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A Pleasant Story - Chapter Twenty Three - Daniel's Decline
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A Pleasant Story

Chapter Twenty-Three

Daniel's Decline

Daniel sat in his cell, staring at the wall. He'd stolen from the Abbadons, he'd lost his family, he had no simoleons, no hope, and nothing to live for. He stared at the wall. The only good thing was that he was safe from the wrath of the Abbadons as long as he was locked up. He hoped so, anyway.

He heard footsteps coming down the hall but didn't bother getting up to look. It was probably just Carl. And he didn't really care, anyway.

He was surprised when Peter Ottomas greeted him cheerily, saying, "Hey Daniel! Sorry you're here. We all missed you at the party the other night. Then I found out you were here. Anyway, I'm sorry. And I thought you shouldn't be alone on your birthday. I tried to bring in a cake for you, but they wouldn't let me."

"My birthday?" Daniel said uncertainly, "Is it my birthday?"

"Sure is!" Peter said. "In fact, it's almost six o'clock now! We were sorry you missed the twins’ birthday; it was really fun. But we hope you’ll be out of here for their childhood birthday. And you can see our new house, too.”

That’s nice,” Daniel said without enthusiasm.

Peter cried, “Hey, whoops, there you go!"

Peter clapped as Daniel twirled around while grabbing his back, beginning his transformation to elder.

Confetti went flying as Daniel stood up as an elder.

"Looking good!" Peter said. "The white hair suits you!"

Daniel nodded and said, "Thanks for coming." Then he sat down on his chair again.

Peter said, "The landlord at the trailer park told me about your situation and he let me clear out your place. I wasn't sure if you wanted to go back there, but he agreed to hold your belongings for thirty days."

Peter tried to get him talking again, but Daniel just continued to stare blankly.

"I'm going to go now, Daniel," Peter said, "I hope you'll come by the new house when you get out." Peter told him the address, then waved his farewell. "And we should go back to the Men's Club sometime!"

Daniel just sat. Later, he heard footsteps again. It was Carl, who stood in front of the cell while fishing for his keys. "You're out, Pleasant," Carl said.

"But," Daniel objected, "What about the Abbadons? They'll nab me the minute I leave."

"Nah," Carl said. "I spoke to the boss. They know you're old now and don't have any simoleons left. They're willing to work out a payment plan. Dead men can't pay, after all." Carl chuckled.

Daniel ached as he stood slowly.

Daniel exited the cell. His bones hurt, something that hadn't happened before this birthday. Carl handed him a package of street clothes, and Daniel tucked them in his inventory. "Expect an email with the details from her," Carl said.

Daniel nodded as he shuffled down the hallway.

As he left the police station, he stopped to take a deep breath of the fresh night air. He had no idea where to go.

He changed into the street clothes and began walking with no destination in mind. He couldn’t seem to make his mind work clearly, to formulate some kind of plan for his life. He just walked.

He walked all night until the sun rose, and decided he might as well go back to the trailer park. Maybe the landlord would let him move back in. He found him doing yard work and said, “Hey Grant. I was wondering if I could get my old place back?”

Grant Young was happy to see him and offered him a new lease on his old place. "Happy to have you!" He said. "You always paid the rent on time! And I can deliver your stuff when I finish the maintenance chores."

Daniels shook his head. "I don't really want it. Maybe just a couple of things. But I know I don't want that bed. You can sell it."

Grant said, "Okay, that's fine. I'll apply what I get for selling it toward your rent. But I'll wait a few days to see if you change your mind. Oh, and I painted after you moved out, so it’s fresh and new!”

“That’s fine,” Daniel said.

Daniel walked toward his old place slowly and sadly, looking back at the place where he'd buried his loot so long ago. Or, it seemed so long ago. He felt like a different person from the man who'd buried treasure in his yard.

He walked in and headed straight for the bathroom. Being an elder sure made those bathroom needs happen fast!

Grant came by a few minutes later and Daniel chose the things he wanted to keep. Just the desk and computer.

He felt a wave of frustration. "Why was I such an idiot?" He asked of no one.

Daniel made some cereal but lost interest in eating after the first bite, so just set it on the floor.

He stared at the wall.

He tried to eat some sandwiches, but lost interest in them, too.

He stared at the wall.

He stared at the wall.

And he stared.

And stared.

And stared.

If he’d turned on the computer he would have seen an email from Peter inviting him to the twins’ childhood birthday, but he just stared.

He kept staring.

His neighbors took turns barging in to complain about the smell coming from his trailer, but Daniel ignored them and kept staring.

His neighbor left and Daniel looked up as the door slammed. Then just kept on staring.

One day there was an insistent knock at the door and a voice called, "Hello there! I have some good news!"

Daniel just sat, but the knocking persisted.

Finally he got up and went to tell whoever it was to go away.

A woman he didn't recognize was leaving as he came out, but turned as he exited.

She seemed startled when she saw him.

"Oh dear me!" She said. "I didn't realize anyone was home! I have some good news I'd like to share with you!"

Daniel turned and began to go back into the trailer, but she chased after him and began chatting. "I'm Maisie Jane! I go from door to door in Pleasantview sharing the good news! What's your name?"

"Daniel," he said blandly.

"Well isn't that a fine name!" Maisie Jane declared. "Could I come in and tell you about the good news?"

Daniel shrugged and walked inside. Maisie Jane followed, chattering brightly.

"Oh my goodness!" She said. "You sure need some maid service here! How about I call the cleaning service to send someone over?"

"NO!" Daniel shouted, "NO MAIDS. NO MAIDS! NO NO NO NO NO!"

"Well okay, honey." Maisie Jane soothed, "You don't need a maid. I can tidy this up for you right quick!"

"Tell you what, sweetie," she said, pulling a wrapped box from her inventory, "How about you read this wonderful account of the good news while I start in on cleaning?"

Daniel opened the box to find a book. "The Simly Plumble," he read from the cover. "What is this?"

"It's good news for Sims!" Maisie Jane replied. "Now you just sit right down and start in, and I'll get to cleaning!"

Daniel complied as Maisie Jane started in on the dishes.

He began on the first page and read:

"In the loading screen, Plumbob created the floating pig balloon and the water tower. And the neighborhood was without houses, and empty; and darkness was upon the face of the code. And the cursor of Plumbob moved over the face of the main menu. And Plumbob said, 'Let there be Sims' and there were Sims. And Plumbob saw the Sims, and saw that the Sims were good."

Daniel looked up from the text, amazed. "This is something," he muttered to himself. "Something to live for."

Daniel continued reading and learned that Plumbob had created all of the Sims and all of Pleasantview.

He was startled when Maisie Jane came up behind him and said, "Well! You seem to find it right compelling! I need to go now, but I've got you all cleaned up now. Take care!"

Daniel tried to hand the book back to her but she said, "Oh no, honey, that's yours to keep! I'll be seeing you!" She left with a wave and a smile.

Daniel walked into the bathroom and stared at himself in the mirror. Would Plumbob approve of his hopelessness? He made a decision right then and there to change himself, to live for Plumbob, and to take better care of his hair.

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