Want Hacking as a Job?

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This is a mod that I have made. If there is one already out there, or similar, I could not find it.
What this mod does, is enable you to make decent income just from hacking. By decent income, I am refering to making per week, at max, just below writing and painting, the other 2 income makers from home.
The requirements for this mod as far as skills is either logic or computer whiz, same as the requirements before. I did modify computer whiz, that if you take it, the chance of being shut down by cyber security is cut in half. You still will get caught, but not so much it makes it a hassle to take as a job.
The second requirements are the computers themselves. I will list those now and why.
The only 2 computers that are effected are the expensive computer and the laptop. I did not see any reason to make a mod that decreases the ammount you get, as honestly it really cant be lowered all that much, and its income generation is not even worth it. I actually can't believe they made the skill like this.
Expensive Computer: The changes I made to this include a shorter time allowed to hack, but an increase in the ammount you may hack. My reasoning for this, is as a software engineer, I know a faster computer can make all the difference when compiling lots of code, which is bascily what hacking is. I also know that with the increase in power, comes more downtime and chance of breaking. You will be able to hack from 10pm to 6am.

Laptop: I made some really fun changes to this one. You may hack pretty much anytime you want. There is only a 2hour window you may not hack, which is between 1pm-3pm. My reasoning for this is many. If your on a laptop, you can change locations, hack other connections, which means you should be able to hack alot longer without getting caught. The 1pm-3pm downtime window is for 2 reasons, the main one, I could not for the life of me figure out how to make hacking 24/7. I tried my hardest but it always failed. So when I had to chose a timeframe, I chose when most IT places are just getting back from luch to shiftchange. At this time there are more people working on the computers, trying to get them done before the next shift comes in, and therefore you would not want to try and hack at that time. I decreased the ammount of overall money you can make, since you can hack for so long I wanted there to be some balance. That and laptops are not as strong as a desktop, so it makes sense from a technical standpoint as well.

I have tested this extesivly. I made a sim with just Logic and Computer Whiz trait, to verify the mods. I ran it for about 2 months in-game time to get a feel for the ammount of money. The laptop makes about 7000 a week, if you find someway to never stop (I used cheats so i never had to stop for the test). The desktop will make about 9,000 a week. I think this fits in well with writing and painting income.

I would like to thank:
Morgade for his sims3 mod generator.
EA for giving us a really awsome trait, but no real application for it.
Finally MTS, for the great community to share our creations with.

Thanks, if you have any questions or comments, please dont hesitate to ask.
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