All Ages NPC's - Now Late Night Compatible
Teen maid.jpg - width=406 height=765
If you only want to change one NPC then download the relevant age package. All zips include "single" changes and ones to change them All. I also take requests if you want a combination (for instance Teen Maid and Adult Babysitter)
Re: Late Night compatibility. All of the NPC's for patch 1.17 are in the "1.17" file. If your game version is patched BELOW 1.17 then please download the relevant file, otherwise, download the 1.17 zip, which contains all the variants, updated for Late Night.
If you use any of Rainbow Brite's Babysitter Mod's then please please please! read this carefully:
This Mod IS compatible with "24 hour babysitter" provided that you don't use the Elder Babysitter or Young Adult Babysitter version.
If you are using the Young Adult Babysitter or the Elder Babysitter version of Rainbow Brite's Mod then please do not use this one too. Best case, it just won't work. Worst case, it will crash your game. RainbowBrites Young Adult Babysitter Mod can be found here: Otherwise, just use the "24 hour" version and NOT the Age changing version.
31/1/2010: Teen packages updated to get around a bug in the Police/Burglar interactions. Please redownload if using "All Ages Teens" others should be unaffected.
13/11/2010: Updated for Late Night (finally)
30/7/2010 - YA exclusive NPC's released. (Game defaults to either YA or Adults, this Mod will force YA's only)
29/7/2010 - Teen Maid and Adult Babysitter uploaded by request.
What this Mod does
Allows you to make your NPC's any age you see fit. Either you can change a single NPC age, or you can change all NPC's to a certain age.
Should be compatible with Base Game and above, but has been tested on a machine running Base Game+WA+HELS+AMB so can't confirm that. Definitely works on both 4.0 and 4.2
I didn't include all variations, because quite frankly it would have taken forever. However, if you have a specific request (for instance, Teen Maid and Elder Babysitter) then please post it to the comments section, along with a testimony that at least one version of this mod works in your game (so I know that my code will work for you) and I will make it for you

Just to be clear, as there has already been a comment on this: I see no reason why this mod will not work on any game version running 1.12 to 1.17 (as long as you get the right file)
Should be compatible with all known Mods/Core Mods unless they edit NPC ages or (in the case of Child NPC's) NPC uniforms/clothing
[B]Known Bugs
If using any of the Child Packages, the following NPC's will turn up out of uniform (whether Child NPC's or not)
Pizza Delivery
This is down to the "No Uniform" script that has been written in to the mod, which Buzzler created for me, originally there were going to be more kid NPC's
Child Maids will stretch into weird anorexic Adult Bodies to clean counters, then return to normal afterwards (I think thats the only maid duty that doesn't have a child animation) Nothing can be done about this, unless EA give us a way to make children clean counters.
Child Firefighters will arrive at the lot, say they can't get to the fire, then the fire will miraculously put itself out (again, lack of animation)
Teen NPC's won't drive to the lot, they will walk (so take longer to get there)
There is no option to change the Paperboy/girl age. I couldn't get it to generate anything other than Child Paper deliverers.
Teen Police and Teen Burglar's don't play nice together. If using an earlier version of the "All Teen NPC" version, then redownload and choose either All Teen NPC with Adult Burglar, or All Teen NPC with Adult Police. Otherwise neither police nor burglar will leave the lot, and the alarm won't shut up.
If using the new version of "All Teen NPC" then be aware that your Police officer will NOT catch the burglar. As soon as the police arrive on lot, the burglar run's off and you are informed that "It looks like they got away" Make sure you buy a burglar alarm! or they will also make off with your stuff.
Teen Burglars may be unable to enter houses, haven't been able to confirm this yet.
You need to start a new game for this Mod to work, as your town will have already generated NPC's
If you enjoyed this Mod why not follow my blog and become the first to hear about updates, and new Mods before they appear on MTS? Severedsolo's Simcredible Mods
Additional Credits:
TheBuzzler for his "NPC Everyday clothing" Script S3PE for allowing me to make this.
MTS for hosting.
EAxis for making the Sims
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
All Elder NPC.package | package | 2327 |
Elder Babysitter.package | package | 2315 |
Elder Bartender.package | package | 2326 |
Elder Burglar.package | package | 2326 |
Elder Butler.package | package | 2332 |
Elder Firefighter.package | package | 2331 |
Elder Maid.package | package | 2331 |
Elder Pizza Deliverer.package | package | 2331 |
Elder Police.package | package | 2331 |
Elder Repairman.package | package | 2332 |
Elder Repoman.package | package | 2333 |
Elder Social Worker.package | package | 2333 |
All Ages NPC | zip | 20115 |
All Teen NPC Adult Burgler.package | package | 2334 |
All Teen NPC Adult Police.package | package | 2336 |
Teen Bartender.package | package | 2337 |
Teen Butler.package | package | 2333 |
Teen Firefighter.package | package | 2339 |
Teen Maid.package | package | 2340 |
Teen Mailman.package | package | 2328 |
Teen Pizza Deliverer.package | package | 2342 |
Teen Police.package | package | 2342 |
Teen Repairman.package | package | 2343 |
Teen Repoman.package | package | 2327 |
Teen Social Worker.package | package | 2334 |
Teen Maid Adult Babysitter.package | package | 2323 |
All YA NPC.package | package | 2338 |
YA Babysitter.package | package | 2315 |
YA Bartender.package | package | 2326 |
YA Burglar.package | package | 2326 |
YA Butler.package | package | 2332 |
YA Firefighter.package | package | 2331 |
YA Maid.package | package | 2331 |
YA Mail Carrier.package | package | 2327 |
YA Pizza Deliverer.package | package | 2331 |
YA Police.package | package | 2331 |
YA Repairman.package | package | 2332 |
YA Repoman.package | package | 2333 |
YA Social Worker.package | package | 2333 |
Adult Babysitter.package | package | 2304 |
Child Firefighter.package | package | 6462 |
Child Maid.package | package | 2253 |
ChildMaid+Firefighter.package | package | 6464 |
| New version of 1.17+ version due to bugfix with teen packages
Uploaded: 1st Feb 2011, 95.5 KB.
| All Young Adult NPC's (both single and combined)
Uploaded: 30th Jul 2010, 18.0 KB.
Teen Maid_Adult
| Teen Maid and Adult Babysitter combined. (request)
Uploaded: 30th Jul 2010, 1.4 KB.
| All Elder NPC's (both single changes and combined)
Uploaded: 29th Jul 2010, 18.1 KB.
| Adult Babysitter (currently randomly YA or Adult, working on making ones exclusively for each)
Uploaded: 29th Jul 2010, 1.4 KB.
| Child Maid and Firefighter
Uploaded: 29th Jul 2010, 14.0 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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Updated: 31st Jan 2011 at 11:47 PM
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About Me
If you find any of my mods useful or interesting (even the wacky ones that are coming shortly) then please take the time to say thanks.
Please feel free to edit any of my mods and post them back on here with your own personal adjustments. Just remember to credit me in the Additional Credits.