Half-Height Wall Tiles
Thumbnail.jpg - width=968 height=816
Swatches-AL.jpg - width=1078 height=469
Swatches-BG.jpg - width=1774 height=290
Swatches-Coloratura.jpg - width=1910 height=522
Swatches-FromFloors.jpg - width=1910 height=1945
Swatches-FT.jpg - width=1910 height=522
Swatches-KB.jpg - width=1910 height=778
Swatches-LS.jpg - width=1910 height=1167
Swatches-MG.jpg - width=1910 height=522
Swatches-NL.jpg - width=1910 height=522
Swatches-SSN.jpg - width=1910 height=522
Swatches-UNI.jpg - width=1078 height=469
WhatIsTheDifference.jpg - width=1070 height=588
These are half-height add-on tiles for CatherineTCJD's Wallpaper Overlays. These are the same colours I already did at shower-height minus the ones already done by CatherineTCJD.
Mesh NOT included, get the mesh and the other half-height tile recolours HERE!
These recolours are for the "INside" Edition.
As a base I used tiled walls from the Base Game, from Expansion and Stuff Packs, and from Argon's Life Stories Build Bundle. I also used certain tile and stone floors as a base. Files labelled "Floor" are taken from tile flooring, files labelled "FloorwStone" are taken from stone flooring. That should make it easier to find the corresponding floors in the catalogue.
I also used the BG Coloratura shower textures and this recolour as a base. If anyone wants those Coloratura tiles and all those floors made into actual wall coverings, I uploaded them separately here.
I compressorized the files and named them so that they get ordered by tile size if you plop them all in the same folder. Additionally, I put them in subfolders according to EP/SP. This was to make it easier to find a specific file using the swatches. There are 102 recolours after all, so you might want to delete of some of them. I included swatches in the download to make that easier. I ordered them by EP/SP by looking at which flooring was in the premade Maxis collections. So I'm not sure that my labelling is 100% correct.
That means if you leave the recolours in their subfolders, they will be sorted by EP/SP first and then by tile size in the game. If you plop all recolours in the same folder, they will be sorted only by tile size in the game.
CC/Mods used for screenshots:
- No Pause Frame by Nopke
Thanks to:
- CatherineTCJD for the Wallpaper Overlays and Numenor who made the version these are based on
- Airazor65 for the suggestion
- Sophie for the idea to make Maxis floors into walls
- mustluvcatz for the help with the transparency issue and HugeLunatic for the instructions on how to solve it
- Argon for the Life Stories Build Bundle
- missmaxoid for uploading stuff from the old Sims 2 website
- The creators of SimPE
- jfade for The Compressorizer
- Maxis and EA for the game in general and especially the wall and floor files I used
Filename | Type | Size |
WallOverlaysHalfHeightRCs.rar | rar | |
Corax-HalfTile-Big-AL-black.package | package | 4261 |
Corax-HalfTile-Herringbone-AL-white.package | package | 23180 |
Corax-HalfTile-Small-AL-black.package | package | 3526 |
Swatches-AL.jpg | jpg | 70166 |
Corax-HalfTile-Big-BG-purple.package | package | 9217 |
Corax-HalfTile-Big-BG-whiteblue1.package | package | 8419 |
Corax-HalfTile-Big-BG-whiteblue2.package | package | 7184 |
Corax-HalfTile-Herringbone-BG-cream.package | package | 17106 |
Corax-HalfTile-Micro-BG-aqua.package | package | 30109 |
Corax-HalfTile-Moroccan-BG-cream.package | package | 10725 |
Corax-HalfTile-Small-BG-blue.package | package | 20203 |
Swatches-BG.jpg | jpg | 94369 |
Corax-HalfTile-Big-Colora1.package | package | 21482 |
Corax-HalfTile-Big-Colora2.package | package | 17428 |
Corax-HalfTile-Small-Colora1.package | package | 31247 |
Corax-HalfTile-Small-Colora2.package | package | 30018 |
Swatches-Coloratura.jpg | jpg | 122044 |
Corax-HalfTile-Floor-BG1.package | package | 24363 |
Corax-HalfTile-Floor-BG2.package | package | 21323 |
Corax-HalfTile-Floor-BG3.package | package | 32409 |
Corax-HalfTile-Floor-BGmoroccan1.package | package | 39114 |
Corax-HalfTile-Floor-BGmoroccan2.package | package | 36442 |
Corax-HalfTile-Floor-diamond1.package | package | 17113 |
Corax-HalfTile-Floor-diamond2.package | package | 16361 |
Corax-HalfTile-Floor-diamond3.package | package | 36058 |
Corax-HalfTile-Floor-diamond4.package | package | 36299 |
Corax-HalfTile-Floor-KB1.package | package | 31924 |
Corax-HalfTile-Floor-KB2.package | package | 29645 |
Corax-HalfTile-Floor-loft1.package | package | 34417 |
Corax-HalfTile-Floor-loft2.package | package | 36775 |
Corax-HalfTile-Floor-loft3.package | package | 37793 |
Corax-HalfTile-Floor-NL1.package | package | 28492 |
Corax-HalfTile-Floor-NL2.package | package | 26659 |
Corax-HalfTile-Floor-NL3.package | package | 26317 |
Corax-HalfTile-Floor-NL4.package | package | 26997 |
Corax-HalfTile-Floor-NL5.package | package | 26864 |
Corax-HalfTile-Floor-NL6.package | package | 32122 |
Corax-HalfTile-Floor-OFB.package | package | 16085 |
Corax-HalfTile-Floor-SSN1.package | package | 29134 |
Corax-HalfTile-Floor-SSN2.package | package | 29639 |
Corax-HalfTile-Floor-SSN3.package | package | 29189 |
Corax-HalfTile-Floor-terra1.package | package | 31497 |
Corax-HalfTile-Floor-terra2.package | package | 29622 |
Corax-HalfTile-Floor-terra3.package | package | 17211 |
Corax-HalfTile-Floor-terra4.package | package | 32202 |
Corax-HalfTile-Floor-UNI.package | package | 36239 |
Corax-HalfTile-FloorwStone-diamond1.package | package | 35916 |
Corax-HalfTile-FloorwStone-diamond2.package | package | 32683 |
Corax-HalfTile-FloorwStone-FT.package | package | 33421 |
Corax-HalfTile-FloorwStone-KB1.package | package | 33521 |
Corax-HalfTile-FloorwStone-KB2.package | package | 31508 |
Corax-HalfTile-FloorwStone-KB3.package | package | 33553 |
Corax-HalfTile-FloorwStone-terra.package | package | 31162 |
Corax-HalfTile-FloorwStone-UNI.package | package | 30285 |
Swatches-FromFloors.jpg | jpg | 339597 |
Corax-HalfTile-Small-FT-blue.package | package | 3887 |
Corax-HalfTile-Small-FT-green.package | package | 4243 |
Corax-HalfTile-Small-FT-grey.package | package | 3868 |
Corax-HalfTile-Small-FT-red.package | package | 4066 |
Swatches-FT.jpg | jpg | 152447 |
Corax-HalfTile-Big-KB-Rbeige1.package | package | 16712 |
Corax-HalfTile-Big-KB-Rbeige2.package | package | 30159 |
Corax-HalfTile-Big-KB-Rblue1.package | package | 16918 |
Corax-HalfTile-Big-KB-Rblue2.package | package | 30150 |
Corax-HalfTile-Big-KB-Rmint1.package | package | 17102 |
Corax-HalfTile-Big-KB-Rmint2.package | package | 28974 |
Corax-HalfTile-Big-KB-Rorange1.package | package | 17106 |
Corax-HalfTile-Big-KB-Rorange2.package | package | 31353 |
Corax-HalfTile-Misc-KB-beige.package | package | 29405 |
Corax-HalfTile-Misc-KB-grey.package | package | 34808 |
Corax-HalfTile-Misc-KB-white.package | package | 31171 |
Swatches-KB.jpg | jpg | 163538 |
Corax-HalfTile-Big-LS-beige.package | package | 29568 |
Corax-HalfTile-Big-LS-blue.package | package | 30264 |
Corax-HalfTile-Big-LS-green.package | package | 29661 |
Corax-HalfTile-Big-LS-red.package | package | 30439 |
Corax-HalfTile-Medium-LS-blue1.package | package | 28200 |
Corax-HalfTile-Medium-LS-blue2.package | package | 29400 |
Corax-HalfTile-Medium-LS-pink1.package | package | 28888 |
Corax-HalfTile-Medium-LS-pink2.package | package | 31290 |
Corax-HalfTile-Mini-LS-blue1.package | package | 30675 |
Corax-HalfTile-Mini-LS-blue2.package | package | 39017 |
Corax-HalfTile-Mini-LS-blue3.package | package | 36408 |
Corax-HalfTile-Mini-LS-orange.package | package | 30057 |
Corax-HalfTile-Mini-LS-red.package | package | 29246 |
Corax-HalfTile-Misc-LS-oct.package | package | 34249 |
Corax-HalfTile-Misc-LS-Sblue.package | package | 5931 |
Corax-HalfTile-Misc-LS-Sbrown.package | package | 6188 |
Corax-HalfTile-Misc-LS-Sgreen.package | package | 6468 |
Corax-HalfTile-Misc-LS-Swhtblu.package | package | 6546 |
Corax-HalfTile-Misc-LS-Swhtgry.package | package | 6392 |
Corax-HalfTile-Misc-LS-Swhtpnk.package | package | 6510 |
Corax-HalfTile-Misc-LS-Swhtyllw.package | package | 6752 |
Swatches-LS.jpg | jpg | 205481 |
Corax-HalfTile-Moroccan-MG-blue.package | package | 11378 |
Corax-HalfTile-Moroccan-MG-red.package | package | 10637 |
Corax-HalfTile-Small-MG-orange.package | package | 23328 |
Corax-HalfTile-Small-MG-red.package | package | 18644 |
Swatches-MG.jpg | jpg | 164084 |
Corax-HalfTile-Micro-NL-blue.package | package | 26255 |
Corax-HalfTile-Micro-NL-green.package | package | 31575 |
Corax-HalfTile-Micro-NL-pink.package | package | 30714 |
Corax-HalfTile-Micro-NL-red.package | package | 27856 |
Swatches-NL.jpg | jpg | 174403 |
Corax-HalfTile-Small-SSN-chicken1.package | package | 11357 |
Corax-HalfTile-Small-SSN-chicken2.package | package | 11466 |
Corax-HalfTile-Small-SSN-flower1.package | package | 6831 |
Corax-HalfTile-Small-SSN-flower2.package | package | 12113 |
Swatches-SSN.jpg | jpg | 130582 |
Corax-HalfTile-Micro-UNI-white.package | package | 23047 |
Corax-HalfTile-Misc-UNI-brick.package | package | 21649 |
Corax-HalfTile-Misc-UNI-diam.package | package | 21821 |
Swatches-UNI.jpg | jpg | 77303 |
The following custom content is required for this download to function properly! Please make sure you download it before downloading the files!
- Wallpaper Overlay "Inside" Edition by CatherineTCJD
Uploaded: 29th Aug 2022, 3.26 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
Meshes needed
This download requires one or more meshes to work properly. Please check the Description tab for information about the meshes needed, then download them below:MTS cannot guarantee any off-site links will be available |
Wallpaper Overlays: the INside Edition -plus- a Maxis Wall Hider file by CatherineTCJD |
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Updated: 26th Jun 2023 at 12:50 AM
#AddOn, #Add-On, #Floor, #Maxis Match, #Overlay, #Recolor, #Recolour, #Tile, #Wall Overlay, #Wall
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