Mad Poster
#976 Old 27th Jun 2012 at 10:04 AM
Some new chance cards, like one for a child or teen, asking which book he should do a report on - some boring classic novel with lots of words ending in 'eth' or the novel he found in his parents' bedroom, titled "Paddle Faster!". If the kid chooses the latter, he'll either get an award for a provocative composition and of course some film/lit. enthusiasm, or get suspended and sent to a psychologist, at the parents' expense.
#977 Old 27th Jun 2012 at 5:51 PM Last edited by MOOKIEBLAYLOCK : 27th Jun 2012 at 10:29 PM.
@ Mootilda , I'd be very interested in that Social Welfare mod from ToolRegame that you mentioned in post #979. Thank you!
Edit: Thank you so much, I really appreciate it!
#978 Old 27th Jun 2012 at 6:19 PM Last edited by fruitsymphony : 27th Jun 2012 at 6:36 PM.
A hack or mod, so the home services (house cleaning, nanny etc) will cost much more, so poor sims can not afford them.

Elephant! Handcuffs! Naughty! Tee hee!
Lab Assistant
#979 Old 27th Jun 2012 at 8:02 PM
A way for children to have "jobs" that act as extra-curricular activities. When I bought the Freetime EP I wondered if this would be incorporated with all the hobbies that Sims can do, but sadly it wasn't I've done this myself for teens once, or rather I asked Lientebollemeis to make a custom ballet class career for me! It's really quite a cute idea, using the wages as scholarships for all the "equipment" and "lessons"! Haha! If you want to download it, its here! But yeah, I would love to see little girls running off to ballet practice in their tutus, or cheerleading practice. And boys going to soccer practice, then bringing back an army of young boys to eat all the food in the fridge and play noisy video games! Heehee

Call me Kisses, darling.
Living without you is like TV in black and white
Site Helper
#980 Old 27th Jun 2012 at 8:43 PM
Quote: Originally posted by MOOKIEBLAYLOCK
@ Mootilda , I'd be very interested in that Social Welfare mod from ToolRegame that you mentioned in post #979. Thank you!
I zipped up everything that I have about the mod, including pictures and instructions.
Attached files:
File Type: zip (221.6 KB, 38368 downloads) - View custom content
Forum Resident
#981 Old 28th Jun 2012 at 3:04 PM
Quote: Originally posted by fruitsymphony
A hack or mod, so the home services (house cleaning, nanny etc) will cost much more, so poor sims can not afford them.

Expensive NPCs in MATY's director's cut (also, if you're comfortable with SimPE, you can adjust the costs to your liking).

Angelos Town Prosperity updated 11th June 2012. | Albion Falls BACC updated 25th April 2011.

Watch my Livesimming Channel -- 17th June 6PM GMT (2PM EST) Cresdale: Rules and Regulations (Part 2)
#982 Old 28th Jun 2012 at 3:40 PM Last edited by fruitsymphony : 28th Jun 2012 at 6:26 PM.
Wow, so many hacks... I downloaded the entire directory and installed "expensive npcs".
I love it when the maid comes in their white van. But, it has to cost otherwise its not fun.
I have tried googling after "sims service fees" and so on, but I could not find anything. Thank you!

**Update** Yes it works, the sims have a hard time now. It is probably best to install the social welfare mod in case some sim will need support assistance.

Elephant! Handcuffs! Naughty! Tee hee!
Top Secret Researcher
#983 Old 28th Jun 2012 at 11:46 PM
An elevator that plays Muzak.

Preferably "The Girl from Ipanema".

Asks are always open, even to anons. I will always reply to asks, and I do my best to be cordial/less snarky than usual.
Mad Poster
#984 Old 29th Jun 2012 at 1:09 AM
A mod that makes the invisible motives of plantsims visible. Ever notice how a plantsim might be in a horrendously bad mood despite the sunshine, water and love bars being almost completely filled? It's because plantsims still have the comfort and fun motives, though probably not environment or hygiene. Players don't often notice this because when they're filling the water and social motives, they also may be filling comfort and fun. So a plantsim's mood might be in deep red if he or she doesn't sit down or do anything fun.
#985 Old 29th Jun 2012 at 1:29 AM
One to get rid of that stupid swooning/whistling at Romance sims. It's really annoying. Also one that prevents food from burning.
Mad Poster
#986 Old 29th Jun 2012 at 1:32 AM
#987 Old 29th Jun 2012 at 1:33 AM
One for people without any EPs. I should have said. Anything I want is for base game only.
Mad Poster
#988 Old 29th Jun 2012 at 1:37 AM
Oh yeah. *sigh* You'd be so much easier to help if you weren't base game only.
Mad Poster
#989 Old 29th Jun 2012 at 3:08 AM
Quote: Originally posted by MattShizzle
One for people without any EPs. I should have said. Anything I want is for base game only.

I hope you can get the EPs someday - they are AWESOME!
#990 Old 29th Jun 2012 at 3:40 AM
I actually have Uni and NL but won't install it. Too many problems. Don't want to lose hacks that aren't compatable and don't want some of the crap that comes with. Besides the fact when I tried they didn't work right and uninstalling deleted everything. Why would EA have made it that uninstalling EPs deletes everything (not just neighborhoods but all CC) other than to just be an ass?
Field Researcher
#991 Old 29th Jun 2012 at 3:54 AM
Quote: Originally posted by fcc2
What I would really like is a mod that forces dormies to change into casual clothing when leaving the dorm lot. This may not be an issue in a regular dorm, but I use the "secret room" technique in my dorms, and outgoing dormies are forever walking around in underwear, even when going to class (because they sleep in their underwear).

Simlogical has a sign and a door that make sims change into normal clothes when they enter or leave a room.

I'm curious, what is the secret dorm room technique?
#992 Old 29th Jun 2012 at 7:48 PM Last edited by MattShizzle : 29th Jun 2012 at 8:55 PM.
Note - I downloaded the "no swooning" hack anyway to test it. Game doesn't crash and it appears to work. I suppose it may have only been tested for NL and higher but still is compatable. If it had caused (or does cause) problems it's easy to find. Not one of those "i684857853e9838785" type file names.

eta played for some time using Romance sims and no problems, no swooning/whistling so I'm calling it compatable with base game.
#993 Old 29th Jun 2012 at 11:19 PM
Delivery option for Grandma's Soup, for my sick families that aren't family aspired Then again, I could make a soup kitchen/bakery style... *runs off with new idea*
Test Subject
#994 Old 30th Jun 2012 at 12:24 AM
Recipes. I doubt we'll ever see it but one thing I really really wish they would have imported over from the Sims 2 console versions was the ability to create stuff by mixing harvested items and getting boosted benefits from them.
Also the fish tank that you could harvest seafood out of.
Mad Poster
#995 Old 30th Jun 2012 at 1:49 AM
But you can make concoctions with benefits out of harvested items. It came with Seasons. As did edible fish pulled out of the fish pond, though not the tank.

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
Mad Poster
#996 Old 30th Jun 2012 at 2:28 AM
Omg, I'm so glad they didn't have the recipe thing in the regular PC game. Having to direct sims on exactly what ingredients to use for each meal was something I out and out hated in the console game, which I was only able to tolerate for a few hours before deciding I just was not going to ever get into it. Bleh.

I suppose the feature appeals to players who like to cook irl, so it would make sense that I wouldn't like it myself. Not that I'm not a good cook (I am), but my favorite food is basically anything tasty that was made by someone else.
Mad Poster
#997 Old 1st Jul 2012 at 3:52 PM
A modified classic dance that's not considered romantic, so a Sim can dance with her dad at her wedding and stuff like that.
#998 Old 5th Jul 2012 at 6:30 PM
No splashing in hot tubs. One to make there be no helicopters (ie jobs that use them use cars instead.) No objects breaking EVER. No browsing in community lots - so the visitors don't get in your way when your sim wants to buy clothing.
All for base game only, of course.
Mad Poster
#999 Old 5th Jul 2012 at 6:49 PM
No splashing in hot tubs? What's wrong with splashing in hot tubs? What're sims who aren't in love supposed to do, just sit there?

And if objects don't break, you don't get mechanical points for fixing them.

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
#1000 Old 5th Jul 2012 at 7:29 PM
I hate the splashing. Only time I use the hot tub is for woohooing. And I don't care about getting mechanical points - if I want them I study it or watch the mod FIY channel. I'd rather not have stuff break - especially as often as it does in game. And you can't fix the clock.
Actually I often wish you could turn free will off for visitors. I always have it off for playables because if it's on they always do stuff I don't want them to do.
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