Ultimate Teen Career Set
cover image.png - width=1024 height=768
Camp Counselor.PNG - width=1029 height=772
DOG WALKER SCREEN.PNG - width=1024 height=768
LIFEGUARD SCREEN.PNG - width=1024 height=768
MOVIE SCREEN.PNG - width=1024 height=768
PET SCREEN.PNG - width=1024 height=768
Career - PET STORE
SPA SCREEN.PNG - width=1024 height=768
Career - SPA
TUTOR SCREEN.PNG - width=1024 height=768
Career - TUTOR
ALT RETAIL SCREEN.PNG - width=1024 height=768
Got Career 1.PNG - width=1024 height=768
Career - GOT CAREER 1
Got Career 2.PNG - width=1024 height=768
Career - GOT CAREER 2
CHEAT.PNG - width=1024 height=768
Career - CHEAT
VALET SCREEN.PNG - width=1024 height=768
PLEASE NOTE: You WILL need the newest Neia Career Commons file (included in download) also!
Also, just as an FYI (because I thought it was a bug and was about to completely embarrass myself on Neia's forum)
as of the last patch, EA removed the "ideal mood" for rabbit hole careers.
Here is more info on that: https://sims4.crinrict.com/en/2018/...-mood-for-work/
Oh... You knew that already... Soooo... It was just me? Okay then.... Carry on.

I noticed a few people requesting teen careers on some of my previous downloads. I'm FAR from a modder, but changing an adult career to teen turned out to be really easy to do. So, here we are.
Ultimate Teen has eight original careers; Camp Counselor, Dog Walker, Lifeguard, Movie Theater Operations Person, Pet Store Associate, Spa Front Desk Associate, Tutor, Parking Valet and as a bonus, Retail Associate. I consider Retail Associate a bonus because there is already an EA Retail teen career (which I didn't realize when I started... oops), but I left this one in because... really, who pays a teenager $33 an hour... like ever?
Couple of things (please read):
These are rabbit hole careers (so you won't be following your teens to work).
They don't build skills or fame, or do anything special really, but get your teens out of the house for a bit and give them a change to earn some pocket change (kinda like a real teen job

No expansions are required for these careers to work. IF an expansion is required for advancement, I'll notate it in the career details below. You can still use these careers if you don't have the expansion or stuff pack though, you would just need to use the cheat to advance.
Pay levels are lower than teen EA. I mean really, those pay levels are HIGH for a teen first job.
The cheats say "Adult" but that's because I changed the careers to teen after exporting them from the career creator tool. I've tested each of these with no ill effects.
And lastly, all of the downloads are separate (which is really going to be FUN to update later... but if you want them all in one file, that's there too.
Whew... that was a lot. Thanks for reading though it! And, now on to... The Ultimate Teen Career Set
Want to know all the details? Click the Spoiler!
Parenthood game pack recommended but not required. Cheat will be needed to advance.
From the Camp Crystal Lake training booklet: Little people (also known as children) are a huge responsibility. Your job here at Camp Crystal Lake is a lot more than babysitting. You’ll be molding young developing minds! And getting paid for it! Win and win!
Mood: Energized
Schedule: MTWTFSS
Hourly: 12
Daily: 48
Objectives: Charisma 1, Logic 1, Guitar 2, Handiness 1, Fitness 1, Parenting 1
Camp Counselor
You’re now a full-fledged Counselor! Every day you get valuable transferable skills for later in life like: education (confiscating cell phones during homework period), sanitation (hosing down the Legos table), physical fitness (running those kiddies down for a good nap) and even nutrition (those PB&Js aren’t going to make themselves you know)!
Mood: Energized
Schedule: MTWTFSS
Hourly: 15
Daily: 60
Objectives: Charisma 2, Handiness 2, Guitar 3, Fitness 2
Assistant Camp Director
Congratulations! As Camp Director your job is herding… the other Counselors! You make activity plans (for the approval of the Camp Director) and meal plans (your upgrade to strawberry jam was groundbreaking). The kids love you, the counselors… well tolerate you and this is going to look great on your college apps!
Mood: Energized
Schedule: MTWTFSS
Hourly: 21
Daily: 84
Objectives: Charisma 4, Logic 4, Handiness 4
Cheat: careers.promote career_Adult_CampCounselor
Associate Trainee
Time to dig in and learn the store. Learn valuable lingo like, “Shaffer.” No one wants to hear about dead animals while shopping for their new best friend. So, you manager might ask you to Shaffer tank 7 instead, ie: clean the dead hamster out of tank 7 before his tank mates eat him! Sure, it’s gross, but you’re learning valuable transferable skills!
Mood: Energized
Schedule: MTW-FS-
Hourly: 11
Daily: 55
Objectives: Handiness 1, Charisma 1, Logic 1
Pet Store Associate
You made it. You’re now a full-fledged Pet Store Associate! The customers love you. Those animal habitats sparkle under your watch. The animals are well fed, healthy and practically squeak with joy when you come near. Excepts for the rabbits. Rabbits bite and are evil, but you still manage to love them too… Mostly.
Mood: Energized
Schedule: -TW-FSS
Hourly: 14
Daily: 56
Objectives: Charisma 2, Handiness 2, Logic 2
Senior Pet Store Associate
Your first promotion! You thought you’d missed your chance for sure when you almost lost a rare parakeet while cleaning his cage. Turns out the manager admired your determination in hunting him down (and the raise almost makes up for that viral video of you chasing him through the mall). Now you direct others to Shaffer and clean while you… well we’re not sure what you do, but you have a title and a raise so… good job!
Mood: Energized
Schedule: MT-TFS-
Hourly: 21
Daily: 84
Objectives: Handiness 1, Charisma 1, Logic 1
Cheat: careers.promote career_Adult_PetStoreAssociate
Spa Day game pack recommended but not required. Cheat will be needed to advance.
Front Desk Trainee
Sooo… the Front Desk Associate also leaves the desk to restock towels and supplies. Um… ok. And the computer is locked and allows intranet only? Right. This first foray into real life isn’t going to as fun as you thought, but on the bright side, spas smell great! Am I right? Am I right?
Mood: Energized
Schedule: MTWTFSS
Hourly: 17
Daily: 52
Objectives: Charisma 1, Logic 1, Wellness 1
Front Desk Associate
Well, it still beats that manual labor gig the job site sent you. Pays more too! The spa is warm and calming. The towels are warm and fluffy, and your boss (also warm) doesn’t mind if you sit in at the back of the classes on slow days. The customers are… surprisingly demanding and needy for a WELLNESS center, but you can’t have everything!
Mood: Energized
Schedule: MTWTFSS
Hourly: 22
Daily: 68
Objectives: Charisma 2, Logic 2, Wellness 2, Programming 2
Front Desk Associate and Appointment Specialist
Your skills at the computer have not gone unnoticed (fortunately your hacking to get outside web access has!). You’re now married to the desk as you take calls in your best soothing spa voice, greet customers and make complicated green tea blends all day. THIS is living!
Mood: Focused
Schedule: MTWTFSS
Hourly: 22
Daily: 88
Objectives: Charisma 4, Logic 4, Wellness 4
Cheat: careers.promote career_Adult_SpaFrontDeskAssociate
Stocking Clerk
Unbox, fold, stock, hang, stock repeat. The manager is a pain. The hours are brutal. The pay is even worse, but those sweet sweet store discounts and you looking like the fashionista you are. Smile and stock. Grin and grovel. Next season is right around the corner and having first pick of the new stock is a bonus in itself!
Mood: Energized
Schedule: -TWTFS-
Hourly: 12
Daily: 60
Objectives: Charisma 1, Fitness 1
Register Associate
Can you say promotion? Your feet are killing you, but badging and bagging beats tagging and tabling any day. In your mind you’re shopping and styling… for yourself. You pretty much hand your paycheck back to the store every week. BUT, your closet has never looked so trendy!
Mood: Energized
Schedule: M-WTFS-
Hourly: 16
Daily: 80
Objectives: Charisma 1, Fitness 2, Logic 2, Programming 1
Sales Clerk
Your eye for style, and way with the customer has not gone unnoticed. You’re wasted behind that register. Or maybe your boss just took pity on your spending habit and gave you that promotion. Whatever. You make this store look good!
Mood: Energized
Schedule: --WTFSSS
Hourly: 19
Daily: 95
Objectives: Charisma 4
Cheat: careers.promote career_Adult_RetailSalesAssociate
Lifeguard Trainee
Lots to learn when your job is saving lives. Swim the 300 and then laps on your back holding a 10lb weight. Swim with it on your side using only one arm. Rescue maneuvers and the basic first-aid and CPR. So much CPR.
Mood: Energized
Schedule: MT-TFS-
Hourly: 9
Daily: 36
Objectives: Fitness 2
It was totally worth it. This. Is. The. Best. Job. Ever. Sit in a chair all day and hope nobody does anything stupid in the water. Stop little kids from running and big kids from rough housing. Flirt with other lifeguards. Yeah… this is living.
Mood: Energized
Schedule: M-WTFS-
Hourly: 13
Daily: 52
Objectives: Fitness 3
Senior Lifeguard
You had your moment. You saved Malcolm Landgraab, local rich kid and notoriously poor swimmer. Your boss loves you. You got your name in the paper and a promotion! Now you’re a Senior Lifeguard. So… pretty much like being a regular Lifeguard… but you make the schedules. Hello weekends off!
Mood: Energized
Schedule: MTWTF--
Hourly: 18
Daily: 72
Objectives: Fitness 4
Cheat: careers.promote career_Adult_Lifeguard
OMG! Who knew there’d be so much to remember?!? The register has so many buttons! The popcorn has to be handled just so. The hot dogs have to be just the right temp… and no one wants to get you started on the smell of burnt popcorn. And free movies aren’t half the trade-off you thought.
Mood: Energized
Schedule: MTW-FS-
Hourly: 9
Daily: 45
Objectives: Charisma 1, Cooking 1, Programming 1
Cashier and Usher
Well, that wasn’t so hard. You’ve mastered the booth and the counter. Now, you even have your own trainees to terrorize. Register? No problem. Ticket booth? Piece of cake. Rowdy customers? Not your problem. That’s what the shift leader is for.
Mood: Energized
Schedule: --WTFSS
Hourly: 60
Daily: 72
Objectives: Charisma 2, Cooking 2, Programming 2
Shift Leader
Along with your raise comes a lot of new responsibility. The hours are later, and you get called on to solve problems with courtesy and efficiency. Making sure all the other teens are in their places and working hard doesn’t make you very popular, but rank has it privileges. Weekends off for the win!
Mood: Energized
Schedule: MTWTF--
Hourly: 17
Daily: 102
Objectives: Charisma 4, Logic 4
Cheat: careers.promote career_Adult_MovieOperationsPerson
Booth Attendee
Sitting in a freezing booth and counting out correct change isn’t exactly a thrill a minute. But you’ve got to get a little seniority under your belt before anyone trusts you with the keys to a sweet ride. Smile and be polite. Get the change right and earn the managers trust.
Mood: Energized
Schedule: MT--FSS
Hourly: 9
Daily: 36
Objectives: Charisma 1, Logic 1
Ticket Taker
Well, it’s a step up. Taking the tickets and greeting customers is your job now. Be polite and make sure the customers keep coming back. Keep those tickets and keys sorted (maybe trade in that learners’ for an actual license too). Tips are a nice perk, but a gear head like you really wants to get behind the wheel!
Mood: Energized
Schedule: MT--FSS
Hourly: 12
Daily: 48
Objectives: Charisma 2, Logic 2, Handiness 1
At last you got your break. One of the valets called in sick on a busy Friday night and after one look at your parallel parking skillz the manager promoted you on the spot! Now you make the big bucks and drive the big cars. Life is good!
Mood: Energized
Schedule: M--TFSS
Hourly: 16
Daily: 80
Objectives: Logic 3, Handiness 3
Cheat: careers.promote career_Adult_ValetParkingAttendant
Pets expansion recommended but not required
Trainee dog walker? Yup. Apparently at Paws Around the Park, that’s a thing. Handling multiple pets is tricky. Scooping poop not so much so, but sanitary disposal is a big deal. You’ve got to learn it all before you can take the leashes on your own!
Mood: Energized
Schedule: MTWTF--
Hourly: 5
Daily: 20
Objectives: Fitness 1, Dog Training 1
Dog Walker
You love dogs… and it’s a good thing you do. Controlling sometimes several dogs at a once takes strength and a firm hand. Walk those dogs and don’t let them walk you! Nobody handles a leash like you! Maybe you could work for yourself after all.
Mood: Energized
Schedule: MTWTF--
Hourly: 11
Daily: 44
Objectives: Fitness 2, Dog Training 2
Entrepreneur Dog Walker
Going into to business for yourself was a big decision. But with the help of your parents you got insured and went out on your own. You’ve got to keep track of schedules. Be firm with the dogs and still friendly enough to charm the owners. But you have NO overhead and all the profits are yours!
Mood: Energized
Schedule: -TWTF--
Hourly: 26
Daily: 104
Objectives: Charisma 1, Fitness 3, Logic 2
Cheat: careers.promote career_Adult_DogWalker
Amateur Tutor
Helping your fellow students after school earns you a few pennies. Soon you have your own after-school study group and you think hmmm…. Maybe there are some actual tutor jobs out there I can do? Practice those skills and hit the job boards!
Mood: Focused
Schedule: MTWTF--
Hourly: 16
Daily: 24
Objectives: Logic 2
Professional Tutor
Math Plus is seeking passionate, dedicated exceptional math students to join their group of instructors. You show them your references and your advanced grades and you’re in! With the group size and static curriculum, this can be one hard gig. And you miss that one-on-one student relationship.
Mood: Focused
Schedule: MTWTF--
Hourly: 16
Daily: 60
Objectives: Logic 3, Charisma 2
Private Tutor
Tutor for You seems like the perfect fit. You get to teach advanced classes one on one in your favorite subject. TfY even matches students based on tutor qualifications, location, and teaching style. Now, as a tutor, YOU choose which students to accept and determine your own weekly schedule.
Mood: Focused
Schedule: MTWTF--
Hourly: 21
Daily: 84
Objectives: Logic 5
Cheat: careers.promote career_Adult_Tutor
testingcheats on
And then:
(Use the cheat listed under each career)
These careers are 100% my own creation and, trust, a LOT of work went into them. 😉 So...
Thank you so much in advance if you decide to download Ultimate Teen Careers. I hope your teen Sim enjoys living their part-time working day dreams.
Additional Credits:
Neia's Create-A-Career Beta Tool - http://www.simneia.fr/home.html
S4PE - https://github.com/s4ptacle/Sims4Tools
Python - https://www.python.org/
Icon Credits:
Camp Counselor — Campfire Icon by The Girl Tyler @ IconArchive: http://www.iconarchive.com/show/bra...ories-icon.html
Pet Store Associate — Parrot Icon by Pixel perfect @ FlatIcon: https://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/dog_194630
Spa Associate — Candle Icon by Freepik @ FlatIcon: https://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/...e=1&position=53
Retail — Register Icon by Freepik @ FlatIcon: https://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/...e=1&position=28
Lifeguard — Help Icon by Freepik @ FlatIcon: https://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/...e=1&position=60
Movie Theater — Popcorn by Freepik @ Flat Icon: https://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/...ge=1&position=6
Parking Attendant — Car by Freepik @ FlatIcon: https://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/...e=2&position=67
Dog Walker — Puppy Icon by Freepik @ FlatIcon: https://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/...e=1&position=55
Tutor — Desk Incon by Vectors market @ Flat Icon: https://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/...e=2&position=67
Filename | Type | Size |
Asiashamecca_Teen_Careers_ALL.zip | zip | |
Asiashamecca_Careers_CampCounselor.zip | zip | 293267 |
Asiashamecca_Careers_DogWalker.zip | zip | 295699 |
Asiashamecca_Careers_MovieTheaterOperationsPerson.zip | zip | 265302 |
Asiashamecca_Careers_PetStoreAssociate.zip | zip | 278369 |
Asiashamecca_Careers_RetailSalesAssociate.zip | zip | 240156 |
Asiashamecca_Careers_SpaFrontDeskAssociate.zip | zip | 217760 |
Asiashamecca_Careers_Tutor.zip | zip | 211603 |
Asiashamecca_Careers_ValetParkingAttendant.zip | zip | 242625 |
Asiashamecca_Careers_Lifeguard.zip | zip | 118586 |
Uploaded: 28th Jan 2019, 2.06 MB.
| Download - LIFEGUARD
Uploaded: 28th Jan 2019, 115.8 KB.
Uploaded: 27th Jan 2019, 236.9 KB.
| Download - TUTOR
Uploaded: 27th Jan 2019, 206.6 KB.
Uploaded: 27th Jan 2019, 212.7 KB.
Uploaded: 27th Jan 2019, 234.5 KB.
Uploaded: 27th Jan 2019, 271.8 KB.
Uploaded: 27th Jan 2019, 259.1 KB.
| Download - DOG WALKER
Uploaded: 27th Jan 2019, 288.8 KB.
Uploaded: 27th Jan 2019, 286.4 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the File tab to see the download link. Click the link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract: Use WinRAR (Windows) to extract the file(s) from the .rar or .zip file(s).
3. Cut and paste the file(s) into your Mods folder
Need more information?
- Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
- Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
- Anyone can use both .rar and .zip files easily! On Windows, use WinRAR.
- If you don't have a Mods folder, just make one.
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Updated: 28th Jan 2019 at 12:12 AM
#career, #teen, #teen careers, #custom career, #asiashamecca, #ultimate
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