Kids Make Less Mess & Clean Less Mess

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This mod changes the autonomy of the "Make a Mess" and "Clean Up Mess" interactions from the Parenthood stuff pack, and includes several other tweaks and bug fixes to the overall mess experience!

Mood, Traits and Responsibility Value will now all be taken into account when determining whether or not a sim can autonomously "Make a Mess" or "Clean Up Mess". In general, you should see both of these actions happening less often, but parenting your sim children will still still play a role, and there will be some variation so that some kids will be super messy, and others super clean, instead of them all acting exactly the same. See below for details.

August 14, 2021 Update:
  • Updated to incorporate changes in recent patches up to 1.77.146
  • All flour variant messes can now be continued, the same as the paint variants (bugfix).
  • Flour variant messes will now affect the environment score, the same as the paint variants (bugfix).
  • Neat sims will be affected more by messes than other sims (will get stronger negative buffs), Creative sims affected less, and Slobs will not be affected at all.
  • Cooldown buffs will now be applied in more places, removing the ability for sims to immediately start another mess under certain circumstances where they still could.
  • Slobs will now clean messes slower and Neat sims will clean them faster.
  • Energized sims can now use "Clean with Vigor" on messes, cleaning them even faster.
Previous Updates:

Make a Mess

Default Game Behavior:
  • Child and toddler sims with a very positive responsibility value will not Make a Mess, any other sim can Make a Mess whenever, with only a 120 cooldown.
Modded Behavior:
  • In general, child and toddler sims will now only autonomously make a mess if they are Playful, Inspired, Angry, or Bored.
  • Sims with a very negative responsibility value can always autonomously make a mess, regardless of mood.
  • Sims with a very positive responsibility value will never autonomously make a mess, regardless of mood.
  • Sims with the Erratic, Slob or Wild traits can always make a mess, regardless of mood or responsibility value.
  • Sims with the Neat, Perfectionist, Squeamish, or Angelic traits will never autonomously make a mess, regardless of mood or responsibility value, unless they also have the Erratic or Slob traits.
  • In order to "Continue Making a Mess" sims must meet the same criteria as above.
  • All flour variant messes can now be continued, the same as the paint variants (bugfix).
  • Flour variant messes will now affect the environment score, the same as the paint variants (bugfix).
  • Neat sims will be affected more by messes than other sims (will get stronger negative buffs), Creative sims affected less, and Slobs will not be affected at all.
  • The cooldown for the amount of time before sims are allowed to make another mess has been increased to 180.
  • Cooldown buffs will now be applied in more places, removing the ability for sims to immediately start another mess under certain circumstances where they still could.
  • You as a player can still choose to tell any child or toddler sim to make a mess whenever you want, regardless of mood, traits, or responsibility value.
Clean Up Mess

Default Game Behavior:
  • Any sim, Child through Elder, will autonomously clean up messes.
Modded Behavior:
  • Child and Teen sims will now only autonomously clean up a mess if they have a positive or very positive responsibility value, or the Neat, Perfectionist, or Erratic traits.
  • Sims Child through Elder with the Slob, Lazy, or Squeamish traits will not autonomously clean up a mess, regardless of responsibility value, unless they also have the Neat, Perfectionist, or Erratic traits.
  • If a Squeamish sim does clean up a mess, they will now get an Uncomfortable moodlet for having to deal with a gross mess, like they do with other cleaning interactions.
  • Slobs will now clean messes slower and Neat sims will clean them faster.
  • Energized sims can now "Clean with Vigor", cleaning messes even faster.
  • Sims can now "Swab the Deck" to clean up messes during the Talk Like a Pirate Day holiday with Seasons.
  • Cleaning messes now causes a small hygiene decrease, the same as mopping puddles.
  • Cleaning messes can now cause cleaning emotion buffs like other cleaning interactions (Happy for Neat sims, Tense for everyone else).
  • You as a player can still choose to tell any sim, Child through Elder, to clean up a mess, regardless of traits or responsibility value.
  • Sims with the appropriate parenting skill and relationship can still influence or force any child or teen sim to clean up a mess, regardless of their traits or responsibility value.
Responsibility Progression

For most sims, those who don't have traits that make them act differently, this is how they will act based on their responsibility values.

Default Game Behavior:
  • Very Negative Value, will make messes at any time and clean them.
  • Negative Value, will make messes at any time and clean them.
  • Neutral Value, will make messes at any time and clean them.
  • Positive Value, will make messes at any time and clean them.
  • Very Positive Value, won't make messes but will clean them.
Modded Behavior:
  • Very Negative Value, will make messes at any time but won't clean them.
  • Negative Value, will make messes if in the mood but won't clean them.
  • Neutral Value, will make messes if in the mood but won't clean them.
  • Positive Value, will make messes if in the mood and clean them.
  • Very Positive Value, won't make messes but will clean them.
Requires Parenthood Stuff
Made with patch 1.77.146, compatible through patch 1.90.375
Overrides the following XML files and will conflict with any other mod that does the same:

Known Conflicts:
jackboog21's Less "Make a Mess"

Additional Credits:
Jackboog21 for the original inspiration
Scumbumbo for the XML Extractor and also for helping me figure some stuff out to get this to work!
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