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Oky's OMG ZEY RAWK lots.


Last Activity:
19th Jun 2009 9:23 AM
Join Date:
27th Dec 2007
Total Posts:
13 (0.00 posts per day)
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About Me:

My policies:

if you ever want to refurnish, change the terrain of, change the flooring of, or do whatever to one of my lots, you may re-upload it here, and only here, with a link to me for creating the basic structure of the lot. even if it is hardly recognizable, if you used one of my lots, then you must recognize me. The same goes for any other things I create.

Basically, if you didn't make it from maxis/scratch, credit the original creator. i don't care if you only left the bottom border from a homecrafter product.
/it's not yours/
give some credit.

if you see anybody using my content without a credit, PM me, not the moderators. i will warn them, and if they don't comply, i'll get the moderators.

I will never, EVER use another persons content in my lot. i never want to go past "hey, check out so and so's whatever, i have it and it looks great in the lot." so don't ask me to put something another creator made in my lot. Also, if you notice that i slipped up and used someone's content on accident, please tell me so i can remove it, or at least credit the creator.
(i doubt this paragraph was needed, but you never know)

I will take requests for lots and homecrafter objects. i won't take requests for neighborhoods unless a whole bunch of people want the same neighborhood. i also won't take object requests.. because i don't do that... i don't know why you'd ask me to make something i don't make... but if you were going to... no.

About me and my lots:

I make mostly nature themed lots, but i will make city lots if you want me to. though they may be not as good as my rural/nature ones.

I am open to feedback if it's constructive. if you don't like something, say why. and if you have a suggestion, make sure i can do it in the sims 2.
and don't forget, all creators have feelings, so be nice.

If you want me to tell you how I did something, i will gladly show you the tutorial, or tell you how to do it the best i can if i don't have a tut on hand. and don't be afraid to ask if you don't understand something!

No Terms of Usage

This creator has no TOU!

If in doubt, it may be good to contact them if you have a question about using their assets for your own upload. However, the creator not having a TOU could mean they don't mind what happens with their content and you can use their assets as you wish.

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  • Tropical Island Paradise! sparsely furnished. INCLUDES CAVE AND WATERFALL!

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    *Ladies and gentlemen and fish people, I bring to you and your sims a new dwelling! more...

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  • Complete Farm Lot! Silo, barn, coop, windmills, swimmable lake. furnished house!

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