"Surf's Up!" - New surfing interaction and set
rack_recolors.jpg - width=924 height=571
rack_orientations.jpg - width=923 height=517
join.jpg - width=736 height=596
CuriousB.jpg - width=478 height=635
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surfsup.jpg - width=800 height=600
surf-sign.jpg - width=200 height=613

This is a new, socialable self-interaction with a custom queue icon and custom animation. Surfing is available for Sims who are Teens and older (who aren't in the "showing" stages of pregnancy) and who are not Servos.
As you would expect, surfing is only available on beach lots and a Sim must have a surfboard in their inventory. (Surfboards make great gifts, by the way.

- The interaction itself (plus some additional, necessary files: the wave effect override, a cart object which holds the Sim and a routing NPC).
- Surfboard object with 50 recolors! (42 are CuriousB colors and 8 are more of a "novelty" kind).
Variety is the spice of life, after all.....and, well, recoloring can be therapeutic when dealing with BHAV-induced headaches. You can delete any you don't want. Beyond simply variety, it is also my intention that some of them will inspire others to make recolors which have better textures than mine.(These are split amongst the CuriousB_surfboard_recolors.zip and surfboard_recolors.zip files.)According to SimPE, there are 304 faces and 314 Vertices in the surfboard. The surfboard can be found in the "Exercise" area of the "Hobbies" area in the Buy Mode catalog.
- Two wall-mounted surfboard racks: a 1-tile version and a 2-tile version. (Each has 252 faces and 288 vertices according to SimPE.) They can be found in the "Shelves" section of the "Surfaces" area of the Buy Mode catalog.
June 9th, 2011 UPDATE: Surfboard racks have been updated so that they should no longer be lightning strikeable or flammable.Although Apartment Life is not required, each rack is shiftable for AL users and comes in 5 wood textures which match the Knock on Wood medium shelves. The 1-tile version is repository linked to the 2-tile version.The 1-tile version can hold up to two surfboards in a vertical orientation.The 2-tile version can hold up to five: up to two vertically (like in the 1-tile version of the rack) and up to three in a horizontal orientation. Whichever grid square over which you place the surfboard using the hand tool determines the horizontal/vertical orientation (i.e. the slots of each orientation are mapped to a grid square). Press "M" to toggle slot placement.Both versions have two recolorable subsets: the holding rods and the backing. I've included invisible recolors of the rods so they don't poke through the surfboard(s) mounted in the horizontal position. There's also an invisible recolor for the backing if you just want two rods sticking out of the wall. I also made special recolors that render either the left pair of rods or the right pair of rods invisible. If you intend to make recolors for the rods and wish to make similar "left side only" or "right side only" recolors, there is some information you should read (click the button below)...
Special recolor information for the surfboard rack:
Because you can only have 2 recolorable subsets, the "left side only" and "right side only" are special recolors of the rods' subset. The normal technique for making an invisible recolor resulted in a strange overlapping effect with the visible rods. Fortunately, Echo to the rescue:Quote:
switch "stdMatAlphaBlendMode" to none, "stdMatAlphaTestEnabled" to 1, and "stdMatAlphaRefValue" to 255.
That will turn masking on without turning on alpha blending, which basically allows you to have alpha-based cut-outs without the weird overlapping. -
July 16th, 2011 UPDATE: "No Surfing" sign. When placed on a lot, the "Surf" interaction will not appear on the Active Sim. An invisible recolor is included for the base and the sign. It can be found in the "Miscellaneous" subsection of the "Decorative" category in Buy Mode for $100 (the same as the Sim Crossing sign from which it is cloned).

While your Sims don't need to worry about sharks or dangerous coral, Sims can still Wipe Out based upon a sliding scale of their Body skill. That is, a higher body skill will mean a lower chance of Wipe Outs. The probability of Wipe Outs can be edited in the BCONs if you so desire.
Body Skill Level | Failure Rate | Success Rate |
0 | 90% | 10% |
1 | 80% | 20% |
2 | 70% | 30% |
3 | 60% | 40% |
4 | 50% | 50% |
5 | 40% | 60% |
6 | 30% | 70% |
7 | 20% | 80% |
8 | 10% | 90% |
9 | 5% | 95% |
10 | 1% | 99% |

Surfing is a self-interaction; you click on the active Sim and select "Surf." However, if there are other surfers present, you can invite them to join you for a mutual social and relationship boost. While there is no relationship-based requirement/rejection for an invitation, there won't be a relationship boost if the Invited Sim isn't "in the mood" to surf (but that won't necessarily stop the Sim who invited him/her from surfing without him/her). If there are more surfers than there are available waves, would-be surfers will congregate to the side and will cheer on the other surfers until the surfing space they want becomes free. Sims may cheer before they decide to actually enter the water anyway. If you maximize/100% a Sim's body skill while surfing, the custom "surfing" queue icon will appear in the expanded/"full text" version of the 100% Completed Skill memory for that Sim. This is a feature.

Also, surfing is fun! Under some circumstances, there is a slight chance that Sims may even show off while surfing.

- You can only ask Sims to join before you actually start surfing through the Invite dialogue. While your Active Sim is surfing, you cannot simply click on a Sim who recently appeared on the lot to ask them to Join; likewise, you cannot click on a surfing Sim and select "Join." It must be done through the Invite dialog.
- If there are other surfers available but you want to surf alone, don't add anyone to the list and just click the button with the checkmark. The button with "X" will cancel the action.
- The relationship boost is only between the Active Sim and each individual Sim invited. (So, if Don invites Nina and Dina, only the Don-Nina and Don-Dina relationships will be affected...not the Nina-Dina relationship).
- For technical reasons, the "Surf" pie menu option will not show up while the Sim is currently swimming; this is intentional. You may find it silly that a Sim already swimming in the ocean would have to leave the ocean just to get back in, but there are technical/logistical reasons. Just imagine the Sim had to get his/her surfboard.
- Do not leave the lot with your Sims surfing. The NPC gets deleted when the lot is reloaded. If your Sim is surfing, he or she will be deleted with the NPC. In my tests, they will be reset by the mailbox.
- Because of the override, I'll remind everyone to please scan your lots with Clean Installer to make sure nothing gets included that shouldn't.

Yes, you can sell the surfboards in an OFB shop. It's one reason why I created the surfboard racks. Just be careful to set the actual surfboards for sale and not the rack itself. With SilentLucidity's Angled OMSPs, you can also have surfboards leaning against buildings or fences or sticking out of sand dunes. The surfboard should show up in the neighborhood view.

Here are two video clips to demonstrate the surfing (Video One and Video Two). The videos may be a little choppy and, as I will address in more detail shortly, let me say that the interaction is not 100% perfect...

The "Why Can I Not Surf?" checklist
-Is your Sim on a beach lot? Your Sim must be on a beach lot.
-Does your Sim have a surfboard in their inventory? Your Sim must have a surfboard in their inventory or the option will not show up. Sims must have a surfboard to be considered a surfer.
-Is your Sim a Teen or older? The interaction is currently limited to Sims who are Teens or older.
-Is your Sim a Servo (robot)? Robots do not like water and thus find surfing to be too dangerous.
-Is your Sim in the "showing" stages of pregnancy? If your Sim has a visible pregnant belly bulge, he/she is under strict doctor's orders not to surf since a violent Wipe Out may hurt the unborn child. Hey, blame the doctor not me.

-Is there a "No Surfing" sign somewhere on the lot? The "No Surfing" sign prohibits surfing on any lot that it is placed.
-Is your Sim already swimming in the ocean or in a pool? The option will not appear on the Active Sim if he/she is currently swimming. Direct the Sim to dry land and the option should reappear provided the above criteria are met.

-There are occasional timing issues in which the Sim may start surfing too soon, start surfing too late, surf too slowly (i.e. the wave overtakes the Sim), or briefly surf in the wrong direction (which is especially noticeable in the event the Sim performs a delayed or two sequential show-off animations). If someone knows a thing or two about BHAVs, I would love some advice on how to correct this. I've been content with the timing being an approximation, but perfection would be ideal if possible.
-Sometimes the timing of the splash sound effect on the paddling animation is a bit off.
-Possibly obsolete issue: Some time ago, I would occasionally find waves becoming stuck "in use". This doesn't seem to be a problem for me anymore. However, I have created a debug interaction to combat this on the surfboard racks should the issue reappear. The interaction is on the racks because you can't really click on the wave effect object. You must have debug mode enabled and must shift-click on a rack. The interaction will delete any surfing NPCs on the lot and clear the "In Use" flag for all wave objects after you confirm that this is what you want to do. If you use this debug interaction while any Sims are surfing, it WILL delete the Sims currently surfing. There is a prompt reminding you of this before it actually does anything so that you can back out of it if you want.

If there is anything else I'm forgetting, I'll update this thread. If there is anything wrong or needs to be tweaked, I'll update the mod.
Additional Credits: :lovestruc
-Echo: For the surfboard mesh, which is far superior to my attempts, as well as her help and tutorials. None of this would be possible without you.
-Inge Jones: For her portal revealer which was so vital in helping me figure out what to do with the ocean.
-CuriousB (Bagfran at LJ): For her macro (link). Beautiful colors!
-Leesester: Whose Emptied Bookshelf became the base for my cart object. I needed a lot of slots to work with and to play with; the bookshelf had plenty and was ideal for my purposes. (Before I started stripping away most of bookshelf, its size and height also made a great beacon/marker to let me know where the NPC was currently located. While humorous to see someone surf with an empty bookshelf, it truly was a godsend.)
-Anyone else who has helped but whose name escapes me now.
| Surfing Interaction
Uploaded: 9th Jul 2020, 184.5 KB.
| No Surfing Sign with Invisible Recolor
Uploaded: 16th Jul 2011, 35.3 KB.
| Additional Surfboard Recolors
Uploaded: 8th Jun 2011, 291.5 KB.
| Surfboard Racks and Recolors
Uploaded: 8th Jun 2011, 442.0 KB.
| CuriousB surfboard recolors
Uploaded: 8th Jun 2011, 655.5 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Simsâ„¢ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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About Me
I would like to thank all those who have inspired and helped. Sometimes the greatest and most profound joy was not found in the actual process of custom content creation or learning how to do something new....it was found in the help, patience and kindness of complete strangers from all over the world, even for something as relatively trivial Sim custom content. EA made the game but you made it really worth something.
Thanks goes to everyone who makes this site and the Sims' world a better place.
You are free to modify my work, borrow from it, fix it, and/or expand upon it with credit. I'd be really interested in seeing what people might make with it, so feel free to send me a link. :) Please give credit where credit is due and please don't charge for it (or otherwise hold content hostage).
I not am taking any requests at this time, sorry. :(