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This Specification Concerns the LotConfigPropertyLotObjectData Lines.
Spec is Complete As Of September 5th, 2004.
0x0: Building line. Defines position, and IID reference of building exemplar. 0x1: Prop line. Defines position, and IID reference of a prop exemplar. 0x2: Texture line. Defines position and IID reference of a base or overlay texture. 0x3: Fence Line. Not implemented currently. 0x4: Flora line. Defines position, and IID reference of a flora/growable tree exemplar. 0x5: Water Constraint tile 0x6: Land Constraint tile. 0x7: Network Node Line. Defines transit connections and automata paths
---Global values 1-12
Value # | Value | Description ----------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 0x0-0x7 | Line type descriptor. See above. 2 | 0x0-0x20 | Level of detail modifier (0x0 all, 0x10 med only, 0x20 high only) 3 | 0x0-0x3 | Orientation. 0=South, 1=West, 2=North, 3=East 4 | * | X Location Position. 0x00000000-0xFFFFFFFF 5 | * | Z Location Position. 0x00000000-0xFFFFFFFF 6 | * | Y Location Position. 0x00000000-0xFFFFFFFF 7 | ''' | X1 Size Position. bounding box 8 | ''' | Y1 Size Position. bounding box 9 | ''' | X2 Size Position. bounding box 10 | ''' | Y2 Size Position. bounding box 11 | 0x00000000 | Usage (optional/mandatory) Flag. Unused. 12 | 0xABBBBCCC | ObjectID (See Table2)
- These values define position. VERY large numbers.
These values define bounding box size. VERY large numbers. The scale of each tile is 0x00100000 For each location tile, the first three digits are the tile to place on, and the last 5 are the location on the tile
---Individual Values 13-16
---0x0 Lines--- 13 | IID/ID | For Ploppable buildings, this is the IID of an exemplar/s3d pair | For Special Buildings (tollbooth etc) IID of exemplar for data | For Growables, the ID of the lots compatible building family ''/ Props may be used to control function. EX. 0x2c520000 through 0x2c54 control Ferry function. ''/ Applicable GIDs and Formats for Instance for props may be found in the Groups and Instances Format File. ---0x1 Lines--- 13+ | IID(s) | Each rep Defines sets of one exemplar and one s3d for random props ---0x2 Lines--- 13 | IID | Defines an IID of a Texture for a Base or Overlay ---0x3 Lines--- NO CUSTOM REPS (Assuming the LineType worked, this would be an exemplar/s3d pair most probably) ---0x4 Lines--- 13 | IID | Defines a set of one exemplar and s3d for lot Flora (trees etc) ---0x5 Lines--- NO CUSTOM REPS ---0x6 Lines--- NO CUSTOM REPS ---0x7 Lines--- 13 | Type | Network Connection type (see table1) 14 | RUL | Neighbour Tile Rules (optional and can be left as 00's) 15 | RUL | RUL Flags for this tiles connection and which path to use 16 | IID | Custom Sc4path for this tile (optional)
0x00000000=Road 0x00000001=Rail 0x00000002=Highway 0x00000003=Street 0x00000004=Pipe 0x00000005=PowerPoles 0x00000006=Avenue 0x00000007=Subway 0x00000008=Elevated Rail 0x00000009=Monorail 0x0000000A=One-way roads 0x0000000B=ANT (Dirt Roads) 0x0000000C=Ground Highway
Table2 - ObjectID:
0xA0000000= 0,2,4,6,8,a,c,e - Random one of these chars incase the other ID's are the same 0x0BBBB000= Object Family 0x00000CCC= Unique Object ID for this family. Incremental for similar objects.