Hidden Skills Unhidden
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Past updates:
July 20, 2013: It just came to my attention that with Island Paradise, EA updated the sandbox skill from Generations. It is now for all ages child and up, where it had only been for children. It only has four levels, and your sims' level in it determines what kind of sand castles they can make. So, it's now unhidden.
June 26, 2013: Updated for 1.55 and Island Paradise. New hidden skills are listed below. Any issues, let me know.
February 19, 2013: Updated for 1.50 and University Life. New hidden skills are listed below. Also, the numbers in parentheses next to each skill is what the max level for each skill is. Any issues, let me know (granted, it's not like anyone can check for issues with the University Life skills for another two weeks).
October 29, 2012: Update for 1.42 and Seasons. Issues, let me know.
September 1, 2012: Update for 1.38 and Supernatural. The usual, any issues, let me know.
June 8, 2012: You might remember that Showtime added a hidden Gambling skill, but I had no idea what it was for, but still made it unhidden. Well, the Casino set that was added to the store yesterday now gives that skill a use.
June 6, 2012: Compatible with version 1.34
March 10, 2012: Compatible with version 1.32 and Showtime
March 8, 2012: After I uploaded this I fired up my game to test it out. It seems I screwed the mod up big time, to the point that you couldn't interact with any object that offered a skill (bookcases, chess board, TV, radio), all the skill books in the game were gone, and the shopping tabs in the bookstore were gone. I remade the mod from scratch and just got done testing it out, and luckily it does work now. I still don't know about the Showtime skills (it is exactly midnight as I type this), so once the game gets to my house later today, I'll be able to test this mod with it, and find out what the skills go towards, and find out if golfing needs a new name. So, there shouldn't be any issues now, but if there are, let me know.
March 7, 2012: Updated for 1.31 See below for new skills and a note. Any issues, let me know.
December 29, 2011: Compatible with version 1.29
October 30, 2011: Added a new version that unhides skills from pets. See the list below to see what skills they are.
October 19, 2011: Updated for Pets.
June 5, 2011: Updated, should work now.
May 31, 2011: Updated for Generations.
ElliotDX made a mod that unhides the hidden skills. It was a nice mod, but it's not been updated since before Late Night came out, so I made my own.
This mod will unhide all the hidden skills. This means you will see a progress bar over your sim's head like when they are gaining any other skill. They also will show up in you sim's skill journal. They don't have a real icon, but rather just a fading dot and when you check them in the skill journal, they will be labeled as "Hidden _____ Skill." You also won't receive a award certificate for mastering these skills.
With the release of Into the Future, we finish out with there being 50 hidden skills. They are:
Base Game
Dancing (3)
Diving (2)
Chess (10)
Hacking (10)
Mooch (10)
Video Game (10)
Homework (10)
Air Guitar (10)
Collecting (10)
Foosball (10)
Sandbox (4)
World Adventures
Snake Charming (10)
Tattooing (10)
Trampoline (10)
Gnubb (10)
Styling (10)
Consignment (10)
Late Night
Club Dancing (3)
Shuffleboard (10)
Rock Band (1)
Darts (10)
Bubbles (10)
Arcade Machine (10)
Hopscotch (10)
WildlifeFriend (6)
Trick (5)
Dominoes (10)
DJ Turntable (5)
Entertainer (10)
Magic (10)
Pool (10)**
Karaoke (3)
Performance Artist (10)
Gambling* (10)
Golfing (10)
Lycanthropy (10)
Broom Riding (10)
Spellcasting (10)
Fairy Magic (10)
Skating (6)
Snowboarding (2)
Horseshoes (10)
Ball Fighting (3)
University Life
Ping Pong (5)
Bowling (5)
Influence Nerd (10)***
Influence Rebel (10)***
Influence Socialite (10)***
Island Paradise
Wind Surfing (10)
Water-skiing (10)
Into the Future
Bug Eating (3)
With Island Paradise, a Fire-walking skill was added. However, the code did not list it as hidden, and it only has 2 levels.
*Requires store casino set to have a use
**Pool is now listed as a Base Game skill. Photography is also now listed as an EP 1(World Adventures) and EP 9 (University Life) skill.
***These skills are set to decay over time.
Outdated info:
I don't know how this will work without one or more of the EPs, but since ElliotDX was able to use his with just the Base Game and Ambitions, I'd assume using this without an EP would be fine. If it does not work and you are missing one or more EPs, let me know and I'll see what I can do.
This mod works with AwesomeMod and NRaas StoryProgression. It will conflict with any mod that edits the Skills XML.
Additional Credits:
Peter Jones for The Sims 3 Package Editor and the tutorial here on MTS that showed me how easy it is to edit an XML file.
Uploaded: 20th Feb 2013, 19.2 KB.
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Updated: 27th Oct 2013 at 12:05 AM
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