The Professor Career - Custom Everything!! Outfit, Journals, Opportunities, et. al

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The University Professor Career
By Taylorb1000

8/16/2020 Update: New FREE Career World Available
Just in time for everyone stuck inside!

See the trailer HERE

Install the Career

Step 1:

Download the Custom University Life Rabbithole Doors I created that are based off the ones Jynx did for LN and the base game (created with permission.)

Click the following links to access each rabbithole:

- Administration Center Rabbithole*
- College of Business Rabbithole *
- College of Fine Arts Rabbithole*
- College of Science Rabbithole*
- Field House Rabbithole (Stadium plus Annex multi-rabbithole.)
- Annex Rabbithole (Like the "Field House" except without the "Stadium.")

*Required for the career to work.

Step 2:
Download NRAAS Careers Base Mod and NRAAS Careers Tones Mod.

I would also recommend downloading the Academic Extension too to as it can bring this career more to life.

Step 3:

Install the following into your "packages folder:" (Mod Framework required.)

- The Required Custom Career Rabbithole Doors (see Step 1)
- NRAAS Careers Base Mod and Tones (See Step 2)
- The University Professor Career package file itself

Step 4:

A. Install the Homeworld University custom world based on the career (see above)


B. Place the custom University Life rabbithole doors into your own world. (Click here for instructions on how to correctly place the doors.)

Step 5:

Restart the game.

(To be safe, load the world and then restart again.)

Step 6:

Click on the administration center door object (in LIVE mode) and then select "Join the Faculty."

If the option doesn't appear:
A. Restarting the game

B. Make sure the door is placed correctly (Click here to see how to do it properly.)
Once corrected, restart the game.

Attention All Translators!
I want this career to have as many translations as possible, even if there are doubles.

To Translate, Follow These Easy Steps:

Download My English Translation Text File That You Will Use to Create the Translation HERE

Simply Replace the English Text that Appears in between the <STR> and </STR> Lines with Whatever Language You Are Translating Into. Then Save the File.

Attach File to Email with Subject Specifying the Translated Language and Email to:
[email protected]

Translations Added:
  1. Polish v1.2
  2. Italian (Career Levels Only) v1.3
  3. German (Career Levels Only)v1.3
  4. Spanish (Academic Branch Only)
  5. Korean Added
Translations Needed:
  1. Any Languages NOT Listed Above

Version History

v.1.67 UPDATE:
Added Korean translation and Spanish for career levels-academic branch only right now. Mod compatible with the latest and final Sims 3 base game version (1.67)

v.1.5 UPDATE:
ACTUALLY fixed the career events file so that the lose result text for all career events shows up too.

v1.4 UPDATE:
+ Academic Leadership Branch mood metrics were normalized, to make them more logical/in-line with the EA Careers/University Researcher Branch.

  • Two Career Branches: Academic Leadership Branch and University Research Branch.
  • Career is based out of the Administration Center Rabbithole.
  • Custom Career Outfit: Professor from University Life Expansion Pack.

  • 20 Scholarly Journals Assigned
  • 10 Custom Career Tones
  • 10 Custom Career Opportunities
  • 5 Custom Career Events
  • The career titles descriptions, events, etc. all are set up to be neutral in terms of
    the "type" of professor you are, so that you can imagine your Sim is a professor in
    anything you want, law, engineering, mathematics, English, medicine, you name it!

Required Information

The Professor Career Track (Levels 1-5)

Did you enjoy your educational experiences so much that you want to continue learning for the rest of your life? Then join the university career and devote yourself to lifelong learning. Be warned, however, this skill-heavy career is not for couch potatoes...unless you happen to study best when sitting on your couch.

LevelJob TitleWork HoursSalary (Per Hour)PensionMetrics (Job Performance Factors)Car Pool TypeDescription
1Grad StudentM,T,W,R,F 9-5pm280Writing, Charisma, Scholarly Journals, ColleaguesHatchbackAfter finishing your undergraduate degree from Sims University and acing your last standardized test, you are ready to be a professor's work slave. No lounging! At least you get the joy of bossing around your own underlings for a change. Make sure those undergrads and high schoolers are earning those credit hours!
2Post DocM,T,W,R,F 9-5pm450Writing, Charisma, Scholarly Journals, ColleaguesSportsDissertation, written. Thesis defense, done. Obtaining post-graduate employment, questionable. Nonetheless, pursuing a post-doctorate or another advanced degree is a notable accomplishment. It is also now required for professorships thanks to degree-inflation.
3Assistant ProfessorM,T,W,R,F 9-5pm680Writing, Charisma, Scholarly Journals, ColleaguesSedanAfter spending a few years in the post-graduate abyss you desperately seek a return to the familiarity and normalcy of your pre-industry life in academia. After obtaining another advanced degree, now required due to degree-inflation, you managed to scrap together enough articles and publications to get a non-tenured position at a major research university. This is both a blessing (good school) and a curse (no tenure).
4Associate ProfessorM,T,W,R 10-4pm87150Writing, Charisma, Scholarly Journals, ColleaguesSedanYou spend almost every waking minute of your life pumping out articles. After one makes it to the Sims University Review, you are offered a tenure-track position at your school. However, there is more lucre to be had if you continue publishing. Since another university might try to pluck you away by offering far more dough.
5ProfessorM,T,W,R 10-3pm110200Charisma, Colleagues, Mood, MeetingsSedanIndustry leaders now reach out to you for advice. While not busy travelling abroad for major conferences and global-leadership summits, you write a weekly opinion column in The SimCity Times and are regularly featured as a talking head for SIMBC News. National news outlets also routinely feature your opinions in their segments. You now make more from consulting fees than you do in salary. However, you quickly discover that your heart remains in academia and try not to get wrapped up in it all. When the dean needs assistance managing things, he still knows he can count on you.

Academic and Research Branches

After serving as chair of your department for a rotation, you quickly realize you must make a choice before venturing further. Do you join the hallowed ranks of the academic leadership or leave traditional academia for a well-funded research position?

The Academic Leadership Branch (Levels 6-10)

You cherish your ivy alma mater and wish to take on more responsibility by joining the academic leadership at the school. However, with added power comes added responsibility. Will you actually enjoy this "lesson" in academia? (Pun intended).

LevelJob TitleWork HoursSalary (Per Hour)PensionMetrics (Job Performance Factors)Car Pool TypeRewardsDescription
6DeanM,T,W,R 8-4pm250310Charisma, Colleagues, Mood, MeetingsExpensiveWhen the school adds a part time program your dean is overwhelmed. Luckily you, as his associate dean step in to help and end up replacing him. The world of academia can be truly cutthroat. It’s like your old office but with federal-style candelabras, dark wood paneling and your own dean’s suite. Just effectively deal with faculty continually coming to you with requests for higher research stipends because so and so got one, and you should be okay. This is assuming your grad schools rankings always go up by five rankings spots or more every single year you are in charge.
7ProvostM,T,W,R 9-4pm330550Charisma, Colleagues, Mood, MeetingsExpensiveSomehow, the Sims World News Rankings were kind to you. In fact, they were very kind to you. In addition to this luck, you managed to build a repertoire of theoretical and practical knowledge and/or intellectual property bearing your name. All of this has led to someone informing the chancellor about you and your talents. You now manage major aspects of the university, across all schools and disciplines. Try not to let all the power go to your head!
8ChancellorM,T,W,R 9-3pm668700Charisma, Colleagues, Mood, MeetingsExpensiveAfter the chancellor steps down to enter retirement, you step in to take his place. Having had much success in managing the affairs of the various colleges you now assume a largely-political role. Make sure the right wheels are greased and that the almighty university rankings across all schools and campuses are top notch so that you can leave your post with dignity.
9TrusteeM,T,W 10-3pm722750Charisma, Colleagues, Mood, MeetingsExpensiveThey say that education is a business, and boy were they right! Finding yourself quickly frustrated with the constant limitations placed on you from above as chancellor, you try to enter the fray going on at the top echelon of power at the university, the board of trustees. The position is technically voluntary, however, you elect to keep your chancellor position and dually serve as a trustee, so you keep your salary and then some. Is academic leadership plush or what! If you are tactful in trying to prevent the FortuneSim 500 Company retired directors that sit with you from walking all over student and faculty interests, you might just nab an all-important Vice Chair position if one opens up.
10ChairM,T,W 10-3pm810900Charisma, Colleagues, Mood, MeetingsGo Team! Limo (Blue)Can Hold Meetings in Business RabbitholesSenators and CEOs are your friends. Vice chairs are possible enemies. As chair you must strike a constant balance between the forces demanding ever more growth and those pushing fiscal restraint. You are confident in your abilities, however, and with your tenacity and advanced academic skills you are truly ready, willing and able to lead your institution into the coming century.

The University Researcher Branch (Levels 6-10)

You long for the hermetic days of researcher life. So you decide to start thinking outside the quad (pun intended). You set your sets on private research institutes and think tanks in hopes of landing a well-funded sinecure.

LevelJob TitleWork HoursSalary (Per Hour)PensionMetrics (Job Performance Factors)Car Pool TypeRewardsDescription
6Academic ResearcherM,T,W,R 9-5pm168180Mood, Meetings, Logic, InventingExpensiveYou decide to leave the academic buildings of campus to join a university-affiliated research center where you will get paid to sit around all day and think. Every academicians dream! As a bonus, you do not have to teach or grade anymore!
7Research FellowM,T,W,R 9-5pm253270Mood, Meetings, Logic, InventingExpensiveYou advise companies and other institutions of further steps they can take to improve research yields and increase profits. You are master of your domain. Often other teams will ask you for input on their projects direction and you happily share your insights.
8Principal InvestigatorM,T,W,R 9-4pm264290Mood, Social Networking, Logic, InventingExpensiveYou now lead your own team of researchers. Trudging through the endless seas of articles and publications, you are always looking for the next great project to take on. Inspiring confidence and oozing charisma, you hope to one day establish your own enterprise so that your gravitas can live on indefinitely in the form of a research foundation moniker appearing underneath a SIMBC News experts name.
9Senior Research FellowM,T,W,R 8pm-10pm880910Mood, Social Networking, Logic, InventingLimoYou now get introduced as being Doctor so-and-so, a Senior Research Fellow at The Lemmings Institute. The pay is outstanding and the work is whatever you make of it. Get used to plenty of camera time as the news pundits love having someone with a lot of letters after their name agreeing with their every word.
10FounderM,T,F 10-2pm11731200Mood, Social Networking, Logic, InventingFinding the Cure [PINK] Foundation Limo (Pink)Can Sign AutographsYou establish The Llama Foundation. A non profit research center devoted to uncovering all the unknown secrets of the Sims Universe. Immediately, you set your foundations sights on discovering why the name and face of a Will Wright was etched into the mountainside facing your hometown all those years ago. Only extensive data analyses and psycho linguistics will provide the answer. Good luck!

  1. This is a multi-part download requiring additional files. See "To Install" above for details.
  2. [U]This Career Requires NRAAS Career Mod Version 15 to Play
  3. Requires The Sims 3: University Life and Patch 1.67 to Play.
  4. Some Non-Professor Career Outfits Require Career Outfits Contained in the Ambitions Education Career.
  5. This Does Not Overwrite Any Other EA or Custom Career.

Helpful Hints and Suggestions

Additional Credits:
Special thanks to:
My wife.
NRAAS Careers Mod
Mobster Career by Twallan
Career Tutorial by Twallan
NRAAS Career Packer Program S3PE and S3OC MTS SimOutfitter by CmarNYC
MTS Sims 3 Education Career by Iamrosa
MTS Psychology Career by LilyXD
MTS University Life Custom Rabbithole Rug Objects by Margaret Pendragon
MTS Army Officer Career by mflaha55
ArmyEnlistedCareer by mflaha55
MTS The Monarch Career by rspn99
MTS The Socialite Career by rspn99
MTS The Modeling Career by rspn99
MTS The Tourism Career by SimsMatthew
The Tennis Career and the tutorial used in the SimsWiki Tutorial Complete Guide to Career Modding for Beginners! Assembled by Creon.

Also Thanks to the Following:
Sims 3 Careers Guide by Carl
Sims Career Website by Miss Hissy
EA, for the EP9 University Career Opportunities XML
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