House of the Moon: ff or uf:Suit couple:Rich Lush Dark
HOTM exterior.jpg - width=500 height=388
HOTM interior.jpg - width=600 height=405
HOTM main.jpg - width=500 height=373
Double doors open into the house entranceway. The ground floor features a study, with adjoining toilet facilities and a compact galley style kitchen. The large open plan living area is separated into two parts with the dining table in between. One end houses the entertainment systems while the other is a cosy quiet area set around a white marble firplace.
Take the double *open* plan stairs up to reach the next floor. This is the heart for the Sim Who Must Worship and contains the altar and seating for 6 Sims. A baby grand piano nestles in a corner outside the well appointed and spacious bathroom. The bedroom overlooks the grounds and features 4 poster bed draped in dark red and black.
(EVERY mesh/recolour is EP compliant. Lot built with Uni installed, meaning if you install and you don't have Uni - there will be some objects missing OR it may not load)
HoTM Part 1.rar : contains House of the Moon Repacked.Sims2Pack and recolours.
HoTM Part 2.rar : contains new objects.
1: Part 1 contains the .Sims2Pack file contains the lot, walls, floors, terrains and build mode objects/recolours only. Install as per usual method. If you only want an unfurnished lot, install just this file.
2: Part 1 also contains the Recolours folder copies of all the recoloured objects I used in the lot categorized the Sims 2 way just in case you are as errr, retentive as I am =). Make sure you put these into your Downloads folder if you want to load up the lot as a furnished one.
3: Part 2 contains new objects and recolours I used in the lot. Put these in your Downloads folder if you want to load up the lot as a furnished one.
The read-me file contains complete instructions and a comprehensive list of credits and links. Any problems, pm me
EDIT: As with each lot there have been a few people who get the crashy crashy. I have attached a new file: This is the lot file that references NO new objects (except for Boblish's staircase) - this is an attempt to track down problems some users are having
Filename | Type | Size |
HotM Part 1.rar | rar | |
HOTM main.jpg | jpg | 83179 |
HoTM Repack.Sims2Pack | sims2pack | 5678567 |
Loverats House of the Moon Read Me.txt | txt | 4363 |
BlackWindowDishwasher.package | package | 352284 |
fw_ebonystove.package | package | 704082 |
janna-ikeadishwasher.package | package | 352284 |
janna-ikeastove.package | package | 354756 |
merco_dishwasherexp_black.package | package | 352302 |
merco_foodprocessor_black.package | package | 7438 |
shanekaexpdws1.package | package | 352284 |
xnmmicrowave002.package | package | 13542 |
FSMCDheartchair.package | package | 46425 |
loverat-skdelchair-blackbase.package | package | 177559 |
simkatt1367_vlad&minasmedievalbed031505.package | package | 529323 |
wguy red black dragon hanging 2.package | package | 24436 |
anglesims2_tiebacklongcurtains_001.package | package | 177507 |
biscuit-painting-Dali-MaeWest.package | package | 701727 |
buntahsolidgoldurn.package | package | 701863 |
digit26pic1114.package | package | 90070 |
DSEFractal10.package | package | 90123 |
justmoi_Painting_HorizontalLandscape_Frame02.package | package | 13534 |
justmoi_Painting_HorizontalLandscape_TheDresdenAltarpiece.package | package | 46406 |
justmoi_Painting_OilFruit_Apples.package | package | 46261 |
justmoi_Painting_Vertical_CrimsonPalmsBK_I.package | package | 90042 |
kourtina malinh folklore.package | package | 24413 |
lockgenmirrorcentralasian01.package | package | 46435 |
loverat-candlesblack.package | package | 46400 |
loverat-candleswhite.package | package | 46400 |
loverat-candletraygold.package | package | 177262 |
loverat-ficusblackpot.package | package | 177275 |
loverat-idol-painting.package | package | 24501 |
MASANMucha01.package | package | 90108 |
MASANMucha15.package | package | 89994 |
Nikki_OrientalJadePot.package | package | 46331 |
pkgirlrubbertreeplantblack.package | package | 46340 |
PlantPhilodendronMultiColoredSplit001-ByBitzyBus.package | package | 46340 |
rhscfauxsuedeart4.package | package | 90095 |
shanekasimulatedsucc4.package | package | 46331 |
sh_gothic10.package | package | 90042 |
simkatt1367_minaportrait031605.package | package | 90481 |
Temporary_Anytime_Candles_Collection_1006.package | package | 46577 |
toriamosdarkpinkwildflowercandles.package | package | 46601 |
zillahfanbamboocrest.package | package | 90037 |
zillahfanflrscrest.package | package | 90037 |
toriamosgaslightlampbaseA.package | package | 90108 |
lockgen-Regal_Bedroom_-_Armoire.package | package | 177138 |
simkatt1367_minasveritablevanity031405.package | package | 103617 |
buntahblackgoldhottub.package | package | 701587 |
dcb_apples_sink.package | package | 92557 |
kimmy_requested_expensiveshower2.package | package | 1403300 |
simkatt1367_blkmblcnrshwr.package | package | 1403300 |
afbeccb6b1b62e40225d2e0e9d913a87.package | package | 89806 |
bluetes-flutschitheke03.package | package | 884229 |
simkatt1367_blkmblepicouroscountertop.package | package | 354761 |
TKSmodesttableblack.package | package | 46384 |
HOTM exterior.jpg | jpg | 97912 |
HOTM interior.jpg | jpg | 94977 |
House of the Moon - Lot & Build Only NO OBJECT Lot.rar
Uploaded: 22nd Apr 2005, 4.17 MB.
HotM Part 2.rar
Uploaded: 5th Apr 2005, 9.42 MB.
HotM Part 1.rar
Uploaded: 5th Apr 2005, 5.35 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Install: Double-click on the .sims2pack file to install its contents to your game. The files will automatically be installed to the proper location(s).
- You may want to use the Sims2Pack Clean Installer instead of the game's installer, which will let you install sims and pets which may otherwise give errors about needing expansion packs. It also lets you choose what included content to install. Do NOT use Clean Installer to get around this error with lots and houses as that can cause your game to crash when attempting to use that lot. Get S2PCI here: Clean Installer Official Site.
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
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Updated: 22nd Apr 2005 at 3:47 AM
by silvertreedrake 22nd Dec 2005 at 3:43am
+1 packs
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Open for Business
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About Me
Use my recolours/lots/hoods whatevers as you like. Fondle them, love them and call them your own - upload to any free site in lots - if you upload to a paysite the Universe will KNOW and get you back - paysites for game items are aberrations and do not reflect the spirit of gaming. I've been ranting about this since TS1 and will continue to do it until TS435 =)