We drove for what felt like hours. Well, actually it was hours. Grace fell asleep after a while and looking at her, I knew she didn’t deserve what happened to her. She looked like she was exhausted and ready to give up. No one deserved that, but especially not Grace. I wished so hard to take that pain away, to end the memories and nightmares.
After looking for a cheap motel, we finally ended up in the small town of Aberney, WV which was not a “hick town” by any means. We just happened to find the only trashy looking motel there – The Blue Bass Inn. We still decided on sleeping there, since it was only $60 a night and we were about to pass out from sleep deprivation. We took our bags, checked in, and surveyed what would be our “home” for at east the next few days.
It was definitely not anything great, but we could deal with it. There was a double bed, old TV, mini-fridge, dresser-type thing, a couch that didn’t look comfortable, and a ratty bathroom.
Grace looked concerned.
“What’s wrong?” I quietly asked, hoping she wasn’t regretting being here with me.
“I dunno… this whole idea is kind of crazy. I mean, look at where we’re staying! What if we can’t make it alone? I’m terrified of having to go back,” she said, her eyes looking over the furniture.
“I’m scared, too,” I admitted, “but there’s no way we’re going back. We’re here now, and all I care about is you, okay?”
“I know. All I care about is you, too.”
I caressed her face, trying to comfort her.
She yawned, and I knew it was time for sleep. We crawled into bed and she settled into my chest. I knew with her beside me, that we would be okay. I nestled my face into her hair and breathed in her sweet smell, contemplating what the future might hold and the ramifications of what we had done.

Ughh....Once again, I know my pictures are horrible. I don't have a whole lot of patience with them, so I'm really trying to work on that. Obviously haven't been working so hard. =] I'll be putting in more later, but I really wanted to get this up, So until I can get the pictures straightened out, please try to mainly just concentrate on the story line if you'd be so kind.