Apartments and Shopping, on the same Lot!
ApartmentsShoppingMod.jpg - width=659 height=599
Apartments and Shopping, on the same Lot!

This mod will spawn the required NPCs for objects, for example, a Clerk to manage a cash register. This mod does not spawn additional visitors, as with your neighbours, the landlord/lady and walk-bys there will be quite enough people on the lot as it is.
Various objects are 'fixed' in this package to allow them to be used on such a lot. If you find a community object that you want to use on such a combo-lot doesn't work (or doesn't work correctly), press the appropriate button below to check whether it is part of the package, and either way, let me know so I can fix it or add it.
I have also built an example lot to show you what I was imagining as I made this. I hope this encourages you to make other combo lots.

Expansion Pack Requirements
This mod only requires you to have the Apartment Life EP. It has been tested using the AnyGameStarter in exactly such a configuration. If you also have other EPs, the community objects from those EPs will also be able to work in this sort of combo lot.
Building a combo Apartment/Community Lot to use with this mod
In order to make a lot that has community lot features (e.g. shops) and apartments as well you must follow these instructions. Ensure that any community lot features are not contained within an apartment or they will (deliberately) not function as community lot items. For example, if you place a cash register inside an apartment, a Clerk will not be spawned to operate it.
- Start by building a residential lot (this is necessary for the apartment to work later).
- Build your lot as far as you can - you will notice that the community lot buy mode stuff is not available.
- In the cheats window type changeLotZoning community
- Save and exit the lot
- Re-enter the lot (you'll note it says it is a community lot as you enter it now)
- Finish your building with whatever community lot peices you want
- In the cheats window type changeLotZoning apartmentbase - you will notice the mail box changes shape from the residential style mailbox to the apartment style mailbox
- Save and exit the lot
Take it easy with objects that spawn NPCs as having lots of extra Sims in your lot all the time may well cause your game to run slower. The various objects that spawn NPCs are marked with * in the lists below.
For those of you interested in the gory detail (or trying to work out if your favourite community object will work in a combo lot) click here.
Community Lot objects that will work on a combo Apartment/Community Lot
In the lists below, any item with an * means that an NPC is spawned through the use of this object. Any item with a

I have tested this type of lot with the following community lot shopping related items and made updates to them as required. If I have missed any, let me know and I will test and update the items to make them work.
Shopping related items
- Base Game
- Llamark Electronic Cash Register *
- GazeEase "Stow 'N' Show" Produce Bin
- Imperial Plumbing Pole-Air Freezer Bin
- VeggiStuf Produce Bin
- Food Shrine Commercial Display Freezer
- Food Temple Commercial Display Freezer
- SimSentry Clothing Booth
- Old Fashioned Change Room
- Deluxe Magazine Rack
- ClothesHorse Display Rack
- The Great Dress Rack
- Countertop Game Display from Group Interaction LTD.
- Enterprise Office Freestanding Game Rack
- Empress's New Clothes Rack
- Exceptionally Expensive Clothing Collator
- Llamark Electronic Cash Register *
- University EP
- Sellafone Gadget Kiosk
- Sellafone Gadget Kiosk
- NightLife EP
- "Compulsion" Fragrance Display
- "Compulsion" Fragrance Display
- Open for Business EP
- Aunt Julianna's Old Moneymaker *
- Aunt Julianna's Old Moneymaker *
- Pets EP
- Collar Connection Display
- Cat-Crazy Pet Display
(The Alternative Download removes this)
- Doggonit Pet Display
(The Alternative Download removes this)
- Collar Connection Display
- H&M Fashion SP
- Register Bisquit Number Cruncher by Typax Co. *
Zecutine's Cube Stand Clothing Rack (For Dudes)
Zecutine's Cube Stand Clothing Rack (For the Ladies)
Try On Clothing Booth by MegaSecure Co.
- Register Bisquit Number Cruncher by Typax Co. *
I have tested this type of lot with the following community lot entertainment related items and made updates to them as required. If I have missed any, let me know and I will test and update the items to make them work. Some community lot objects rely on the fact that there are always lots of people at a community lot. There should be quite enough people on your lot with your neighbours and the landlord/lady, plus any random walk-bys, so no further Sims are spawned by this mod. You may have to get to know your neighbours at little before you can get them to join in with your games.
Entertainment related items
- Base Game
- N.B. The bars that were shipped with the base game do not spawn NPCs on Community lots anyway, so they are not included here.
- University EP
- Impresso Espress-o-Matic *
- Way Fluid Island Bar *
- Impresso Espress-o-Matic *
- NightLife EP
- "52 Pickup" Card Table
- "Pinmaster 300" Bowling Alley by Hurling Fun Products, Inc.
- "The Grease Stands Alone" Island Bar *
- The Oasis *
- "NeonBar" by Neontrix *
- Tempest Cooktop from Cuas *
- "Gastronomique" Restaurant Podium **
- "52 Pickup" Card Table
- Open for Business EP
- Podium of Bonappitizon
- Podium of Bonappitizon
I have tested this type of lot with the following community lot service items and made updates to them as required. If I have missed any, let me know and I will test and update the items to make them work.
Service Items
- NightLife EP
- "Sit 'n'Grin" Photo Booth from iBurn Commercial Imagery
- "Sit 'n'Grin" Photo Booth from iBurn Commercial Imagery

I don't know of any other mods that this mod clashes with, but there is always the possibility. The pertinent information for the owner of the other object is here.
Possible hack clashes
I have updated the following BHAVs:
- Llamark Electronic Cash Register (Group 0x7F2C536A) Function - Main (0x1001)
- Llamark Electronic Cash Register (Group 0x7F2C536A) CT - Create Clerk (0x1002)
- Shopping Rack Globals (Group 0x7FE10572) Interaction - Buy TEST (0x200F)
- Impresso Espress-o-Matic (Group 0x7FE94D23) Function - Main (0x1001)
- Bar Globals (Group 0x7F67FE05) Function - Main - Community (0x2035)
- Bar Globals (Group 0x7F67FE05) EP1 - Additional Test (0x2026)
- "Compulsion" Fragrance Display (Group 0x7FA77411) Interaction Buy - TEST (0x100D)
- Aunt Julianna's Old Moneymaker (Group 0x7F35AEAD) Funtcion - Main (0x1001)
- Aunt Julianna's Old Moneymaker (Group 0x7F35AEAD) CT - Create Clerk (0x1002)
- Collar Connection Display (Group 0x7F2C2FB1) Interaction Buy - TEST (0x100D)
- Display Pet Globals (Group 0x7FA083E3) Function - Main (0x2001) (The Alternative Download removes this)
- Display Pet Globals (Group 0x7FA083E3) Interaction - Buy TEST (0x2022) (The Alternative Download removes this)
- Register Bisquit Number Cruncher by Typax Co. (Group 0x7F157590) Function - Main (0x1001)
- Register Bisquit Number Cruncher by Typax Co. (Group 0x7F157590) CT - Create Clerk (0x1002)
- Dining Globals (Group 0x7FDFFE55) Dining - Is Valid Dining Room? (0x20A4)

Update History
- Alternative download provided that does not contain the fixes to allow Pet displays to work since they clash with Pescado's No Auto Pet Buy mod - as requested by KevinTMC who also found the clash.
- Fixed bars so they work.
- Fixed collar display so it works
- Number of restaurant servers is based on the number of tables in the same room as the podium (just like in hotels).
- Added various items from H&M SP now that I have it.
Quaxi for SimPEwiki.
Numenor for the AnyGameStarter.
Thanks to KevinTMC for reporting a mod clash.
| Mods to community objects (excluding Pet Displays) to allow use on Apartment Lots
Uploaded: 20th Aug 2009, 1.3 KB.
| Mods to community objects to allow use on Apartment Lots
Uploaded: 6th Jul 2009, 1.5 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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Apartment Life
Packs Needed
Base Game | |
![]() | Sims 2 |
Expansion Pack | |
![]() | Apartment Life |