Multiple Wick Candle Script
RingCandle.jpg - width=600 height=339
Example Candle both lit and extinguished
It isn't an object, just a script, so including it won't automatically make you have fancy candles. What it will do is enable other objects that have been designed to use it to have multiple flames.

Included in this post are the actual script as well as an example object based on this object by orangemittens

Note: If you download and install the attached version of the ring candle by orangemittens, it will replace her original object.
To modify this package for your candle set or multi-wick candle, do the following.
Note: There is a maximum of 10 flames per object...
First, delete slots out of the RSLT object until you only have the correct number left. The remaining slots must be numbered starting from _FX_0 without skipping any value.
Open the GRID on the RSLT resource and drill down the following sequence:
ChunkEntries -> [0] -> RCOLBlocks -> Effects
Leave entries #0 through the number you need for your candles..
Second, Edit the corresponding _fx_n rig entries to match.
Find the _RIG resource and hit the RigEditor button.
For each slot entry in the first part, edit the corresponding _fx_n entry with the X,Y,Z coordinates of the candle wick.
_fx_n values that don't have a RSLT slot won't be used.
Finally, edit your OBJK entry and change the Script entry to "Sims3.granthes.MultiCandle"
Be sure to link back to this page so that your users can find out about updates.
Notes for Installation
This is required to be installed for any custom multi-wick candles; install like any other custom content.
This is an enabler script, it doesn't do anything unless you have a candle that has been created to use the script. There is an example candle included in the downloads to demonstrate how it functions.
If you need assistance to install this script or other packages, please see TS3 CC Basics

Potential Conflicts and Compatibility
This is a stand-alone script mod, there are no known potential conflicts.
This mod is compatible with the base game and all EPs and SPs and uses game provided strings so it should work in any language version of the game.
Content Sharing Policy
Please place a link back to this page in your download so that people can get the script.
Additional Credits:
PLJones for S3PE orangemittens for allowing me to use her ring candles as an example
JWong for inspiration and testing
Examples of multiple wick candles
Mira Teyon Bedroom Candles Conversion Multi Flamed Candles
Uploaded: 5th May 2011, 269.4 KB.
| This is the only file you need to enable multi-flame candles.
Uploaded: 5th May 2011, 4.2 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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