Chapter 1
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Grace and I were 18, just out of high school. She played guitar and dreamed of making it big in a band, and me, well, I was a writer. My dreams were on a slightly smaller scale; I just wanted to get something published. Right now, we were both still living at home.

She was happy when she was playing guitar,

And I was happy when I was writing, so college never really fit into the equation for us.

I was jolted out of a day dream thinking about us and where we were headed by a strange sobbing sound.

The source of the sound was an obviously hurt and distressed Grace wearing only her underwear. I jumped out of bed and tried to comfort her, knowing instantly her father had done this to her.

I took her shaky hand and led her to the bathroom where I attempted to undue as much damage as I could.

The end result was this:

She was freezing from running to my house in not a whole lot, so I gave her some of my pajama pants and did my best to make her feel safe.
She explained what had happened in a small voice, “He was angry and drunk and he…he took it out on me.”
“Oh, babe, I’m sorry,” I consoled her, “he isn’t ever gonna hurt you again. I promise.”
“I love you,” she whispered.
“I love you, too, Grace. More than anything.”

I came up with a plan to run away. Well, not really a plan, so to speak, but an idea. I usually didn’t think things through very much, and this was no different. Grace had fallen asleep and I wanted us to just leave. I woke her gently, explaining this to her, and after a little debating, she agreed.

So, we threw a few things into a back pack, and we left.

I kept my headlights off until we were down the street, and then we were home-free.
Hmm...Something tells me I may be doing my table of content wrong...Anybody know? Oh yeah, Sorry for the crappy pictures. I was rushing >.<

Click Next: Chapter 2 to continue...

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