Increased or Decreased University Class Academic Performance

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By: Thril2

03-31-2013 This Mod has been fully tested to work with the patch version 1.50 of The Sims 3 University.

Hello there Mod the Sims 3 Community! Thril2 here with a simple XML tuning mod for The Sims 3 University that will increase or decrease the value of your Sim’s classroom academic performance gain during any class they attend while enrolled at University. The consideration for developing this tunable game mod manifested solely from the desire to construct a mod that provides a means to assist the user in customizing their University experience according to their personal preference.

I have taken the liberty to setup some presets for you to download. All that you are required to do is select 1 file to download and install from the list and wa-lah, you are on your way to an even more unique college experience while your Sim attends University. Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated and welcomed. Thank you for your time and consideration in choosing to take a look at or try out this mod.

Happy Gaming!!

Mod Versions
Below is a list of 11 different variations for this game mod. Each individual file will have a varying effect on how well a Sim will perform during their scheduled classes at University. The downloaded file will override the default values stored in the GameplayData.package, which is located in the Main Game Folder install directory under “The Sims 3\Game\Bin\Gameplay”.

(IMPORTANT: Only Choose 1 Version of the Game Mod to Download and Install)
  • thril2_(x0.25)DecreasedAcademicPerformance - 25% Academic Performance Decrease from the Default
  • thril2_(x0.50)DecreasedAcademicPerformance - 50% Academic Performance Decrease from the Default
  • thril2_(x0.75)DecreasedAcademicPerformance - 75% Academic Performance Decrease from the Default
  • thril2_(x2)IncreasedAcademicPerformance + 200% Academic Performance Increase from the Default
  • thril2_(x4)IncreasedAcademicPerformance + 400% Academic Performance Increase from the Default
  • thril2_(x10)IncreasedAcademicPerformance + 1000% Academic Performance Increase from the Default
  • thril2_(InstantFill)IncreasedAcademicPerformance + Instantly Fills the Academic Performance Meter
  • thril2_(InstantFillNoPenaltyForSocial)IncreasedAcademicPerformance + Instantly Fills the Academic Performance Meter and does not penalize you for socializing in class
  • thril2_(InstantFillNoPenaltyForSleeping)IncreasedAcademicPerformance + Instantly Fills the Academic Performance Meter and does not penalize you for sleeping in class
  • thril2_(InstantFillNoPenaltyForTexting)IncreasedAcademicPerformance + Instantly Fills the Academic Performance Meter and does not penalize you for texting in class
  • thril2_(InstantFillNoPenaltyForAll)IncreasedAcademicPerformance + Instantly Fills the Academic Performance Meter and does not penalize you for socializing, sleeping, or texting in class

The use of this mod will conflict with any other game mod that alters the Academic Course Performance values for University.

As always, ensure that you backup your save files prior to the installation of this game mod.
This game mod is relatively simple and alters the academic performance gain for all of the Sims attending University. In the event that something does go wrong with this mod, simply uninstall the mod and reload your saved game.

This mod overrides the AcademicCourse_XML file and will conflict with any mod that modifies the following XML file:

How to Uninstall
In order to properly uninstall this mod, you will need to delete the mod file from the Mods Folder: “My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Mods\ Packages”.

Any Additional Credits, Accolades and Thanks Go To
The Maker(s) of S3PE.
MTS (Mod the Sims) - for hosting this mod.
The MTS Community - for creating, hosting, uploading, downloading, sharing, and providing feedback on custom content.
Thril2 – for taking the effort to construct this game mod.
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