Fairies for your sims gardens - UPDATED 01.11.2008 (TESTERS WANTED)
img_Jasana_FairyNature_green.jpg - width=600 height=450
img_Jasana_FairyNature_yellow.jpg - width=600 height=450
img_Jasana_FairyNature_interacting.jpg - width=600 height=450
img_Jasana_FairyNature_memory.jpg - width=600 height=450
img_Jasana_FairyNature_thumbnail.jpg - width=600 height=450

Note that you must have all 3 packages from the OBJ_Jasana_FairyNature.rar, and the package from OBJ_Jasana_NPC_FairyMover.rar in your Downloads folder for fairies to work properly. Recolor is optional. UVW is needed only for those who plan to create more recolors.
List of changes
1. Seasons' plants quality now increases (plant gets happier) if their weeds are removed by a playful fairy.
2. Fairy homes are now visible in Buy and Build modes even when they have fairies spawned - it would be handy to find where they are

3. Fairy homes now have 3 interactions added, all with options 'for this Home only' (affects only the home which sim clicked at) and 'for all Nature Homes' (affects all homes with the same guid):
- DELETE Home and its fairy - will delete the home(s), and associated fairy (after it finishes current interaction loop)
- Spawn Fairy? NO - home will remain on lot, but wouldn't spawn any fairies and delete existing ones - if you want to keep homes, but get rid of fairies for a while
- Spawn Fairy? YES - return to normal behavior - spawn fairies
Since functioning homes are normally invisible, you'll likely use these options with 'for all Nature Homes' choice. Or you can move a home in Buy mode, wait until it gets visible, and then click on it.
4. I did it in previous update, but forgot to mention - I made fairies to move a bit slower, at a pace of normal sim.
5. Fairies are now ready for customization - it is possible to create a fairy with different list of objects to visit, differerent actions in playful state, different animations etc. - while using the same FairyMover. For this purpose, FairyMover is separated to different archive

Finally, I'm updating them

Those who have earlier version, please delete OBJ_Jasana_FairyHome_1x1.package before extracting new ones, because I renamed it.
List of changes
1. Fairies are now recolorable, wings and body separately. I'm including one recolor for some variety

2. I hadn't completely fixed the 'disappearing after lot load' problem - added a fix, but it not always work, somehow

3. For their well-being, fairies need to have objects of these categories on lot:
- ground flower (value - 0x35) - i.e. daisies, tulips
- bush/hedge (0x53)
- floor plant (0xAF) - while they're not really garden items, I added them because macarossi's plants have this category, and I love them

- tree (0x52)
- Seasons' plant (0xA5)
- Seasons' orchard tree (0xAC)
Note that green stuff is identified by categories (set in Init BHAV), not by catalog sorting - because all of them have different rating logic. If you know of a green stuff which should be in this list, but isn't - report it to me.
Fairies visit randomly selected objects of these categories, and get happier/sadder depending on object state (i.e. happier if flowers are not wilted; sadder if a bush is overgrown).
If fairy is very sad, it will abandon your lot. If fairy is very happy, it will "dance" in a special way, and, more importantly, will destroy weeds on lot if there are any - both 'normal' and Seasons' weeds

4. Fairy homes should overlap with an object of ground flower/bush/floor plant category to hide and spawn fairies. However, after you placed it on lot for the first time - it would take sim hour for it to notice that it overlaps with a valid plant. It's a known problem, and I'm out of ideas why it's so

6. Fairies sleep when there's snow on ground, and wake when there's none.
7. When sims meet/watch fairy for the first time, they got a green memory about fairy. It doesn't really do anything, only adds to their memories list.
8. All texts are in English and Russian. If you want to have menus in your own language - please help to translate them

9. Fairies got custom thumbnail, instead of default T pose. When you add an interaction with fairy, icon will be T pose for a short while - it will fix itself shortly. Sorry, I couldn't eliminate it completely.
If problems other than known ones still occur for someone - please try to use testingCheatsEnabled cheat and see if error pops up; if it does - please attach the error log so I can read it.
First of all, I want to say sorry, because I hadn't implemented all the things I wanted in this project, so currently fairies do almost nothing. But if people would be interested, I'll improve them

Have you ever wanted to see a fairy? Have you ever wanted to make your sims see one? The second can now be granted

Place FairyHome(s) in your sim garden, and fairies will appear there. Your sims will have fun watching them, while they inspect your trees, bushes and flowers.
Putting it plain

Attached file has 3 packages in it - all 3 are required for fairies to work properly.
The only thing you'll find in catalog is FairyHome - under Decorative/Miscellaneous. It looks like a small glass pyramide.
Place it at the same tile with some bush/hedge or ground flower - if placement is correct, it will become invisible - and it will spawn a Nature fairy.
The only thing fairy can do currently is fly from one green thing (tree, bush?hedge, ground flower) to another. Sims can watch fairy (adds fun) and meet fairy (adds fun and social). Honestly, meeting fairy isn't animated properly

Feel free to report problems if you encounter any.
Technical details
Original object was remote control toy car. Thanks to Echo for mentioning how it works

Since everything is cloned in base-game-only environment, it should work with base game and any combination of addons.
Fairy consists of 2 subsets, 'fairy' and 'wings'. It's not yet recolorable.
It's relatively high-poly, sorry - 2344 faces, 1633 vertices.
Fairy home is not deletable while fairy is alive. Since it's no way yet for fairy to die, it's not deletable once a fairy is spawned

Recolor instructions
The tricky part is thumbnail - you have to make it by yourself following certain rules. It's used for picking recolors only, so, well, you can leave it blank - but it would be hard to identify recolors, then. A hard part is that you have to separate wings and body, because Design Mode icons include all bodies with default wings, and all wings with default body.
So, how to do the thumbnail:
- make your recolor
- in game, apply your recolor to fairy, and while it visits green stuff, rotate camera so that it's about the same as on my thumbnails; make screenshot on a contrast background so that you can cut it out
- prepare template where fairy, with wings, fits the 69x128 rectangle, background is transparent; make 2 templates from it, one containing only fairy body, other - only wings
- fairy body should become a part of your body recolor - place it over the rectangle in the bottom, head is where arrow points
- fairy wings should be splitted into 2 rectangles (because I had to place to map it as single rectangle, and I didn't wanted to reduce wings space) of sizes 28x128 and 41x128 - these go to top left and top right of wings texture, arrows point to sides
Sorry, it's quite tricky

To Wes_H, for UniMesh and AniMesh plugins.
To Peter Jones, for PJSE plugins.
To Echo, for info about RC car and various BHAV help.
To AdidasSG2, for the info about RandomNumber primitive.
To Numenor, for explanations how to add custom thumbnail camera.
To MTS Staff, for their patience

Feel free to recolor this fairy, but don't use those recolors as donation or pay items, and don't forget to credit me

Ask for my permission/instructions if you want to clone fairy. I'm likely to give permission if result wouln't be donation or pay.
Since it's still in testing, please don't include it in your lots or with recolors - give link to this thread instead.
Polygon Counts:
Fairy - 2344 faces, 1633 vertices for fairy mesh; 6 faces, 12 vertices for thumbnail mesh
Fairy Home - 16 faces, 36 vertices
Custom Content by Me:
- Fairy - Nature
- Fairy Home - Nature
- NPC - Fairy Mover
- Memory - Seen Fairy
- recolor of Fairy - Nature
Uploaded: 11th Jan 2008, 7.9 KB.
Uploaded: 2nd Jan 2008, 31.9 KB.
Uploaded: 2nd Jan 2008, 195.6 KB.
Uploaded: 29th Nov 2007, 263.4 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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About Me
Feel free to recolor my objects/clothing meshes, but don't post them as donation or pay items, and don't forget to credit me properly.
Ask for permission if you want to clone my object/mesh. I'm likely to give permission if result is going to be free.
You may use my creations in your sims/houses, and include them to upload, if they are posted as free items. Please give link to the thread where you got them - for bugreporting and updates.
Please don't upload my stuff to Exchange.
I do not take requests - I have more unfinished projects and ideas then the time to complete them :(
For Russian-speaking downloaders - если у вас есть жалобы по работе моих объектов, оставляйте их здесь, пожалуйста. Я не могу исправить ошибки, если я о них не знаю ;)