Unlocked Interactions

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Updated for Infants and Growing together

This is a simple mod that unlocks some of the games interactions that are normally locked to specific groups some interactions changed to autonomous

What it does:
It unlocks mostly social interactions that are locked to specific groups that i believe logically should be available for all sims

Some socials unlocked to do autonomously. Adjusted the autonomy levels on some of them so sims don't get addicted to them
Some such as solving socials take a bit of time for sims to start doing autonomously like apologies, try calm down etc after manually doing them a few times sims will start doing them autonomously

What it does not include:
Specific interactions that are locked to specific groups that would not logically be used by others for example detective career items that generally only detectives would use
(some career socials are unlocked that i feel there's no reason other sims shouldn't use such as practice sparring social from military career as its just a cool way of sims building fitness skill)

Items that involve a lot of interactions such as the playground for everyone and parenting these are included in separate mods on my profile

I've removed some that are no longer needed with new updates and gradually including others as i come across them

If there are other interactions I've missed please let me know and i'll see if can unlock them.. (Just ones that should logically be available to all)

Some interactions unlocked in the mod inc:

Monkey Around - unlocked for all ages
Whats that spot - unlocked for all ages
Flick nose - Auto

Secret Handshake (alien) - Unlocked for Human
Spar (military) - Unlocked for everyone
Magic (Dual and Ask how to use) - Unlocked for child
Cuddle (parent to child) - Unlocked for parent to teen
Express Love (parent to child) Unlocked parent to teen
Cheer up - all ages
High five - all ages (children stretch when doing this)
Solve socials - Unlocked and increased autonomy
Try calm down (angry)
Cheer up (sad)
Ask about mood
Relationship fixing socials such as find common ground etc
and others

Flash crazy eyes - all ages + Auto
Goof Around (playful trait) - all ages + Auto
Funniest Joke in the world - Auto

Sibling rivalry - Unlocked to include cousins + Unlocked for all ages + Autonomy added but decreased
Trick to believing
Blame for bad mood
Accuse of touching possessions
insult existence
Convince Monsters are real
and others

Fight - Teen to adult. so now teens can start a fight with adults ( i added this because mean sims could pick fight with teens but teens couldn't pick fight with them so i thought i'd even the score

Order food from Bar and Espresso Bar - unlocked for kids.

Conflicts: So far i haven't found any conflicts but it could conflict with mods that edit the same files
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