About Me:
My Creator's Policy:
I hope you enjoy my creations; please use them for your own personal gaming pleasure.
1. You may recolor any of my creations - provided that:
a) You include a link to the item's mesh here at MTS.
b) You contact me and let me know you are going to do this.
2. You may include any of my creations with your lots uploaded to any free site - provided that:
a) You include a link to the item's mesh here at MTS.
b) You contact me and let me know you are going to do this.
3. You may not claim or imply that any of my creations are your own work.
4. You may not upload any alterations of my meshes unless you have my permission.
5. If you use my creations in your screenshots, credit would be appreciated.
Thank you all for the opportunity to contribute back to the community. If you have any questions, please PM me and I will try and take care of your needs.
HeartDeco / Debra