@r_deNoube -- Oh, this is amazingly good news! My best computer (the other one is a netbook, and so pretty much useless for this sort of thing) is actually too old for the FAH client to allow it to do anything but CPU task WUs, and I wondered if it was even contributing much by those. However, this is a situation in which I can do almost nothing helpful (can barely leave the house because of immunocompromised family members who I share it with, don't have a sewing machine and can't hand-sew well enough to make masks in bulk, no money to spare to donate), so I figured that at least my computer could be more useful than me! Now that I think of it, maybe it's freed up better machines to do GPU tasks? At any rate, my electric bill is included in the rent, so...
Seriously, this is a beautiful ray of hope, however small it may be. I almost felt like there wasn't any point in trying after hearing that the status quo was likely to continue for more than a year, and this has reminded me that there is at least some way to continue to CONSTRUCTIVELY rage against the dying of the light. Maybe none of this will make any difference...but maybe something will. Maybe Project 13850 (what my computer is currently contributing to) will hold the key to antigen testing, which will hold the key to finding out how long immunity lasts, which will hold the key to creating a vaccine, which will make the new normal about as tolerable as the old normal. At least doing something, however small, is better than doing nothing.