Builder Stuff
hard_hat_area.jpg - width=200 height=131
AutoRoofDisabler_Pig.jpg - width=799 height=206
RestrictionChoker_Pig.jpg - width=800 height=278
ShellSoundEmitter_Pig.jpg - width=789 height=466

2016-06-25 - Updated shell sound emitter. Shell sounds should now definitely survive save and reload.
2014-03-15 - Compatible with game version 1.67. No changes.
2012-09-16 - Compatible with 1.38. No changes.
2012-07-16 - Compatible with 1.36. No changes.
[infobutton=older updates]2012-06-10 - Ensured compatibility with game version 1.34.
2012-03-12 - Screwed up AutoRailingsDisabler and AutoRoofDisabler. Please redownload if you downloaded in the past hour.
2012-03-12 - Updated to game version 1.32.
2012-03-02 - Updated to game version 1.31.
2012-02-12 - Added Auto Railing Disabler.
2011-12-15 - Updated to game version 1.29.
2011-10-19 - Updated to game version 1.26.
2011-07-30 - Whoops, forgot to turn off the debugging switch before releasing the short cheats mod. Fixed.
Build/Buy Restriction Choker - Ripped out cheat stuff. Redownload or it will probably clash with the Short Cheats mod!
Short Cheats - Added.
Supported for game version 1.67. Should work with game versions from 1.31 upwards, though.
Auto Railing Disabler
This mod disables the Autorailing setting on stairs and make sure it stays off.
known issues
Autorails will stay disabled all the time. You cannot switch them back on even if you want to. This will cause the rails that are by default applied to the cement stairs to be unavailable. EA missed to make them show up in the buymode catalog. Fortunately, armiel made an override that unlocks them as well as some new rails. If you're a builder, you probably know all her downloads anyway.

Under certain circumstances (see known issues of Build/Buy Restriction choker), the code may fail to become active when entering build/buy mode.
Short Cheats
This mod adds abbreviated versions of existing cheats to the game. Use them just the same as you use the original cheats, i.e. "tse true" instead of "testingcheatsenabled true".
They will not turn up when you use the 'help' command in the cheat console! BTW: This mod is targeted at builders, but it supports all kinds of cheats. If you want to specify it to your liking, see the tuning package section below.
Abbreviation | Cheat |
bd | BuyDebug |
cfe | ConstrainFloorElevation |
dss | DisableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt |
hle | HideHeadlineEffects |
fo | FadeObjects |
fre | FreeRealEstate |
mo | MoveObjects |
pf | PlaceFriezes |
rbb | RestrictBuildBuyInBuildings |
tse | TestingCheatsEnabled |
tuning package
If you add the tuning package to the game, some cheats that seem useful for builders, will be activated by default.
- TestingCheatsEnabled True
- DisableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt On
- BuyDebug On
- RestrictBuildBuyInBuildings Off
- CloneList_Override
This resource contains the supported cheats and their abbreviations. - StartupCheats
This resource contains the cheats that are called on startup.
Instructions for S3PE
If you have trouble following these instruction, refer to Tutorial:Sims_3_XML_Tuning_Moddingwiki and instead of loading Sims3GameplayData.package, load the tuning package. No support will be given for these instructions beyond the actual data format of the XML files! I will not teach you tuning modding here!
- Open the tuning package.
- Select a resource and look at the preview.
- If you want to edit a resource, right-click on it and click on Notepad.
- Make your changes in Notepad.
The format for a cheat abbreviation is
Code:<Data> <NewCommand></NewCommand> <OldCommand></OldCommand> </Data>
- If you want to add a new abbreviation, copy that block and add it to the file between the last </Data> tag and the </TwoBTech_ShortCheats_CloneList_Override> tag.
- Enter the abbreviation between the NewCommand tags.
- Enter the original cheat between the OldCommand tags.
The format for cheats that shall be automatically called on game start is
Code:<Data> <Command></Command> </Data>
- If you want to remove a cheat, simply remove the whole related block beginning with <Data> and ending with </Data>.
- If you want to add a cheat, copy the block and add it to the file between the last </Data> tag and the </TwoBTech_ShortCheats_StartupCheats> tag.
- Enter the cheat that you want executed between the Command tags just like you would write it in the cheat console.
- Do not use the abbreviations in this file, but the original cheats!
- Save the file in Notepad and close Notepad.
- Back in S3PE, commit the changes and save the package.
- Close S3PE. (Seriously, if you keep it open, the game won't be able to load it.)
- You're done.
Fix for the MakeNPCDoor Build/Buy Interaction
Ever noticed how you can't set a door to be an NPC door, unless both of its sides are inside a room or at least fenced in (which is the same actually)? Well, that's a bug. This mod fixes it. You can now set doors to be NPC doors even if they're directly facing the great outdoors.
Shell Sound Emitter
This mod, that is actually a scripted object, can emit the sound effects from shells aka high rises. Buy it in the BuyDebug category and then select the shell it shall copy the sound effects from and in which height the sound shall play. Remember: Hold Shift and Ctrl and then left-click on the object in build/buy mode to use build/buy interactions.
Hint: Shell sound consists of three different sound effects. Two are ambience sounds for top and bottom and the third can be specific for each shell. Additionally, there are different sounds for day and night.
- The top ambience sound plays at level1 height of the position of the emitter object. Whatever that means, it's the same as the original object.
- The bottom sound plays at the height of the emitter object.
- The shell-specific sound plays at ground level plus the vertical sound displacement you set.

Catalog Location: Debug -> Misc (where the Fog Emitter is located)
Price: 0ยง
known issues
Since this mod parses the whole GameplayObjects assembly for BuildableShell objects on startup, it may delay the load by a couple seconds. Was a non-issue during testing, though.
Sorry, but the menu only shows the arbitrary class names of the shells. Showing thumbnails is difficult in this particular case.
Autoroof Disabler
This mod disables Autoroof by default and make sure it stays off.

known issues
Autoroof will stay disabled all the time. You cannot switch it back on even if you want to. However, you can click on the enable ticky button and it will act as a one-shot autoroof ... thingy. It will be disabled again immediately afterwards. This behavior is intentional.
Under certain circumstances (see known issues of Build/Buy Restriction choker), the code may fail to become active when entering build/buy mode.
Build/Buy Restriction Choker
This mod makes community objects available on residential lots and vice versa.

known issues
Under certain circumstances, e.g. when you enter Edit Town from build/buy mode and then enter another lot in build/buy mode, the restrictions may still be active. Just changing from build mode to buy mode and back or vice versa will usually do the trick then. If not, you need to exit and re-enter build/buy mode. I didn't investigate this further, because there's nothing I can do about it anyway.
Legal Stuff
possible conflicts
This is a scripting mod and as such the possibility for conflicts with other mods, no matter what kind, is next to non-existant.
Please follow Game_Help:Installing_Sims_3_Package_Fileswiki. I can't explain it any better than that. Seriously, I won't even try even if you ask me.
Just rip it out whenever you like.
I support my mods. I appreciate bug reports. I don't support mods or custom content in general. It's not an issue with a mod if it doesn't even show up in the game.
Might lead to a serious case of squished brain. Use for rocket fuel. Don't use for stomach ailment.
Uploaded: 25th Jun 2016, 28.3 KB.
Uploaded: 12th Feb 2012, 4.3 KB.
| optional package for the ShortCheats mod that enabled the auto cheat functionality and lets you modify the supported cheats and their abbreviations to your liking
Uploaded: 28th Jul 2011, 795 Bytes.
Uploaded: 28th Jul 2011, 11.4 KB.
Uploaded: 28th Jul 2011, 9.3 KB.
Uploaded: 28th Jul 2011, 9.2 KB.
Uploaded: 28th Jul 2011, 4.3 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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Updated: 25th Jun 2016 at 8:26 PM
#autoroof, #roof, #build mode, #buy mode, #build, #buy, #residential, #community, #fix, #NPC, #NPC door, #cheats, #interactions, #shell, #shells, #shell sound, #high rises, #auto rail, #railing
by Consort updated 17th Sep 2013 at 3:05am
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29 41.9k 99
by simbouquet updated 28th Jan 2025 at 12:38am
48 39.9k 136
by echoweaver updated 20th Aug 2023 at 5:03pm
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by fantuanss12 18th Sep 2023 at 5:57pm
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31 9.3k 49
No Relationship Decrease from Performance
by Buzzler 8th Dec 2014 at 3:30pm
Workaround for the relationship decay in performances. more...
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Same Energy Gain For Every Bed
by Buzzler 23rd Jul 2010 at 7:59pm
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About Me
Feel free to do with my mods whatever you want. If you're a script modder yourself, feel free to rip my mods open and use whatever code you find useful; I might even help you if you ask me nicely. I like to be given credit as much as the next guy, but that's strictly optional. If you want to make an ass of yourself then plagiarize my mods for all I care.
I don't take requests. Period.