Asymmetrical Relationships

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Reported Bugs
If you have a bug to report, again, please give a thorough and detailed description!
  • Greet interaction sometimes doesn't work - fixed 6/26/21
  • Relink relationships cheat fails to complete - fixed 7/22/21
  • Game crashes when loading some neighborhoods (Aurora Skies, Moonlight Falls, Twinbrook) - still investigating this!
  • Greeting celebrities doesn't work - still testing a fix for this

This is a mod to make sims' relationships asymmetrical! If you want sims to be able to think someone who hates them is their friend, this will do it.

Relationships being asymmetrical means that:
  • What the user interface shows you is now only what the active sim thinks of other sims they know; what they think of your sim isn't visible.
  • Whether an interaction is available depends on what the actor thinks of the target.
  • Whether an interaction succeeds or fails depends on what the target thinks of the actor.
  • Interactions only change how much the target likes the actor, not the other way around.
  • Adjusting the relationship points bar with testing cheats enabled only affects how much the active sim likes the other sim, not the other way around.
  • Most long term relationship types can be mismatched - e.g. one sim in a pair can think they're Good Friends while the other thinks they're only Friends. Exceptions to this are Boyfriend/Girlfriend, Fiancee, Spouse, Ex, Ex-Spouse, and Best Friends Forever: these are still applied to both sims, for simplicity.
  • [Added 6/26/21] Skills that track how many friends a sim has will track the number of sims who consider the skill owner their friend, not the number of sims the skill owner considers to be their friends.

This mod makes very small changes with potentially very wide ramifications, so use it at your own risk! I'd recommend not activating it in a save that's important to you right away, try one you're less attached to first.

By default, the mod is inactive and does nothing; enter the cheat "unlinkRelationships" to activate it. This only needs to be done once per save, you don't need to re-enter it when traveling.

When you want to return the game to normal, enter the cheat "relinkRelationships" to make relationships symmetrical again. If you've traveled, do this in every world you've traveled to. If you don't use the relinking cheat before removing the mod, any asymmetrical relationships that exist will stay asymmetrical, which may cause some unexpected game behavior.

This is a script and a core mod; the core mod component edits Sims3GameplaySystems.dll, so it's incompatible with any other core mod that edits that same dll. Which is most core mods. It's compatible with NRaas ErrorTrap though, since ErrorTrap edits a different resource (thanks to Chain_Reaction for clarifying!), and also with XCAS, which edits a different resource than both this mod and ErrorTrap.
Otherwise, this mod shouldn't be able to conflict with anything! If you think it's conflicting with another mod you have anyway, please give the most detailed description of the problem that you can.

And finally, this mod was made on patch 1.69, and seems to be incompatible with patch 1.67! Was wrong about that originally.

To the creators of S3PE of course!
To BailaBaila99 for their core modding tutorial
And to lolly123453, MissPat, and SonyaYu for testing!
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