 afternoon to take photos (2 to 6) and another 1 or 2 afternoons to compose your 2 pages. I personally can do this all in one very long afternoon/evening, but I'm a Design student who uses Photoshop like its her job (cuz it kinda is), so your mileage may vary.
- Entries are due by Sundays at Midnight EST (You have all day Sunday)
Application Round Requirements:
Judge a Book by its Cover: For the application stage, you need to prove you can take a decent photo and do some basic image manipulation. You will be submitting a ‘scrapbook cover’.
Tell me what image editing program you use and how comfortable you are with it (just downloaded it today / can do some cool stuff / use it professional / etc.). I also need to know your family's last name. It should consist of a bright (but not blinding) background color with a book binding down the left hand side. Choose carefully, because you will need to continue using the book binding for the rest of your pages. For the cover only you may disregard the maximum widths to include extra space for your book binding. (See how mine is wider than it is tall?) It can not be smaller than the required sizes, we still need to be able to see your photo! You still must attach your photo fullsized like mine. Place a photo of your two starter sims, and some words along the lines of ‘Our Family Memories’. Make it look nice, as it will be setting the tone for the rest of your pages. Keep in mind things like image borders, word plaques, and nice fonts. You will not receive a score for this page, but it will be judged on whether you are qualified for this contest based on the same things as the rest of the pages.

Round Requirements:
For each round, each contestant will provide 2 sims scrapbook pages based on that round’s theme. At the announcement of each rounds theme, I will provide my own ‘entry’, for you to see as an example. Do not forget to include your binding on the inside edges of each page. Use the same background color/pattern for both pages. It is recommended to use no more than 3 images per page, but there must be at least 1 image on each page. Include words (journaling), and lots of other bits and bobs that fit with your photos and the theme. Get creative!
Contestants should start with 2 unmarried sweetheart sims. This contest will create for them a scrapbook of their future family. They will, in the course of the contest, have at least one child. You must use the same family the entire time, but not every family member needs to be in every photo or page spread. Grandparents might be handy to have, but are not required. You may use one of your preexisting families that you’ve been taking hundreds of photos for your legacys or whatnots. This is actually recommended because of the fast pace of this contest. However, if you don’t have photos for one of the themes you will be in a pretty tricky spot and need to think of a way to fake them if the family is no longer available or at those life stages. My examples will be from one of my own preexisting families, and I don’t have nearly all the photos I’ll be requiring either, yet. I don’t have baby photos of all those kids (shocking, I know!) There are no extra points awarded for being clever with the family makeup. Two gay sims having a kid is just as fine as a traditional nuclear family. Now, if one of them gets abducted for the baby photos, that might earn points just for being an interesting photo. Likewise aliens/supernaturals will not have favoritism, and on the contrary, will actually make your color palette harder to work with. I’m going to have a tough time with my colors because half of my family members have green skin. Red will just look like Christmas :/ A few Life Events may sound like they require an EP, but this is just a photo contest, so get a little creative and you will find you do not need the EP after all. This contest can be done with only a BaseGame setup.
Round 1 *Wedding*:
Start planning your weddings! Hire a GOOD wedding photographer. Officially you need at least 2 photos, but you may have up to 6 to put on 2 pages. Be creative with it! Everyone will likely have that nice shot of the first kiss, but what about other wedding traditions, like the cake, throwing the bouquet, best man's toast, the flowergirl and ring boy. The mini theme for this round is their Honeymoon. Take them someplace exciting before kids ruin everything!
Round 2 *Baby*:
And the next theme is..... BABY! Officially "And Baby Makes Three (or More)". I need two pages showcasing your family becoming a family. Some interesting ideas for shots include mom being pregnant and belly rubs, actually giving birth (faked to look like a hospital, I don't want to see any of the typical birth animations plz), dad being proud, grandparents looking on, whatevs, make it cute! Here are two hospitals that have birthing suites: sunni's Mercy Hospital and my Apox Hood Hospital. The mini theme for this round (optional to complete) is "Firsts". This should be pictures of baby's first words, first steps, first time sitting up, rolling over, whatever you can think of. Photos can range from this child being an infant up to a toddler. Don't age them up to kids in these spreads.
Round 3 *Vacation*:
Round three will be a Vacation spread. Send your family out to have some fun in a strange new place! Your kids should be child-aged at this point. If you don't have BV, then send find a cool community lot to have a grill-out, or go to a really cool looking pool/water park place. You don't need to go all the way to Takemizu for this. The bonus spread for this week is Holiday. I'm American and I'm using the American versions of these words, a Vacation is when you go someplace, a Holiday is a date on the calendar that you celebrate. Any holidays are acceptable, but there needs to be a change of weather between the two. If you go to the beach for vaca, then it needs to be a snowy winter holiday. Or, going skiing for vacation, and celebrating the Fourth of July.
Round 4 *Birthday*:
Kids just grow up so fast don't they? This round I need you to throw one of your kids a birthday party! This should be their Child/Teen birthday, so invite lots of kids over and have lots of child-friendly activities going on. I don't actually want to see many teenagers at the party cuz it's kinda weird how they suddenly grow 3 feet taller and are now 'so much cooler'. We are pretending that it's their 12th-ish birthday, they are still kids - give them a bouncy house and hire a clown to do balloon animals before they are suddenly too embarrassed to be seen with you. The bonus round for this one comes a little out of order, you'd have to do it before the main spread. It's the first day of school. There should be lots of nice September scenery and cute back-to-school outfits. As long as you have one spread in on that Friday/Saturday/Sunday that I award extra points for, it doesn't matter which spread you have up - you still get the points for it. After you are done with this round, get your kids about half way though their teen years.

Round 5 *Graduation*:
Our final round is the kids' graduation! Like the round before, the mini-theme comes first. You can't graduate high school without going to Prom! Well, technically you can, but it isn't any fun. You can choose whether your kids are graduating high school or university/college. I wanted my teens to graduate high school because I wasn't ready to breeze them through college. And that's why this is late, I spent most of my day doing age conversions from the Uni grad wear to teens - and I'll be uploading that soon for you all to use as well. Anyways, find your teen a sweetheart, buy her a dress or rent him a tux, and send them to the dance! Usually these dances take place in a decorated gym or cafeteria, but my senior prom was at a University Ballroom that my class rented. Now, it's not just a dance. Most Proms have an 'after-prom' and an 'after-party'. My after-prom was Casino Royale themed, we had fun pretending to be James Bonds and secret agents all dressed up fancy playing Texas Hold'em. Our after-party was a three hour bus ride to an amusement park, beginning at 6am after a completely sleepless night for all of us. Sleep deprived roller coasters are an interesting experience to be sure. I'll have my pages up some time tomorrow, as well as the teen hats and gowns for you. It's 5am - frack.

Judges:- Judges will need to submit at least 2 examples of their own scrapbooking pages, either digital scrapbooking as we are doing here, or photos of real albums. This will provide everyone with good examples to start with and faith in our judges’ competency on the topic. They do not need to be sim scrapbooks for judges’ applications.
- We will have 3 judges and an EJ. I will be one of the judges. Judges and their qualifications:
- Judges will need to get their scores and comments for which points were removed to me via PM by Wednesday night.
Wedding (Honeymoon),
New Baby (Firsts),
Vacation (Holiday),
(School) Birthday,
(Prom) Graduation- Entries will be scored on a photography skill, photoshopping skill, page design, and style. Each is worth 5 points; half points will not be awarded. Each entry has the possibility of earning 20 points per judge. The judges’ scores will be averaged. Pages are judged as follows:
- There will be 5 rounds and the contest winner will be the contestant with the score closest to 100 at the end of all five rounds.
- Each round will have a main theme that all contestants much submit to. Each round will have a secondary theme as well that is completely optional to complete. Any contestant who submits to both themes may choose between their two spreads to be judged on.
- Bonus Points! If a contestant submits a spread (to either theme) before the start of the second week, he or she will receive bonus points to be added back to that week’s score based on when their entries were submitted. No additional points will be given to anyone submitting before Friday of the first week, 1pt to Friday submitters, 2pts to Saturday submitters, and 1pt to Sunday submitters. This is to encourage everyone to take some time to work on their entries, but not to dawdle.
- Late Submissions: Because this is a long contest and there isn't much time between rounds, if you miss a round, you are not disqualified. You may still submit pages for the round you missed, but late entries will be judged -1 for every day it is overdue, not to exceed -10. However, if you miss 2 rounds in a row, you will be disqualified. If you wish to drop out of the contest permanently, please let me know here or via PM.

Contestant Links and Scores:
It's a requirement of the forum to have at least 10 contestants. Anyone wanting to contest their disqualifications need only to fix what is wrong and then post (or PM me) to let me know to check it. Otherwise, you can take it as a graceful way out of what will be a very long competition. No hard feelings.
Helpful Links
Need help with scrapbooking? Here are some links to get you started!
Google Image Search on ‘Scrapbook Pages’
How to Create a Perfect Scrapbook Layout