This is just a short update, but what happens in this chapter will have a major affect on the story, so it does hold importance. :mute:
After a few days of motel living, we decided to go looking for a house to rent, but we had no such luck. We needed to find jobs, too, but we wanted to find a house first. Grace was feeling a bit down, so we decided to go to the Carnival to take our minds off of everything!
We rode the roller coaster,
The bumper-cars,
And even the carousel.
It was lovely to act like kids again, which as something neither of us had gotten the chance to do it a long time.
After we arrived back at the motel that night, things heated up, I suppose you could say.
“I love you,” I whispered to Grace.
“I love you, too, Vladimir. I…
want you…” She trailed off.
We moved toward the bed, her breathy whisper in my ear. I kissed her forehead first, then her lips, and as one thing led to another, I believe you can assume what we did.
It was wonderful, yes, but the scene was not at all how I’d imagined. We were in a
motel room , which sounded almost sleazy, and while it was not how I’d pictured this night happening, it was amazing and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. Feeling Grace next to me was the closest I’d ever been to heaven, and I never wanted that to change.

The lovely Carnival was made by Echo, whose Mod the Sims 2 profile can be found
HERE. So all creative genius for that goes to her. :bow2: