Improved Anthro Bases

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These sims were made using Nrass Master Controller. The muzzle were made by increasing the sliders via Nrass. They should work in your game and show up with the muzzles/details even if you don't have Nrass installed. However, if you wish to change their faces in the Chin, Jaw, Nose or Mouth category you will need Nrass With increased sliders otherwise the sliders will snap back into the default position when you try and edit them.
[note: some Nraas mods will generates townies from saved preset values or sims in the simbin, to avoid this remove presets and or saved sims from your game when you are not actively making anthro sims]

More info about the muzzle editing and creating process can be found Here:

About the Sims!!
-These sims are an improved version of my old anthro bases.
-These sims bases were saved with a custom content skin and a custom content accessory. These sims do not contain the skins or accessory. You will need to download the Required Custom Content (Skins, Ear Height Slider by Sage and Recategorized Camkitty Teeth) for them to function and look correct in game.

There are two versions of the bases available for download:
  • V1.5 (No Teeth)= Contains Improved Anthro Bases with no teeth or Accessories. These bases are just bare bones slider made bases. They were edited to look acceptable for all ages from toddler to elder. Since all details of the bases are from base game sliders, all features are genetic. These bases are optimized for genetics and making families. These bases are made for Toddler-Elder Sims.
    Note: YA/A sims don’t have teeth however Toddler, Children, Teens and elders have no mouth height problems.
  • V2.5 (Teeth)= Contains the Improved Anthro Bases Edited with Camkitty's Teeth. These bases do not have any other accessory applied to them. These bases are optimized to look best and work best with Camkitty Teeth. These bases are made for YA-A Sims.
    Note for V2.5: Toddlers, children and elders experience mouths/teeth that hang below their jaw. There is a fix for this by simply messing with the mouth depth and height sliders, however this would affect the teeth placement when the sim is aged up and would require mouth depth/height movement for each age until after adult.
- I externally differentiated between V1.5 and V2.5 bases because you can’t readily see whether the base have teeth or not unless they open their mouth. Thus, to make it so you can see the difference easily V1.5 bases have different hair styles/ hair colors then the V2.5 bases.
Please note linked image:

Improved Anthro Bases V1&2 Face Presets: There are saved face presets available for both versions of these bases. The face presets generate the faces for all the default sliders values, the custom sliders values will have to be done manually. [note: nraas generates townies with these preset values, to avoid this remove presets from your game when you are not actively making werewolf sims]. Credits to LazyDuchess and their Face Preset Editor.

Custom Content Used:
-Nrass Master Controller
Required Custom Content /You will need:
-(Zachs Anomaiy Fantasy Anthro Skin/ Skin keys and previews: Fox ,Tiger ,Wolf ,Dragon ,Amoraq / Download Here )
-Ear Height Slider by Sage
-Recategorized Camkitty Claws and Teeth found under "Download Files" of this Post.

Edited CC included in "download files" (Camkitty Recategorized Claws and Teeth.rar) of this post (Note last picture above)
- Camkitty Recategorized Claws and Teeth
(I recategorized the “Werewolf Face Set (Teeth)” to accessory Dental and I changed The “Claws for all” to accessory glove. ) [Credits to Camkitty, Original CC post Here and Here]

Improvements made to the bases
Major improvements:
-A total face redo for Amoraq Base, forehead and brow are now visible, eyes are appropriately sized and overall face placement and head has been adjusted.
-Improved eye placement and brow detail for Dragon Base, eyes can now better close and open.
-Improved eye distance and snout for Hound Base, overall face has been adjusted featuring better eyes a more prominent bow and less crooked snout.
-Total remake for tiger base mouth, now has an actual functioning mouth with visible teeth.
Other improvements include fixing snout clipping issues with teeth, adjusting teeth and eye placement and improving nose bridge depth and snout placement on face.

To help download the correct skins for the characters pictured above:
Vianna Wolf and Victor Wolf - Simien_ANUBIS_SkinbyZach
Rex Jackal and Reece Jackal - Tundra_ANUBIS_SkinbyZach
Bella Hound and Butch Hound - Arctic_ANUBIS_SkinbyZach
Rebecca Fox and Ryan Fox - Fox Skin
Ava Dragon- DragoJet
Argon Dragon- DragoSlate
Seria Amoraq- ForestAddle
Soren Amoraq- OceAddle
Dian Tiger and Dean Tiger - TigerLord skin
(Please note: That Wolf and Fox skins are interchangeable with each other and with their bases. The Dragon and Amoraq bases and skins are interchangeable with one another. The tiger skin and bases are not interchangeable to the wolves, fox’s, Dragons or Amoraqs bases or skins.)

Noted glitches:
-There is a glitch when the bases with teeth eat, with the food they are eating not lining up or going into their mouths. This is majorly due to the set mouth depth. To achieve snout and teeth the mouth depth had to be increased exponentially. This glitch doesn't affect all eating and is specific to certain food/ food eating animations. Additionally, the glitch mostly affects female animations.

Thank you for taking a look at my Characters.
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