Bluey's Mini Fix Pack (v4.0)
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- 2024-05-14: v4.0 has a new fix in store! Genie Lamp Fixes removes the annoying distribution of Genie Lamp memories to unrelated Sims, which can be babies or toddlers, and makes the acquisition of additional Genie Lamps a bit more realistic. Make sure to check the description below for details!
- 2024-04-13: v3.1.1 brings a small but for some players significant change to Don't Ring So Often, making the mod compatible with game setups as low as Nightlife instead of requiring AL. I really don't know why I didn't do this earlier.
- 2024-02-13:
(1) I removed the Restaurant Guide Royalty Fix again because Nopke has updated his Novel Royalty Fixes with more functionality and support for Restaurant Guides. Go check his mod out instead.
(2) But to make up for the loss, for v3.1, I have uploaded an arguably bigger mod in its stead: Say hello to Stupid Congrats and Tease Begone! Besides fixing a glaring bug with how Sims Congratulate one another, it also fixes a critical bug that caused a whole other interaction to be gone from the game. See below for details. - 2024-02-11: A version jump means a new fix is now included here! v3.0 comes with Restaurant Guide Royalty Fix, which fixes a problem with how the money from royalty is paid out. See below for more details.
- 2024-01-16: v2.4 comes with an update for Nix That Roach Spam! which is a much more lightweight rewrite. It brings back the original Maxis routine where each Sim that stomped, sprayed on or disposed of roaches would get the memory, but actually fixes the error that Maxis left in there. A second version retains the exception for very sloppy Sims to not cry or not get the memory at all. It also no longer depends on Smarter EP Check. Please remove the old version and re-download.
- 2024-01-01: Happy New Year! I just uploaded v2.3.3 with a bugfix for Dangerous NPCs Stay Healthy, because I messed up the check for witches/warlocks. I also rewrote the code for better performance.
- 2023-12-29: v2.3.2 - Update for All Stereos Are Equal. Cops will now only show up on "liveable" lots (residential, dorms, Greek houses or apartments). See the mod section for details on why I had to do this.
- 2023-12-25: v2.3.1 - Sloppy Sims can now clean up baby bottles again, but very rarely. Also, fixed the upload for the individual version of All Stereos Are Equal. Sorry for the inconvenience!
- 2023-12-24: Merry Christmas! v2.3 just released with a couple of changes:
- All Stereos Are Equal: Fixed an additional bug I found; now, the stereo checks will definitely not fail on non-apartment lots. I also removed the dependency on Smarter EP Check because it's not needed for this case.
- Don't Ring So Often: Rewritten entirely. Will now ring 1 or 5-15 times, instead of 1, 5 or 7-14 times. Also tidied the code up.
- Nix That Roach Spam!: Split up the CJ and Nopke compatibility versions. If you use Cyjon's mod, it will now work correctly with my mod, instead of throwing "Invalid constant" errors.
- Butlers Don't Greet Drivers: Deliverypeople that are not on their job can now be greeted by butlers, and off-world Sims won't be considered. Thanks to Nopke for letting me use his yet unreleased code.
- Baby Bottle Cleaning Frenzy: Added an extra version for those that don't own FreeTime, which omits the high chair functionality. Also, refined the tuning a little bit. See below for details. - 2023-12-15:
v2.2: Update for both flavours of Dangerous NPCs Stay Healthy to include functionality from BoilingOil's Immunity Controller, and extend it a bit.
v2.2.1: Hotfix for the same mod to fix a BCON conflict with my own mod Better Disease Notifications. I really need to take more time to check my own work... - 2023-12-14:
v2.1.1: Hotfix for Nix That Roach Spam! - I accidentally left a dupe resource in the base version, and set arguments up wrong in both versions. Should work as intended now.
I also chose to upload all fixes separately since I guess some people may only desperately need a couple. I'll still leave the combined pack upload though. - 2023-12-13:
v2.0: Added a new fix, Dangerous NPCs Stay Healthy, to the pack. See below for what it entails.
v2.1: Updated Nix That Roach Spam! as per the suggestion of guirnaldas. Sloppy Sims won't cry about vermin, and very sloppy Sims won't get the memory at all. This is tunable. - 2023-12-09:
v1.1: Updated Butlers Don't Greet Drivers to provide compatibility with simler90's Butler Mod. My mod will now also exclude furious walk-bys from being greeted, just like his mod does. Make my mod load after Butler Mod and you'll be good to go.
v1.2: Updated Nix That Roach Spam! to fix a bug where the roach cleaner would get the Vermin memory twice.
That quirky shiny Umbreon is back with another upload! But this time... it's several uploads in one! Woo!
On the side, while doing my larger projects, I have accumulated a couple of smaller fixes that, in my opinion, do not really warrant separate uploads, but are all still important in their own right.
Some of these errors I have noticed during gameplay myself, and others I have been informed of through various members of the community, such as Nopke.
While I have uploaded tiny fixes separately before, from now on, I want to combine all those small things into one compact package - which will be this mini fix pack right here.

There are currently 13 fixes total in the archive, separated so you can pick whichever fixes you'd like to have in your game. Click the spoilers to see what each fix entails. Each spoiler also contains individual info on version differences (if there are multiple of the same fix), conflicts, requirements and overrides.
While looking at Midge The Tree's Louder Parties Tuning mod, I noticed a flaw that Maxis left by accident. When the Party Controller checks if cops should come and break up the party, it only checks if there are BASE GAME stereos and whether they're turned on. It does NOT check for other stereos or DJ booths (which are also classified as stereos in Sims 2). Imagine the police coming for the daughter's tiny boombox in her room, but not for the DJ booth in the backyard!
It was surprisingly simple to fix... by replacing the awful check for individual object GUID's with a check for any object with the category "Stereos". This means that any custom stereo or DJ booth will also no longer hide from the police's radar.
Maxis also accidentally forgot one apartment check, resulting in the police never getting called unless the current lot was an apartment. This is fixed now.
Community lot parties, if you have such a mod, are safe from the police. They will only break up loud parties on Residential, Apartment, Dorm or Greek House lots.
I needed to do this because the Community wall speakers (those that play only one genre of music) can't be turned off. You can't place them on home lots but you can use them on other lot types, throwing an error as a consequence when cops attempt to turn them off. Including checks for those speakers would only work for newly spawned cops, not for existing ones, as the responsible function was put into the NPC template.
One has the default Maxis tuning: 50% chance of cops coming over, 11 PM to 6 AM, and at least 8 guests at the party.
"MidgeTuning" is Midge The Tree's changed tuning: 50% chance of cops coming over, 1 AM to 6 AM, and at least 10 guests at the party.
"YoshiTuning" is my own spin on this tuning: 25% chance of cops coming over, but they can come from 10 PM to 7 AM with at least 6 guests at the party. In addition, if at least two of the party guests are a Party Animal or a Virtuoso (Traits Project), the cops will skip the 25% chance and always come if the other criteria are met.
Midge The Tree's Louder Parties Tuning mod conflicts, but if you wish to keep using it then I have made a version that includes all their changes. Remove their mod afterwards.
Cyjon's No Party Cops also should not be used if you use my mod - it prevents cops from showing up altogether.
Base Game.
"YoshiTuning" only: Easy Inventory Check.
Resource name | Type | Group | Associated object or semiglobal | Instance | Notes |
Query - Loud Party? | Behaviour Function (BHAV) | 0x7FB4DF10 | Controller - Party | 0x0000100B | |
Tuning | Behaviour Constants (BCON) | 0x7FB4DF10 | Controller - Party | 0x00001003 | not in standard version |
Birthday and wedding cakes have multiple coding oddities:
1. With birthday cakes, Sims will wolf down slice after slice in record time. Going by "food points per loop", it is probably the most efficient food to eat, at 16 Hunger per loop. (While the restaurant-only meal Filet Mignon has more food points per loop, it's eaten considerably slower.)
That doesn't sound very healthy, I'd probably puke after the second slice!
On the contrary, wedding cakes only give 4 food points per loop. I have thus decided to make the values match - birthday cakes will have the same quick eating animations but they will last as long as a wedding cake.
2. It looks like birthday cake slices were never meant to spoil, as a Tuning value labelled "Spoil Time - Hours" is set to -1. However, there were multiple oversights with this:
- The constant that defines the spoil time is 0x0D, but 0x0E was changed. 0x0D instead has the placeholder value 13, leading to the spoil time actually being 13 hours.
- Even if 0x0D was set to -1, it would mean that the cake slice would spoil after ONE MINUTE, due to how the Main function of food items works.
- Finally, the cake itself goes bad after 12 hours. I wanted slices to spoil faster, because then the cake is exposed and does not have the protection of the icing.
- Thus, I changed 0x0D to 6.
Because Celebration! Stuff introduced several new birthday and wedding cakes, which all also needed the fixes, this mod HAS to be placed in the Overrides folder of M&G Stuff, or if you do not have that, your latest EP! For Mac players, this'll be Bon Voyage.
Note this does not change the behaviour with custom cakes!
Eternal Cake technically doesn't conflict, but it prevents all spoiling of cakes altogether, so you should not use it with my mod.
Celebration! Stuff and at least one higher EP (minimum is Bon Voyage).
Resource name | Type | Group | Associated object or semiglobal | Instance |
Tuning | Behaviour Constants (BCON) | 0x7FC02625 | Food - Cake - Birthday - Slice | 0x00001001 |
Tuning | Behaviour Constants (BCON) | 0x7F44DC7B | Food - Cake - Wedding - Slice | 0x00001001 |
Tuning | Behaviour Constants (BCON) | 0x7FAAC2D9 | Food - Cake - Wedding - Blob | 0x00001001 |
Tuning | Behaviour Constants (BCON) | 0x7F5A8711 | Food - Cake - WeddingFlowers - Snow - Slice | 0x00001001 |
Tuning | Behaviour Constants (BCON) | 0x7F9EB088 | Food - Cake - WeddingFlowers - Bamboo - Slice | 0x00001001 |
Tuning | Behaviour Constants (BCON) | 0x7F498F4B | Food - Cake - WeddingFlowers - Powder - Slice | 0x00001001 |
Tuning | Behaviour Constants (BCON) | 0x7FADC055 | Food - Cake - WeddingFlowers - Pink - Slice | 0x00001001 |
Tuning | Behaviour Constants (BCON) | 0x7F84C739 | Food - Cake - WeddingFlowers - Blob | 0x00001001 |
Tuning | Behaviour Constants (BCON) | 0x7F811BF0 | PartyBirthday Cake - Purple - Piece | 0x00001001 |
Tuning | Behaviour Constants (BCON) | 0x7FC8AF57 | PartyBirthday Cake - Lime - Piece | 0x00001001 |
Tuning | Behaviour Constants (BCON) | 0x7FE9862C | PartyBirthday Cake - Butter - Piece | 0x00001001 |
Ever noticed your Sim's RC Car suddenly catching the flu? I did, and it worries me. In order to prevent dangerous NPC's, whose data is stored in the objects.package and not their own character file, from dying to diseases or at least unnecessarily spreading diseases, we should prevent them from catching them in the first place.
This mod will keep any Sim in the Default family (Grim Reaper, Therapist, Santa Klaus, Robots, Birds...) from getting sick. Definitely.
Also, Servos won't ever catch diseases. Other occults if you choose so (more on the tuning aspects below). By default, Zombies, Bigfoot and active Werewolves are immune.
It also fixes an oversight where roommates, despite being able to bring home diseases from work, were unable to catch diseases from disease markers.
The standard version does just what is described above, nothing more.
I also created a second version that makes it so non-playables can also get sick, to some extent:
- Any apartment neighbours if the apartment is the current active lot.
- Any service NPC's that are currently on their job.
- Any employees if they are currently on a lot with a business.
- Any young adults as long as they are at a Dormitory, Greek House/Fraternity, or Secret Society lot.
Please use only one version at a time.
Check the included BCONs 0x1006 and 0x1000. The first is responsible for the initial disease spread to the first Sim, the other is for the disease markers that Sims randomly drop. Putting 1 makes this occult immune, 0 makes them susceptible.
Entry | Label | Valid values | Default value |
0x00 | Zombies | 0 or 1 | 0x0001 (1) |
0x01 | Vampires | 0 or 1 | 0x0000 (0) |
0x02 | Active Werewolves | 0 or 1 | 0x0001 (1) |
0x03 | Plantsims | 0 or 1 | 0x0000 (0) |
0x04 | Witches/Warlocks | 0 or 1 | 0x0000 (0) |
0x05 | Bigfoot | 0 or 1 | 0x0001 (1) |
0x06 | Lycanthropy Carriers (inactive) | 0 or 1 | 0x0000 (0) |
Make sure my mod loads after simler90's Disease Mod, if you use it. The roommate fix from that mod is included here.
Functionality from BoilingOil's Immunity Controller is fully included, and slightly extended upon. Please remove his mod if you've used it to this point.
University or higher and Smarter EP Check.
Resource name | Type | Group | Associated object or semiglobal | Instance |
Sim - Exempt from Sickness? | Behaviour Function (BHAV) | 0x7F8A70B6 | Controller - Disease | 0x00001024 |
Sim - Exempt from Sickness? | Behaviour Function (BHAV) | 0x7F8FC15F | Disease - 1 Tile Marker | 0x00001005 |
New Resources:
Resource name | Type | Group | Associated object or semiglobal | Instance |
Sickness - Am I Immune? | Behaviour Constants (BCON) | 0x7F8A70B6 | Controller - Disease | 0x00001006 |
Sickness - Am I Immune? | Behaviour Constants (BCON) | 0x7F8FC15F | Disease - 1 Tile Marker | 0x00001000 |
When cockroaches spawn due to negligence or an evil witch's spell, you may have noticed the insane "Vermin!" memory spam after it's over, and Sims crying over these memories for a long time in the aftermath. This is because, for some reason, the game spawns one memory for every other attempt at spraying them or stomping them, and a last one for cleaning them up when they're dead.
In Sims 2, memories are given out by spawning an off-world and invisible memory object, which then proceeds to add the memory to the Sim in question. This memory object usually sticks around for a bit and then gets deleted. Vermin memory objects are supposed to stick around for 48 hours after creation.
Maxis had included a check if the memory object already existed and was associated with the Sim, but this routine has not been updated once since the base game, and was broken from the very start. Instead of just deleting the newly created memory object, it deletes the old memory object too, because Maxis accidentally flipped some bits. And then, on the next check, the memory goes through because the memory object is now missing, making the game think the Sim had not gotten a memory for this infestation yet.
This mod fixes the issue, so then Vermin memories are only handed out again after 48 Sim hours have passed.
The standard version is usually the one you want, as it only fixes the bug and does nothing else.
The "sloppy version" changes things up a bit for sloppy Sims. Sims with less than 3 Neat points do not cry about the vermin, and Sims with less than 1 Neat point (2 Neat points if you use dreadpirate's Personality Please) do not get the memory at all.
Conflicts with BoilingOil’s No Trash Memories, make my mod (either version) load after his and you’ll be good to go. You can theoretically put it the other way around too, but that’ll stop all Vermin memories from appearing, which would render my mod useless.
Base Game.
Resource name | Type | Group | Associated object or semiglobal | Instance |
CT - Add Memory | Behaviour Function (BHAV) | 0x7FB4C966 | Memory - Wealth - Vermin | 0x00001002 |
This fix tackles two issues with baby bottles:
- Baby bottles or smart milk bottles that can be disposed of (on high chair, spoiled, almost empty, or 10 minutes passed since it was thrown onto the floor), WILL now be disposed of. Very neat Sims (9+ Neat points, or 8+ with dreadpirate's Personality Please), or Sims with high Cleaning skill (5+ skill points), will jump to action almost immediately; others will be slower, and sloppy Sims (<3 Neat points) will take a long time to clean up, but they eventually will. I did this by checking for those criteria and then adjusting the Environment Check Tree Advertisement to +50 for neat or "good at cleaning" Sims, +15 for those that don't, and +10 for the sloppiest of Sims. By default, the base advertisement is zero, meaning most Sims will never even consider doing it, and Neat Sims only get a bonus of +5, meaning baby bottles are far from their priority when they want to have fun or improve the room score.
- Baby bottles on high chairs can now be cleaned up. (Previously, this was only possible for smart milk bottles. I have no clue why.)
Works well with various other high chair and baby feeding fixes that people did before!
Only one of those is known to directly conflict with my mod:
Accessible Toddler High Chairs by Lamare. Make my mod load after hers - then you'll be good to go.
Standard version: FreeTime.
Mac version: Base game. It doesn't include the high chair functionality but is otherwise the same.
Resource name | Type | Group | Associated object or semiglobal | Instance |
Interaction - Dispose - Test | Behaviour Function (BHAV) | 0x7FBA6191 | Baby Bottle | 0x0000102A |
Interaction - Dispose - Test | Behaviour Function (BHAV) | 0x7F228D60 | Baby Bottle - Smart Milk | 0x0000102A |
Bug and butterfly jars can now be viewed from all sides and even from a bit further away, which should prevent routing failures unless the jar really is inaccessible.
In a vanilla game, the jar needs to be facing in a certain direction to be viewable, otherwise the Sim will stomp their feet...
None that I know of.
Resource name | Type | Group | Associated object or semiglobal | Instance |
Interaction - View | Behaviour Function (BHAV) | 0x7F8A6D6C | Bug_Jar | 0x00001002 |
Prevents a rare issue I noticed where butlers were trying to greet driver NPC's, erroring out as a consequence. Normally this shouldn't happen as drivers are set up as "Walk-bys" which are excluded from being greeted, but I found this isn't always the case. Notable offenders are the "Driving Instructors" that are spawned as part of Pick'N'Mix's No Driving Without A Licence mod set.
To provide compatibility with simler90's Butler Mod, I have also included furious walk-bys and off-world Sims in the list of Sims that the butler won't greet.
In addition, deliverypeople that are not on their job can now be greeted by the butler, too.
Make my mod load after simler90's Butler Mod to solve the conflict it has (see above).
Apartment Life.
Resource name | Type | Group | Associated object or semiglobal | Instance |
Sub - Scan - Answer Door | Behaviour Function (BHAV) | 0x7F1110B8 | Controller - Butler | 0x00001012 |
This fix makes phone ringing more random and less annoying.
In a vanilla game, phones will always ring 20 times.
With my mod, phones will ring between 5 and 15 times, with a small chance of a phone ringing exactly once, cause I know the "wrong number" kinds of calls darn too well in real life. This means that more Sims will be able to ring you up, on average.
If you use phonehack, please make my mod load after it. All aspects of it will still work; "Set Ringer" won't do anything if you use my and Pescado's mod together, though.
Nightlife or higher.
Resource name | Type | Group | Associated object or semiglobal | Instance |
Function - Main | Behaviour Function (BHAV) | 0x7FBD3903 | PhoneCallGlobals | 0x00002008 |
The Sim interaction "Propose.../Give Pet" will no longer run an unnecessary money check, because it literally costs no money, unlike "Sales.../Sell Pet". The query will always return True. Now you can hand pets down to children, lovers etc. that don't live in the same household.
None that I know of.
Resource name | Type | Group | Associated object or semiglobal | Instance |
Money - Can Person B Afford Pet? | Behaviour Function (BHAV) | 0x7F1CF541 | Social - Give Pet To | 0x00001006 |
Fresh food is added to a fridge when you stock it with harvestables or fish.
It increases the quality of cooked meals by... doubling their food points, which translates to increasing the Hunger motive by double when they're eaten. That has always been weird to me, and it causes Sims to often get fat from fresh food. Reason being that Sims don't stop eating when their stomach is full, but when the plate is empty.
This mod lowers the increase to 25%. This should lessen cases of fat Sims, but still be noticeable enough to incentivise cooking with home-grown ingredients.
None that I know of.
Resource name | Type | Group | Associated object or semiglobal | Instance |
Tuning - Fresh Food | Behaviour Constants (BCON) | 0x7F3C9675 | Food_Globals | 0x0000200E |
Every food in Sims 2 has a certain amount of "Food Points" assigned, which is how much it fills the Hunger bar of a Sim, going from -100 to +100, meaning every Sim can "store" 200 Food Points.
Crepes Suzette have 70 Food Points by default. This is always true, even if the food is burnt or spoiled.
If the meal is "good" (meaning not burnt, and it hasn't spoiled yet), it gets extra Food Points assigned no matter how it was cooked, which for our Crepes means +6 points. Meals that were only prepared but not cooked (like Chef Salad) do not get these bonus points.
Finally, depending on how the meal was cooked, there is another set of extra Food Points that gets added to the meal. A good example to demonstrate what this does is Pork Chops, which can be made in five different ways, adding between +10 (for Simmering on a Stovetop) and +40 (for Frying and then Baking) extra Food Points. Sims with higher Cooking skill are not only more likely to succeed in cooking good food, but also more likely to choose more advanced cook types!
And this last step is where the error lies. Crepes Suzette can be made only in one way, which is Frying on a Stovetop. However, in a vanilla game, this cooking method does not actually grant any bonus Food Points, for whatever reason. It seems though that it was intended to give a bonus of +40 because the Cooking Type "Bake, then Flambe" has this bonus set up. (This is the cooking type used for Baked Alaska.) However, Crepes are never baked.
So what I did was to simply grant the "Frying on a Stovetop" cooking type this same +40 Food Points bonus.
As a result, instead of giving a Sim 70-76 Hunger back, it now gives 70-116 Hunger.
None that I know of.
Resource name | Type | Group | Associated object or semiglobal | Instance |
Cook - Food Pts - Max | Behaviour Constants (BCON) | 0x7FDF18F7 | Food - Dessert - Crepe Suzette | 0x00001003 |
Ever seen Sims congratulate another for things... not worth congratulating for? Pet deaths? Breaking up? Losing best friends? ...I have, and I was wondering why this happened for the longest time. I have finally figured out the problem, and unearthed some more in the same run!
- The Tease interaction could actually never be seen in-game due to a wrong variable being used. In the check, Temp 1 could never become negative, but the Tease was only allowed if Temp 1 was negative. This is now fixed: Temp 0 is checked instead, which CAN turn negative and WILL for negative memories.
- Fixed another bug where the Tease interaction used the social constants of the "Kiss of the Vampire" for some reason. This meant that:
- instead of children and older being able to Tease, only teens and older were eligible;
- instead of checking for a short-term OR long-term relationship of -100 to +10, the game checked for a short-term of +40 and up, AND a long-term of +30 and up;
- Teasing would change a Sim's Attraction Score, when it shouldn't;
- Teasing would check for a Sim's gender preference, meaning straight men could never tease another man, when this is supposed to be unrestricted; and
- Teasing was restricted to owning Nightlife, when it's actually meant to be base game-compatible. - Sims will no longer congratulate another Sim on bad things, or tease them on good things such as meeting new Sims or getting married. Ever.
- Sims will also not congratulate if the Sim knows no positive gossip about the other Sim, or tease if the Sim knows no negative gossip.
Fun fact: All the stuff that was broken with the Tease interaction actually worked better before the release of Nightlife. The first listed change is actually reversing the BHAV's logic to how it was in the base game. Whoopsie!
I have included the changes from simler90's Memory Mod regarding the Congratulate interaction, because I modified the same resources. Make sure my mod loads after his. It's renamed accordingly.
My mod also conflicts with Squinge's No Autonomous Congrats, Tease & Console, particularly the Tease part. But even if not, you should not use his mod together with mine.
Same goes for twojeffs' More Balanced Teasing, if you have it. Please remove his mod. He tried to solve the problem with the wrong social test being executed by changing the symptoms instead of the root cause, which actually made it worse.
Base Game.
Resource name | Type | Group | Associated object or semiglobal | Instance |
Memory Marker - Read Worst into Temp Token | Behaviour Function (BHAV) | 0x7FD46CD0 | Globals | 0x00000295 |
Memory Marker - Read Best into Temp Token | Behaviour Function (BHAV) | 0x7FD46CD0 | Globals | 0x00000296 |
Memory Marker - Has Good on Subject? | Behaviour Function (BHAV) | 0x7FD46CD0 | Globals | 0x000002B2 |
Memory Marker - Has Bad on Subject? | Behaviour Function (BHAV) | 0x7FD46CD0 | Globals | 0x000002B3 |
Social - Memory - Tease - TEST | Behaviour Function (BHAV) | 0x7F01EC29 | PersonGlobals | 0x0000217F |
This is a compilation of several fixes and changes related to the Genie Lamps and Genie Controller.
- The global Genie Controller runs a check every 72 hours to determine whether a family should get a Magical Lamp. It takes into account every family member's Long-Term Aspiration score (+2% chance for every Sim that is at least LTA Level 7) and hobby enthusiasm (+1% chance per Sim and hobby with 800 or more Enthusiasm). If the check passes, then a Matchmaker is immediately spawned to deliver a Magical Lamp.
Unfortunately, when the game moves on to handing out a "Found Magical Lamp" memory to a Sim in the family, it simply picks the first Sim it finds, gives them the memory, and stops there. It doesn't matter if the Sim in question is a baby, a toddler, or has otherwise never contributed much to the lamp delivery.
This mod will fix this oddity and run similar calculations that are made for the decision whether to deliver a lamp or not in the first place. The end result being that ONLY the Sim with the highest "score", so usually the Sim that is most invested into their hobbies, gets the memory, and no one else.
- Originally, if a Magical Lamp was deleted, for example if all three Genie wishes were used up, the game could theoretically deliver another lamp again after 72 hours from the last lamp delivery. This did not seem intended, so I changed the routine. Now, the game will only consider delivering a new lamp if the owner of the "Found Magical Lamp" memory has either moved away or died. Don't worry - with the fix above, this won't take an entire Sim's life anymore!
- Made a change to the OBJD to ensure that the Genie Controller is immediately deleted when CAS is entered, instead of letting it idle for up to 72 in-game hours if coming from another lot.
- Optimised the main routine to skip several unnecessary checks (checking for a liveable lot always includes checking for NOT being on a secret lot, silly Maxis!).
Do not use with Midge The Tree's Genie Lamp Memory Mod. It's an alternative approach to the memory matter, handing the memory out to ALL family members that are children or older. I personally didn't like it because it does not put an emphasis on the achievements that made the delivery possible in the first place.
Resource name | Type | Group | Associated object or semiglobal | Instance |
Sub - Memory | Behaviour Function (BHAV) | 0x7F706EA2 | Controller - Genie | 0x00001002 |
Function - Main | Behaviour Function (BHAV) | 0x7F706EA2 | Controller - Genie | 0x00001000 |
Controller - Genie | Object Data (OBJD) | 0x7F706EA2 | Controller - Genie | 0x000041A8 |
For your convenience, I have also put summaries of the function of each mod into a DOCX file inside the archive.

Maxis and EA for creating Sims 2 in the first place
The Creators of SimPE and the BHAV, BCON and STR# plug-ins
Have fun and happy Simming!
~ Blueybre
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
LimeyYoshi_AllStereosAreEqual-MidgeTuning.package | package | 1193 |
LimeyYoshi_AllStereosAreEqual-YoshiTuning.package | package | 1331 |
LimeyYoshi_AllStereosAreEqual.package | package | 887 |
LimeyYoshi_BabyBottleCleaningFrenzy-mac.package | package | 804 |
LimeyYoshi_BabyBottleCleaningFrenzy.package | package | 850 |
LimeyYoshi_CakesMakeMoreSense.package | package | 1480 |
LimeyYoshi_DangerousNPCsStayHealthy-TowniesGetSick.package | package | 2816 |
LimeyYoshi_DangerousNPCsStayHealthy.package | package | 2402 |
LimeyYoshi_BugJarsApproachableFromAllDirections.package | package | 956 |
LimeyYoshi_ButlersCantGreetDrivers.package | package | 1048 |
LimeyYoshi_DontRingSoOften.package | package | 1094 |
LimeyYoshi_GenieLampFixes.package | package | 1518 |
LimeyYoshi_GivePetNotDependentOnMoney.package | package | 220 |
LimeyYoshi_LessFatFreshFood.package | package | 192 |
LimeyYoshi_NoMoreCrappyCrepes.package | package | 220 |
MiniFixPackDescription.docx | docx | 188411 |
LimeyYoshi_NixThatRoachSpam-sloppyVersion.package | package | 495 |
LimeyYoshi_NixThatRoachSpam.package | package | 449 |
zLimeyYoshi_StupidCongratsAndTeaseBegone.package | package | 2463 |
Filename | Type | Size |
AllStereosAreEqual (pick one).zip | zip | |
LimeyYoshi_AllStereosAreEqual-MidgeTuning.package | package | 1193 |
LimeyYoshi_AllStereosAreEqual-YoshiTuning.package | package | 1331 |
LimeyYoshi_AllStereosAreEqual.package | package | 887 |
Filename | Type | Size |
CakesMakeMoreSense (OVERRIDES).zip | zip | |
LimeyYoshi_CakesMakeMoreSense.package | package | 1480 |
Filename | Type | Size |
DangerousNPCsStayHealthy (pick one).zip | zip | |
LimeyYoshi_DangerousNPCsStayHealthy-TowniesGetSick.package | package | 2816 |
LimeyYoshi_DangerousNPCsStayHealthy.package | package | 2402 |
Filename | Type | Size |
NixThatRoachSpam (pick one).zip | zip | |
LimeyYoshi_NixThatRoachSpam-sloppyVersion.package | package | 495 |
LimeyYoshi_NixThatRoachSpam.package | package | 449 |
Filename | Type | Size |
BabyBottleCleaningFrenzy (pick one).zip | zip | |
LimeyYoshi_BabyBottleCleaningFrenzy-mac.package | package | 804 |
LimeyYoshi_BabyBottleCleaningFrenzy.package | package | 850 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
LimeyYoshi_BugJarsApproachableFromAllDirections.package | package | 956 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
LimeyYoshi_ButlersCantGreetDrivers.package | package | 1048 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
LimeyYoshi_DontRingSoOften.package | package | 1094 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
LimeyYoshi_GivePetNotDependentOnMoney.package | package | 220 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
LimeyYoshi_LessFatFreshFood.package | package | 192 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
LimeyYoshi_NoMoreCrappyCrepes.package | package | 220 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
zLimeyYoshi_StupidCongratsAndTeaseBegone.package | package | 2463 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
LimeyYoshi_GenieLampFixes.package | package | 1518 |
Note from the Creator:
| Combined upload with all fixes plus an added summary of what each one does.
Uploaded: 14th May 2024, 190.5 KB.
AllStereosAreEqual (pick one).zip
| The "YoshiTuning" version requires Easy Inventory Check! Other versions have no further requirements.
Uploaded: 29th Dec 2023, 2.0 KB.
CakesMakeMoreSense (OVERRIDES).zip
Uploaded: 14th Dec 2023, 446 Bytes.
DangerousNPCsStayHealthy (pick one).zip
| Requires Smarter EP Check!
Uploaded: 1st Jan 2024, 1.6 KB.
NixThatRoachSpam (pick one).zip
Uploaded: 16th Jan 2024, 828 Bytes.
BabyBottleCleaningFrenzy (pick one).zip
Uploaded: 25th Dec 2023, 875 Bytes.
Uploaded: 14th Dec 2023, 604 Bytes.
Uploaded: 25th Dec 2023, 607 Bytes.
Uploaded: 13th Apr 2024, 582 Bytes.
Uploaded: 14th Dec 2023, 338 Bytes.
Uploaded: 14th Dec 2023, 294 Bytes.
Uploaded: 14th Dec 2023, 308 Bytes.
Uploaded: 13th Feb 2024, 850 Bytes.
Uploaded: 14th May 2024, 783 Bytes.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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Updated: 5th Feb 2025 at 7:24 PM
#stereo, #dj booth, #birthday cake, #wedding cake, #vermin, #roaches, #baby bottle, #bug jar, #butler, #phone, #fixes, #disease, #npc
by kestrellyn 25th Oct 2019 at 5:09am
6 12.1k 43
by simler90 updated 27th Sep 2022 at 5:49am
18 31.9k 129
by EvelynnMama 23rd Jun 2021 at 6:50pm
+1 packs
by Nopke 27th May 2024 at 9:39pm
9 7.5k 13
Scissors Clippers - Get Coupons from Newspapers
by Blueybre updated 17th Aug 2024 at 8:51pm
+2 packs
by Blueybre updated 17th Aug 2024 at 7:10pm
36 4.6k 14
Maxis Piggy Bank Made Functional!
by Blueybre updated 17th Aug 2024 at 7:59pm
+2 packs
by Blueybre updated 24th Aug 2024 at 6:37pm
73 10.3k 21
About Me
I'm Blueybre, that chaos-loving 'bre. Call me Koko or Bluey. I make mods for Sims 2, my favourite Sims game.
As my title suggests, I like wreaking havoc... but I also like providing useful bug fixes, features or new mechanics.
I make sure my mods can be enjoyed by as many players as possible, so I strive to make my mods as compatible with different game setups as I can. Mac players want to enjoy mods, too!
I love the language diversity we have in the world and so am always looking for human translators to provide translations to languages other than English.
I have been a childhood Sims 1 player but did not get to enjoy the newer games until my fiancée sparked my interest again. Starting with Sims 3, followed by 4, then 2. Nowadays, I choose to only play Sims 2 (and also Sims 3), because they're the zenith of the series in my Humble opinion. (...Get it? Humble? Rod? Haha...)
I prefer building houses over actually playing, and I have made my own custom world on Sims 3. Maybe I'll publish some of my Sims 3 works at some point...
My Sims 3 traits would be: Clumsy, Eco-Friendly, Frugal, Loner, Night Owl. (And a hidden Pyromaniac. Hehe.)
My pronouns are he/him, but to be fair I don't mind what you use to address me.
I am a little obsessed with the British way of spelling words.
I am an Aspie, diagnosed at the age of five, so I may show strange behaviour at times, and used to often jump at people with like-minded interests (such as a certain profile picture) to try and socialise with. I have this under better control now, but it is how I met my fiancée, back in 2012 on YouTube. Engaged since 26/07/2019. :luff:
Besides Sims, I also like Pokémon (duh), Palworld, Yoshi, and Genshin Impact! (Nilou best girl~ :3)