Lab Assistant
#2626 Old 30th Oct 2016 at 4:12 AM
I do have spreadsheets, it's just that I hate it when stuff feels so... forced/memorized like that, I guess? Instead of having an "intuitive" feel for things. At least this time I was only gone for a couple of weeks (minecraft never holds my attention for too long), and it was a fairly new (ie. small) neighbourhood.
Forum Resident
#2627 Old 1st Nov 2016 at 3:49 PM
That every time my computer needs to clear space or stuff like that it seems to remove Hoodchecker. This is the third or fourth time I've had to re-download it. I'm using that, damnit.

I am Error.
Needs Coffee
retired moderator
#2628 Old 1st Nov 2016 at 10:15 PM
Your computer should never just remove things automatically -unless you are on a Mac? I would look into that and check your settings.

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
~Call me Jo~
Link Ninja
#2629 Old 1st Nov 2016 at 10:34 PM
I wish the game took into account parent-child relationships for those Uni cut scenes. It's been quite jarring to see my teens be sent off to college by their absentee parent that hasn't ever been involved in their lives just because that parent happens to have an earlier character file number or whatever has been said to drive the decision to put which parent in those university cut-scenes.

Uh oh! My social bar is low - that's why I posted today.

Mad Poster
#2630 Old 1st Nov 2016 at 10:51 PM
I wonder if that sort of thing could be changed with a hack.

Pet Peeve: Sometimes when Sims are woohooing via ACR, the cutscene glitches up and the poor Sims are clipping through the bed. It looks painful.

I'm secretly a Bulbasaur. | Formerly known as ihatemandatoryregister

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Forum Resident
#2631 Old 1st Nov 2016 at 11:01 PM
Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
Your computer should never just remove things automatically -unless you are on a Mac? I would look into that and check your settings.

But, like, when it needs more space and you tell it to remove programs that are not in use? I assumed that's when it went, at least.

I am Error.
Lab Assistant
#2632 Old 1st Nov 2016 at 11:27 PM
I hate the cow mascots all they do annoy your sims and the dormies. Thank goodness for the flame jets from Nightlife.
Needs Coffee
retired moderator
#2633 Old 1st Nov 2016 at 11:44 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Kligma
But, like, when it needs more space and you tell it to remove programs that are not in use? I assumed that's when it went, at least.

I only ever remove programs manually.

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
~Call me Jo~
#2634 Old 3rd Nov 2016 at 3:39 AM
When I add a new Downtown to a neighbourhood, and then every single household has to go through the rigmarole of getting a call around 6 pm asking if they want to go visit one of the exciting new places -- even if the Downtown in question doesn't have a single community lot in it!
#2635 Old 3rd Nov 2016 at 1:20 PM
Default Impatient Fellow Sims in the game
Daniel Stein called his pal/possible love interest Nancy Sugar up to meet at a community lot. He had to wait for the taxi to show up. Before he got to the lot Nancy popped up all angry saying, "WHAT YOU STOOD ME UP? DON'T CALL ME."

Give a guy a break. He got there as soon as possible.
Blame the taxi company. LOL.
Daniel spent the better part of the night at the dive bar trying to pick up other women (unsuccessfully). He had Meadow Thayer hit on him but then she had to leave because I think she's a teen and out past her curfew.

Of course none of my photos came out.

"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went." Will Rogers
Field Researcher
#2636 Old 3rd Nov 2016 at 8:38 PM
Why is it, that no matter what angle you're viewing the house from, when it comes to feeding baby from the fridge, the parent sim will always somehow manage to put the bottle down on the one bit of floor you can't quite see?

I swear they do it deliberately.
Mad Poster
#2637 Old 4th Nov 2016 at 1:04 AM
Connecting arches. They always seem to refuse to connect when I want them to, and then link up perfectly when I wish they'd stay unlinked. Really wish EAxis would just have made the four link pieces separately, so you could just pull the one you actually wanted for a given situation.

Welcome to the Dark Side...
We lied about having cookies.
Mad Poster
#2638 Old 4th Nov 2016 at 1:59 AM
And then, sometimes, if you remove them, the empty floor tile spaces (?) stay behind as well.
Mad Poster
#2639 Old 4th Nov 2016 at 11:23 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Dagwon
I do have spreadsheets, it's just that I hate it when stuff feels so... forced/memorized like that, I guess? Instead of having an "intuitive" feel for things. At least this time I was only gone for a couple of weeks (minecraft never holds my attention for too long), and it was a fairly new (ie. small) neighbourhood.

I have ADHD too, and trust me, the day I stopped fighting that "But they want me to be organiiiiiiiiized" feeling and just accepted that I need some level of organisation to function, everything got a whole lot better.

For my sims spreadsheets, they are fairly haphazard but I do note down things that I can't look up in-game. I never write things like their hair or eye colour. I write things like their genetic penis size and goals which have occurred to me which I might forget later and at what age I think they'll need to start wearing glasses, or anything relating to complex formulas that I don't want to have to work out multiple times.

Check out my thoughts on Psymchology (Sim Psychology) - latest post is on the main six aspirations.
#2640 Old 4th Nov 2016 at 1:08 PM
I only have spreadsheets for reboots with basic information I can fill out in CAS. Not skilled enough to put in memories or anything.
Top Secret Researcher
#2641 Old 5th Nov 2016 at 2:40 AM
When a perfectly normal-looking teenager ages up to an ugly student - suddenly he has a large nose and prominent cheekbones, which doesn't resemble his parents or the way he looked before. Grrrr.
Link Ninja
#2642 Old 5th Nov 2016 at 2:43 AM
Quote: Originally posted by krudyard
When a perfectly normal-looking teenager ages up to an ugly student - suddenly he has a large nose and prominent cheekbones, which doesn't resemble his parents or the way he looked before. Grrrr.

Easy breezy beautiful gussy up mod

Uh oh! My social bar is low - that's why I posted today.

Needs Coffee
retired moderator
#2643 Old 5th Nov 2016 at 3:16 AM
Keep in mind that's only cosmetic surgery unless you make it genetic in simpe.

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
~Call me Jo~
Link Ninja
#2644 Old 5th Nov 2016 at 3:33 AM
Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
Keep in mind that's only cosmetic surgery unless you make it genetic in simpe.

Here's a thread on how to achieve genetic beauty for anyone interested.

Uh oh! My social bar is low - that's why I posted today.

Mad Poster
#2645 Old 5th Nov 2016 at 6:35 AM
Quote: Originally posted by krudyard
When a perfectly normal-looking teenager ages up to an ugly student - suddenly he has a large nose and prominent cheekbones, which doesn't resemble his parents or the way he looked before. Grrrr.

It may be you have still broken templates in game if you use Maxis templates. You need Argon archfix,9028.0.html or just replace them with default replacements. It doesn't fix sims already in game but new sims what will be created. To fix your sim you need use SimPE.
Mad Poster
#2646 Old 5th Nov 2016 at 8:11 PM
Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
Keep in mind that's only cosmetic surgery unless you make it genetic in simpe.

You can also use Christianlov's DNA tool in my sig. It's a bit more user-friendly than SimPE.
Needs Coffee
retired moderator
#2647 Old 5th Nov 2016 at 9:52 PM
How does that work?

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
~Call me Jo~
Mad Poster
#2648 Old 5th Nov 2016 at 11:07 PM Last edited by RoxEllen1965 : 10th Sep 2017 at 10:13 PM. Reason: Added link to screenshots of test sims; added link to CL's original tutorial post; clarified instruction # 1
Default Instructions for using Christianlov's cpackeditor with DNA fixer
These are very small screenshots. I hope it's okay to upload more than four for instructional/demonstration purposes.

I put the files for this program in My Documents > EA Games. It seems to work well for me there. As always when trying out a new tool, test it on a disposable testing neighborhood first to get the hang of it. I recently got rid of some perma-frowns and a perma-smile in my Megahood and needed to fix them, so I used those sims in my example.

1. Use your favorite method of doing plastic surgery on one or more sims in a neighborhood. Save the game. Exit the game and run the Cpackeditor.

2. Click the "Tool" button in the upper left corner of the program under the menu to display all the tools.

3. Click the "DNA Fixer" tab on the far right to select it.

4. You'll see a button on the right side of the screen with three dots. Click that and browse to your chosen neighborhood. Select the Characters folder and click the "OK" button.

5. Click the "Fix Facial Structure" button on the lower left. The tool will now scan the chosen Characters file for discrepancies and will display a progress meter. When it's finished, the tool will display a dialog box that tells you how many character files it fixed and reminds you to keep a backup for awhile. The main program window will show a list of all the sims whose DNA was fixed, showing their names and package numbers.

When I first got this, I tested it by making a pair of sims in CAS that both used the same face template. I confirmed that any children from this couple could also only have the same face template. I then placed this couple onto a lot and performed plastic surgery on them, giving them each a very different and extreme face from the other sim. I exited the game and ran the DNA fixer as above. When I re-entered the game and bred the now-fixed couple, they produced four weird children, no two of whom looked the same. I think I will upload some of these to the Facial Expressions thread in the Pictures section (Post # 621).

DISCLAIMER: I don't think Christianlov ever finished the Cpackeditor. I've seen old posts by him about functions he wanted to add to it, but never got around to doing. As far as I know, the "Custom Skintone Selector" and "DNA Fixer" work properly. I have no idea whether the other tools/function work or even what they are meant to do. (Christianlov's original DNA fixer tutorial)
#2649 Old 5th Nov 2016 at 11:33 PM
For me i hate how glitchy the roofs are because on some sides they just go through the wall and there is just no fixing it, then i also hate when random people call our sims like i get it all the time... i think it's just the games way of helping your sims get further in their careers because they keep more and more friends as they get higher up, if you notice your sims become friends with them very quickly than other sims and it's the same for sims that pass by as well, although it's incredibly creepy for sure because they read their paper, stand on their porch and generally just poke their nose in every where lol but at least it sims my sims pets someone to stroke them and give them treats while my sims are at work or busy doing something. Even if it's a younger sim your sims still make friends with them although it still keeps on happening even after they make it to the top of their careers, just random sims but then it starts spawning sims that look exactly alike, it's quite buggy, my sim Daisy she has this dark girl that keeps calling her like... so needy... but it spawns other female girls that look just like her if not almost like her and i see them passing by the house, it's weird.
Needs Coffee
retired moderator
#2650 Old 5th Nov 2016 at 11:55 PM
RoxEllen, thanks I will save the link to your post here. I've never heard of this program before.

Pygsmyemm, have you run hood checker? You said in another post that your hood is very old, it could be corruption.

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
~Call me Jo~
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