University Degree Tweaks: Counts for Education and Social Group Jobs + FLAVOURS
Careers.jpg - width=600 height=547
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With mod: SUAT score of Sim with 7 charisma as only skill.
Education.jpg - width=445 height=555
Sim with Business degree, B GPA, starting as level 3 Teacher
SportsAgent.jpg - width=445 height=519
Sim with Business degree, B GPA, starting as level 3 Sports Agent
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What metrics/careers that benefit are added for each major
PhD in Horribleness.jpg - width=632 height=548
With PhD in Horribleness, being Evil will help you on your way to Science(and Medicine)!
**I suggest you get the version with the Game Developer career benefits removed as for some strange reason it causes glitches galore with only that career and no others. Weird.**
**Compatible with 1.55/Island Paradise** Oh, and FYI, I can't add any professions ala Ambitions or Showtime or add any custom careers. So the Lifeguard profession, as it is a profession, will also not be making it into this mod.
Like many of you, I'm sure, I was quite annoyed to not see the Education career on the list of careers that benefit from a degree. Absolutely ridiculous. So I went digging around through the XML files for University Life and to my pleasant surprise, these things were easily adjustable in XML files.
So, I made the Business degree count towards the Education career. I also found it annoying that three new careers were added, none of which benefited from a degree. So, I made the Technology degree help the Game Developer, the Fine Arts degree help the Art Appraiser, and the Business degree help the Sports Agent. It bothered me that logic didn't count towards the science and medicine degree, so I added logic to the skills which will improve your academic performance in science/medicine.

University Degree Tweaks:
-Adds Education and Sports Agent to Business degree
-Adds Game Developer to Technology degree
-Adds Logic skill to Science degree
-Adds Art Appraiser to Fine Arts degree
-Adds Charisma skill to Communications degree
Just to make everything consistent, I added all of the above skills/careers to the determinations for the Sims Aptitude test. So charisma counts towards both business and communications degrees, which can seem a bit cheaty since it will raise your score in both, but meh, I think it's more realistic. Same is true of logic for technology and science/medicine. One of the attached pictures shows a sim with no other skills or relevant traits getting partial credit in business and communications for a charisma skill of 7.
University Aptitude Modifiers:
-Adds Disciplined trait to Phys Ed degree credits
-Adds Education and Sports Agent to Business degree credits
-Adds schmoozer and charismatic to Business degree credits
-Adds Game Developer to Technology degree credits
-Adds Logic skill to Science degree credits
-Adds Art Appraiser to Fine Arts degree credits
-Adds Charisma skill to Communications degree credits
FLAVOURS! ->Only one can be installed at once
PhD in Horribleness: Adds Evil to the Science/Medicine trait aptitude benefits list
Writing and Photography are Art!: Adds Writing and Photography to both the aptitude benefits and in skill metrics for Fine Arts degree
Make PhysEd Matter: Adds the Criminal, Military, and Law Enforcement careers to the list of jobs PhysEd benefits. Adds Athletic aptitude benefit/skill metric to Technology major.
|-->PhysEd Note: These careers still benefit from their original degrees, having both (i.e. PhysEd and Tech for Military) does not stack the career advancement, you will start out at whichever level the degree with the higher GPA provides.
Combined Make PhysEd Matter + Writing/Photography are Art!: Does what is says on the tin.
Multiflavoured: (Combo of above +Education add to Communications degree)-> this is the one I use in my game, thanks for all the great flavour suggestions guys

-Adds Evil to Science/Medicine
-Adds Writing/Photography to Fine Arts
-Adds the Criminal, Military, and Law Enforcement careers to the list of jobs PhysEd benefits
-Adds Athletic aptitude benefit/skill metric to Technology major.
-Adds Education to Communications degree
These mods edit the AcademicDegrees and UniversityWelcomeKit+TakeAptitudeTest_0xf8baf6ed0a3abe78 XMLs and will conflict with any mod that edit the same XMLs. So this does conflict with Beccapixie10's Fewer (or More) Credit Hours For Degrees.
If you would like any flavours of this mod, just ask, they're pretty quick and easy to do. This is a VERY simple XML mod, so if you have any experience at all with S3PE, I encourage you to whip up your own version. In the .zip file the Degree and the Aptitude mod are separate, in case anyone only wants one. Although frankly they sort of go hand in hand so I can't imagine much of a reason someone would only want one. But there it is.
And of course, this requires University Life, but doesn't require any other expansion. Compatible with patch 1.50.
Additional Credits:
[Aalea] Uni Degree Tweaks - All Flavours Minus Glitchy
Uploaded: 6th Aug 2013, 3.7 KB.
[Aalea]UniDegree Tweaks - Multiflavoured!.zip
| Combo of all of the flavours + Education added to Communication degree
Uploaded: 12th Apr 2013, 4.7 KB.
[Aalea]UniDegree Tweaks - PhysEdMatters + WritePhoto as
| C-C-C-Combo flavour.
Uploaded: 11th Apr 2013, 4.2 KB.
[Aalea] Uni Degree Tweaks - Writing and Photography are Art!.zip
| Adds Writing and Photography metrics/aptitude benefits to Fine Arts major
Uploaded: 11th Apr 2013, 4.1 KB.
[Aalea] Uni Degree Tweaks - PhD in
| Adds Evil to Science/Medicine Aptitude Benefits
Uploaded: 11th Apr 2013, 4.1 KB.
[Aalea] Uni Degree Tweaks - Make PhysEd Matter + Athletic to
| Adds Criminal, Military, and Law Enforcement to PhysEd degree benefits, Adds Athletic metric and aptitude to Tech degree
Uploaded: 11th Apr 2013, 4.2 KB.
[Aalea] University Degree
| Aptitude and Degree Benefit Adjustments made with patch 1.50
Uploaded: 10th Apr 2013, 4.1 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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Updated: 6th Aug 2013 at 9:43 PM - Adding flavours
#university life, #degree, #academic, #game developer, #sports agent, #art appraiser, #education, #xml, #tuning
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