Original Poster
#1 Old 24th Mar 2017 at 6:27 PM
Laundry Bug?
Has anyone encountered a situation where the two moodlets from doing laundry reappear indefinitely, despite doing laundry only once? Laundry gives two moodlets, one for fresh clothes (lasting 16hrs, IIRC), another for fresh sheets. Their counters restart each time sims sleep in beds on their home lot or change outfits. However, the restarts are supposed to cease after a few days (the exact timing depends on the quality of the washing/drying machine used) so that the moodlets run out, making it necessary to do laundry again to regain them.

Most players might not notice this if they have hampers on the home lot, since they're most likely to do laundry when the hampers are full, usually way before the moodlets are supposed to run out. However, if the active household owns no laundry equipment and depends instead on the laundromat, this becomes more obvious.

I have a household who last did laundry at the laundromat over three in-game weeks ago. They're still getting laundry moodlets. Has anyone else experienced this?

Own Grandma's Canning Station? Check out the Canning Station Overhaul.
Like doing laundry? Check out the Infinite Laundry Buffs Fix.
Department of Post-Mortem Communications
#2 Old 24th Mar 2017 at 11:43 PM
Yes, I remember reading about this in the past but only related to doing laundry at the laundromat not at home.
But in any case I confirm that this is so in my game, too.
Original Poster
#3 Old 25th Mar 2017 at 12:35 AM
@Don Babilon

Thanks for confirming the behaviour. When you say this doesn't happen if the washer/dryer are on the home lot, is it because laundry gets done frequently enough (due to rapidly filling hampers) that this issue is hard to notice?

Own Grandma's Canning Station? Check out the Canning Station Overhaul.
Like doing laundry? Check out the Infinite Laundry Buffs Fix.
#4 Old 25th Mar 2017 at 6:54 AM
I get the Fresh Clothes moodlet stuck in some of my active households even if they never did laundry at home and there is no laundromat lot in the neighborhood - but another household that I played before in the same neighborhood has a washing machine and once they did their laundry.
Department of Post-Mortem Communications
#5 Old 25th Mar 2017 at 9:25 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Butterbot
Thanks for confirming the behaviour. When you say this doesn't happen if the washer/dryer are on the home lot, is it because laundry gets done frequently enough (due to rapidly filling hampers) that this issue is hard to notice?
Although I couldn't swear an oath on it I think to have observed that the moodlets expire correctly in a household that does laundry at home. Particularly in one-person households for which the need to do laundry daily isn't that urgent.
#6 Old 25th Mar 2017 at 9:34 AM
I too have had the "Very Fresh Clothing" moodlet stick for a sim week last time I put a washing machine on my home lot. The moodlet stayed for a week after I deleted every laundry-related item on the lot, so Sims didn't do any laundry for that week. This has also happened with the "Had a Nice Stroll" moodlet from going on a stroll with a toddler, the moodlet stuck for days while it was supposed to last only 5 hours, I think.

I just ignore the stuck moodlets; at worst they are a minor cheaty inconvenience, and at best - free good mood! You can always turn TCE on and Ctrl-click them away if they bother you.

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Original Poster
#7 Old 26th Mar 2017 at 9:03 PM
Thanks for everyone's input. This looks like a real bug and not just some quirk in my savegame. Will investigate further.

Own Grandma's Canning Station? Check out the Canning Station Overhaul.
Like doing laundry? Check out the Infinite Laundry Buffs Fix.
Lab Assistant
#8 Old 26th Mar 2017 at 9:51 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Butterbot
Thanks for everyone's input. This looks like a real bug and not just some quirk in my savegame. Will investigate further.

My Sims seem to have perpetual clean clothes, although I think the butler rarely does it and I personally clean the laundry only once in a blue moon. But, I also have a bunch of those Hygienators around the house that spray out random moodlets, so I think that might be causing the perma-freshness too.

Check out my Legacy Challenge:
Chapter 41: Do Babies Eat Sand?
#9 Old 26th Mar 2017 at 11:16 PM
One of my households experiences something alike, but not quite. They always have two moodlets from laundry (done by a butler) simultaneously: fresh clothes and very fresh clothes. It makes me laugh. Apparently their butler washes some articles of clothing better than others.
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