~Mithras' Closet~

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Welcome to the Mithra's Closet!
Here you will find extrah clothing to follow that Mithra theme or just some clothes for regular sims that just want to try something different
The clothing is listed with the information and wether or not it needs a mesh. Wich the only 2 are :!Mythra_Uni! and :MithraTotDress the others are Maxis recolors. I was told that New mesh recolors don't need EPs so you might be able to use those recolors with out the Eps.


This section includes the outfits that are on the Mithra Pre-made sims.
I may or may not add new out fits to go with the set.
So just check back every now and again.

** These out fits are out fits I made based on the refrence material that I had. so please understand that they are not exaclly like the final fantasy game .**

These are just re-colors so please use the proper link to find the

:Read me :
I do not care if someone wants to make Mithra clothing by useing
my textures. How ever it is still my art work and I don't want any of my art work used as a donation or used on a pay sight. Be sure to leave a link and proper credit to the textures you use as well.

The Loin cloth does no come withthe premade clothes and can be found on the pre made Mithra's page.

Name: Mythra outfit
Mesh required: none
Adult Fem Clothes: Maxis Recolor

Discription: Has a dark tan top different from the one with
a red scarf, and it isn't the one included in the premade mithra package.
It is not my favorite one but It's here any way.

The pictures showing it is an adult female mithra walking through a door and The top has a brownish color instead of a red .

Mesh required: None
Adult Fem Clothes: Maxis Recolor
Discription: has a red scarf in stead of the brown scarf the other one has .
And should be the picture of the mithra holding a screaming baby.
* These clothes were packaged with the pre-made sim.

Name: Mithra_ChildF
Children Clothes : Maxis Recolor
Mesh Required :None
Discription : No matter what the occasion your female child can wear this
swimming or to school , because this out fit is always ready to wear and ready to go just like your busy little simmies.
Maxis Recolor : By Zesta02@MTS2

Name : !MythraTotDress!
Toddler Clothing : Maxis Recolor
Mesh Required :None
Discription : A simple dress with no Feet wraps.
Maxis recolor by : Zesta2@MTS2
* This dress was included with the Pre-made mithra

Name :!Mythra_Uni!
Toddler Clothing: Mesh required/Recolor
Discription : Has a cute little shirt ,with a tan diaper
and blue border on the feet wraps.
Clothes mesh: By Tiggerypum
tiggerypums toddler swingtop Recolor : By Zesta02@MTS2

Name : MithraTotDress
Toddler Clothing: Mesh Required/Recolor
Discription:Looks simular to !MythraTotDress!
but the dress is in a bell shape and has feet wraps ,
/slippers with a red border.
q3tbo 's Gothic Babies : Recolor By :Zesta02@MTS2
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