Bouncers want Bigger Bribes 1.67
Please upload the new 1.67 files.
I don't always like my sims being celebrities and always getting into clubs for free, which is why I made my celeb status harder to obtain, but they still always have too much money. So the normal amounts to bribe bouncers was just not enough. My sims never even noticed the small amount missing from their banks. Hence why this mod came about. The amount of money to bribe bouncers with has increased, or decreased if you like playing cheap.
Here is the default for bribing bouncers:
Low - $25
Medium - $50
High - $100
And here are my alternatives
Bribe Bouncer Cheap
Low - $5
Medium - $10
High - $20
Bribe Bouncer X5
Low - $125
Medium - $250
High - $500
Bribe Bouncer X10
Low - $250
Medium - $500
High - $1000
Conflicts: This mod should not conflict with any other mod unless it also changes the velvet ropes code. (XML "VelvetRopes")
Requires Late Night to work. If anyone has any issues with this particular mod, or want to request another alternative, please post it in comments. Thanks for viewing.
Credits: MTS for a place to share, creator of s3pe, you for viewing.
| Please upload this updated one for X10
Uploaded: 21st Apr 2014, 877 Bytes.
| Please upload this updated one for X5
Uploaded: 21st Apr 2014, 878 Bytes.
| Please upload this updated one for cheap
Uploaded: 21st Apr 2014, 878 Bytes.
Uploaded: 5th Mar 2011, 766 Bytes.
Uploaded: 5th Mar 2011, 764 Bytes.
Uploaded: 5th Mar 2011, 768 Bytes.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
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Updated: 21st Apr 2014 at 11:30 AM - updated to 1.67
Higher Bills - No money for you! Now in SEVEN exciting flavours!
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Packs Needed
Base Game | |
Sims 3 |
Expansion Pack | |
Late Night |