Ancient World: Babylon - Gate of Ishtar

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Project Ancient World
I have started a big project: The Ancient World.
The project is a multipart download and includes
-The Gate of Ishtar in Babylon
-The hanging gardens of Babylon
-The Lighthouse of Alexandria
-The Mausoleum
-The Temple of Artemis
-Roman Insulea
-The Pantheon
-The Roman Forum
- A Roman Domus
- And much more
With time, all the lots will be available at ModTheSims2.

The Ishtar Gate (History)
The Ishtar Gate was the eighth gate to the inner city of Babylon. It was constructed in about 575 BC by order of King Nebuchadnezzar II on the north side of the city.
Dedicated to the Babylonian goddess Ishtar, the Gate was constructed of blue glazed tiles with alternating rows of dragons and aurochs.
Through the gate ran the Processional Way which was lined with walls covered in lions on glazed bricks.

Picture of the reconstruction of the Ishtar GAte

About this Lot
This is a community lot.
There are many shops on the right and on the left side of the Processional Way on the first floor. The gate itself includes a restaurent.
Only the first floor is playable, second and third floor are for decoration only.

I have used the cheats
"boolprop constrainfloorelevation false"
"movesobjects on".

I have used Maxis Meshes only for this Lot.
The walls were downloaded and linked to the creator.


Lot Size: 3x5
Lot Price: 268635

Custom Content Included:
- Babylon Wall by Zombi Mafiya by Zombi Mafiya
- Babylon Wall by Zombi Mafiya by Zombi Mafiya
- Babylon Wall by Zombi Mafiya by Zombi Mafiya
- Babylon Wall by Zombi Mafiya by Zombi Mafiya
- Babylon Wall by Zombi Mafiya by Zombi Mafiya
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