Design This - An Interior Design Contest - FINAL SCORES UP

Thanks to MissRoxor and Buckley for the photos used in the banners
Qualifications to Judge
- Participated in Heaven’s Storyteller Contests (Original through round 3, Hero Edition through all 5 rounds)
- Participated in all 5 rounds of Qbuilderz’ Building Blocks Foundation Contest
- Judged for lipglosschaos’ Miss World 2011 Contest
5 rounds. 5 rooms. For each round I will be giving you a single room floor plan on a 10 x 10 lot and the ask you to design the room for me under the specific requirements for the round.
On top of that each room will come with a preset little challenge of my choosing. It might be preset wall coverings, a necessary base game item of my choosing, or whatever else I can come up with. Make it pretty, make it work, and keep it all under budget.
- TS3 only: I do not have TS2 and therefore cannot recreate the rooms for any TS2 contestants. I really am sorry.
- No CC or store content allowed: Every round will have a budget, and to be honest it would be very easy to cheat even accidentally. I also need to be able to double check your budget if a judge thinks there’s something off with your screenshot. I’m hoping to never actually have to do that, but the ability needs to be there and I don’t have every single piece of store CC in order to allow it.
- CC patterns are allowed since they don’t actually effect the cost of your lot. Please abide by the MTS standard of no pay CC and credit to the pattern creator.
- All EPs and SPs are allowed.
- No photo edits. Resizing only.
- No altering room structure
- No post editing. Spelling and grammar won’t be scored since this is a decorating contest, but there will be absolutely no substituting or changing of photos once you’ve pressed that first submit button. If you’ve made a mistake uploading the photos or imbedding them into your post I’ll allow you to edit and fix them but only after you’ve notified me. This is so judges can begin the judging process early if its more convenient to them.
- All in game cheats (such as moveobjects on) are allowed.
- I don’t see this being an issue, but the number of contestants will be capped at 20, first come first serve with no reserved spots. Even if I really really love you.
You’ll benefit from prior experience in decorating and a good understanding of CAST, but I really hope to have a few beginners enter as well. Before joining Qbuilderz’ foundations contest I felt embarrassed by building, but I learned so much thanks to him and his judges that I can now call myself a creator. I hope to be able to give the same confidence to new designers as well. No one is born knowing exactly what kind of plant will accent that couch and what colour the vase should be CASTed, that takes practice and here you’ve got five whole rounds of practice.
Each round will take place over 10 days, with the application round (Round 1) lasting two weeks (14 days) in order to achieve the minimum of ten contestants. Extensions will only be awarded under extreme prejudice and a stern look. I understand accidents and emergencies happen, but please think about how much time you’ll need for this contest before committing.
If you wish to judge, please state so below. Please keep in mind I expect judging and comments to be finished within three days of the round ending so contestants can use the judges comments to improve. Again, exceptions can be made under dire circumstances (Hey, I’m a student too and I know what a pain in the ass finals can be) but please consider how long it will take to judge between 10 - 20 individual rooms every ten days before committing.
Your Judges:
Your emergency Judges:
- ReyaD
Scoring Expectations:
Layout - 10 points. Does the room layout make sense both realistically and regarding sims? Would it be playable?
Requirements - 10 points. Easy points! If you have every item on the required list than you get all 10 points. However for each missing item thats a whole point off. If the list includes 5 deco items and you have zero, thats 5 points out of 10 possible. If you’re missing more than ten items you’ll get zero for this section.
Rules - 10 points. Have you obeyed the posted budget? Do you have all required photos? Have the walls been moved?
Colour Scheme - 10 points. How do the colours look? How do they feel? Do they complement each other well or clash horribly? And don’t forget the walls! If the furniture doesn’t work with the walls you won’t be scored well.
Use of “The Fun Part” - 10 points. Basically whatever my mind can come up with.
For a perfect score of 50. Each round score will be the average of the three judges individual scores.
Like it or not, the living room is a very important place. This is where you relax with your family, entertain your guests, and the hardest room to clean following those wild teen parties.
For round 1, I want you to give me the ideal living room for
under 10,000 simoleons. The current room price is 1,770 which gives you a budget of 8,230 simoleons.
Your list of required items for the round include:
- Seating for four
- A Coffee Table
- A piece of Entertainment (TV, computer, etc.)
- 5 pieces of deco (curtains and rugs don’t count)
- A rug
The Fun Part:
You are NOT allowed to cast or change the wall paint on that small section, and you must use the obelisk somewhere inside your room.
Entry Format:
Budget: Photo Required. If you have windows, you can use the “print screen” button to take a screenshot. For Macs you press Command-Shift-3.
Required Photos:
- 1 overhead
- Minimum 3, Maximum 5 in game photos. (Does not include the budget and overhead photos.)
Round 2 ends on Saturday, November 3rd at one second to midnight, Ontario Time.
Click this for the timer
If the living room is where you spend your free time entertaining, the kitchen is where all the hard work happens before that entertainment begins. I personally have some great memories of baking with my grandmother and putting out the kitchen fires by little sisters seem to spark just by walking into the room.
For round 2, I want you to make me a full kitchen and dining room for
under 10,000 simoleons. The current room price is 1,800 which gives you a budget of 8,200 simoleons.
Your list of required items for the round include:
- A stove
- A fridge
- A sink
- At least one uncluttered counter
- Dining table with seating for 4 (or more)
- 8 pieces of deco (Room partition from “The Fun Part” counts as one)
The Fun Part:
You’ll notice when you download the file that I’ve given you a door! A very ugly, basic door. Don’t freak out, you are allowed to CAST it, but you are NOT allowed to move it. The partition can be CAST, moved, flipped around, whatever you want as long as its still in the room by the end.
Entry Format:
Budget: Photo required. If you have windows, you can use the “print screen” button to take a screenshot. For macs you press Command-Shift-3.
Required Photos:
- 1 overhead (gridlines allowed if you want to merge this one with the budget photo. I don’t mind)
- Minimum 3, Maximum 6 in game photos. (So no grid lines. Does not include the budget and overhead photos)
After much deliberation I’ve decided to allow the use of OMSP for decorating. OMSP is used as an extra slot to put deco items in places they won’t normally fit, and as the OMSP doesn’t add to the room and can’t even be seen in game I really can’t see a reason to exclude it anymore.
One More Slot Please can be downloaded here.
can be added and casted if you want.
Round 3 ends on Monday, November 12 at one second to midnight, Toronto time.
Click this for timer.
As a legacy player, the nursery is one room I tend to remake every generation, sometimes multiple times a generations. It’s quickly become one of my favourite rooms in any sims home and since I know most “normal” people hate the nursery and hate sims 3 toddlers I just had to make this a round! Just as a side note this room was originally 7 tiles smaller but then I play tested it again a few nights ago and realized there was no possible way to make everything fit and increased its size.
Budget for round 3 - Nursery is 8000 simoleons.
Your list of required items for the round include:
- Two cribs (Already included)
- Seating for one (Rocking chairs from the Supernatural EP count)
- 5 pieces of deco
- A toybox
- A potty
- Xylophone
- Peg toybox
- Building Blocks Table (with at least -3- accessible sides)
- Highchair
The Fun part:
For this round I have dropped down two un-casted cribs as well as a white picket fence. You
CAN Cast the cribs, in fact you can even exchange the cribs for the more expensive base game one, but you MUST have two cribs in the room you submit.
The picket fence
cannot be moved, casted or exchanged. You’re stuck with it where it is so good luck with that.
Entry Format
- Budget: Photo required. If you have windows, you can use the “print screen” button to take a screenshot. For macs you press Command-Shift-3.
- Overhead view. (Gridlines allowed if you want to merge this one with the budget photo. I don’t mind. But just recall if you go into the build tab -> Terrain paint you can take a budget + overhead photo without any gridlines!)
Minimum 4, Maximum 6 in game photos. So no grid lines for these ones. Does not include the budget and overhead photos.
If for this round you forgot I said I’d change the minimum number of photos and you still only post 3 in game pics you’re getting points off. Even if all twenty of you do that.
OMSP and tipsy OMSP ARE allowed for decoration purposes. Neither add to the room and can’t even be seen in game so I really can’t see a reason to exclude it anymore. Windows and Rooms can be added, curtains would be considered would be considered -one- piece of deco total no matter how many separate curtains are used.
Round 4 ends on Friday, November 23rd at 1 second to midnight, Toronto time.
Click this for the timer.
One room that often gets overlooked is the study, a staple in a working family home but often overlooked when creating homes. Heck, I myself am guilty of downloading a lot, smiling at the study and then deleting everything to make room for another bedroom or washroom. Unfortunately for you, not only does this den have quite a few specifics for its “fun part”, its also on a nasty diagonal slant. : ) Good luck, ladies and gents.
Your budget for round 4 is 9000 simoleons. This includes the current cost of the room so your final amount must be 900 simoleons or less
Your list of required items for this round include:
- Seating for Three
- Computer
- Two separate skilling objects (Computer does not count as one)
- 10 deco pieces. (3 are already included in the fun part)
The Fun Part:
The accent wall... also this:
You see all those items up there? Yeah you need to keep every single one of those items and incorporate them into the room. You may cast them if you wish, but they must be recognizable to the judges.
List of the items so you can double check: A plant, a yellow flower in a vase, the ugly bookshelf, the globe, and a full length mirror. None of these items can be traded for another in the same category. You’re stuck with ‘em.
As for the accent wall that CAN be changed, casted, done whatever you want with as long as the section of the wall that is currently covered is covered with something that is different than the rest of the room.
Entry Format:
- Budget: Photo required. If you have windows, you can use the “print screen” button to take a screenshot. For macs you press Command-Shift-3.
- Overhead view. (Gridlines allowed if you want to merge this one with the budget photo. I don’t mind. But just recall if you go into the build tab -> Terrain paint you can take a budget + overhead photo without any gridlines!)
- Minimum 4, Maximum 5 in game photos. So no grid lines for these ones. Does not include the budget and overhead photos.
Lol. It’s diagonal. If you don’t already know this, you can shift items off the grid if you hold down the alt key. Using the moveobjects off cheat will also be beneficial this round.
OMSP and tipsy OMSP ARE allowed for decoration purposes. Neither add to the room and can’t even be seen in game so I really can’t see a reason to exclude it anymore. Windows and Rooms can be added, curtains would be considered would be considered -one- piece of deco total no matter how many separate curtains are used.
Round 5 ends on Friday Dec 7th and one second to midnight, Toronto time.
Click this for the timer.
You all knew this was coming (or at least had a sneaking suspicion. The Master Bedroom, the love nest, the home inside your home. The master bedroom should be your safe and sound sanctuary (or if you live at home, your parents’ sanctuary). It’s a place that you can make your own and the design choices are to fit what you love, and not a way to impress your friends by putting up art work you can’t understand.
The alternate title for this round is the Haxagonal Hell. : )
Budget for Round 4 - Master Bedroom is 15000 simoleons. Why so high? Because when I tested this round a month ago I kept going over 10k and i was just being dull, not trying to make it look good.
Your list of required items for this round include:
- A double bed
- Two side tables
- A dresser (wardrobe from Supernaturals counts)
- At least 2 windows. (Windows inside the “fun part” bathroom do not count for this requirement)
- 10 pieces of deco (bedroom and bathroom combined)
- Seating for two
- Fireplace OR television (Just cause)
The Fun Part:
An ensuite bathroom. You may use the wall tool to create a separate room for the bathroom INSIDE the hexagon. I cannot express enough the fact that
the bathroom must be INSIDE the hexagon room I made for you. You should also probably include a door from the bathroom to the bedroom. Just saying.
Your list of required items for the bathroom include:
- A toilet
- A shower
- A tub (Yes the tub/shower combo can be used to count as both)
- A sink
- A mirror
Entry Format:
- Budget: Photo required. If you have windows, you can use the “print screen” button to take a screenshot. For macs you press Command-Shift-3.
- Overhead view. (Gridlines allowed if you want to merge this one with the budget photo. I don’t mind. But just recall if you go into the build tab -> Terrain paint you can take a budget + overhead photo without any gridlines!)
- Minimum 5, Maximum 8 in game photos. So no grid lines for these ones. Does not include the budget and overhead photos. (This is so you can include photos of the bathroom as well as the bedroom)
You can shift items off the grid if you hold down the alt key. Using the moveobjects off cheat will also be beneficial this round.
OMSP and tipsy OMSP ARE allowed for decoration purposes. Neither add to the room and can’t even be seen in game so I really can’t see a reason to exclude it anymore. Windows and Doors can be added, curtains would be considered would be considered -one- piece of deco total no matter how many separate curtains are used.
Attached files:
Design Contest Round 1 - Living (629.7 KB, 92 downloads)
- View custom content
680845 10-11-2012 20:28 Design Contest Round 1 - Living Room.Sims3Pack
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680845 1 file
Round Two - Kitchen and (597.1 KB, 51 downloads)
- View custom content
649914 10-17-2012 00:29 Round Two - Kitchen and Dining.Sims3Pack
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649914 1 file
Make me a full kitchen and dining room with seating for at least 4. Kitchen must be useable, which means a stove, a fridge, a sink and at least one counter. Dining room section needs a table with seating for at least 4, more if you want. Overall the room must have 5 pieces of decoration, and the room partition DOES count as one. You can cast the partition and door all you'd like as long as they're still there in the final product. Have fun!
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1 custom content files | 645,421 | |
Actual size is: 649914 Packaged file type: Game Version:
Round 3 - (78.0 KB, 36 downloads)
- View custom content
86264 11-03-2012 20:25 Round 3 - Nursery.Sims3Pack
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86264 1 file
Good luck!
Package file | Size | Type | Description |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
8 | 8 | 8 | 8 |
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l | | L | l |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
6 custom content files | 11 | |
Actual size is: 86264 Warning: Sims3Pack may contain one or more empty packages!Packaged file type: Game Version:
Round 4 - (640.3 KB, 43 downloads)
- View custom content
695992 11-09-2012 02:59 Round 4 - Study.Sims3Pack
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695992 1 file
Good luck. : )
Package file | Size | Type | Description |
0xc8822ad9f1a7fe98e211432a96e48765.package | 87,578 | Lot | Size: 10 x 10 |
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0x1087201794bff4981a03255109f6e38a.package | 189,242 | Object | |
1 custom content files | 692,861 | |
Actual size is: 695992 Packaged file type: Game Version:
Round (578.5 KB, 44 downloads)
- View custom content
630188 11-24-2012 23:59 Round 5.Sims3Pack
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630188 1 file
Life in a hexagon, my dears. Master bedroom with the posted requirements, AND a full bathroom for the fun part! Hope you have an awesome time with round 5! >: D
Package file | Size | Type | Description |
0xc8822ad9f1a7fe98e211bc36864ba7f0.package | 66,071 | Lot | Size: 20 x 20 |
d84e7fc7-00000002-85d200511dceb990.png | 119,006 | Image | |
d84e7fc7-00000000-85d200511dceb990.png | 126,491 | Image | |
d84e7fc7-00000001-85d200511dceb990.png | 125,827 | Image | |
0x1087201794bff4981a03255109f6e38a.package | 189,242 | Object | |
1 custom content files | 626,637 | |
Actual size is: 630188 Packaged file type: Game Version:
The Love Legacy A Random Legacy Challenge Blog - Currently in Progress