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- Main Character - The Princess Challenge
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- Main Character - The Princess Challenge
21st Oct 2014 at 10:58 PM
Last edited by justJones : 17th Jan 2015 at 8:50 PM.

Posts: 111

This is a challenge with which I've had a lot of fun myself, so I want to share it with you.

The goal of this challenge is to make the prince fall in love with you and to become a princess. Will you be a conniving schemer or a kind-hearted do-gooder? The choice is yours and you can win either way. Your decisions will have an impact on your reputation, your traits and your future, however, so choose carefully!
This challenge has a lot of text, and I’ve used spoiler tags so that this post wouldn't be so messy. You can but don’t need to read everything in advance, it’s completely up to you. Reading it will make the challenge easier, but it’ll be more fun if you don’t read it beforehand. The text consists of four main parts: the rules, the daily schedule, the random events and the descriptions of the different destinies that your sim may have.
Setting up
-You live in a castle with five other princess candidates. Create all of the other candidates and your own sim in CAS and move them in. They need to be young adults. Pick their traits randomly. Your own sim’s aspiration must be Successful Lineage.
-You may build the castle yourself or use a premade one. There are a lot of nice castles in the gallery! The furniture may be fancy (it’s even recommended!). Also make sure that there are enough skilling objects for everybody: a couple of easels, different instruments, chess tables, skill books and so on. You need to use a money cheat to be able to afford everything. You may also freely use money during the challenge. It’s recommended not to have other fun-building items than skilling objects and skill books on the lot, because the princess candidates would then probably use them too often.
-Create the royal family in CAS: the king, the queen and the prince, who is their only child. You may choose their looks and traits or randomize them. Pick a lot for them and move them in, it doesn’t matter whether there is a house there or not, you won’t be visiting them during the challenge.
-Set lifespan to long.
-In the beginning, take your sim to visit the royal family and introduce yourself to them (but don’t try to become friends with them etc.). That way you’ll know them and be able to invite them to your parties.
Rules and instructions
-The challenge lasts three weeks. You need to consult the schedule at six a.m. every day to know what happens that day.
-You cannot control the other candidates unless it says so in the daily schedule or the random events. Exception: You may occasionally make them clean or repair objects, but you also have to take part in those activities yourself.
-When you’re required to roll a random event, use random.org or roll dice. If it’s an event you’ve already rolled during the challenge, roll again until you get one that you haven’t had already.
-You may not call the prince, the queen or the king, chat with them or to invite them over unless it says so in the daily schedule or the random events. You are also not allowed to interact with anybody else in the world except your own household.
-Cheats and mods that give you an advantage over a person who doesn't use them are not recommended.
Aspiration points
The number of aspiration points you have at the end of the challenge will determine your sim’s fate and whether you’ve completed the challenge successfully. You will gain and lose aspiration points during the challenge. I recommend using this very helpful mod to quickly add or subtract aspiration points: http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=534747 . If you don’t want to use that mod, you can also keep track of your aspiration points manually on a piece of paper. You will probably also gain aspiration points from completing whims, that’s ok and even recommended. Your sim’s aspiration must be Successful Lineage (so that you can’t complete it during the challenge). It is also ok to spend aspiration points if you want to buy rewards. Just remember that the number of aspiration points at the end of the challenge determines whether you've been successful, so be careful not to spend too many of them!
Schemer / Kind-Hearted points
These are the other points you will get during the challenge. Every time you get one, keep count of how many you’ve already got. You can have both Schemer and Kind-Hearted points at the same time.
-All skills are useful, but the following are the ones you’ll especially need to be successful in the challenge: Cooking, Gardening, Charisma, Violin / Piano / Guitar, Painting, Logic, Mixology.
-It's a good idea to buy expensive furniture. The most expensive bed is helpful, for example, because you won't need to sleep that long every night.
You can stop reading now if you want and go start the challenge. Just remember to check the daily schedule (below) every day at 6 a.m! You can also keep reading if you wish. I’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have!
Week 1: Day 1 (Sunday)
Getting to know each other.
Chat with everybody.
Add 100 aspiration points for every new friend you make today.
Add 100 aspiration points for every skill level past the first level that you reach (all skills are ok).
Chat with everybody.
Add 100 aspiration points for every new friend you make today.
Add 100 aspiration points for every skill level past the first level that you reach (all skills are ok).
Week 1: Day 2 (Monday)
Nothing scheduled for today. Roll a random event.
Week 1: Day 3 (Tuesday)
The queen comes over to get to know you all.
Throw a party at two o'clock p.m. and invite her.
300 aspiration points if you manage to cook a meal of at least good quality (i.e. better than ok) for her.
300 aspiration points if you get a silver or gold medal for the party.
Throw a party at two o'clock p.m. and invite her.
300 aspiration points if you manage to cook a meal of at least good quality (i.e. better than ok) for her.
300 aspiration points if you get a silver or gold medal for the party.
Week 1: Day 4 (Wednesday)
Nothing scheduled for today. Roll a random event.
Week 1: Day 5 (Thursday)
The queen has sent you all a letter. She thanks you for the party and says that she had a good time. Nevertheless, she feels that you should all improve your Charisma skill a little to be able to impress the prince eventually.
Make all princess candidates practice speech in front of the mirror.
-400 aspiration points if your Charisma skill is at level 2 (or lower) by the end of the day
300 aspiration points if your Charisma skill is at level 4 (or higher) by the end of the day
500 aspiration points if your Charisma skill is at level 6 (or higher) by the end of the day
The queen also asks you personally if you’d like to have a little flower garden.
If you accept, buy seeds and plant six flowers on the lot. It’s your responsibility to take care of the plants, but if another candidate happens to water or weed them, it’s ok. If you decline, nothing happens.
Make all princess candidates practice speech in front of the mirror.
-400 aspiration points if your Charisma skill is at level 2 (or lower) by the end of the day
300 aspiration points if your Charisma skill is at level 4 (or higher) by the end of the day
500 aspiration points if your Charisma skill is at level 6 (or higher) by the end of the day
The queen also asks you personally if you’d like to have a little flower garden.
If you accept, buy seeds and plant six flowers on the lot. It’s your responsibility to take care of the plants, but if another candidate happens to water or weed them, it’s ok. If you decline, nothing happens.
Week 1: Day 6 (Friday)
Friday is here at last! You feel like it’s been a rough week and are looking forward to the weekend.
Nothing scheduled for today. Roll a random event.
Nothing scheduled for today. Roll a random event.
Week 1: Day 7 (Saturday)
One of the princess candidates has heard that the prince loves playing chess. You decide to hold a chess tournament to hone your skills.
Pair up (girl 1 (that is you) with girl 2, girl 3 with 4 and girl 5 with 6) and compete against each other. Then compete against the winners of the other two games. In total, you play three games. Count how many games you win.
-300 aspiration points if you lose every time
200 aspiration points if you win once
400 aspiration points if you win twice
700 aspiration points if you win three times
Pair up (girl 1 (that is you) with girl 2, girl 3 with 4 and girl 5 with 6) and compete against each other. Then compete against the winners of the other two games. In total, you play three games. Count how many games you win.
-300 aspiration points if you lose every time
200 aspiration points if you win once
400 aspiration points if you win twice
700 aspiration points if you win three times
Week 2: Day 1 (Sunday)
Nothing scheduled for today. Roll a random event.
Week 2: Day 2 (Monday)
You've been told that the prince himself is going to visit you tomorrow! You will need to prepare for the visit.
Make all candidates practice Mixology and Cooking.
Make all candidates practice Mixology and Cooking.
Week 2: Day 3 (Tuesday)
The prince will be visit you this afternoon. You feel ready but a little anxious nevertheless.
Make sure there are no broken appliances, toilets etc. on the lot. If there are, you must repair them or direct another candidate to repair them. Similarly, you and the other candidates must clean, too. At two o’clock p.m., invite the prince.
When the prince arrives, the candidates take turns trying to flirt with him. Instructions: First the candidate in question must introduce herself to the prince (if she hasn't already). Then use either the flirt or the pick-up line interaction and make a note if the interaction was successful. You may not use any other interactions or try several times. Repeat the process with every candidate (you can choose the order).
Give aspiration points to yourself as follows:
-500 if you weren’t successful but another candidate was
-200 if you weren’t successful but nor were the other candidates
100 if you were successful and so were at least two other candidates
500 if you were successful and so was another candidate
800 if you were the only one who was successful
You can spend the rest of the day doing whatever you want. You may interact with the prince if you wish, but don’t try to kiss him.
Make sure there are no broken appliances, toilets etc. on the lot. If there are, you must repair them or direct another candidate to repair them. Similarly, you and the other candidates must clean, too. At two o’clock p.m., invite the prince.
When the prince arrives, the candidates take turns trying to flirt with him. Instructions: First the candidate in question must introduce herself to the prince (if she hasn't already). Then use either the flirt or the pick-up line interaction and make a note if the interaction was successful. You may not use any other interactions or try several times. Repeat the process with every candidate (you can choose the order).
Give aspiration points to yourself as follows:
-500 if you weren’t successful but another candidate was
-200 if you weren’t successful but nor were the other candidates
100 if you were successful and so were at least two other candidates
500 if you were successful and so was another candidate
800 if you were the only one who was successful
You can spend the rest of the day doing whatever you want. You may interact with the prince if you wish, but don’t try to kiss him.
Week 2: Day 4 (Wednesday)
Nothing scheduled for today. Roll a random event.
Week 2: Day 5 (Thursday)
The queen writes a letter to you again. She wants to know how all the princess candidates are doing. She also fears that you candidates are gaining too much weight because you party so much. According to her, you need to take care of your body if you hope to attract the prince’s attention!
Count all your skill points and all the skill points of the other candidates immediately.
-500 aspiration points if you have fewer skill points than any other candidate
-200 aspiration points if you have the same amount of skill points as any other candidate
If you have more skill points than the others:
200 aspiration points if you have 1-4 skill points more than the second best candidate
400 aspiration points if you have 5-8 skill points more than the second best candidate
600 aspiration points if you have 9-12 skill points more than the second best candidate
900 aspiration points if you have at least 13 skill points more than the second best candidate
Also make every candidate work out for at least three hours today.
Count all your skill points and all the skill points of the other candidates immediately.
-500 aspiration points if you have fewer skill points than any other candidate
-200 aspiration points if you have the same amount of skill points as any other candidate
If you have more skill points than the others:
200 aspiration points if you have 1-4 skill points more than the second best candidate
400 aspiration points if you have 5-8 skill points more than the second best candidate
600 aspiration points if you have 9-12 skill points more than the second best candidate
900 aspiration points if you have at least 13 skill points more than the second best candidate
Also make every candidate work out for at least three hours today.
Week 2: Day 6 (Friday)
The queen thanks you for keeping her updated and says that you’ve all been making good progress but should still concentrate on developing your skills.
Make all the candidates practice at least one skill they’re bad at.
Make all the candidates practice at least one skill they’re bad at.
Week 2: Day 7 (Saturday)
It’s Saturday, so you can just take it easy, have fun and relax after a hard week!
500 aspiration points if you manage to avoid all negative emotions (Uncomfortable, Tense, Embarrassed, Bored, Angry, Sad…) today.
500 aspiration points if you manage to avoid all negative emotions (Uncomfortable, Tense, Embarrassed, Bored, Angry, Sad…) today.
Week 3: Day 1 (Sunday)
Nothing scheduled for today. Roll a random event.
Week 3: Day 2 (Monday)
Back to business! Both the king and the queen are coming over to visit you tomorrow. You hear two servants gossiping that the king likes charismatic people.
Decide what you’ll do:
1. You tell the others that the Charisma skill is important to the king. Make every candidate practice speaking in front of the mirror. You get +1 Kind-Hearted point.
2. Or you keep this information secret. Nothing special happens.
Decide what you’ll do:
1. You tell the others that the Charisma skill is important to the king. Make every candidate practice speaking in front of the mirror. You get +1 Kind-Hearted point.
2. Or you keep this information secret. Nothing special happens.
Week 3: Day 3 (Tuesday)
The royal couple are coming to visit you today. Be prepared, a lot will happen today and much depends on the outcome!
Throw a party at two o’clock p.m. and invite the king and the queen.
200 aspiration points if you manage to make the queen your friend
200 aspiration points more if you manage to make the queen your good friend
300 aspiration points and +1 Schemer point if you manage to flirt successfully with the king
300 aspiration points and + 1 Schemer point if you manage to change the king’s mood to Flirty when he’s talking to you
300 aspiration points and +1 Schemer point if you manage to make another candidate embarrassed
200 aspiration points if you can make a level 4 (or higher) drink (Good or better; ok is not enough) during the party
Additionally, if you accepted the queen’s offer to have a flower garden on Day 5 of the first week:
-300 aspiration points if none of the plants are of at least very nice quality.
300 aspiration points if at least two of the plants are of very nice quality
500 aspiration points if at least two of the plants are of good quality
800 aspiration points if at least two of the plants are of great quality or better
Throw a party at two o’clock p.m. and invite the king and the queen.
200 aspiration points if you manage to make the queen your friend
200 aspiration points more if you manage to make the queen your good friend
300 aspiration points and +1 Schemer point if you manage to flirt successfully with the king
300 aspiration points and + 1 Schemer point if you manage to change the king’s mood to Flirty when he’s talking to you
300 aspiration points and +1 Schemer point if you manage to make another candidate embarrassed
200 aspiration points if you can make a level 4 (or higher) drink (Good or better; ok is not enough) during the party
Additionally, if you accepted the queen’s offer to have a flower garden on Day 5 of the first week:
-300 aspiration points if none of the plants are of at least very nice quality.
300 aspiration points if at least two of the plants are of very nice quality
500 aspiration points if at least two of the plants are of good quality
800 aspiration points if at least two of the plants are of great quality or better
Week 3: Day 4 (Wednesday)
Nothing scheduled for today. Roll a random event.
Additionally, if you have at least three Schemer points by the end of the day, you have to change one of your traits to any of the following: Evil, Mean, Genius, Self-Assured, Noncommittal, Perfectionist. If you have at least five Schemer points, you have to pick the new trait randomly. If you have at least three Kind-Hearted points by the end of the day, you have to change one of your traits to any of the following: Cheerful, Goofball, Good, Outgoing, Creative, Family-Oriented. If you have at least five Kind-Hearted points, you have to pick the new trait randomly.
Additionally, if you have at least three Schemer points by the end of the day, you have to change one of your traits to any of the following: Evil, Mean, Genius, Self-Assured, Noncommittal, Perfectionist. If you have at least five Schemer points, you have to pick the new trait randomly. If you have at least three Kind-Hearted points by the end of the day, you have to change one of your traits to any of the following: Cheerful, Goofball, Good, Outgoing, Creative, Family-Oriented. If you have at least five Kind-Hearted points, you have to pick the new trait randomly.
Week 3: Day 5 (Thursday)
You get a letter from the prince. He writes that he’s redecorating his bedroom and would like to put some nice paintings on the wall above his bed. He asks if you could paint him some.
Make every candidate paint on an easel and finish a painting. You get:
-700 aspiration points if your painting is worth less than those of at least two other candidates
-400 aspiration points if your painting is worth less than that of another candidate
300 aspiration points if your painting is worth more than those of the other candidates
500 aspiration points if your painting is worth at least 200 simoleons more than those of the other candidates
You also get:
200 aspiration points if you are able to make one additional painting today, a flirty one
Make every candidate paint on an easel and finish a painting. You get:
-700 aspiration points if your painting is worth less than those of at least two other candidates
-400 aspiration points if your painting is worth less than that of another candidate
300 aspiration points if your painting is worth more than those of the other candidates
500 aspiration points if your painting is worth at least 200 simoleons more than those of the other candidates
You also get:
200 aspiration points if you are able to make one additional painting today, a flirty one
Week 3: Day 6 (Friday)
The king announces that the prince is going to choose a bride for himself very soon. If you still want to hone your skills or make friends, you should hurry.
Nothing scheduled for today. Roll a random event.
Nothing scheduled for today. Roll a random event.
Week 3: Day 7 (Saturday)
The royal couple and the prince come to visit you and to announce their decision.
Throw a party at 2 pm and invite them all.
The queen wants to see how well you all get along with each other.
150 aspiration points point for every good friend you have among the other candidates and +1 Kind-Hearted point if you have at least three good friends
100 aspiration points for every friend you have among the other candidates
-100 aspiration points +1 Schemer point for every enemy you have or if another candidate despises or dislikes you
The king wants to know how skilled you all are at various subjects.
-900 aspiration points if you have fewer skill points than any other candidate
-600 aspiration points if you have the same amount of skill points as any other candidate
If you have more skill points than the others:
0 aspiration points if you have 1-8 skill points more than the second best candidate
200 aspiration points if you have 9-14 skill points more than the second best candidate
500 aspiration points if you have 15-21 skill points more than the second best candidate
800 aspiration points if you have 22-29 skill points more than the second best candidate
1200 aspiration points if you have at least 30 skill points more than the second best candidate
The challenge is over! See the section THE RESULTS AND THE DESTINIES below.
Throw a party at 2 pm and invite them all.
The queen wants to see how well you all get along with each other.
150 aspiration points point for every good friend you have among the other candidates and +1 Kind-Hearted point if you have at least three good friends
100 aspiration points for every friend you have among the other candidates
-100 aspiration points +1 Schemer point for every enemy you have or if another candidate despises or dislikes you
The king wants to know how skilled you all are at various subjects.
-900 aspiration points if you have fewer skill points than any other candidate
-600 aspiration points if you have the same amount of skill points as any other candidate
If you have more skill points than the others:
0 aspiration points if you have 1-8 skill points more than the second best candidate
200 aspiration points if you have 9-14 skill points more than the second best candidate
500 aspiration points if you have 15-21 skill points more than the second best candidate
800 aspiration points if you have 22-29 skill points more than the second best candidate
1200 aspiration points if you have at least 30 skill points more than the second best candidate
The challenge is over! See the section THE RESULTS AND THE DESTINIES below.
When the daily schedule asks you to roll a random event, use random.org or roll dice. You need numbers 1 to 12. If it’s an event you’ve already rolled during the challenge, roll again until you get one that you haven’t had already.
1 You’ve got a flu! Spend the day doing nothing but napping, eating and going to the bathroom. If you wish, you may infect one other candidate intentionally (choose the one you consider your worst rival). If you decide to do so, you get +1 Schemer point and the infected candidate has to spend the day doing nothing, just like you (you may cancel all her actions except napping / sleeping, eating and going to the bathroom).
2 You’ve accidentally broken an expensive vase that belongs to the queen. You decide: You admit what you’ve done and get -300 aspiration points, OR you frame another candidate. If you decide to frame someone, roll a six-sided die (or use random.org): 1-2 You get caught, -500 aspiration points and you have to change one of your traits to either Mean or Clumsy (you decide), 3-6 You’re successful, you get +1 Schemer point and +300 aspiration points.
3 The queen doesn’t like schemers. If you’ve got Schemer points, you have to convince the queen that it’s not a bad thing to be cunning. You can do this by raising your Charisma skill by two levels today. If you’re unsuccessful, the queen isn’t convinced and you’ll get -500 aspiration points.
4 You find one of the other girls crying alone. She is feeling insecure and says that she is afraid she’s never going to be able to make the prince fall in love with her. Will you try to lift her spirits? If you will, you’ll get +1 Kind-Hearted point but also -100 aspiration points since you’re helping your rival. If you decide to ignore her, nothing happens.
5 Today you wake up feeling irritated and angry. You can pick a fight with another girl if you want to or restrain yourself. Use the Fight! interaction (you can argue / shout / insult her until the interaction becomes available). If you win, you get 500 aspiration points because now everyone knows who the boss is, but if you lose, you get -200 aspiration points. Whether you win or lose, you get +1 Schemer point if you fight. If you decide to restrain yourself, nothing happens.
6 Oh no! The queen’s ring has gone missing! You suspect that one of the serving girls, a particularly poor one, has stolen and sold it to get medical help for her ailing mother. Will you tell the queen? If not, you get +1 Kind-Hearted point. If you decide to tell, the queen appreciates it and you get 200 aspiration points.
7 Do you have at least one Kind-Hearted point and no Schemer points? If not, nothing happens. If you do, you manage to make an impression on the Prince’s aunt, who is a particularly kind-hearted person herself. She tells the prince how much she likes you, and you get 300 aspiration points for every Kind-hearted point that you have.
8 A handsome duke seems to be smitten with you. What do you do? If you decide to enjoy the attention, you can change any trait you have to either Romantic or Self-Assured, but it’s possible that the prince hears of your flirting. Roll a six-sided die (or use random.org): 1 You get caught, give yourself -500 aspiration points. 2-6 Nobody notices your little affair.
9 One of the other girls tells you that she’s made a terrible mistake. The cake she baked for the royal couple as a present contains salt instead of sugar. Will you take the hit for her and say it was you who baked the cake? If you do, you get +1 Kind-Hearted point and -300 aspiration points. If you do nothing, nothing happens. You can also choose to tell everybody what a hopeless cook that girl is, in which case you get 200 aspiration points and +1 Schemer point.
10 When you wake up today, you feel like a new person! If you have at least four skill points in one or several of the following skills: Painting, Mixology, Violin / Piano / Guitar, Cooking, Gardening, Logic, Handiness or Charisma, you may change one of your traits if you want to. You also get 100 aspiration points for every level beyond the fourth in all of the skills mentioned above.
11 The king throws a party and wants one of you to entertain the guests by playing an instrument. If one of the other candidates is better at any instrument than you are, they are automatically chosen and you get -300 aspiration points. If you are the best player and your Piano / Violin / Guitar level is at least five, you are chosen to entertain the guests and get 500 aspiration points (if you don’t have the necessary skill level yet, you have until 6 p.m. to improve your skill).
12 The prince seems to be a little too interested in one of the other candidates. What will you do?
- You can try to make the candidate in question look like a fool. Roll a six-sided die or use random.org: 1 You’re not successful unless you have at least five Schemer points, 2 You’re not successful unless you have at least four Schemer points, 3 You’re not successful unless you have at least three Schemer points, 4 You’re not successful unless you have at least two Schemer points, 5 You’re successful, 6 You’re successful. If you’re successful, you get 400 aspiration points and +1 Schemer point. If you’re unsuccessful, the only person that looks like a fool is yourself and you get -500 aspiration points.
- Do nothing. You get -300 aspiration points.
- Tell the other candidate that she deserves the prince’s attention. You get -400 aspiration points and +1 Kind-Hearted point.
When the challenge is over, check how many aspiration points you have as well as how many Schemer and Kind-Hearted points you have. Then find your corresponding destiny below.
> 6000 aspiration points
Congratulations! The prince has chosen you as his future wife! He feels that he’s the happiest man on Earth: he’s fallen in love with you and simply cannot wait to be married to you. You two will lead a very happy life enjoying each other’s company and family life.
What kind of a person will you be?
0-2 Schemer points and 0-2 Kind-Hearted points OR 3 or more Kind-Hearted points and 3 or more Schemer points: The prince decides that he wants you to rule the country with him. You will be a balanced ruler, both cunning and merciful. Your subjects will respect and obey you.
3 or more Schemer points and less than 3 Kind-Hearted points: You never let your feelings get in the way of getting something important done, but you are able to hide it from everyone. You are a brilliant ruler and your subjects respect you. It’s you who rules in the kingdom, not your husband, who is much more soft-hearted than you.
3 or more Kind-Hearted points and less than 3 Schemer points: Your subjects simply adore you, you are fair and merciful in all your dealings. You let your husband do most of the ruling, though, you just can’t stand all the power games and scheming.
5500-5999 aspiration points
Congratulations! The prince has chosen you as his future wife! He and his parents have decided that you are the most suitable candidate. The prince respects you and will eventually learn to love you.
What kind of a person will you be?
0-2 Schemer points and 0-2 Kind-Hearted points OR 3 or more Kind-Hearted points and 3 or more Schemer points: The prince will let you make some important decisions regarding your country. You will be a balanced ruler, both cunning and merciful. Your subjects will respect and obey you.
3 or more Schemer points and less than 3 Kind-Hearted points: You never let your feelings get in the way of getting something done, and that is obvious to everyone who meets you. You are a brilliant and cruel ruler, and your subjects fear and respect you. It’s you who rules in the kingdom, not your husband, who is much more soft-hearted than you. Your husband is a little bitter about that.
3 or more Kind-Hearted points and less than 3 Schemer points: Your subjects like you, you are fair and merciful in all your dealings, but some say you may even be a bit too soft. You let your husband do most of the ruling, because you just can’t stand all the power games and scheming.
5000-5499 aspiration points
The prince has chosen another candidate to be his future wife, but you’ve attracted the attention of a wealthy and handsome duke and end up marrying him.
What kind of a person will you be?
0-2 Schemer points and 0-2 Kind-Hearted points OR 3 or more Kind-Hearted points and 3 or more Schemer points: You get over your disappointment very quickly. This is not so bad, after all. The duke will let you make some important decisions regarding the duchy. You will be a balanced ruler, both cunning and merciful. Your subjects will respect and obey you.
3 or more Schemer points and less than 3 Kind-Hearted points: You never let your feelings get in the way of getting something done, and that is obvious to everyone who meets you. You are a brilliant and cruel ruler, and your subjects fear and respect you. It’s you who rules in the duchy, not your husband, who is much more soft-hearted than you. Your husband is a little bitter about that.
3 or more Kind-Hearted points and less than 3 Schemer points: Your subjects like you, you are fair and merciful in all your dealings, but people sometimes take advantage of that fact and your husband ends up losing money or prestige. He doesn’t care, however, because he simply adores you. You let your husband do most of the ruling, because you just can’t stand all the power games and scheming.
4500-4999 aspiration points
The prince has chosen another candidate to be his future wife, but you’ve attracted the attention of a baron and end up marrying him.
What kind of a person will you be?
0-2 Schemer points and 0-2 Kind-Hearted points OR 3 or more Kind-Hearted points and 3 or more Schemer points: You eventually get over your disappointment. This is not so bad, after all. You turn out to be a faithful wife, and your husband often consults you first when there is an important decision to be made.
3 or more Schemer points and less than 3 Kind-Hearted points: You are disappointed and bitter, you think you deserve to be the princess and not the wife of some baron! You never really get over it, but you use your cunning to gain wealth and a better position in the court for your husband. Your husband takes all the credit, but at least you know the truth, and when your husband dies a bit suspiciously, you end up with a handsome inheritance and a new life as a ruthless but wealthy widow.
3 or more Kind-Hearted points and less than 3 Schemer points: So you were not chosen to be the future queen, who cares? You fall in love with the baron, marry him and have many children. You withdraw from the court and lead a simple life with your loving family, always finding time to help people in need.
3500-4499 aspiration points
The prince has chosen another candidate to be his future wife and none of the other noblemen seem to be interested in you. You decide to stop waiting for someone to marry you and decide to have a career instead. Check your level in the following skills: Mixology, Painting, Violin / Piano / Guitar and Logic. Is Mixology your strongest skill? Then you’ll become a butler in the royal household. Or is it Painting? Then you’ll paint people’s portraits for a living. If it’s playing an instrument, then you’ll become a traveling troubadour. If Logic, you decide to pursue a career in science.
What kind of a person will you be?
0-2 Schemer points and 0-2 Kind-Hearted points OR 3 or more Kind-Hearted points and 3 or more Schemer points: You’re good at what you do and accept your fate. People admire your skill wherever you go. You have no luxuries in your life but find some peace in hard work.
3 or more Schemer points and less than 3 Kind-Hearted points: You are disappointed and bitter, you think you deserve to be a princess! You use your skill and wits and gullible men to make money, trying to find happiness in buying expensive things and traveling.
3 or more Kind-Hearted points and less than 3 Schemer points: You are good enough at your job to make a living, but after a couple of years you find a nice young man and decide to settle down with him and concentrate on taking care of the many children that you two will have together.
3000-3499 aspiration points
The prince has chosen another candidate to be his future wife and none of the other noblemen seem to be interested in you. A hard-working merchant falls in love with you and proposes to you. You say ‘yes’.
What kind of a person will you be?
0-2 Schemer points and 0-2 Kind-Hearted points OR 3 or more Kind-Hearted points and 3 or more Schemer points: Well, this could have gone better. Your husband seems to be a decent man, though, so I guess this could also have gone worse. You have no luxuries in your life but find some peace in hard work.
3 or more Schemer points and less than 3 Kind-Hearted points: You are disappointed and bitter, you think you deserve to be a princess and not the wife of some merchant! Nevertheless, you manage to use your cunning to gain wealth. Your husband never really learns how to love such a cruel and sly person, however, and finally divorces you and marries a more kind-hearted woman.
3 or more Kind-Hearted points and less than 3 Schemer points: You fall in love with a merchant, marry him and have many children. You lead a simple life with your family. Too bad that you were so smitten with the merchant before the wedding that you didn’t see him for who he really is – a chauvinistic womanizer who likes nothing more than to make you feel insufficient for him.
2500-2999 aspiration points
The prince has chosen another candidate to be his future wife and none of the other noblemen seem to be interested in you. You decide to stop waiting for someone to marry you and decide to have a career instead. Check your level in the following skills: Handiness, Charisma, Gardening, and Fitness. Is Cooking your strongest skill? You’ll spend your life working at a tavern as a maid and a waitress. Or is it Charisma? Then you’ll become a peddler. If it’s Gardening, then you’ll work for a farmer. And if it’s Fitness, you’ll get a job as a manual laborer.
What kind of a person will you be?
0-2 Schemer points and 0-2 Kind-Hearted points OR 3 or more Kind-Hearted points and 3 or more Schemer points: You’re good enough at what you do and accept your fate. You have no luxuries in your life but find some peace in hard work.
3 or more Schemer points and less than 3 Kind-Hearted points: You are disappointed and bitter, you think you deserve to be a princess! You use your skill and wits and gullible men to make money, trying to find happiness in buying expensive things and traveling. That doesn’t work for very long and one day you find yourself bankrupt.
3 or more Kind-Hearted points and less than 3 Schemer points: You are not very good at your job, because everyone is always taking advantage of your gullibility and kindheartedness. After a couple of years you give up and marry one of the older men living in the village.
0-2499 aspiration points
The prince has chosen another candidate to be his future wife and none of the other noblemen seem to be interested in you. You don’t seem to be able to get a good job either. The only husband you manage to find is a thug.
What kind of a person will you be?
0-2 Schemer points and 0-2 Kind-Hearted points OR 3 or more Kind-Hearted points and 3 or more Schemer points: Yeah, what can I say... Your life will be filled with hard work and misery, but at least your husband cares about you. You sell vegetables for a living and spend your life hoping that your husband won’t get caught and be hanged.
3 or more Schemer points and less than 3 Kind-Hearted points: You are furious, how could this happen? You become a thug yourself and manage to do quite well before your equally deceitful husband betrays you. You get caught and spend the rest of your life in jail, missed by no one.
3 or more Kind-Hearted points and less than 3 Schemer points: You fall in love with a thug and marry him. You can’t stand the idea that your husband is a criminal and hurts innocent people, however, and so you force him to stop committing crimes. That is all quite commendable, but that now you two have no source of income. You resort to begging, only to find out that other people are not as kind-hearted as you are.
28th Oct 2014 at 10:15 PM

Posts: 111
Here are some of the screenshots I took on my first playthrough. My princess candidate Katharine is evil and willing to do whatever it takes to make the prince fall in love with her. The candidates live in a beautiful castle I found in the gallery, it's called Simderella's castle (designed by Karrterr12).
The princess candidates held a chess tournament on the seventh day. The beautiful but vicious Katharine is the second girl from the right. Adalyn, the girl on the left, seems to be just as determined to win: you can see her cheating when her partner is looking away...

Needless to say, the girls didn't always get along so well and weren't afraid to show it.

Finally! The princess candidates got to meet the prince during the second week. Somebody might think that Katharine's flirting looks a bit too desperate here, but lo and behold, it seems to be working!

... and here she is, the proud winner of the prince's heart! The other candidates don't seem to be too pleased about it, especially since Katharine is not the kind of girl who plays fairly.

If you'd play this challenge, what kind of a princess candidate would you be? Would you be completely ruthless like Katharine, or would you prefer not to resort to unfair methods and scheming?
The princess candidates held a chess tournament on the seventh day. The beautiful but vicious Katharine is the second girl from the right. Adalyn, the girl on the left, seems to be just as determined to win: you can see her cheating when her partner is looking away...

Needless to say, the girls didn't always get along so well and weren't afraid to show it.

Finally! The princess candidates got to meet the prince during the second week. Somebody might think that Katharine's flirting looks a bit too desperate here, but lo and behold, it seems to be working!

... and here she is, the proud winner of the prince's heart! The other candidates don't seem to be too pleased about it, especially since Katharine is not the kind of girl who plays fairly.

If you'd play this challenge, what kind of a princess candidate would you be? Would you be completely ruthless like Katharine, or would you prefer not to resort to unfair methods and scheming?
Test Subject
29th Oct 2014 at 2:20 AM

Posts: 14
I'm so doing this. The winner will be my starter on the disney legacy!
Have to get my origin working first, though --'
Have to get my origin working first, though --'
Test Subject
29th Oct 2014 at 3:14 AM

Posts: 19
Like all of your challenges, it's AWESOME! Gonna try this really soon, as I have crammed 4 challenges in one save maybe I can squeeze one more?
29th Oct 2014 at 6:49 PM

Posts: 111
Yay and thank you, I can't wait to hear how it goes! As always, I'll be happy to answer any questions you guys might have.

Test Subject
31st Oct 2014 at 4:11 PM
Last edited by LadyRiane : 3rd Nov 2014 at 1:02 PM.
Reason: Here's a picture!

Posts: 21
Challenge Accepted!
Hey! I am already having fun with the preparations 
Creating different types of princesses (including Jasmine from Aladdin

Say Hello to the Ladies!
Test Subject
1st Nov 2014 at 4:03 PM

Posts: 1
how do u download it.
5th Nov 2014 at 8:06 PM

Posts: 111
@LadyRiane, I love your princesses, and they all look like they really want to win! Please keep us updated.
@kourtneyann10, I'm afraid I'm not sure what you mean, because you don't need to download anything to play the challenge.

@kourtneyann10, I'm afraid I'm not sure what you mean, because you don't need to download anything to play the challenge.
Test Subject
8th Nov 2014 at 5:06 PM

Posts: 2
Lovely challenge! I might start this when I have my Disney Legacy founder + heirs
Then again, that might take a really long time sigh. Anyway, I wanted to ask, how do we obtain schemer/kind-hearted points? Thank you!

8th Nov 2014 at 7:29 PM

Posts: 111
@hirondelle09, thank you, I'm glad you like it! You get Schemer / Kind-hearted points based on the decisions you make during the challenge. You don't have to worry about this in advance, the challenge will tell you in a straightforward way when you get a Schemer point or a Kind-hearted point, you'll just have to keep count of them when you do.

Test Subject
11th Nov 2014 at 5:41 PM

Posts: 1

Quote: Originally posted by Aislynne
THE PRINCESS CHALLENGE This is a challenge with which I've had a lot of fun myself, so I want to share it with you. ![]() Description The goal of this challenge is to make the prince fall in love with you and to become a princess. Will you be a conniving schemer or a kind-hearted do-gooder? The choice is yours and you can win either way. Your decisions will have an impact on your reputation, your traits and your future, however, so choose carefully! This challenge has a lot of text, and I’ve used spoiler tags so that this post wouldn't be so messy. You can but don’t need to read everything in advance, it’s completely up to you. Reading it will make the challenge easier, but it’ll be more fun if you don’t read it beforehand. The text consists of four main parts: the rules, the daily schedule, the random events and the descriptions of the different destinies that your sim may have. Setting up -You live in a castle with five other princess candidates. Create all of the other candidates and your own sim in CAS and move them in. They need to be young adults. Pick their traits randomly. Your own sim’s aspiration must be Successful Lineage. -You may build the castle yourself or use a premade one. There are a lot of nice castles in the gallery! The furniture may be fancy (it’s even recommended!). Also make sure that there are enough skilling objects for everybody: a couple of easels, different instruments, chess tables, skill books and so on. You need to use a money cheat to be able to afford everything. You may also freely use money during the challenge. It’s recommended not to have other fun-building items than skilling objects and skill books on the lot, because the princess candidates would then probably use them too often. -Create the royal family in CAS: the king, the queen and the prince, who is their only child. You may choose their looks and traits or randomize them. Pick a lot for them and move them in, it doesn’t matter whether there is a house there or not, you won’t be visiting them during the challenge. -Set lifespan to long. -In the beginning, take your sim to visit the royal family and introduce yourself to them (but don’t try to become friends with them etc.). That way you’ll know them and be able to invite them to your parties. Rules and instructions -The challenge lasts three weeks. You need to consult the schedule at six a.m. every day to know what happens that day. -You cannot control the other candidates unless it says so in the daily schedule or the random events. Exception: You may occasionally make them clean or repair objects, but you also have to take part in those activities yourself. -When you’re required to roll a random event, use random.org or roll dice. If it’s an event you’ve already rolled during the challenge, roll again until you get one that you haven’t had already. -You may not call the prince, the queen or the king, chat with them or to invite them over unless it says so in the daily schedule or the random events. You are also not allowed to interact with anybody else in the world except your own household. -Cheats and mods that give you an advantage over a person who doesn't use them are not recommended. Aspiration points The number of aspiration points you have at the end of the challenge will determine your sim’s fate and whether you’ve completed the challenge successfully. You will gain and lose aspiration points during the challenge. I recommend using this very helpful mod to quickly add or subtract aspiration points: http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=534747 . If you don’t want to use that mod, you can also keep track of your aspiration points manually on a piece of paper. You will probably also gain aspiration points from completing whims, that’s ok and even recommended. Your sim’s aspiration must be Successful Lineage (so that you can’t complete it during the challenge). It is also ok to spend aspiration points if you want to buy rewards. Just remember that the number of aspiration points at the end of the challenge determines whether you've been successful, so be careful not to spend too many of them! Schemer / Kind-Hearted points These are the other points you will get during the challenge. Every time you get one, keep count of how many you’ve already got. You can have both Schemer and Kind-Hearted points at the same time. Tips -All skills are useful, but the following are the ones you’ll especially need to be successful in the challenge: Cooking, Gardening, Charisma, Violin / Piano / Guitar, Painting, Logic, Mixology. -It's a good idea to buy expensive furniture. The most expensive bed is helpful, for example, because you won't need to sleep that long every night. You can stop reading now if you want and go start the challenge. Just remember to check the daily schedule (below) every day at 6 a.m! You can also keep reading if you wish. I’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have! THE DAILY SCHEDULE Week 1: Day 1 (Sunday)
Getting to know each other. Chat with everybody. Add 100 aspiration points for every new friend you make today. Add 100 aspiration points for every skill level past the first level that you reach (all skills are ok). Week 1: Day 2 (Monday)
Nothing scheduled for today. Roll a random event.
Week 1: Day 3 (Tuesday)
The queen comes over to get to know you all. Throw a party at two o'clock p.m. and invite her. 300 aspiration points if you manage to cook a meal of at least good quality (i.e. better than ok) for her. 300 aspiration points if you get a silver or gold medal for the party. Week 1: Day 4 (Wednesday)
Nothing scheduled for today. Roll a random event.
Week 1: Day 5 (Thursday)
The queen has sent you all a letter. She thanks you for the party and says that she had a good time. Nevertheless, she feels that you should all improve your Charisma skill a little to be able to impress the prince eventually. Make all princess candidates practice speech in front of the mirror. -400 aspiration points if your Charisma skill is at level 2 (or lower) by the end of the day 300 aspiration points if your Charisma skill is at level 4 (or higher) by the end of the day 500 aspiration points if your Charisma skill is at level 6 (or higher) by the end of the day The queen also asks you personally if you’d like to have a little flower garden. If you accept, buy seeds and plant six flowers on the lot. It’s your responsibility to take care of the plants, but if another candidate happens to water or weed them, it’s ok. If you decline, nothing happens. Week 1: Day 6 (Friday)
Friday is here at last! You feel like it’s been a rough week and are looking forward to the weekend. Nothing scheduled for today. Roll a random event. Week 1: Day 7 (Saturday)
One of the princess candidates has heard that the prince loves playing chess. You decide to hold a chess tournament to hone your skills. Pair up (girl 1 (that is you) with girl 2, girl 3 with 4 and girl 5 with 6) and compete against each other. Then compete against the winners of the other two games. In total, you play three games. Count how many games you win. -300 aspiration points if you lose every time 200 aspiration points if you win once 400 aspiration points if you win twice 700 aspiration points if you win three times Week 2: Day 1 (Sunday)
Nothing scheduled for today. Roll a random event.
Week 2: Day 2 (Monday)
You've been told that the prince himself is going to visit you tomorrow! You will need to prepare for the visit. Make all candidates practice Mixology and Cooking. Week 2: Day 3 (Tuesday)
The prince will be visit you this afternoon. You feel ready but a little anxious nevertheless. Make sure there are no broken appliances, toilets etc. on the lot. If there are, you must repair them or direct another candidate to repair them. Similarly, you and the other candidates must clean, too. At two o’clock p.m., invite the prince. When the prince arrives, the candidates take turns trying to flirt with him. Instructions: First the candidate in question must introduce herself to the prince (if she hasn't already). Then use either the flirt or the pick-up line interaction and make a note if the interaction was successful. You may not use any other interactions or try several times. Repeat the process with every candidate (you can choose the order). Give aspiration points to yourself as follows: -500 if you weren’t successful but another candidate was -200 if you weren’t successful but nor were the other candidates 100 if you were successful and so were at least two other candidates 500 if you were successful and so was another candidate 800 if you were the only one who was successful You can spend the rest of the day doing whatever you want. You may interact with the prince if you wish, but don’t try to kiss him. Week 2: Day 4 (Wednesday)
Nothing scheduled for today. Roll a random event.
Week 2: Day 5 (Thursday)
The queen writes a letter to you again. She wants to know how all the princess candidates are doing. She also fears that you candidates are gaining too much weight because you party so much. According to her, you need to take care of your body if you hope to attract the prince’s attention! Count all your skill points and all the skill points of the other candidates immediately. -500 aspiration points if you have fewer skill points than any other candidate -200 aspiration points if you have the same amount of skill points as any other candidate If you have more skill points than the others: 200 aspiration points if you have 1-4 skill points more than the second best candidate 400 aspiration points if you have 5-8 skill points more than the second best candidate 600 aspiration points if you have 9-12 skill points more than the second best candidate 900 aspiration points if you have at least 13 skill points more than the second best candidate Also make every candidate work out for at least three hours today. Week 2: Day 6 (Friday)
The queen thanks you for keeping her updated and says that you’ve all been making good progress but should still concentrate on developing your skills. Make all the candidates practice at least one skill they’re bad at. Week 2: Day 7 (Saturday)
It’s Saturday, so you can just take it easy, have fun and relax after a hard week! 500 aspiration points if you manage to avoid all negative emotions (Uncomfortable, Tense, Embarrassed, Bored, Angry, Sad…) today. Week 3: Day 1 (Sunday)
Nothing scheduled for today. Roll a random event.
Week 3: Day 2 (Monday)
Back to business! Both the king and the queen are coming over to visit you tomorrow. You hear two servants gossiping that the king likes charismatic people. Decide what you’ll do: 1. You tell the others that the Charisma skill is important to the king. Make every candidate practice speaking in front of the mirror. You get +1 Kind-Hearted point. 2. Or you keep this information secret. Nothing special happens. Week 3: Day 3 (Tuesday)
The royal couple are coming to visit you today. Be prepared, a lot will happen today and much depends on the outcome! Throw a party at two o’clock p.m. and invite the king and the queen. 200 aspiration points if you manage to make the queen your friend 200 aspiration points more if you manage to make the queen your good friend 300 aspiration points and +1 Schemer point if you manage to flirt successfully with the king 300 aspiration points and + 1 Schemer point if you manage to change the king’s mood to Flirty when he’s talking to you 300 aspiration points and +1 Schemer point if you manage to make another candidate embarrassed 200 aspiration points if you can make a level 4 (or higher) drink (Good or better; ok is not enough) during the party Additionally, if you accepted the queen’s offer to have a flower garden on Day 5 of the first week: -300 aspiration points if none of the plants are of at least very nice quality. 300 aspiration points if at least two of the plants are of very nice quality 500 aspiration points if at least two of the plants are of good quality 800 aspiration points if at least two of the plants are of great quality or better Week 3: Day 4 (Wednesday)
Nothing scheduled for today. Roll a random event. Additionally, if you have at least three Schemer points by the end of the day, you have to change one of your traits to any of the following: Evil, Mean, Genius, Self-Assured, Noncommittal, Perfectionist. If you have at least five Schemer points, you have to pick the new trait randomly. If you have at least three Kind-Hearted points by the end of the day, you have to change one of your traits to any of the following: Cheerful, Goofball, Good, Outgoing, Creative, Family-Oriented. If you have at least five Kind-Hearted points, you have to pick the new trait randomly. Week 3: Day 5 (Thursday)
You get a letter from the prince. He writes that he’s redecorating his bedroom and would like to put some nice paintings on the wall above his bed. He asks if you could paint him some. Make every candidate paint on an easel and finish a painting. You get: -700 aspiration points if your painting is worth less than those of at least two other candidates -400 aspiration points if your painting is worth less than that of another candidate 300 aspiration points if your painting is worth more than those of the other candidates 500 aspiration points if your painting is worth at least 200 simoleons more than those of the other candidates You also get: 200 aspiration points if you are able to make one additional painting today, a flirty one Week 3: Day 6 (Friday)
The king announces that the prince is going to choose a bride for himself very soon. If you still want to hone your skills or make friends, you should hurry. Nothing scheduled for today. Roll a random event. Week 3: Day 7 (Saturday)
The royal couple and the prince come to visit you and to announce their decision. Throw a party at 2 pm and invite them all. The queen wants to see how well you all get along with each other. 150 aspiration points point for every good friend you have among the other candidates and +1 Kind-Hearted point if you have at least three good friends 100 aspiration points for every friend you have among the other candidates -100 aspiration points +1 Schemer point for every enemy you have or if another candidate despises or dislikes you The king wants to know how skilled you all are at various subjects. -900 aspiration points if you have fewer skill points than any other candidate -600 aspiration points if you have the same amount of skill points as any other candidate If you have more skill points than the others: 0 aspiration points if you have 1-8 skill points more than the second best candidate 200 aspiration points if you have 9-14 skill points more than the second best candidate 500 aspiration points if you have 15-21 skill points more than the second best candidate 800 aspiration points if you have 22-29 skill points more than the second best candidate 1200 aspiration points if you have at least 30 skill points more than the second best candidate The challenge is over! See the section THE RESULTS AND THE DESTINIES below. RANDOM EVENTS When the daily schedule asks you to roll a random event, use random.org or roll dice. You need numbers 1 to 12. If it’s an event you’ve already rolled during the challenge, roll again until you get one that you haven’t had already. 1 You’ve got a flu! Spend the day doing nothing but napping, eating and going to the bathroom. If you wish, you may infect one other candidate intentionally (choose the one you consider your worst rival). If you decide to do so, you get +1 Schemer point and the infected candidate has to spend the day doing nothing, just like you (you may cancel all her actions except napping / sleeping, eating and going to the bathroom). 2 You’ve accidentally broken an expensive vase that belongs to the queen. You decide: You admit what you’ve done and get -300 aspiration points, OR you frame another candidate. If you decide to frame someone, roll a six-sided die (or use random.org): 1-2 You get caught, -500 aspiration points and you have to change one of your traits to either Mean or Clumsy (you decide), 3-6 You’re successful, you get +1 Schemer point and +300 aspiration points. 3 The queen doesn’t like schemers. If you’ve got Schemer points, you have to convince the queen that it’s not a bad thing to be cunning. You can do this by raising your Charisma skill by two levels today. If you’re unsuccessful, the queen isn’t convinced and you’ll get -500 aspiration points. 4 You find one of the other girls crying alone. She is feeling insecure and says that she is afraid she’s never going to be able to make the prince fall in love with her. Will you try to lift her spirits? If you will, you’ll get +1 Kind-Hearted point but also -100 aspiration points since you’re helping your rival. If you decide to ignore her, nothing happens. 5 Today you wake up feeling irritated and angry. You can pick a fight with another girl if you want to or restrain yourself. Use the Fight! interaction (you can argue / shout / insult her until the interaction becomes available). If you win, you get 500 aspiration points because now everyone knows who the boss is, but if you lose, you get -200 aspiration points. Whether you win or lose, you get +1 Schemer point if you fight. If you decide to restrain yourself, nothing happens. 6 Oh no! The queen’s ring has gone missing! You suspect that one of the serving girls, a particularly poor one, has stolen and sold it to get medical help for her ailing mother. Will you tell the queen? If not, you get +1 Kind-Hearted point. If you decide to tell, the queen appreciates it and you get 200 aspiration points. 7 Do you have at least one Kind-Hearted point and no Schemer points? If not, nothing happens. If you do, you manage to make an impression on the Prince’s aunt, who is a particularly kind-hearted person herself. She tells the prince how much she likes you, and you get 300 aspiration points for every Kind-hearted point that you have. 8 A handsome duke seems to be smitten with you. What do you do? If you decide to enjoy the attention, you can change any trait you have to either Romantic or Self-Assured, but it’s possible that the prince hears of your flirting. Roll a six-sided die (or use random.org): 1 You get caught, give yourself -500 aspiration points. 2-6 Nobody notices your little affair. 9 One of the other girls tells you that she’s made a terrible mistake. The cake she baked for the royal couple as a present contains salt instead of sugar. Will you take the hit for her and say it was you who baked the cake? If you do, you get +1 Kind-Hearted point and -300 aspiration points. If you do nothing, nothing happens. You can also choose to tell everybody what a hopeless cook that girl is, in which case you get 200 aspiration points and +1 Schemer point. 10 When you wake up today, you feel like a new person! If you have at least four skill points in one or several of the following skills: Painting, Mixology, Violin / Piano / Guitar, Cooking, Gardening, Logic, Handiness or Charisma, you may change one of your traits if you want to. You also get 100 aspiration points for every level beyond the fourth in all of the skills mentioned above. 11 The king throws a party and wants one of you to entertain the guests by playing an instrument. If one of the other candidates is better at any instrument than you are, they are automatically chosen and you get -300 aspiration points. If you are the best player and your Piano / Violin / Guitar level is at least five, you are chosen to entertain the guests and get 500 aspiration points (if you don’t have the necessary skill level yet, you have until 6 p.m. to improve your skill). 12 The prince seems to be a little too interested in one of the other candidates. What will you do? - You can try to make the candidate in question look like a fool. Roll a six-sided die or use random.org: 1 You’re not successful unless you have at least five Schemer points, 2 You’re not successful unless you have at least four Schemer points, 3 You’re not successful unless you have at least three Schemer points, 4 You’re not successful unless you have at least two Schemer points, 5 You’re successful, 6 You’re successful. If you’re successful, you get 400 aspiration points and +1 Schemer point. If you’re unsuccessful, the only person that looks like a fool is yourself and you get -500 aspiration points. - Do nothing. You get -300 aspiration points. - Tell the other candidate that she deserves the prince’s attention. You get -400 aspiration points and +1 Kind-Hearted point. THE RESULTS AND THE DESTINIES When the challenge is over, check how many aspiration points you have as well as how many Schemer and Kind-Hearted points you have. Then find your corresponding destiny below. > 6000 aspiration points Congratulations! The prince has chosen you as his future wife! He feels that he’s the happiest man on Earth: he’s fallen in love with you and simply cannot wait to be married to you. You two will lead a very happy life enjoying each other’s company and family life. What kind of a person will you be? 0-2 Schemer points and 0-2 Kind-Hearted points OR 3 or more Kind-Hearted points and 3 or more Schemer points: The prince decides that he wants you to rule the country with him. You will be a balanced ruler, both cunning and merciful. Your subjects will respect and obey you. 3 or more Schemer points and less than 3 Kind-Hearted points: You never let your feelings get in the way of getting something important done, but you are able to hide it from everyone. You are a brilliant ruler and your subjects respect you. It’s you who rules in the kingdom, not your husband, who is much more soft-hearted than you. 3 or more Kind-Hearted points and less than 3 Schemer points: Your subjects simply adore you, you are fair and merciful in all your dealings. You let your husband do most of the ruling, though, you just can’t stand all the power games and scheming. 5500-5999 aspiration points Congratulations! The prince has chosen you as his future wife! He and his parents have decided that you are the most suitable candidate. The prince respects you and will eventually learn to love you. What kind of a person will you be? 0-2 Schemer points and 0-2 Kind-Hearted points OR 3 or more Kind-Hearted points and 3 or more Schemer points: The prince will let you make some important decisions regarding your country. You will be a balanced ruler, both cunning and merciful. Your subjects will respect and obey you. 3 or more Schemer points and less than 3 Kind-Hearted points: You never let your feelings get in the way of getting something done, and that is obvious to everyone who meets you. You are a brilliant and cruel ruler, and your subjects fear and respect you. It’s you who rules in the kingdom, not your husband, who is much more soft-hearted than you. Your husband is a little bitter about that. 3 or more Kind-Hearted points and less than 3 Schemer points: Your subjects like you, you are fair and merciful in all your dealings, but some say you may even be a bit too soft. You let your husband do most of the ruling, because you just can’t stand all the power games and scheming. 5000-5499 aspiration points The prince has chosen another candidate to be his future wife, but you’ve attracted the attention of a wealthy and handsome duke and end up marrying him. What kind of a person will you be? 0-2 Schemer points and 0-2 Kind-Hearted points OR 3 or more Kind-Hearted points and 3 or more Schemer points: You get over your disappointment very quickly. This is not so bad, after all. The duke will let you make some important decisions regarding the duchy. You will be a balanced ruler, both cunning and merciful. Your subjects will respect and obey you. 3 or more Schemer points and less than 3 Kind-Hearted points: You never let your feelings get in the way of getting something done, and that is obvious to everyone who meets you. You are a brilliant and cruel ruler, and your subjects fear and respect you. It’s you who rules in the duchy, not your husband, who is much more soft-hearted than you. Your husband is a little bitter about that. 3 or more Kind-Hearted points and less than 3 Schemer points: Your subjects like you, you are fair and merciful in all your dealings, but people sometimes take advantage of that fact and your husband ends up losing money or prestige. He doesn’t care, however, because he simply adores you. You let your husband do most of the ruling, because you just can’t stand all the power games and scheming. 4500-4999 aspiration points The prince has chosen another candidate to be his future wife, but you’ve attracted the attention of a baron and end up marrying him. What kind of a person will you be? 0-2 Schemer points and 0-2 Kind-Hearted points OR 3 or more Kind-Hearted points and 3 or more Schemer points: You eventually get over your disappointment. This is not so bad, after all. You turn out to be a faithful wife, and your husband often consults you first when there is an important decision to be made. 3 or more Schemer points and less than 3 Kind-Hearted points: You are disappointed and bitter, you think you deserve to be the princess and not the wife of some baron! You never really get over it, but you use your cunning to gain wealth and a better position in the court for your husband. Your husband takes all the credit, but at least you know the truth, and when your husband dies a bit suspiciously, you end up with a handsome inheritance and a new life as a ruthless but wealthy widow. 3 or more Kind-Hearted points and less than 3 Schemer points: So you were not chosen to be the future queen, who cares? You fall in love with the baron, marry him and have many children. You withdraw from the court and lead a simple life with your loving family, always finding time to help people in need. 3500-4499 aspiration points The prince has chosen another candidate to be his future wife and none of the other noblemen seem to be interested in you. You decide to stop waiting for someone to marry you and decide to have a career instead. Check your level in the following skills: Mixology, Painting, Violin / Piano / Guitar and Logic. Is Mixology your strongest skill? Then you’ll become a butler in the royal household. Or is it Painting? Then you’ll paint people’s portraits for a living. If it’s playing an instrument, then you’ll become a traveling troubadour. If Logic, you decide to pursue a career in science. What kind of a person will you be? 0-2 Schemer points and 0-2 Kind-Hearted points OR 3 or more Kind-Hearted points and 3 or more Schemer points: You’re good at what you do and accept your fate. People admire your skill wherever you go. You have no luxuries in your life but find some peace in hard work. 3 or more Schemer points and less than 3 Kind-Hearted points: You are disappointed and bitter, you think you deserve to be a princess! You use your skill and wits and gullible men to make money, trying to find happiness in buying expensive things and traveling. 3 or more Kind-Hearted points and less than 3 Schemer points: You are good enough at your job to make a living, but after a couple of years you find a nice young man and decide to settle down with him and concentrate on taking care of the many children that you two will have together. 3000-3499 aspiration points The prince has chosen another candidate to be his future wife and none of the other noblemen seem to be interested in you. A hard-working merchant falls in love with you and proposes to you. You say ‘yes’. What kind of a person will you be? 0-2 Schemer points and 0-2 Kind-Hearted points OR 3 or more Kind-Hearted points and 3 or more Schemer points: Well, this could have gone better. Your husband seems to be a decent man, though, so I guess this could also have gone worse. You have no luxuries in your life but find some peace in hard work. 3 or more Schemer points and less than 3 Kind-Hearted points: You are disappointed and bitter, you think you deserve to be a princess and not the wife of some merchant! Nevertheless, you manage to use your cunning to gain wealth. Your husband never really learns how to love such a cruel and sly person, however, and finally divorces you and marries a more kind-hearted woman. 3 or more Kind-Hearted points and less than 3 Schemer points: You fall in love with a merchant, marry him and have many children. You lead a simple life with your family. Too bad that you were so smitten with the merchant before the wedding that you didn’t see him for who he really is – a chauvinistic womanizer who likes nothing more than to make you feel insufficient for him. 2500-2999 aspiration points The prince has chosen another candidate to be his future wife and none of the other noblemen seem to be interested in you. You decide to stop waiting for someone to marry you and decide to have a career instead. Check your level in the following skills: Handiness, Charisma, Gardening, and Fitness. Is Cooking your strongest skill? You’ll spend your life working at a tavern as a maid and a waitress. Or is it Charisma? Then you’ll become a peddler. If it’s Gardening, then you’ll work for a farmer. And if it’s Fitness, you’ll get a job as a manual laborer. What kind of a person will you be? 0-2 Schemer points and 0-2 Kind-Hearted points OR 3 or more Kind-Hearted points and 3 or more Schemer points: You’re good enough at what you do and accept your fate. You have no luxuries in your life but find some peace in hard work. 3 or more Schemer points and less than 3 Kind-Hearted points: You are disappointed and bitter, you think you deserve to be a princess! You use your skill and wits and gullible men to make money, trying to find happiness in buying expensive things and traveling. That doesn’t work for very long and one day you find yourself bankrupt. 3 or more Kind-Hearted points and less than 3 Schemer points: You are not very good at your job, because everyone is always taking advantage of your gullibility and kindheartedness. After a couple of years you give up and marry one of the older men living in the village. 0-2499 aspiration points The prince has chosen another candidate to be his future wife and none of the other noblemen seem to be interested in you. You don’t seem to be able to get a good job either. The only husband you manage to find is a thug. What kind of a person will you be? 0-2 Schemer points and 0-2 Kind-Hearted points OR 3 or more Kind-Hearted points and 3 or more Schemer points: Yeah, what can I say... Your life will be filled with hard work and misery, but at least your husband cares about you. You sell vegetables for a living and spend your life hoping that your husband won’t get caught and be hanged. 3 or more Schemer points and less than 3 Kind-Hearted points: You are furious, how could this happen? You become a thug yourself and manage to do quite well before your equally deceitful husband betrays you. You get caught and spend the rest of your life in jail, missed by no one. 3 or more Kind-Hearted points and less than 3 Schemer points: You fall in love with a thug and marry him. You can’t stand the idea that your husband is a criminal and hurts innocent people, however, and so you force him to stop committing crimes. That is all quite commendable, but that now you two have no source of income. You resort to begging, only to find out that other people are not as kind-hearted as you are. |
So I'm German and I tried to understand everything but there is one thing I dont understand: what are these random events and the daily events and the random.org?
11th Nov 2014 at 9:44 PM

Posts: 177
Quote: Originally posted by freakinsims
So I'm German and I tried to understand everything but there is one thing I dont understand: what are these random events and the daily events and the random.org? |
Random.org is a site that lets you randomize stuff. You put in the numbers from 1 to 20(? idk how many are there) and it randomizes the number.
As for the events, they are just there to spice up your gameplay so you don't get bored(thanks for making them btw Aisly, I would die)
I hope that is helpful enough.
Bookworm,Loves The Cold,Couch Potato,Dog Person, Insane Psychopath ;-D
11th Nov 2014 at 11:40 PM

Posts: 111
Thank you for the explanation, @TeckieSimmer! 
Today I happened to find some nice dresses and crowns (made by NotEgain) that I think would be perfect for the princess candidates. Here are the links for those interested:
Talented modders have also created some nice medieval clothing and hairstyles (here on MTS and elsewhere) that would suit the princess candidates well, too.

Today I happened to find some nice dresses and crowns (made by NotEgain) that I think would be perfect for the princess candidates. Here are the links for those interested:
Talented modders have also created some nice medieval clothing and hairstyles (here on MTS and elsewhere) that would suit the princess candidates well, too.
Test Subject
14th Nov 2014 at 10:54 AM

Posts: 21
Quote: Originally posted by freakinsims
So I'm German and I tried to understand everything but there is one thing I dont understand: what are these random events and the daily events and the random.org? |
Hi! Lass mich dir behilflich sein

Die daily events findest du unter "THE DAILY SCHEDULE". Du befolgst einfach die Anweisungen, die für jeden Sim-Tag angesetzt sind. Das Ganze dauert dann 3 Sim-Wochen.
An manchen Tagen gibt es keine speziellen Anweisungen, sondern die random events. (zu finden unter "RANDOM EVENTS"

Falls du noch mehr Fragen hast helfe ich dir gern

Test Subject
15th Nov 2014 at 4:27 AM

Posts: 3
I can't talk to anyone other that the other canditates but what about the help you mention? Can I befriend/romance them? what about the other canditates, romance? Thinking it could be pretty intresting whilst I try for the prince. And what about the aspiration points I "accidently" gain? Sometimes I go ahead and tell a joke and that was just what she wanted or something else. Is that allowed and will I count these in too?And may I try to get more points by doing things she wishes for on purpose? I'm planning on using paper.(or maybe this is compliting *whims*? And how do I change traits? # Random event 8: How do I make a guy flirt with me if I don't control him? #Random event 9:Am I acctually to go and talk badly about the other girl? Start a rumor or whatever action is available? This also goes for #Random event 12.
(sorry for crappy grammar -I'm European)
(sorry for crappy grammar -I'm European)
17th Nov 2014 at 10:42 PM

Posts: 111
@ninalill, here are some answers to your questions, please tell me if there's anything else I can help you with.
I can't talk to anyone other that the other canditates but what about the help you mention? Can I befriend/romance them?
I'm not sure what you mean by the help, sorry!
what about the other canditates, romance?
You may do that if you wish. Better to keep it a secret, though, so that the prince won't find out.
And what about the aspiration points I "accidently" gain? Sometimes I go ahead and tell a joke and that was just what she wanted or something else. Is that allowed and will I count these in too?And may I try to get more points by doing things she wishes for on purpose? I'm planning on using paper.
Yes, you may, and you count these points, too. In fact, it's even recommended to try to complete as many whims as possible. If you use paper, you can just check how many aspiration points you have accumulated by the end of the challenge and add them.
And how do I change traits?
You can use the full edit mode of CAS to do so, for example. Here are the instructions: 1. Press CTRL+SHIFT+C to bring up the cheats console. 2. Type testingscheats true in the cheat console and press Enter. 3. Type cas.fulleditmode and press Enter. 4. SHIFT + right click on selected sim. 5. Select the Edit in CAS option. Now you can change the traits.
# Random event 8: How do I make a guy flirt with me if I don't control him? #Random event 9:Am I acctually to go and talk badly about the other girl? Start a rumor or whatever action is available? This also goes for #Random event 12.
The random event descriptions are there just for flavor, you don't need to act them out (unless you want to, of course, and can find a way to do so).

I can't talk to anyone other that the other canditates but what about the help you mention? Can I befriend/romance them?
I'm not sure what you mean by the help, sorry!
what about the other canditates, romance?
You may do that if you wish. Better to keep it a secret, though, so that the prince won't find out.
And what about the aspiration points I "accidently" gain? Sometimes I go ahead and tell a joke and that was just what she wanted or something else. Is that allowed and will I count these in too?And may I try to get more points by doing things she wishes for on purpose? I'm planning on using paper.
Yes, you may, and you count these points, too. In fact, it's even recommended to try to complete as many whims as possible. If you use paper, you can just check how many aspiration points you have accumulated by the end of the challenge and add them.
And how do I change traits?
You can use the full edit mode of CAS to do so, for example. Here are the instructions: 1. Press CTRL+SHIFT+C to bring up the cheats console. 2. Type testingscheats true in the cheat console and press Enter. 3. Type cas.fulleditmode and press Enter. 4. SHIFT + right click on selected sim. 5. Select the Edit in CAS option. Now you can change the traits.
# Random event 8: How do I make a guy flirt with me if I don't control him? #Random event 9:Am I acctually to go and talk badly about the other girl? Start a rumor or whatever action is available? This also goes for #Random event 12.
The random event descriptions are there just for flavor, you don't need to act them out (unless you want to, of course, and can find a way to do so).
Test Subject
31st Dec 2014 at 6:37 PM
Last edited by Wolfy99 : 31st Dec 2014 at 6:39 PM.
Reason: Adding

Posts: 5
Hi... just quick question. I'm doing this and I'm afraid I have run into a bit of a problem. You see, one of the other candidates... one of the other candidates kind of *died* of embarrassment. What ever am I to do?! For now I'll jut play with 4 other candidates.
31st Dec 2014 at 10:04 PM

Posts: 177
Quote: Originally posted by Wolfy99
Hi... just quick question. I'm doing this and I'm afraid I have run into a bit of a problem. You see, one of the other candidates... one of the other candidates kind of *died* of embarrassment. What ever am I to do?! For now I'll jut play with 4 other candidates. |
Oh. That's not supposed to happen...
I'm not Aislynne and I don't know if you should take this suggestion, but you have these options:
1)restart the entire challenge(which is okay, unless you got really far in the challenge, then it kinda sucks)
2)replace the candidate(because she doesn't matter, it's about your main sim, right?)
3)keep playing like nothing happened(probably what I would do, 'cause I'm too lazy to do anything else)
I don't know if I helped(I really hope I did).
Bookworm,Loves The Cold,Couch Potato,Dog Person, Insane Psychopath ;-D
Test Subject
1st Jan 2015 at 12:12 PM

Posts: 5
Hi, thanks for the ideas, I don't really want to start again because I'm doing a blog on it so I suppose it's whether I can be bothered to make a sim or not LoL, I think for the time being I'm just going to do without the candidate until I can be bothered to make a new candidate.
1st Jan 2015 at 1:12 PM

Posts: 111
I agree with @TeckieSimmer, you can pick any one of those three choices. If continuing with one less candidate seems like the best option to you, go ahead! I don't think it will have any negative impact on your challenge. In fact, I think that if some of you want to play a completely ruthless princess candidate, you may even deliberately try to kill another candidate that way.

Test Subject
2nd Jan 2015 at 6:34 PM

Posts: 40
I have one question, which is probably silly... lol
I am on the day where the Queen has asked all the girls to practice charisma. I know we are not suppose to control the other sims, however, am I suppose to make them practice once and then let the cards fall where they may OR do I continuously make them practice speech throughout the day??
I am on the day where the Queen has asked all the girls to practice charisma. I know we are not suppose to control the other sims, however, am I suppose to make them practice once and then let the cards fall where they may OR do I continuously make them practice speech throughout the day??

2nd Jan 2015 at 7:40 PM

Posts: 111
LadyLestat, that's not a stupid question at all!
The rules let you choose either way - make them practice it once or throughout the day. I myself made sure everyone practiced it for at least two hours, but after that, they were free to stop whenever they wanted to. Except my own candidate, that is. I made the poor girl work from dawn to dusk. :D

Test Subject
2nd Jan 2015 at 8:45 PM

Posts: 40
Thanks for the quick reply!
I am loving this challenge so far. It is really well done and creative. If I ever get a mic for my computer I will do a Lets Play of it!
I am loving this challenge so far. It is really well done and creative. If I ever get a mic for my computer I will do a Lets Play of it!

Test Subject
11th Jan 2015 at 1:32 AM

Posts: 7
so doing this <3
Test Subject
25th Jan 2015 at 1:26 AM

Posts: 1
I uploaded a house called "Princess Challenge" to the gallery and included a link to this page. If you get a chance, check it out - I'd love to know what you think! The username is PMSmom29. Fun challenge!
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