Finally, after searching for a few more days, Grace and I found a house we like. It’s little, only 5 rooms, but it’s perfect for us.
We also managed to get jobs at a little toyshop, and find some used stuff for our house at Goodwill and yard sales. Sure, this is not at all where I’d expected to be right now, and it’s a lot harder than it looks, but I know that somehow we’ll make it. So we went to sleep on our mattress (that’s currently on the floor) feeling a lot better than we had in a long time.
The next day we spent outside playing in the snow like we were 5. We may have been borderline poor, but we weren’t gonna let that stop us from having fun.
A few weeks had passed and Grace had taken a few days off of work because she was feeling increasingly sick, though we both thought it as just the flu. I came home from work that night to a surprise. Grace was sitting on the couch, her face in her hands, almost to the point of tears.
“What’d I miss?” I asked, trying to lighten the mood, as I walked over towards her.
She looked up at me and whispered, “I’m pregnant.”
I had almost reached the couch where she was sitting at this point, and I decided to just take a seat on the ground to keep from passing out.
“You’re…pregnant?” I asked, amazed. I wasn’t sure if I should be upset or excited so I just kept my mouth shut.
“I want this, more than anything, but what are we gonna do? We can barely afford stuff for ourselves!” She said, looking heartbroken.
Grace always thinks for the future, while I think for the present.
“I dunno, we’ll just…love it.” I said. Yes, I know, such a genius answer.
“Just please don’t leave me,” she whispered.
“What? I wouldn’t do that. You know that.”
So, we talked for a long time about how we were going to do this, and decided rather quickly that there was no way we could ever give up this baby. It was ours, and we loved it already. I loved the idea of being a father, even though it was hard to wrap my head around, and I vowed to do a better job than my father, who practically drank himself to death and didn’t exactly treat me the best. On the other hand, Grace was right, we had pretty much no money right now. I knew Grace was freaking out, as was I, so tried to my best to help her, even if I was having a hard time handling myself and my damn emotions.
Hope you like it!

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