I Saw Three Ships - Ancient Careers for Navigators
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Update — January 2016 - FINALEMENT!! .

FRENCH version of all careers (adults) - Maintenant, tout est traduit en Français!

Exporation, Piracy & Navigation translated to french by Billie Lith; Trading translated to french by Stéphane Loysel Traducteur
I'll have to see with Hexameter for the two last German translations.

I saw three ships come sailing in
On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day;
I saw three ships come sailing in
On Christmas Day in the morning.
Merry Holidays to all Mods, Creators and Downloaders on MTS! :D
Please, before anything else, let's share a little Winter Carol for a proper ambiance.
I Saw Three Ships
The title was chosen as this project is proposed to MTS during the Christmas Holidays of 2013.
What's so special:
- 3 Ancient EP-Compatible Careers for Adults (Exploration, Piracy & Trading)
- 1 Ancient EP-Compatible Career for Teens/Elders (Navigation)
- Custom Ancient Uniforms and/or Custom Ancient Carpools
- Custom Rewards
- Realistic chance cards for all levels - Try them! They are worth reading.
- German versions will eventually follow -
- French versions of all the careers now
- Good with Ancient neighborhoods in general
- The Exploration Career has Average-low friendship requirements
- The Piracy Career has Vampire-friendly hours
- The Trading Career has Family-friendly hours
- The rewards are motive-friendly
- Neat career icons graphically coherent with the game and not hurting the eyes
- A few optional extra goodies
The storyline itself has an interesting, realistic curve of progress.
For each adult career, what the story says along the levels is that your sims will start off under the wing of another navigator, they will then go through hardships that will force them to a new start on their own, and after that, they can access the better levels in the last half of the career.
The Pirate Putter (Pirates) does the same as the Business' Execuputter except that your sim's fun bar is raised a lot faster.
The Moonlight Sextant (Explorers) will raise the Environment value of any room as much as the most expensive sculptures; it has 2 commands, View and Moonlight Wisdom. The View command is similar to when your sim views an artwork, but once it's done your sim's fun bar will get a boost similar to when they kick a garden flamingo. The Moonlight Wisdom command acts at random, it will usually fill one of your sims' motives. More often, Comfort - a lot of Creativity is required for the Exploration career and most Creative objects are used while standing, your Explorer sim will need Comfort constantly. Don't let your sim overuse this Sextant though — he might get burnt, so to speak. Knowledge sims will love its randomness.
The Gaia Sextant (Traders) will raise the Environment value of any room as much as the most expensive sculptures; it has 3 commands, View, No Sleep More Work, and Love This Lonely Feeling. The View command acts exactly as for the Moonlight Sextant above. The No Sleep, More Work command will fill your sim's energy bar, and the Love This Lonely Feeling command will deplete your sim's social bar — so your sim can stay on the phone with that friend/neighbor for a longer time and raise the friendship. The Trading career requires several friendships, you might want to use this negative command at your advantage. There is no twisted surprise on this one, you control everything — like Fortune sims often like to do.
Both Sextants require your sim to be able to stand in front of them to use their special commands, so make sure you don't put them in an unattainable location if you're planning to use their commands. If a command doesn't work, try turning the Sextant the other way on the table.

Level 1: Inn Keeper
Description: This is your first contact with navigators! Pirates, traders and explorers all gather here for dinner and to take a break. You serve their drinks, bake their hams and clean their mess all evening. You meet a lot of people and hear a lot of rumors. Keep telling them how much you'd love to work on a ship, one of them might have an offer for you someday.
Wages: 100
Days: Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Hours: 5pm to 10pm
Carpool: Horse/Horse/Hatchback (Full version / Default carpools version / No cc)
Outfit: View picture "Outfits_Navigation" ("No CC" has no special uniform)
Skills required for next level: Friends:1
Level 2: Rookie Sailor
Description: You got hired by a Spanish merchant in need of crew. You learn the basics of navigation and run all over the place to do the chores that the regular crew won't do.
Wages: 100
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Hours: 3pm to 7pm
Carpool: Horse/Horse/Hatchback
Outfit: View picture "Outfits_Navigation" ("No CC" has no special uniform)
Skills required for next level: Mechanical:1, Friends:1
Level 3: Regular Sailor
Description: You are now fully part of the crew of Trader Tonio. You help the team take care of the sails, cargo and general good condition of the fleet, and you have rookies to run your errands and do some chores for you. You're a Regular Sailor.
Wages: 180
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Hours: 4pm to 7pm
Carpool: Horse/Horse/Hatchback
Outfit: View picture "Outfits_Navigation" ("No CC" has no special uniform)

Level 1: Regular Sailor
Description: You are now part of the regular crew of Trader Tonio. You help a team take care of the sails, cargo and general good condition of the fleet, and you have rookies to run your errands and do some chores for you. This is only the beginning.
Wages: 180
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,
Hours: 7am to 1pm
Carpool: Horse/Horse/Hatchback (Full version / Default carpools version / No cc)
Outfit: View picture "Outfits_Exploration"/None for "No CC"
Skills required for next level: Mechanical:2, Body:1, Charisma:1, Creativity:1, Logic:1, Friends:2
Level 2: Apprentice Cartographer
Description: The Cartographer in charge was in need of a helper. He is kind enough to teach you his tricks. Build your skills and follow what he says, the next position is not far.
Wages: 300
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday
Hours: 8am to 2pm
Carpool: Horse/Horse/Hatchback
Outfit: View picture "Outfits_Exploration"/None for "No CC"
Skills required for next level: Mechanical:2, Body:1, Charisma:1, Creativity:3, Logic:2, Friends:2
Level 3: Cartographer
Description: The Cartographer in place thought you did a great job as an apprentice, and he can finally retire. You are now Trader Tonio's Cartographer, in charge of finding new routes and drawing accurate maps of the area.
Wages: 400
Days: Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Hours: 9am to 3pm
Carpool: Hansom/Rickshaw/Sedan
Outfit: View picture "Outfits_Exploration"/None for "No CC"
Skills required for next level: Mechanical:4, Body:2, Charisma:1, Creativity:4, Logic:4, Friends:2
Level 4: Second Captain
Description: One of Trader Tonio's mates got killed, and you now sail his ship. Your smooth sailing and new routes will help him greatly, but mapping this small area brought you a thirst for freedom and a curiosity about what else is out there. Keep expanding your network and improving your skills, you might break free sooner than you think.
Wages: 475
Days: Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday
Hours: 7am to 3pm
Carpool: Rickshaw/Victorian Coach/Town Car
Outfit: View picture "Outfits_Exploration"/None for "No CC"
Skills required for next level: Mechanical:4, Body:3, Charisma:2, Creativity:6, Logic:5, Friends:2
Level 5: Lost Drifter
Description: Trader Tonio's fleet got destroyed by the Royal Navy, and you didn't stay to ask why. You managed to escape on a small ship and are now on your own. Your smooth sailing helps you stay away from dangerous fleets, and you make go by selling maps and routes of the area to random traders and navigators. You'll need to find a new idea soon as this is not the freedom you envisioned.
Wages: 500
Days: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Hours: 6am to 4pm
Carpool: Horse/Horse/Hatchback
Outfit: View picture "Outfits_Exploration"/None for "No CC"
Skills required for next level: Mechanical:6, Body:3, Charisma:2, Creativity:8, Logic:7, Friends:3
Level 6: Explorer
Description: A noble Italian man hired you to make a detailed map of the Mediterranean Sea. You get to visit Iberia, the Mediterranean countries, part of the Ottoman Empire and North Africa. Keep track of everyone you meet and everything you see. These informations could reveal to be precious.
Wages: 600
Days: Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Hours: 11am to 7pm
Carpool: Hansom/Rickshaw/Sedan
Outfit: View picture "Outfits_Exploration"/Maxis LeatherJacket for "No CC"
Skills required for next level: Mechanical:6, Body:3, Charisma:2, Creativity:8, Logic:8, Friends:5
Level 7: Discoverer
Description: A noble man in Alexandria hired you to find treasures and discoveries for him in the Nile River. He wants detailed drawings and information on everything you find and where it can be found, and will pay you a high price for each of them.
Wages: 810
Days: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday
Hours: 9am to 5pm
Carpool: Hansom/Rickshaw/Sedan
Outfit: View picture "Outfits_Exploration"/Maxis LeatherJacket for "No CC"
Skills required for next level: Mechanical:6, Body:4, Charisma:2, Creativity:9, Logic:8, Friends:6
Level 8: Exotic Hunter/Huntress
Description: The Mediterranean Sea and the Nile River were admirable, but now you are starting to feel like a big fish in a small pond. Great news! You just signed a new contract with a Professor in France who wants detailed drawings and information on the animals and natural wonders that can be found all around Africa and in Madagascar.
Wages: 1200
Days: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday
Hours: 6am to 2pm
Carpool: Rickshaw/Victorian Coach/Town Car
Outfit: View picture "Outfits_Exploration"/Maxis LeatherJacket for "No CC"
Skills required for next level: Mechanical:8, Body:5, Charisma:3, Creativity:10, Logic:9, Friends:7
Level 9: Royal Treasure Hunter/Huntress
Description: King Henry VIII of England heard of your adventurous exploits, and would like to hire you. You feel hesitant about it, considering he once sent the Convoy that killed your former boss and friend, but there's good money to be made. The King wants you to find rare Discoveries for him alone, in uncharted areas. He'll offer you a big ship that will allow you to travel further than Africa, and possibly across the ocean. This is starting to look like what you always wanted. You accept.
Wages: 1976
Days: Monday, Thursday, Sunday
Hours: 10am to 6pm
Carpool: Victorian Coach/Victorian Coach/Limo
Outfit: View picture "Outfits_Exploration"/Maxis HighRank for "No CC"
Skills required for next level: Mechanical:10, Body:5, Charisma:3, Creativity:10, Logic:10, Friends:8
Level 10: Mercator's Eyes
Description: The King of England was demanding and impatient, and you reached a point where you had enough of His Highness and his rat race. Mercator heard of you. He offered you to map the entire World in exchange for gold, at your own pace. His falcon messengers let you report to him without having to ever interrupt your travels. This is your Dream Job. Every land you walk on is your new home. All you have to do is look, enjoy and share. Your work is the basis of World Geography. All those who know Mercator's maps should know your name. You are Mercator's Eyes.
Wages: 3100
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Sunday
Hours: 10am to 4pm
Carpool: Victorian Coach/Victorian Coach/Limo
Outfit: View picture "Outfits_Exploration"/Maxis PowerSuit for "No CC"

Level 1: Regular Sailor
Description: You are now part of the regular crew of Trader Tonio. You help a team take care of the sails, cargo and general good condition of the fleet, and you have rookies to run your errands and do some chores for you. This is only the beginning.
Wages: 180
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Hours: 3pm to 9pm
Carpool: Horse/Horse/Hatchback (Full version / Default carpools version / No cc)
Outfit: View picture "Outfits_Piracy"/None for "No CC"
Skills required for next level: Mechanical:2, Body:1, Charisma:1, Friends:2
Level 2: Apprentice-Gunner
Description: The Gunner in charge was in need of a helper. He is kind enough to teach you his tricks. Train well physically and follow what he says, the next position is not far.
Wages: 300
Days: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Hours: 4pm to 10pm
Carpool: Horse/Horse/Hatchback
Outfit: View picture "Outfits_Piracy"/None for "No CC"
Skills required for next level: Mechanical:3, Body:2, Charisma:2, Friends:2
Level 3: Gunner
Description: The Gunner in place thought you did a great job with the cannons, and he can finally retire. You are now the Gunner yourself, in charge of cannons on a ship of Trader Tonio's fleet. You'll need the crew's trust to keep making your way up.
Wages: 400
Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Hours: 2pm to 8pm
Carpool: Hansom/Rickshaw/Sedan
Outfit: View picture "Outfits_Piracy"/None for "No CC"
Skills required for next level: Mechanical:3, Body:2, Charisma:3, Creativity:1, Logic:1, Friends:4
Level 4: Second Captain
Description: One of Trader Tonio's mates got killed, and you get his ship. As Second Captain, you help defend Tonio's Flagship in battle if necessary. Keep expanding your network and improving your skills; you'll soon sail bigger ships.
Wages: 475
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Hours: 8pm to 4am
Carpool: Rickshaw/Victorian Coach/Town Car
Outfit: View picture "Outfits_Piracy"/None for "No CC"
Skills required for next level: Mechanical:4, Body:4, Charisma:4, Creativity:1, Logic:2, Friends:6
Level 5: Privateer for the Royal Navy
Description: Your cargo was transporting gold that day, and a pirate tried to attack you. You defended your ship, and killed your enemy in a duel! King Henry VIII of England heard of that. You got hired by him as a Privateer, on secret missions to defeat more pirates and other enemy fleets. You get brand new armor, weapons, and a shiny new Galleon all to yourself.
Wages: 800
Days: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Hours: 9pm to 5am
Carpool: Victorian Coach/Victorian Coach/Limo
Outfit: View picture "Outfits_Piracy"/Maxis HighRank for "No CC"
Skills required for next level: Mechanical:4, Body:5, Charisma:4, Creativity:2, Logic:2, Friends:7
Level 6: Pirate Captain
Description: You've set an enemy's flagship on fire as they were resupplying. Happy, you went back to tell King Henry VIII of England of your deeds, and saw him turn livid of rage. Your victim was his brother's fleet, on a mission to infiltrate an enemy. The King wants your head for this. You managed to get away with your Galleon. The Royal Navy's on your rear. You're now an outlaw Pirate Captain.
Wages: 650
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Hours: 11pm to 6am
Carpool: Horse/Horse/Hatchback
Outfit: View picture "Outfits_Piracy"/None for "No CC"
Skills required for next level: Mechanical:4, Body:6, Charisma:6, Creativity:3, Logic:2, Friends:8
Level 7: Buccaneer Leader/Queen
Description: You've gained the respect of Buccaneers by vanquishing Fearsome Joe. They teamed up with you and made you a fleet! You now start to make yourself a name as a dangerous Pirate, and most civils fear you. You are a Buccaneer Leader. But your thirst for power doesn't stop here.
Wages: 1080
Days: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Hours: 9pm to 3am
Carpool: Hansom/Rickshaw/Sedan
Outfit: View picture "Outfits_Piracy"/Maxis LeatherJacket for "No CC"
Skills required for next level: Mechanical:4, Body:8, Charisma:8, Creativity:4, Logic:2, Friends:10
Level 8: Corsair Captain
Description: You eventually joined Old-Jack-The-Dread's Corsair fleet as his Second Captain. You didn't get there without leaving a trail of jealousy, mischief, and other evil schemes behind you. This is your new definition of 'casual'. Be careful. Keep an eye on your gold, ship, crew and own life. You are now the ace of sleeping in a chain mail, with one eye opened and a dagger under your pillow.
Wages: 1575
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday
Hours: 10pm to 4am
Carpool: Hansom/Rickshaw/Sedan
Outfit: View picture "Outfits_Piracy"/Maxis LeatherJacket for "No CC"
Skills required for next level: Mechanical:4, Body:9, Charisma:9, Creativity:5, Logic:2, Friends:11
Level 9: Corsair Leader/Queen
Description: Fearsome Joe's old friends ganged up against you... you won. Some of the meanest Corsairs went to celebrate it with you. You quickly leave Old Jack to gather yourself your own Corsair fleet, and proclaim yourself its Leader. Many others want to get your head before you go any higher. Will you keep these barbarians in respect?
Wages: 1976
Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday
Hours: 10 pm to 4am
Carpool: Rickshaw/Victorian Coach/Town Car
Outfit: View picture "Outfits_Piracy"/Maxis LeatherJacket for "No CC"
Skills required for next level: Mechanical:5, Body:10, Charisma:10, Creativity:5, Logic:2, Friends:12
Level 10: (Lady) Terror of the Seven Seas
Description: The two big Corsair Kings, Kill Bill and Averell-The-Grim, teamed up in an attempt to get rid of you once and for all. You were bad enough to sink their both battle fleets in one long, terrible battle. You are a heresy. Most view you as an Incubus or a God. You are the Terror of the Seven Seas. No one alive dares opposing to you or your army of huge monster ships with their hundreds of cannons. Governments, Kings and Queens are your puppets, the world is at your mercy and you're the Ultimate Sea Dominator. Outrageously rich, too, with that.
Wages: 3450
Days: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday
Hours: 11pm to 3am
Carpool: Victorian Coach/Victorian Coach/Limo
Outfit: View picture "Outfits_Piracy"/Maxis HighRank for "No CC"

Level 1: Regular Sailor
Description: You are now part of the regular crew of Trader Tonio. You help a team take care of the sails, cargo and general good condition of the fleet, and you have rookies to run your errands and do some chores for you. This is only the beginning.
Wages: 225
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Hours: 9am to 3pm
Carpool: Horse/Horse/Hatchback (Full version / Default carpools version / No cc)
Outfit: View picture "Outfits_Trading"/None for "No CC"
Skills required for next level: Mechanical:2, Body:1, Charisma:1, Logic:1, Friends:2
Level 2: Apprentice-Accountant
Description: The Accountant in charge was in need of a helper. He is kind enough to teach you his tricks. Keep counting your gold coins and follow what he says, the next position is not far.
Wages: 375
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Hours: 9am to 2pm
Carpool: Horse/Horse/Hatchback
Outfit: View picture "Outfits_Trading"/None for "No CC"
Skills required for next level: Mechanical:2, Body:1, Charisma:1, Logic:5, Friends:2
Level 3: Accountant
Description: You are now Trader Tonio's Accountant. Tonio is an experienced trader, but two heads for numbers are better than one. You calculate the pay of his mates and crew for him, negotiate prices of his ships and other objects, and basically take care of everything involving the manipulation of his gold coins and ingots.
Wages: 500
Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Hours: 10am to 3pm
Carpool: Hansom/Rickshaw/Sedan
Outfit: View picture "Outfits_Trading"/None for "No CC"
Skills required for next level: Mechanical:3, Body:2, Charisma:2, Creativity:1, Logic:6, Friends:3
Level 4: Second Captain
Description: One of Trader Tonio's mates got killed, and you're now in charge of his ship and its cargo. You decide what comes in or goes out, and for how much. Keep sharpening your skills; you might need to expand your network soon.
Wages: 600
Days: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Hours: 6am to 2pm
Carpool: Rickshaw/Victorian Coach/Town Car
Outfit: View picture "Outfits_Trading"/None for "No CC"
Skills required for next level: Mechanical:5, Body:2, Charisma:3, Creativity:3, Logic:7, Friends:5
Level 5: Carpet Trader
Description: Trader Tonio's fleet got destroyed by the Royal Navy, and you didn't stay to ask why. You managed to escape on a medium ship and are now on your own. You start yourself a small commerce by trading carpet and arts near your homeland.
Wages: 875
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Hours: 9am to 6pm
Carpool: Horse/Horse/Hatchback
Outfit: View picture "Outfits_Trading"/None for "No CC"
Skills required for next level: Mechanical:5, Body:2, Charisma:5, Creativity:4, Logic:8, Friends:8
Level 6: Trading Manager
Description: The carpet and arts brought you some nice profits, and you continue, but now you can pay a few fleets to do the travels for you, and expand your activities to a wider variety of goods, including jewels and metals. This makes you meet a lot of important people. Keep building your skills and making new friends. Your wealthier days are still ahead of you.
Wages: 1050
Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Hours: 9am to 3pm
Carpool: Hansom/Rickshaw/Sedan
Outfit: View picture "Outfits_Trading"/None for "No CC"
Skills required for next level: Mechanical:5, Body:2, Charisma:7, Creativity:4, Logic:9, Friends:9
Level 7: Banker in Venice
Description: You met the President of the Venetian Bank one day, while you were trading gold and silver. He got impressed by how fast your profits kept growing and expanding lately. He offers you a job of choice at the Head Bank of Venice. You accept.
Wages: 1525
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday
Hours: 9am to 3pm
Carpool: Rickshaw/Victorian Coach/Town Car
Outfit: View picture "Outfits_Trading"/Maxis CheapSuit for "No CC"
Skills required for next level: Mechanical:5, Body:2, Charisma:9, Creativity:4, Logic:10, Friends:11
Level 8: Manager of the Venetian Bank
Description: The Venetian Bank's profits kept growing and expanding with your help as a Banker, and its President and Vice-Presidents are quite impressed by your natural talent at it. You are the new Manager of a branch of the Venetian Bank.
Wages: 2450
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
Hours: 10am to 3pm
Carpool: Victorian Coach/Victorian Coach/Limo
Outfit: View picture "Outfits_Trading"/Maxis PowerSuit for "No CC"
Skills required for next level: Mechanical:5, Body:2, Charisma:10, Creativity:5, Logic:10, Friends:14
Level 9: Royal Advisor
Description: King Henry VIII of England heard of your exploits, and would like your advice for his fortune and investments. You hesitate, as he was the one who sent the Convoy that wiped out your former boss and friend. Your hesitation makes him raise his offer outrageously. He really wants you, and is ready to be generous. You've been dreaming of these gold ingots for a long time. You accept.
Wages: 3475
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Hours: 10am to 3pm
Carpool: Victorian Coach/Victorian Coach/Limo
Outfit: View picture "Outfits_Trading"/Maxis HighRank for "No CC"
Skills required for next level: Mechanical:5, Body:2, Charisma:10, Creativity:5, Logic:10, Friends:15
Level 10: King/Queen of Gold Coins
Description: You are now the King of Coins. You've managed other people's gold for a long time with flair, and now you barely do anything, it just comes by itself, like by magic. And a nice part of it is all yours. You made yourself wealthy. You can get anything gold can buy, you can do what you want, where you want, you attained Grand Material Bliss.
Wages: 4775
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
Hours: 11am to 3pm
Carpool: Victorian Coach/Victorian Coach/Executive Helicopter
Outfit: View picture "Outfits_Trading"/Maxis Mayor for "No CC"
Your options:

Nightlife + You don't own anything later than OFB.
Custom Rewards included, no custom uniforms, default vehicles (Ancient replacements joined). It's a small download.
The good about this: Small files, the rewards, and you get to customize the uniforms.
The downside: Default Carpools affect all of the game, so if you use them, all your careers will use the same carpools as this set. You could also choose to not use the Default carpools and let your Sailors go to work in regular cars (what a pity!)

If you own all EPs. Or at least Nightlife + (Pets or Later EPs).
Custom Rewards included, Custom Uniforms (some meshes/textures to get), Custom Vehicles (all joined). It's a generous download.
The good about this: You kidding? This is a riot, you get all the good stuff. If you can, go for this one, it's the best!

The downside: It's a big download.

Custom Uniforms
We included pictures showing thumbnails of all the uniforms that your sims will wear through the Careers. Each zip contains everything you need if we could include it. Remember, Elders can only get the 10 levels if they started the career as an Adult.

Antique Cream Linen Chemise - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=241592
Chemise.rar - MESH_CLM_Chemise_Jul07.package
Doublets and Hose Rugged Style - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=419305
Rugged Doublet and Hose.rar - CMESH_AM_Doublet-Hose-Medieval_Apr10_Aligeth.package
Seven Dials Dickens Old Ettie - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=211345
7DEttiebrown.zip - 5ffe3a3d_7DialsEFbrown.package
Victorian Tea Dress - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=208161
ELDERvicTea.zip - 5f500d3d_ELDERvicTea.package
Rococo Family - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=208906
FrenchAgirlbrown.zip - 5ffd3cc0_FrenchGirl.package (orange texture for AF)
FrenchManbrown.zip - 5fe9680b_FrenchManbrown.package (orange texture for AM)
Seven Dials Dickens Old Ettie - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=211345
7DEttiebrown.zip - 5ffe3a3d_7DialsEFbrown.package
Antique Cream Linen Chemise - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=241592
Chemise.rar - MESH_CLM_Chemise_Jul07.package
Doublets and Hose Rugged Style - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=419305
Rugged Doublet and Hose.rar - CMESH_AM_Doublet-Hose-Medieval_Apr10_Aligeth.package
Rococo Family - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=208906
MaleGBrococo.zip - 5f41b5a2_MaleGBrococo.package (blue texture for AM)
sussiGoldblueRoc.zip - 5f876632_RococoMadame.package (blue texture for AF)
Victorian Tea Dress - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=208161
ELDERvicTea.zip - 5f500d3d_ELDERvicTea.package
Victorian Burgundy Promenade - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=208163
lElderBurgundy.zip - 5f9e26db_civilElderprom.package
Antique Cream Linen Chemise - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=241592
Chemise.rar - MESH_CLM_Chemise_Jul07.package
Doublets and Hose Rugged Style - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=419305
Rugged Doublet and Hose.rar - CMESH_AM_Doublet-Hose-Medieval_Apr10_Aligeth.package
Rococo Family - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=208906
FrenchAgirlbrown.zip - 5ffd3cc0_FrenchGirl.package (orange texture for AF)
FrenchManbrown.zip - 5fe9680b_FrenchManbrown.package (orange texture for AM)
Victorian Tea Dress - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=208161
ELDERvicTea.zip - 5f500d3d_ELDERvicTea.package
You can download a .txt copy of this list here; all proper links and specific filenames will help you get the items you need.
Custom & Default Ancient CarpoolsThey replace the Hatchback, Sedan, Town Car, Limo and Executive Helicopter.
Exploration-Trading, Custom Reward
- New mesh by Hexameter
- New interactions by Rue St-Germain (us)
- It's a complex decorative object: a Sextant
- Not available anywhere else than as a Career Reward from our Exploration-Trading Careers
- Each one has its own colors and interactions; the Exploration Career offers the grey Moonlight Sextant; the Trading career offers the shiny green & brown Gaia Sextant
- Both are motive-friendly, with a twist
- They have their own thumbnail in the Career Rewards section and are tied to their respective careers
Piracy, Custom Reward - Clone of the Maxis Execuputter, with Recolors
- By Billie Lith
- Can be in the colors of Piracy, British Royal Navy or Portuguese Navy
- Fun, smooth black golfball mimicking a mini-cannonball
- Raises the Fun motive faster than the normal Execuputter but won't fill it 100% (so your sim will stay and build skills)
- Has also its own thumbnail in the Career Rewards section and is tied to its respective career as well
More translations to come
- German, by Hexameter
- No deadline, it'll be ready when it's ready.
- If anyone wants to make more translations, contact us! It's a lot of text, but we'll be glad to join your translations to this set! :D
Extra Goodies
- By Billie Lith
- 2 New Small Telescope Recolors, Ivory and Ebony
- 3 Ancient Books, Default replacements of the Maxis book (green) - Copernic, Newton or Voltaire, use just one
The books react badly to the Freetime command "Read a book - sort of book";
if you have Freetime installed and really need to have your sims read books, don't use our books! - 2 recolors of the Pirate Captain outfit for adult females; 1 in tones of grey, 1 in tones of green and blue. Wearable by Adults only

- If you have the Base-Game only, do not download anything here! Sorry!
- If you have only the Base-Game and UNI, you cannot keep subfolders; all package files must be put in the Downloads folder itself.
- If you got Nightlife but don't own Pets or any later EPs, go for the Customizable version
- Custom Uniforms: Don't forget to get the Non-Included items!
Antique Cream Linen Chemise - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=241592
Chemise.rar - MESH_CLM_Chemise_Jul07.package
Doublets and Hose Rugged Style - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=419305
Rugged Doublet and Hose.rar - CMESH_AM_Doublet-Hose-Medieval_Apr10_Aligeth.package
Seven Dials Dickens Old Ettie - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=211345
7DEttiebrown.zip - 5ffe3a3d_7DialsEFbrown.package
Victorian Tea Dress - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=208161
ELDERvicTea.zip - 5f500d3d_ELDERvicTea.package
Rococo Family - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=208906
FrenchAgirlbrown.zip - 5ffd3cc0_FrenchGirl.package (orange texture for AF)
FrenchManbrown.zip - 5fe9680b_FrenchManbrown.package (orange texture for AM)
Seven Dials Dickens Old Ettie - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=211345
7DEttiebrown.zip - 5ffe3a3d_7DialsEFbrown.package
Antique Cream Linen Chemise - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=241592
Chemise.rar - MESH_CLM_Chemise_Jul07.package
Doublets and Hose Rugged Style - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=419305
Rugged Doublet and Hose.rar - CMESH_AM_Doublet-Hose-Medieval_Apr10_Aligeth.package
Rococo Family - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=208906
MaleGBrococo.zip - 5f41b5a2_MaleGBrococo.package (blue texture for AM)
sussiGoldblueRoc.zip - 5f876632_RococoMadame.package (blue texture for AF)
Victorian Tea Dress - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=208161
ELDERvicTea.zip - 5f500d3d_ELDERvicTea.package
Victorian Burgundy Promenade - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=208163
lElderBurgundy.zip - 5f9e26db_civilElderprom.package
Antique Cream Linen Chemise - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=241592
Chemise.rar - MESH_CLM_Chemise_Jul07.package
Doublets and Hose Rugged Style - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=419305
Rugged Doublet and Hose.rar - CMESH_AM_Doublet-Hose-Medieval_Apr10_Aligeth.package
Rococo Family - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=208906
FrenchAgirlbrown.zip - 5ffd3cc0_FrenchGirl.package (orange texture for AF)
FrenchManbrown.zip - 5fe9680b_FrenchManbrown.package (orange texture for AM)
Victorian Tea Dress - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=208161
ELDERvicTea.zip - 5f500d3d_ELDERvicTea.package
Last but not least, The Credits
All original texts in english, translations to french (except for the Trading career), Pirate Captain female outfit, Sextant's special interactions, Pirate Putter and recolors, textures for the Sextant by Billie Lith
Trading career translations by Stéphane Loysel, Traducteur.
Mesh, original texture and UV map of the Sextant, View interaction with Fun boosts, all the vehicles used for this set, forthcoming german translation of the careers, patience, kindness and a lot of help, by Hexameter
Vehicles of Hexameter turned to Carpools, by FennShysa
Amazing MESHERS & TEXTURERS (Custom Uniforms) - Thanks for letting us join your awesome work to this set!
Kate @Parsimonious http://www.parsimonious.org/
Aikea Guinea @MTS http://www.modthesims.info/member.php?u=38905 http://www.clubcrimsyn.com/
Sim-Ages http://sims2graveyard.com/ (Sim Ages)
LordDragonstone @SapphireSims http://sapphiresims2.com/ (Down)
Tiggerypum @MTS http://www.modthesims.info/member.php?u=92716
Bettye @MTS http://www.modthesims.info/member.php?u=10452
SussisSoGoodSims @MTS http://www.modthesims.info/member.php?u=763187 http://www.sussissogoodsims2.com
Aligeth @MTS http://www.modthesims.info/member.php?u=652138
Berg @MTS http://www.modthesims.info/member.php?u=30040 http://sims2graveyard.com/ (Carneby Sims)
lidiqnata @MTS http://www.modthesims.info/member.php?u=546343 http://lidiqnatasims2.webs.com/
Cocomama @MTS http://www.modthesims.info/member.php?u=87275
Dr Pixel @MTS http://www.modthesims.info/m/13067
iamliz13 @MTS http://www.modthesims.info/member.php?u=328751
sherahbim @MTS http://www.modthesims.info/member.php?u=153167
Alexasrosa @MTS http://www.modthesims.info/member.php?u=25392 http://alexasrosa.deviantart.com/
Zoej @MTS http://www.modthesims.info/member.php?u=23865
jenfold @MTS http://www.modthesims.info/member.php?u=586679 http://jenfold-sims.livejournal.com/
child_of_air MTS http://www.modthesims.info/member.php?u=32694
Me @MTS http://www.modthesims.info/member.php?u=774690
WEBLIOGRAPHY (Where we found everything - Feel free to visit all these links, wonderful content there!)
A Midsimmer Night's Dream - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=99584
Victorian Dress Mesh, by SussisSoGoodSims2 - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=205801
Victorian Civil War Mesh, by SussisSoGoodSims2 - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=208157
Victorian Tea Dress, by SussisSoGoodSims2 - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=208161
Victorian Burgundy Promenade, by SussisSoGoodSims2 - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=208163
Rococo Family, by SussisSoGoodSims2 - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=208906
Seven Dials Dickens Old Ettie, by SussisSoGoodSims2 - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=211345
The Dark Project - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=232462
Layered Medieval Dresses, by iamliz13 - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=236612
Medieval Alpha Tunics, by iamliz13 - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=238936
Antique Cream Linen Chemise, by Aligeth - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=241592
Scurvy Currs - 4 Pirate Outfits, by Jenfold - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=245690
Gypsy clothing for elders, by sherahbim - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=249938
Medieval Gown Adults and Teens, by iamliz13 - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=250802
Female pirate clothing, by sherahbim - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=263927
Medieval and renaissance gowns, by sherahbim - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=281399
Regency Fashion for Adult Male, by Berg - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=285676
Pirate Women - Pants, by DrPixel - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=312366
Men in tights, by Cocomama - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=329591
The Matrons of Fashion, by child of air - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=371606
Pirate King and Queen clothing, by sherahbim - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=380834
Doublets and Hose Ragged Style, by Aligeth - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=419301
Doublets and Hose Rugged Style, by Aligeth - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=419305
Rococo for him pt.1, by lidiqnata - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=470519
Rococo for him pt.2, by lidiqnata - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=471108
Estrid's Party Dress, mesh by Lord Dragonstone from Sapphire Sims - http://www.medievalsims.com/forums/...php?f=41&t=1026
Content in the pictures
Dirt Roads neighborhood deco by sunni9676
Hair on the adult female sim by lidiqnata
Hair on the adult and teen male sims by Cheryl Mason
Hair on the elder male sim by XM Sims
Sheila Deadbones sim by Maxis, EA

This set has been amazing to create and is really fun to play! I hope you all love it!
Enjoy :D
Additional Credits:
Thanks to all the Meshers and Texturers for their policy allowing us to use their content on our set!
Thanks to all the writers of tutorials for Custom Careers - we seriously checked them all many times
Thanks to my friend Stéphane Loysel for his amazing french translation of the Trading career.
Thanks to Echo for her tutorials on BHAVs
Thanks to leefish and MTS - and thanks for making this a Picked Upload

Wow, this is Featured? Thank you MTS!

You don't just make my day there, you make my week, and possibly my year, lol.
Thanks to Numenor, particularly for his CEP and Any Game Starter
Thanks to the creators and revivers of SimPE Thanks to the creators of the Inseminator
Thanks to everyone we could have forgotten!
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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Updated: 7th Apr 2023 at 2:39 AM
#pirate, #Pirate, #pirates, #Navigation, #Piracy, #Trading, #Exploration, #Navigators, #Pirates, #Traders, #Explorers, #Ancient, #Renaissance, #1500, #1522, #Golf, #Sextant, #I Saw Three Ships, #I Saw 3 Ships, #3 Ships, #Books, #Telescopes, #Outfits, #Copernic, #Newton, #Voltaire
Sims - Pirates Barbarossa and Black Beard / 6 Sailors
Objects - Telescope in Wood Colors / Restored Pirate Ship
Major - Ancient Navigation
by billielith updated 6th Aug 2012 at 11:05pm
+1 packs
I Saw Three Ships : The Sailors
by billielith updated 26th Dec 2014 at 11:13pm
Packs Needed
Base Game | |
![]() | Sims 2 |
Expansion Pack | |
![]() | Nightlife |