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#1 Old 20th Sep 2023 at 8:33 PM Last edited by Godleof : 20th Sep 2023 at 9:40 PM.
Default Unlocking hidden catalog content
Using this tutorial, you'll be able to unlock hidden floor and wall patterns, terrain paints, walls, an invisible fence, and more.

The stuff I will be talking about in this tutorial is not new. It had been circling around the forum for many years. In fact, my tutorial wouldn't have been possible without those tutorials and forum posts. But surprisingly, it seems like this topic isn't as widely known, and the threads themselves got buried under the load of posts on the forum.

The reason why I decided to write yet another tutorial is because the ones that exist don't go into much detail on what hidden catalog stuff you're gonna find, and explanations aren't as user-friendly, especially considering we've got way more game editions to deal with since then. So I took it upon myself to gather all the information available there, conduct loads of experiments, and put everything in one place.

And of course, all the credit goes to the people who found this stuff and put it out on the forum.

There's a lot of stuff to talk about; I split the tutorial by category. You can skip to whatever part you're interested in, but make sure to read General Information first—I put information that applies to all the parts to avoid repetition.

Table of Contents
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Original Poster
#2 Old 20th Sep 2023 at 8:38 PM

To unlock hidden stuff in the catalog, we need to modify a few game files. Don't worry, it's not that hard at all; those are just text files. You'd probably be fine with any text editor you have, like Notepad or TextEdit.

But for Windows users, I recommend using (and will be using in this tutorial) Notepad++. It's a free and open-source editor. The reason why I specifically recommend this program is because later versions of Windows require you to run a program in administrator mode to edit files stored in the Program Files directory. It's a tedious task to do so with a regular notepad, while with Notepad++, you can do that in just a few clicks.

If you still want to stick to the built-in Notepad. you would need to copy a file you're planning on editing into a user directory, like on a desktop; edit the file and save changes; and then move the edited file back to the original location, replacing the initial file.

Files location
With that sorted out, now you need to know what those files are and where to find them. Mostly, we need to modify a bunch of .txt files located in the base game catalog scripts folder, but some expansion packs have a few additional things. And in case you don't have any of the EPs, just skip the portions of the related instructions.
For Windows users:
If you have the Ultimate Collection:
Base Game:
C:\Program Files\EA Games\The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection\Double Deluxe\Base\TSData\Res\Catalog\Scripts
Bon Voyage:
C:\Program Files\EA Games\The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection\Bon Voyage\TSData\Res\Catalog\Scripts
The latest EP:
C:\Program Files\EA Games\The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection\Fun with Pets\SP9\TSData\Res\Catalog\Scripts
If you have the disk version:
Base Game:
C:\Program Files (x86)\EA GAMES\The Sims 2\TSData\Res\Catalog\Scripts\
Bon Voyage (skip if you don't have it):
C:\Program Files (x86)\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 Bon Voyage\TSData\Res\Catalog\Scripts\
The latest EP is the one you use to start the game. Here's the path for M&G (adjust if it's some other EP for you):
C:\Program Files (x86)\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 Mansion and Garden Stuff\TSData\Res\Catalog\Scripts\

Please be aware that:
  • If you have Ultimate Collection installed from Origin, the base path is C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection\
  • If you have a 32-bit version of Windows, the program folder is just C:\Program Files\
  • Your drive letter might be different.
  • In some cases, your game's installation path might be entirely different, depending on the edition of the game. The easiest way to find out where your game is installed is to right-click on the icon you use to launch the game and choose "Open file location".
For Mac users:
Open the Applications folder, right-click "The Sims 2", and select "Show package contents". Then go to the correct location from these options:
Base Game:
Bon Voyage (it's also your latest EP):
Contents/Assets/Expansion Packs/Bon Voyage/TSData/Res/Catalog/Scripts
If you have the 32-bit version (Pre-Catalina), go to the Home folder instead of Assets.
For Linux users:
File locations should be similar to those on Windows. Just first find the WINE prefix folder (or data location if you used any other solution) where the game was installed.

Always make backups of the files you're about to modify. Files across different EPs have the same names; make sure to put them in separate places or you'll end up overriding previous backups! I warned you, and I won't be repeating it in each section.
Using Notepad++
To open any file with Notepad++, just right-click on it and select "Edit with Notepad++".

I recommend you open the program in administrator mode beforehand. Just locate the icon, right-click on it, then select "Run as Administrator" and click "Yes" if you get a User Account Control prompt.

But if you forget to do so, don't worry. When you try to save (💾 or Ctrl+S) a modified file, you'll get an error message asking you to elevate the app's privileges. Just click "Yes" and then "Yes" again if you get a UAC prompt. The app will restart. Now you can save the file.

With that said, you're finally ready to proceed and unlock hidden content
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Original Poster
#3 Old 20th Sep 2023 at 8:47 PM Last edited by Godleof : 21st Sep 2023 at 8:39 AM.

The base game's wallPatterns.txt file contains all the patterns that were hidden from the catalog. You need to locate and open it.

Patterns with the "notInCatalog" parameter

Those are the wall patterns used around the game for technical purposes; for example, they can be found on foundation and pool walls.

To unhide them, simply add # in front of all notInCatalog lines. To do so quickly:
  1. Go to Search > Replace... (or press Ctrl+H)
  2. In the "Find what" field, put notInCatalog
  3. In the "Replace with" field, put #notInCatalog
  4. Click "Replace All"
  5. Save the changes (💾 or Ctrl+S)

Patterns with the "deprecated" parameter

Those are the patterns that were planned to be removed by the developers but were left because there might've been some references left. Some of them are copies of the patterns you can find in catalogs. But some are completely unique.

To unhide them, simply add # in front of all deprecated lines. To do so quickly:
  1. Go to Search > Replace... (or press Ctrl+H)
  2. In the "Find what" field, put deprecated
  3. In the "Replace with" field, put #deprecated
  4. Click "Replace All"
  5. Save the changes (💾 or Ctrl+S)

Three of the patterns have both deprecated and notInCatalog parameters.
Some patterns seem to have missing textures and look like the blank wall pattern. Please don't confuse them with the actual default wall pattern.

All the enabled patterns can be found in Walls > All (). They'll be at the beginning there.

Attachments Pending Approval
File Type: png wallPatterns_deprecated.png
File Type: png wallPatterns_deprecated+notInCatalog.png
File Type: png wallPatterns_notInCatalog.png
Test Subject
Original Poster
#4 Old 20th Sep 2023 at 8:56 PM Last edited by Godleof : 21st Sep 2023 at 8:39 AM.

The floorPatterns.txt files contain all the hidden patterns from the catalog. The majority of the patterns are in the base game file, but a couple of them are in the file of your latest EP. You need to locate and open them both.

Base Game

Patterns with the "notInCatalog" parameter

Those are the floor patterns used around the game for technical purposes, like roads.

To unhide them, simply add # in front of all notInCatalog lines. To do so quickly:
  1. Go to Search > Replace... (or press Ctrl+H)
  2. In the "Find what" field, put notInCatalog
  3. In the "Replace with" field, put #notInCatalog
  4. Click "Replace All"
  5. Save the changes (💾 or Ctrl+S)

Patterns with "deprecated" parameter

Those are the patterns that were planned to be removed by the developers but are still in the game. Most of them are copies of the patterns you can find in catalogs. But a few of them are completely unique.

To unhide them, simply add # in front of all deprecated lines. To do so quickly:
  1. Go to Search > Replace... (or press Ctrl+H)
  2. In the "Find what" field, put deprecated
  3. In the "Replace with" field, put #deprecated
  4. Click "Replace All"
  5. Save the changes (💾 or Ctrl+S)

Some patterns have both deprecated and #notInCatalog parameters.
Some patterns seem to have missing textures, meaning they would be just flashing blue.

Commented-out patterns

There are three patterns that were entirely commented out. You can search for #floorPattern lines to find those patterns. And to unhide them, you need to remove all # in front of #floorPattern, #material, and #surfaceType lines, but leave the actual comment and #notInCatalog unchanged. See the pictures below.

Don't forget to save the changes.

The latest EP

There are two floor patterns: "loftSmallBirchPlanks" is used on top of Split-Level Interior Foundations, and "floor_wood_pirateShip" is used as hidden flooring on The Swashbuckling Shipwrecker by Impressive Installations, aka the pirate ship.

The unhiding process is the same as with the base game patterns: add # in front of all #notInCatalog lines and save the changes.

Don't enable those two patterns for more than one EP; you'll just get your catalog cluttered with identical items.
Clear the thumbnail cache if the pirate ship pattern has an empty icon.

All the enabled patterns can be found in Floors > All (). They'll be at the beginning there.

Attachments Pending Approval
File Type: png floorPatterns_commented-out.png
File Type: png floorPatterns_deprecated.png
File Type: png floorPatterns_deprecated+notInCatalog.png
File Type: png floorPatterns_notInCatalog_BG.png
File Type: png floorPatterns_notInCatalog_latestEP.png
Test Subject
Original Poster
#5 Old 20th Sep 2023 at 8:58 PM Last edited by Godleof : 21st Sep 2023 at 8:41 AM.

The terrainPaints.txt files contain all the hidden terrain paints from the catalog. They're the default terrain paints used around the game. The majority of the paints are in the base game file, but a couple of them are in the file of your latest EP. You need to locate and open them both.

Base Game

To unhide them, simply add # in front of all notInCatalog lines. To do so quickly:
  1. Go to Search > Replace... (or press Ctrl+H)
  2. In the "Find what" field, put notInCatalog
  3. In the "Replace with" field, put #notInCatalog
  4. Click "Replace All"
  5. Save the changes (💾 or Ctrl+S)

Cliff terrain paint—the one that looks like rocks—is hardcoded in the game. It appears on uneven terrain at a certain height. If you place it manually, it will stay on top of any terrain paint, and you won't be able to erase it. The only way to get rid of it is to raise or lower the terrain until the cliff pattern is overridden by the game.
The latest EP

There are two additional terrain paints: dirt and concrete. All EPs except University have them. The unhiding process is the same as with the base game paints: add # in front of all notInCatalog lines and save the changes.

Don't enable those two paints for more than one EP; you'll just get your catalog cluttered with identical items.

All the enabled terrain paints can be found among other terrain paints; they would be at the end there.

Attachments Pending Approval
File Type: png terrainPaints_BG.png
File Type: png terrainPaints_latestEP.png
Test Subject
Original Poster
#6 Old 20th Sep 2023 at 9:00 PM Last edited by Godleof : 21st Sep 2023 at 8:42 AM.

The base game's fences.txt file contains a fence that isn't rendered by the game. It's great for your no-CC builds when you want to make invisible barriers, or in some apartment builds.

To unhide it, first locate and open the file, find the fence 2 line, and then add # in front of the notInCatalog. Save the changes.

The fence is treated by the game as the proper one even though it is invisible, meaning sims won’t be able to walk over it.

The fence is the first one with "No Pic" text instead of an icon.

Attachments Pending Approval
File Type: png fences_entry.png
File Type: png fences_notInCatalog.png
Test Subject
Original Poster
#7 Old 20th Sep 2023 at 9:02 PM Last edited by Godleof : 21st Sep 2023 at 8:42 AM.

The Bon Voyage's roofs.txt file contains a Pagoda octagonal roof that was commented-out.

To unhide it, first locate and open the file, find the #roof 32 line, and then remove # in front of this line and the ones that go after it, except the line with the roof's name. Save the changes.

Probably the reason it’s hidden is because it’s tricky to place. The roof is octagonal but placed as a rectangular one, meaning it needs a temporal support on the outer corners where you start and end the placement of this roof.

Adding an icon

Because this roof wasn't fully finished, it shares the icon and text instances with another roof.
But luckily, there's a fix.

First, download Chris Hatch's fixed icon here. You can either put the unarchived file into the game's Downloads folder or just drop it in Bon Voyage's Scripts folder next to the files we're modifying in this tutorial.

Now, replace the last hex in the thumbnailResource 0x499db772 0xe9261571 line with 0xacdc1006 and change a number in the catalogTextIndex 24 line to 35.

The roof is the last one among the roofs.

Attachments Pending Approval
File Type: png roofs_commented-out.png
File Type: png roofs_entry.png
File Type: png roofs_entry_thumbnailResource.png
Test Subject
Original Poster
#8 Old 20th Sep 2023 at 9:12 PM Last edited by Godleof : 21st Sep 2023 at 8:51 AM.

Similarly to other catalog stuff, the base game's walls.txt file contains hidden technical walls used around the game. Almost all of the walls are in the base game file, but one of them is in the file of your latest EP. You need to locate and open them both.

Make sure to read the info on those walls and how to work with them.

Unhiding walls

Base Game
Attic wall, foundation wall, latticed decks wall, some deprecated wall, invisible wall (it's used for column decks), and pool wall are in there.

To unhide those walls, simply add # in front of all notInCatalog lines. To do so quickly:
  1. Go to Search > Replace... (or press Ctrl+H)
  2. In the "Find what" field, put notInCatalog
  3. In the "Replace with" field, put #notInCatalog
  4. Click "Replace All"
  5. Save the changes (💾 or Ctrl+S)

The latest EP
Additionally, there's a wall from the Split-Level Interior Foundation.
To unhide it find the wall 301 line and add # in front of a notInCatalog line at the bottom. Save the changes.
All EPs except University and Nightlife have it defined, but make sure to select the latest EP you have, preferably the one you use to launch the game, to avoid other EPs overriding the changes you'll make, especially if you're planning on further modifications from this tutorial.

Walls Info
Each wall has unique properties.
Attic wallIt's great for repairing roof walls if you accidentally delete a wall there. It's a little bit shorter than the normal wall. It doesn't nag when there are differences in the upper level height and instead lowers its height. It doesn't create a grid on top. You can place doors/windows and attach objects. Trees will consider rooms created using this wall to be inside, while hanging lamps will consider them to be outside. Sims don't change into outerwear when walking into such rooms.

Foundation wallIt behaves as you would expect a foundation to behave. It creates the grid on top. You can raise the ground under it or build it over uneven ground—in the second case, it would take the ground's shape while remaining the same height. But you cannot place windows/doors, or objects on it. Rooms created using all of it are considered inside by hanging lamps and trees; sims don't change into outerwear walking into them.

Latticed, invisible, and deprecated deck wallsThey also behave as decks: they create a grid on top, take the ground's shape while remaining the same height when built over uneven ground, the ground can be raised under them, and windows/doors, or objects cannot be placed on them. Rooms created using all of it are considered inside by hanging lamps, but trees consider them outside and can be placed in those rooms; sims change into outerwear walking into them. Additionally, it's worth noting that if you try to make an apartment with the invisible deck wall as an outside wall, it will result in the invalid apartment error.

Split-level interior foundation wallI'll call it the SLIF wall for short. It behaves more like a half wall or a fence, but it can be built over other walls or fences—it just clips through them. And it's shorter than half walls, meaning it can be used for making some creative dividers. Sims can't walk through this wall unless there's a door or a gate (even if it overlaps the SLIF wall). If you raise the ground under it, it will stay at the same elevation; sims still won't be able to cross the place where the wall is, though. If you build it on uneven ground, it will flatten the ground just like regular walls do.

(SLIF wall combined with a fence)

Pool wallIt behaves like a mix of regular and foundation walls. It creates a grid on top, but when it's an enclosed room, it's still affected by weather, and natural light can pass through. And sims change into outerwear when walking into such rooms. Hanging lamps and trees can be placed there. You can attach objects and put doors/windows. (You need to change the default wallpapers, though; otherwise, they would be clipping on top of windows and doors.) Raising the ground under it and placing it on top of uneven ground is the same as with foundation walls. If you try to raise the ground when objects are attached, they will simply rise as well, as with the ConstrainFloorElevation off cheat.
Using the pool wall, you can create enclosed outdoor rooms with a proper grid on top. Even one tile pool wall among the box of regular walls is enough for the effect. I've used it a lot in combination with Mootilda's no-slope basements to create sunken outdoor spaces.

(This courtyard is fully enclosed by pool walls and still lit by natural light)

Deleting walls
  • Attic walls can be easily deleted in the same way as normal walls.
  • To delete SLIF walls, just select Split-Level Interior Foundation from Foundations & Decs and drag over the wall, pressing Ctrl (or ⌘ Cmd on Mac), as if it were a foundation.
    An alternative method is to first select this wall in the Wall Tool catalog, and only then press Ctrl (or ⌘ Cmd) and drag the mouse across a section you want to remove, like with regular walls.
  • To delete the foundation, latticed and invisible deck, or deprecated walls, you need to go to the level above, select latticed deck or column deck, press Ctrl (or ⌘ Cmd) on the keyboard, and delete a built wall like a foundation. See the animation below.

If you want to share a build containing those walls, you should add a disclaimer explaining how to delete them using the foundation tool in the vanilla game.
Making walls easy to delete
If you noticed, the majority of the hidden walls can be deleted only with the foundation tool. But you can change that as well. If you simply replace all deleteTool levelRoom lines with deleteTools levelRoom partition (s is very important here), you would be able to delete any foundation wall with the regular wall/fence tool, even the walls forming actual foundations. To do so quickly:
  1. Go to Search > Replace... (or press Ctrl+H)
  2. In the "Find what" field, put deleteTool levelRoom
  3. In the "Replace with" field, put deleteTools levelRoom partition
  4. Click "Replace All"
  5. Save the changes (💾 or Ctrl+S)

The SLIF wall is unaffected by those edits—you still would have to delete it as it was previously described—so it's not included here.

The changes above only affect your current game installation. If you want to share a build containing those walls, you should add a disclaimer explaining how to delete them using the foundation tool in the unedited game.
Adding icons

As you might've noticed, those hidden walls don't have associated icons. And working with almost three dozen catalog items without having any way to distinguish them is obviously hard. But I've got you covered. I've created a set of recolored icons for those hidden walls. And with a little bit of file editing, you can have them in your game.

First, download IconsForHiddenWalls.zip file with my icons attached to this post. You can either put the unarchived file into the game's Downloads folder or just drop it in the base game's Scripts folder next to the files we're modifying in this tutorial.

Next, you need to add thumbnailResource lines that point to the proper icon for each wall.

The lines that were changed in previous sections have a green stroke in front of them on the screenshots. Those lines might slightly differ if you skipped any of the edits above.

Base Game
# attic walls
Find a block of code with a wall 3 line. And insert the following code above the #notInCatalog line:
thumbnailResource 0 0x499db772 0x7F49B701
thumbnailResource 1 0x499db772 0x7F49B702
thumbnailResource 2 0x499db772 0x7F49B703
thumbnailResource 3 0x499db772 0x7F49B704
# foundation walls
Find a block of code with a wall 23 line. And insert the following code above the #notInCatalog line:
thumbnailResource 0 0x499db772 0x7F49B705
thumbnailResource 1 0x499db772 0x7F49B706
thumbnailResource 2 0x499db772 0x7F49B707
thumbnailResource 3 0x499db772 0x7F49B708
# deck skirt
Find a block of code with a wall 16 line. And insert the following code above the #notInCatalog line:
thumbnailResource 0 0x499db772 0x7F49B709
thumbnailResource 1 0x499db772 0x7F49B710
thumbnailResource 2 0x499db772 0x7F49B711
thumbnailResource 3 0x499db772 0x7F49B712
# deck skirt (deprecated)
Find a block of code with a wall 24 line. And insert the following code above the #notInCatalog # deprecated line:
thumbnailResource 0 0x499db772 0x7F49B713
thumbnailResource 1 0x499db772 0x7F49B714
thumbnailResource 2 0x499db772 0x7F49B715
thumbnailResource 3 0x499db772 0x7F49B716
# non-rendered deck skirt
Find a block of code with a wall 4 line. And insert the following code above the #notInCatalog line:
thumbnailResource 0 0x499db772 0x7F49B717
thumbnailResource 1 0x499db772 0x7F49B718
thumbnailResource 2 0x499db772 0x7F49B719
thumbnailResource 3 0x499db772 0x7F49B720
# pool wall
Find a block of code with a wall 29 line. And insert the following code above the #notInCatalog line:
thumbnailResource 0 0x499db772 0x7F49B721
thumbnailResource 1 0x499db772 0x7F49B722
thumbnailResource 2 0x499db772 0x7F49B723
thumbnailResource 3 0x499db772 0x7F49B724
Finally, save the changes.

The latest EP
Find a block of code with a wall 301 line. And insert the following code above the #notInCatalog line:
thumbnailResource 0 0x499db772 0x7F49B725
thumbnailResource 1 0x499db772 0x7F49B726
thumbnailResource 2 0x499db772 0x7F49B727
thumbnailResource 3 0x499db772 0x7F49B728

Don't forget to save the changes.
Attached files:
File Type: zip  IconsForHiddenWalls.zip (32.2 KB, 117 downloads)
Attachments Pending Approval
File Type: png walls_entry_deleteTool.png
File Type: png walls_entry_notInCatalog.png
File Type: png walls_entry_notInCatalog_latestEP.png
File Type: png walls_entry_thumbnailResource_latestEP.png
File Type: png walls_entry_thumbnailResource_wall3.png
File Type: png walls_entry_thumbnailResource_wall4.png
File Type: png walls_entry_thumbnailResource_wall16.png
File Type: png walls_entry_thumbnailResource_wall23.png
File Type: png walls_entry_thumbnailResource_wall24.png
File Type: png walls_entry_thumbnailResource_wall29.png
File Type: png walls_thumbnailResource_mod.png
Test Subject
Original Poster
#9 Old 20th Sep 2023 at 9:14 PM Last edited by Godleof : 6th Apr 2024 at 1:57 PM.

Useless stuff
Items that are already in the catalog.
  • fireplaces.txt from the IKEA stuff pack has a commented-out fireplace. If you uncomment it, you'll only get a not-working no-pic icon unless you have the Kitchen & Bath Interior Design Stuff pack. And if you have that pack, you'd only get the same exact copy of a fireplace available in the catalog.
  • roofPatterns.txt from the base game has a roof pattern with the notInCatalog parameter. But it's the same Neutral State pattern that is already available in the catalog. You'll just get a copy if you unhide it.

Dangerous stuff
There's some stuff hidden for good. Don't unhide those things unless you know exactly what you're doing!
  • modularstairs.txt from Bon Voyage has stairs with the notInCatalog parameter. They are completely invisible, but sims and pets can use them as regular stairs. In the game, those stairs are used for The Swashbuckling Shipwrecker by Impressive Installations, aka the pirate ship.
    But if you place them, you won't be able to delete them at all! You can't click on them, meaning NO tool would detect them! The MoveObjects on cheat won't be of any help, and the deleteAllObjects Stairs cheat doesn't work on modular stairs either.
  • Some EPs have a mysterious wall 300 with the notInCatalog parameter inside their walls.txt. It's completely invisible and doesn't collide with objects or walls, meaning you can build walls and fences or place objects on the places where the wall is built. It doesn't create a grid on top; however, when you create a room using this wall, the space becomes dark.
    But if you build this wall, you won't be able to delete it! NO tool would detect it! And the delereAllWalls cheat doesn't delete it. Even tool modifications to the walls.txt file won't help.
Test Subject
Original Poster
#10 Old 20th Sep 2023 at 9:23 PM Last edited by Godleof : 21st Sep 2023 at 11:14 AM.
PS: If anyone with programming skills wants to make a user-friendly program to automate the process of editing files, they're more than welcome! You can DM me; I would be happy to help with testing, giving any feedback, or anything else I can.
Test Subject
Original Poster
#11 Old 20th Sep 2023 at 9:30 PM
reserved post
Test Subject
Original Poster
#12 Old 20th Sep 2023 at 9:36 PM
reserved post
Mad Poster
#13 Old 21st Sep 2023 at 3:25 AM
Ohhhh! Thank you for this compilation!
A lot of it I knew already - but a lot of it I didn't! A non-CC invisible fence will be miraculous to have. And, I'm gonna have to play around with walls... very cool.

Thank you so much!

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Lab Assistant
#14 Old 25th Sep 2023 at 1:47 PM
This is very epic!
Mad Poster
#15 Old 2nd Oct 2023 at 7:16 PM
I can't wait to see what talented builders are able to do with things like the walls, and even for humble noob builders like me a lot of it is super neat. I am loving having the brick foundation side as a wallpaper, and the top of brick foundation I've always wanted to be able to use for attics and garages. Thank you so much for taking the time to explain it all, and doing it so nicely with pictures and structure and everything. Awesome tutorial!

Creations can be found on my on tumblr.
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retired moderator
#16 Old 2nd Oct 2023 at 7:48 PM
Thank you for this! I already have some of these in-game, for example I used the lattice deck walls in a few of my uploaded neighbourhoods. But a lot I didn't know, so much appreciated!

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#17 Old 3rd Nov 2023 at 3:04 AM
What a great addition to the modders' knowledge base. Thank you for all the hard work you put into this!


We have been stuck too long with "New Mesh" as the apex of creation.
_ WesHowe
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