The ModFather
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#1 Old 21st Mar 2005 at 10:28 AM Last edited by Echo : 11th Sep 2008 at 1:24 PM.
Default A Guide for quick creation of Colour-Enabled Objects
by Numenor and JWoods

First of all, let me give a big Thank You to JWoods, that not only has written the part related to the mesh editing, and volunteered for answering to your question on this subject, but also has made me understand what happens to the .obj file from the moment it is extracted from the GMDC to the moment it is reimported in the package.

NOTE: this guide was written prior to the publishing of JWoods' "Start to finish Object Creation Tutorial". You may find interesting following that tutorial, instead of reading this guide (that nevertheless is still a valid source of info).
Moreover, the MeshTool tutorial has been discontinued and removed: now we can export/import meshes using SimPE only; for this reason, the brief "Export/Edit/Import" section of this Guide has been rewritten.


This notes will help the creators in building objects in a quicker and easier way then before, cutting off most of the troubleshooting phase and the colour-options enabling procedure.
We'll still refer to the existing tutorials, when needed.


HINT: to find all the objects of the same kind, you may find useful the CEP database spreadsheet: if you order the lines for "ObjectFileName", you'll have grouped altogether all the chairs, the armoirs, the doors, etc...

If you want to create a new chair, you can't simply clone any existing chair: you have to find an original chair that has a mesh structure as similar as possible to the one you are going to create.
If you have a new mesh that is composed by two different parts, each one with its own texture and UV-map, then you have to find an original chair that has the same structure.
To look at the mesh structure of an original object, you have to create a temporary clone of it: to make things easier, when cloning the object, leave all the cloning options unchecked, including the new "Create stand-alone object" options.

When all the files are collected, select the GMDC and check the number of the meshes listed under "Models" (don't count the "shadow" ones).

If you're not satisfied, check another object.


When you have found the right object to clone, open againt Object Workshop and select the choosen object; this time, check all the cloning options, *except* the "Load Parent Data", and then click "Start".

The Scenegraph Rename Wizard will appear

Look in the "ModelName" field: SimPE suggests a unique name for it, but it's always a good thing to rename it. Choose a new ModelName with the following pattern: yourName-objectUniqueName-date; the ModelName must be unique, but nevertheless not too long. Don't use underscores; when you're done, click "Update" and then "OK".
(I know, the MeshTool tutorial suggests not to rename anything, but trust me, assigning a new unique ModelName is better...)

Now you have to select the GMDC and take note of all the meshes listed in the "Model" list: we'll need them later on.


The MeshTool Tutorial is no longer available, because now SimPE has incorporated the functions of the MeshTool.
Note: the MeshTool still exists, and it is widely used (especially for body meshes), but in order to create objects, the best choice is to do everything using SimPE.

If you are creating an animated object (i.e. an object that uses joints), you can perform the Export/Edit/Import phase by following one of these methods:

The "GMDC" method or
The ".TXT" method

If, on the other hand, you are creating a static object, it's simpler: just export and import the mesh in .obj file format. Using the .obj format lets you use other 3D modeling programs than Milkshape, and take better care of the UVmapping and smoothing using an UVmapping program.

Jwoods has something important to add about the "shadow" mesh parts (groundshadow, eastwallshadow, etc.): it's always advisable not to delete them, either when exporting the object from the original GMDC, or when editing the mesh in the 3D program. On the contrary, adjusting (scaling) and positioning these shapes around the custom object in the manner they were on the original object results in more appealing shadows. If you delete the "shadow" meshes, your object is likely to not cast correct shadows, or not cast indoor shadows at all.


This phase is important because doing this you actually restore the original colour options, without having to follow my Colour Options tutorial.
Remember those mesh names that you have written down earlier? Now they come at hand, because you have to open the GMDC ("Items 3" tab) and restore the original mesh names (e.g. in the 3D program you have replaced the "fabric" mesh with the "cushion" mesh? Now you have to rename the mesh from "cushion" to "fabric"). Commit and Save.

Basically, you're done. You have just to replace the original textures with the custom ones you created for your object, and perform the "Fix Integrity" once more.
IMPORTANT: you can use the "Fix Integrity" as many times as you want, as long as you don't rename anything and don't click "Update"; just click "OK".


As JWoods strongly suggests, the first thing to do is to select the GMDC and click on the "Preview" button: this instructs SimPE to collect the materials (Texture and Material Definition) and render the new mesh, just like the game would do. If you find that some mesh parts are plain white, this means that there are problems with the materials for that mesh part (in the game, that part will appear flashing blue).

If you have a correct preview, save the package, start Object Workshop once more and select the "Load Object" tab; select your newly created package and create a simple recolour for it. Copy both packages in the download folder and fire up your game: you should have a colour-enabled object, with an additional recolour for it.
If something is wrong with your new object and/or the recolour (invisible object, flashing blue textures, object using original Maxis textures instead of yours), remember that not all the original objects are perfectly suitable for cloning and re-meshing. For instance, all the beds "borrow" the beddings from the Colonial Ironwood Double Bed: if you cloned the cheap single bed, don't expect it to use your custom beddings.
A complete list of objects that "borrow" the textures from other objects can be downloaded here.
Lastly, if you can't find what's wrong with your object, you might want to read my Troubleshoot Check-list and the Colour Options main thread.

Feel free to post here your questions: JWoods will answer about the mesh editing, and I will help you with the colour options and the package structure.


I've finally started my Journal. Information only, no questions.

My latest activity: CEP 9.2.0! - AnyGameStarter 2.1.1 (UPD) - Scriptorium v.2.2f - Photo & Plaques hide with walls - Magazine Rack (UPD) - Animated Windows Hack (UPD) - Custom Instrument Hack (UPD) - Drivable Cars Without Nightlife (UPD) - Courtesy Lights (FIX) - Custom Fence-Arches - Painting-TV - Smarter Lights (UPD)

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The ModFather
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#2 Old 21st Mar 2005 at 10:31 AM Last edited by Numenor : 1st Apr 2005 at 4:10 PM. Reason: Added other FAQs

Q.> In my cloned package there are multiple GMDC: should I export/edit/reimport all of them?
Not necessarily. There may be two possible reasons for multiple GMDC in the package. Sometimes, SimPE just pulls some additional files from an external object; other times, the object you cloned had originally more then one GMDC. Either case, you can spot the right GMDC(s) to export and edit by previewing the mesh (select one by one the GMDC and click on the "Preview" button). You should export and edit only the GMDCs that contain parts of the object you are working on; if a GMDC contains meshes related to other objects, different then the one you are working on, ignore them; if you find a GMDC that contains only "shadow" meshes, you can leave it alone: there's no need to edit it unless the shadows cast by your new object are weird.

E.G.: If you are cloning the cheap single bed, you'll find multiple GMDC, but:


Q.> I've created a mesh that uses custom textures, and I want to create a package that contains multiple colours, just like Maxis objects. How can I do that?
When you first clone the original object, uncheck the option "Pull only default colour": in the resulting package, you will have all recolours (textures, Material Definitions and Material Overrides) related to the original object, including all the custom recolours you have in the downloads folder for that object. If they are too much, you can delete the exceeding ones; just remember to keep the Material Override(s) that have the "defaultMaterial" field set to "True" (these are the default colours and shouldn't be deleted), along with the related MATD and TXTR.


Q.> I've created custom textures for my new object, but it keeps using the original Maxis textures, though the package seems perfect. Why?
Some original objects are set to "borrow" the textures from another object. Many of you know, for instance, that all the beds borrow the bedding textures from the Colonial Ironwood Double Bed; this happens with other objects, too: lamps, curtains, counters, etc... In this file you'll find a complete (hopefully ) list of objects that borrow the textures from other objects.
If you have cloned such an object, you can (beside choosing another object to clone) correct the GMND. To do so, open the GMND (Plugin View), and select the tsMaterialsMeshName block, select the line (or lines) contained in that block and hit "Delete"; then Commit and Save.

Example: the "Sill-lenght Tieback Curtain" borrows the fabric texture from the "Floor-lenght Tieback Curtain"


I've finally started my Journal. Information only, no questions.

My latest activity: CEP 9.2.0! - AnyGameStarter 2.1.1 (UPD) - Scriptorium v.2.2f - Photo & Plaques hide with walls - Magazine Rack (UPD) - Animated Windows Hack (UPD) - Custom Instrument Hack (UPD) - Drivable Cars Without Nightlife (UPD) - Courtesy Lights (FIX) - Custom Fence-Arches - Painting-TV - Smarter Lights (UPD)

I *DON'T* accept requests, sorry.
#3 Old 22nd Mar 2005 at 1:02 AM
Thanks Numenor, and JWoods, this is very helpful
Field Researcher
#4 Old 24th Mar 2005 at 12:35 PM
Colour me confused but I think I've gotten a little lost at some point. The model name in the GDMC and the shape have to match in order for it to display the texture, however I can't change the model name in the shape parts listing because you say don't do step 8 of the mesh tool tutorial. Does that mean the model name has to be the same as the original? What has thrown me is that having made a new bookcase using the original books but a new mesh for the bookcase creating a recolour package is only offering me the books texture not the bookcase so obviously I've not colour enabled it correctly. The mesh is a different shape and doesn't use a UV map that sits with the original bookcase texture so I don't want the original bookcase colours to be available for it, however I'd like to be able to create recolours of my bookcase (and in fact anything else I create where possible). Is this to be resolved by naming the mesh back to the original bookcase and if so does that mean the original colours will be available or should I be doing something else entirely? The bookcase does show up as designable in game but with no alternative colour options to pick from as I haven't managed to make any yet!
Artists - Get your own Studio! Always be featured!
Field Researcher
#5 Old 24th Mar 2005 at 1:41 PM Last edited by peter_halland : 24th Mar 2005 at 2:06 PM.
Thanks for this new thread. Very clear and straight, easy to understand.
The last days i used simpe32 and i m really happy about this version, first version i havn t had any trouble to use it. Got a wallamp clone working totally perfect allready after first gametry. And its so easy to add a whole package now to another. What i m trying to do is bringing this working wallampclone into one working mirrorclone package. 2 ways i tried: Add all the lamp shape-references into the mirror cres + a lot of minor changes, including the txt-list a s o. In the scenegrapher EVERYTHING is just perfect linked including the one new shape(the lampshape) beneath the cres and all the lampfiles following. Even one extern "light" file is linked directly to the cres in the same way as in the cloned lamp package.
The other way i try is to replace the mirrorwallshadow-shape with the lamp-shape. Even here i get EVERYTHING linked completely perfect in the scenegrapher.
None of my try packages works (now allways testing in clean downloadsfolder)other than i get my clonemirror without any parts of the wallamp. So, i guess i probable missed something essential. I tried to remove the lamps object file and i tried to give both object files the same guid. But i feel that i dont know anything about how the object file is linked to the rest of the package (can t see anything in the scenegrafer...). What file is responsible for making an object clickable? Behavior? Something i should delete? Maybee i can get some generell hints about where i should search and what i should think about?

EDIT: Just want to add that at one single point in my tries i got the lamp up in the middle of the mirror. So its possible. Checking the scenegrapher then i saw that all the lamp txmt-files were linked extern, as i thought to my original lampclone, and nothing else than the shape and txmt files were added, following my second way replacing the mirror shadow. This was middle of the night, i saved and cleaned my downoads subfolders. Next day i never got back to that point, the package showed up in the game without lamp again. Obviously i broke some link when cleaning my downloads folder, unfortunatly i don t know how and which one. But this makes me keep on trying .
#6 Old 24th Mar 2005 at 2:22 PM
Numenor, what about the "load parent data" box when you go to clone an object in the newer versions of SimPE? What does that do exactly and when should we be using it and when should we be not?
The ModFather
retired moderator
Original Poster
#7 Old 24th Mar 2005 at 3:57 PM Last edited by Numenor : 24th Mar 2005 at 4:32 PM.
There's a misunderstanding, here: if the Model Names in the GMDC are the same as the original object, it doesn't mean that your new object will use the original texture. In the "forbidden" step 8 they suggest to change the names into the Shape to match the (custom) ones in the GMDC; I suggest to do exactly the opposite: leave the Shape as is, and replace the Models in the GMDC with the original names (that are the ones that you have previously written down, and are identical to the ones that you find in the Shape).

Don't worry: even if you restore the original names in the GMDC, your object will still use your custom textures. To make the object use the textures from the original object, the procedure is more complex (see "Procedure B" here).


Merging two full cloned objects it's not that easy, I fear... The main problem is the Object Data: the main OBJD has usually Instance 0x41A7, and the same Instance has to have the Object Function and the Name Reference. The instance is then used as a reference to the proper Pie Menu (I'm sure that there are many other "links" that I'm missing: my experience is limited, on this subject).
When you merge two objects, you will have at least two problems:
1) there are multiple Object Data, Object function and Name reference with the same GroupID and Instance (and is a no-no, as you may guess )
2) The Global Data file, that determines which Globals are to be used for that object, must be unique (while in the merged package you will have two Global Data: one pointing to the mirror_globals, and the other pointing to the lamps_global). If you delete the mirror_globals, you will lose the "guss up", "change appearance", etc., functions; if you delete the lamp globals, the lamp will lose the ability to lit up, an so on.

Maybe, the best thing you can do is to create two different objects, to be placed in the same tile using the move_object cheat.

One last thing: if the object is not clickable, that's because something went wron when you imported the mesh with the Mesh Tool: do it again, and be sure tu check the option called "If you want the wizard to create..." in the second screen of the Mesh Tool.

I've finally started my Journal. Information only, no questions.

My latest activity: CEP 9.2.0! - AnyGameStarter 2.1.1 (UPD) - Scriptorium v.2.2f - Photo & Plaques hide with walls - Magazine Rack (UPD) - Animated Windows Hack (UPD) - Custom Instrument Hack (UPD) - Drivable Cars Without Nightlife (UPD) - Courtesy Lights (FIX) - Custom Fence-Arches - Painting-TV - Smarter Lights (UPD)

I *DON'T* accept requests, sorry.
Field Researcher
#8 Old 24th Mar 2005 at 4:11 PM
Ta v much Numenor - can I ask then, is there an intrinsic problem with objects where the custom mesh has a different name - will I or anyone else have to fix objects where we've renamed the mesh as suggested in the mesh tool tut, or is it simply rendering them a bit iffy as to whether or not they'll recolour?
Artists - Get your own Studio! Always be featured!
The ModFather
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#9 Old 24th Mar 2005 at 4:28 PM
If your previously made objects are correctly recolourable, there's no need to update them.
JWoods and I are suggesting this new method because sometimes (I still don't know why) the objects aren't recolourable even if you follow exactly the Mesh Tool and the Colour Options tutorials.


The "Load Parent Data" is useful only when the object you are cloning "borrows" the textures from another object (i.e. has a tsMaterialsMeshName block in the GMND). It's still an experimental option and in my opinion it shouldn't be used, so far.
For instance: the "Sill-lenght Tieback Curtain" borrows the fabric texture from the "Floor-lenght Tieback Curtain"; if you clone it without the option checked, you will have a package *without* Material Overrides, Material Definitions and Textures (because actually the Sill-lenght curtains has *not* any texture of its own: it uses the Floor-lenght textures). If you clone the sill-lenght curtain *with the option checked*, SimPE will pull the default materials from the floor-lenght (the "Parent Object"), but still the object will contain a "link" to the floor-lenght curtains (due to the existing tsMaterialsMeshName block in the GMND: read the FAQ on this subject).

I've finally started my Journal. Information only, no questions.

My latest activity: CEP 9.2.0! - AnyGameStarter 2.1.1 (UPD) - Scriptorium v.2.2f - Photo & Plaques hide with walls - Magazine Rack (UPD) - Animated Windows Hack (UPD) - Custom Instrument Hack (UPD) - Drivable Cars Without Nightlife (UPD) - Courtesy Lights (FIX) - Custom Fence-Arches - Painting-TV - Smarter Lights (UPD)

I *DON'T* accept requests, sorry.
Field Researcher
#10 Old 24th Mar 2005 at 4:35 PM
Much obliged again Numenor All I need now is to make some objects that don't suck!
Artists - Get your own Studio! Always be featured!
Field Researcher
#11 Old 24th Mar 2005 at 5:17 PM
Thanks very much Numenor. Your answer was exactly what i was hoping for. At least i now got an idea about how the remaining not mesh and colour related files works together. Now i got some light in my darkness and when experimenting i don t have to loose myself on useless tests
Mesh Maestro
#12 Old 24th Mar 2005 at 5:49 PM
Hi guys I am sorry I hadn't gotten in to help out with your questions... My "real life" work load has been heavy. Seems as though my trusty partner in this thread has answered them perfectly... Thanks Numenor... <--- OMG did I spell that right...
Field Researcher
#13 Old 25th Mar 2005 at 5:16 PM
Dear Numenor I need your help!
I need your help. I have been trying to make new obects everyday but i have never made one yet that actually works. I am only 13 but i've got the skills, believe me. Everything works fine with making a new mesh until simpe. I don't know what i am doing wrong. I will attach a picture for what i need. Well all i think i need to do so far at this point is add a texture to my object but it does not show up. I've tried many things to try and get one but the object is just white. How do i get one on. Please sorry for wasting your time, but please can you guide me step by step by posting through this thread. Thankyou Anyway...
Lab Assistant
#14 Old 25th Mar 2005 at 8:17 PM
woah! I am so lost.
The ModFather
retired moderator
Original Poster
#15 Old 25th Mar 2005 at 8:17 PM
Simfantastic, I'm not surprised your object has problem with the textures: I can count 7 different "Models" in the GMDC (an some others must be hidden out of my sight...).
Seems that you haven't followed the tutorial with the due attention: you should keep the same number of meshes, and the mesh names, of the original object.

Sims2guy: I've updated the tutorial on this point; that option should remain unchecked.
Mesh Maestro
#16 Old 25th Mar 2005 at 8:19 PM
Quote: Originally posted by simfantastic2
I need your help. I have been trying to make new obects everyday but i have never made one yet that actually works. I am only 13 but i've got the skills, believe me. Everything works fine with making a new mesh until simpe. I don't know what i am doing wrong. I will attach a picture for what i need. Well all i think i need to do so far at this point is add a texture to my object but it does not show up. I've tried many things to try and get one but the object is just white. How do i get one on. Please sorry for wasting your time, but please can you guide me step by step by posting through this thread. Thankyou Anyway...

Looks like you have gotten your custom object into SimPE ok...
Now you need to keep two things in mind... 1. the game only allows two textures... That means you need to re-group your Objects "Shapes" in your 3D editor... You have to many parts to the object... The cannon machine should be grouped into one then the remaining shapes"box1 "box2 ect" should be regrouped as one part... in the end you should have two parts(shapes in Simpe) Keep the clone base objects ground shadow east,west, south, and north depending on which are part of the clone base...

2. In order for your 2 shapes object as 1) to have texture you must keep yout two regrouped names the same as the original(not cannon or box). You can rename these either in your 3D editor or in Simpe... In Simpe, using the picture you attached above it shows the geometric data container file open, click the parts 3 tab and change the names there...

3. OOO I said 2 things huh? This is an extra tip for SimPE .32 ... When you export you texture it is not the same as previous versions where you can simply click "export". You have to first change the texture file name temporarily... This means (DO NOT Comit HERE) rename and export. Then after it is exported click the geometric data container file again and the texture files original name will re-appear.... Once you have edited your texture you will need to re-import it.... Theres a problem here too... Go back to SimPE and copy the "Filename" of the texture and be sure to save it as that name from your paint program... This tutorial was posted 2 days before the release of SimPE .32 so there are a few small changes that need to be in place. The matter of part 3 I listed above is for changing the texture, the last phase... If you follow steps one and two above you should still, before changing the texture, be able to click "preview" and see your object textured... it will look odd with the cloned objects textures but you will know tht you (Named your Shapes correctly)....

If you need more help after trying the above steps let me know... In some remote cases I will look at packages so if you would like to attach it and also let me know what you used for a clone base I can further help you...

Reading is the key to all knowledge, math is the key to everything.
Field Researcher
#17 Old 25th Mar 2005 at 8:26 PM
Yes i will send you the files. I'm just confused. What files do you need? Do you need just the SimPE file. Thanks alot anyway!
Mesh Maestro
#18 Old 25th Mar 2005 at 8:32 PM
Attach your package and also let me know of what object you used as a clone base.... I will look at it when I can....
Field Researcher
#19 Old 25th Mar 2005 at 8:51 PM Last edited by simfantastic2 : 25th Mar 2005 at 9:09 PM.
Help Please
Ok i am using the 12th Century Song Dynasty Sculpted Vase. Also i can't group my objects. I originally build it with a 3d editor and it does not export obj files. So i export it as something else and open it in a converter/other editor but when i group it there it just is in a group and has a pulldown menu to the parts of it. It's kind of confusing. Thanks/ goodluck. I did to different ones. This is my second one with that one box unchecked. Maybe if you could you can group my object. I will send you the mesh(If you want to use it) and the object package. Thanks once again! (EDITED-Deleted File)
Mesh Maestro
#20 Old 25th Mar 2005 at 8:59 PM
Simfantastic delete the package from post 20 so no one downloads it and because we dont want a habit of fixing everyones files.... when I am done I will repost then delete it as well.... Be back in a bit...
Lab Assistant
#21 Old 25th Mar 2005 at 10:38 PM Last edited by sims2guy : 25th Mar 2005 at 10:40 PM. Reason: Typo
I created my object, then imported into simPE. I had many different models, all named Default. I exported again then re-imported. Now I only have one model, the original had three. Is there a way to fix this? The model that dissappeared was only the shadow.
Mesh Maestro
#22 Old 25th Mar 2005 at 11:18 PM Last edited by JWoods : 26th Mar 2005 at 12:04 AM. Reason: removed package
OK, I have finished your printer... Oh my where do I start? LOL... First thing we will talk about is choosing a base object.... The vase was ok because it makes the copier place able on a table... It is not a good choice due to the fact that your object had a lot of parts (shapes)... I brought the mesh into my editor and regrouped it..... I also used a different base object.... As mentioned most objects can only have two textures.... That is not completely true for the advanced user (not that I consider myself "advanced")... I used the "Anytime candles as a base... It gives you an extra texture called a "Goub". I used this to animate and light the now green L.E.D.'s on the printer. I used the base as one shape with a dark texture and the candle as the lighter texture... You can change the textures to your liking.... If you want to give it a more realistic look then you will need to U.V. map it and do some detail painting... I did not do this, that is up to you.... Study this package and then reread the tutorial above, the mesh tool tutorial and keep practicing... It takes time to really have a good understanding of it all... If you want to use the 12th century vase then you will need to group it all into one object then U.V. map it and paint the texture.... All up to you, I did this package quickly to align your shapes; I'll leave the details to you... After I notice you downloaded this package I will be removing it so don't loose it... LOL it is also already color enabled...

Hope you like it...

Reading is the key to all knowledge, math is the key to everything.
Mesh Maestro
#23 Old 25th Mar 2005 at 11:23 PM
Quote: Originally posted by sims2guy
I created my object, then imported into simPE. I had many different models, all named Default. I exported again then re-imported. Now I only have one model, the original had three. Is there a way to fix this? The model that dissappeared was only the shadow.

I never seen such a thing caused by Simpe... Make sure your check boxes are checked in the geometric data container file on the bottom left... All I can think of is try changing the shape names in your 3D editor then put it through the mesh tool then import it... If your base object has shadow parts(shapes) leave them... I personally rescale them around my new creation...

Reading is the key to all knowledge, math is the key to everything.
Field Researcher
#24 Old 25th Mar 2005 at 11:25 PM
Oh my god! I can't believe it. My first new object mesh with the help from you! Thankyou so much. You don't know how happy this makes me feel! You should be proud of yourself. Great job! I love it...Thanks soooo much!
Mesh Maestro
#25 Old 26th Mar 2005 at 12:02 AM
Thanks, and your welcome... Take it in game and back in Simpe... Look at th differances in the shape names... I used the original... A good bit of advise for every new object maker is to start with the 12th century vase or something similar... Reason being is there is only one shape... One texture as well.... Once you master the learning curves of each program or utilities phase and it you then should move on to 2 shaped, then to MMAT coloring and animation and so on... If there are any technical problems with the object let me know... I used your Guid for it also...
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