Adult Jobs For Teens
cover.png - width=724 height=849
jobs1.PNG - width=1199 height=899
jobs2.PNG - width=1151 height=887
jobs3.PNG - width=1197 height=895
custom_job.PNG - width=801 height=578
freelancer.PNG - width=582 height=779
teen_college.PNG - width=994 height=709
cadet_teen.png - width=1920 height=1001

Latest game version compatibility: 1.96.397

Update 29/07/22:

Huge thanks to pcgeekri for figuring out the issue!
Update 31/01/22:
- Teen sims can now give speech at the podium, as it is necessary for the Social Media career.
Thanks to Bri for figuring out the podium issue!
Update 07/09/21:
- Added a fix for the error related to the Photographer career for people using the SPLIT version, everything should work fine now! (Error was because the Photographer career belongs to Moschino stuff pack, not base game!)
- Added Freelancer Crafter and Paranormal Investigator careers, please update the mod!
Huge thanks to melbrewer367 for figuring out the cause of the error!
Update 20/08/21:
- Fixed an issue on the Get To Work package file. Please re-download the SPLIT version (full version still works fine).
- Some people have reported errors related to the Freelancer Photographer career. If you are also experiencing errors, please send me a message.
This mod allows your teenage sims to get any job (basically, any adult job that wasn't available for teens). This mod is an updated version of telford's "Drop Out of Highschool and Get a Real Job".
All careers from Base Game and other packs are available (full list below).
Additionally, teen sims can enroll in University. Freelancer and Self-employment are also available.
- Make Teens drop out of highschool:
- Please download deaderpool's MCCC
- To make teens drop out of highschool: Computer: MC Command Center > MC Career > Teens Quit School
- To make current teen sim drop out of highschool: Sim: MC Command Center > Sim Commands > Quit School
- Please download deaderpool's MCCC
- Download mod files according to what packs you have:
- If you own ALL available packs, you can just download sparklymari_AdultJobsTeens.rar
- Otherwise, download sparklymari_AdultJobsTeens_SPLIT.rar file and remove the .package files for the game packs you DON'T own (or export ONLY the packages you need).
- If you own ALL available packs, you can just download sparklymari_AdultJobsTeens.rar
Your teen sims should now be able to get any adult job (ONLY original Sims 4 careers, mods or custom careers will NOT be affected by this mod!).
Original by: telford (last updated November 2017)
Last updated in comments section in June 2020 by: emile20 and wertyuio86
PACKS USED (Can also be Basegame-only):
Get to Work
City Living
Get Famous
Island Living
Discover University
Eco Lifestyle
Snowy Escape
Dream Home Decorator
Moschino stuff pack
Paranormal stuff pack
Base Game:
AstronautGet To Work:
Secret Agent
Style Influencer
Tech Guru
DetectiveCity Living:
Social Media
GardenerGet Famous:
MilitaryIsland Living:
ConservationistDiscover University:
EducationEco Lifestyle:
Civil Designer
Freelance CrafterSnowy Escape:
SalarypersonDream Home Decorator:
Interior DecoratorMoschino:
Freelance PhotographerParanormal:
Freelance Paranormal Investigator
Please note:
- If I've missed any jobs or you think the mod can be improved, please leave a suggestion!
- If you have any problems using this mod, or any errors, please let me know in the comments (but keep in mind that there may be conflicts with other mods you may have in your game).
Tested on a Windows 10 computer with game version 1.96.397!
Additional Credits:
emile20 and wertyuio86
Filename | Type | Size |
SparklyMari_AdultJobsTeens.rar | rar | |
SparklyMari_AdultJobsTeens.package | package | 812004 |
Filename | Type | Size |
SparklyMari_AdultJobsTeens_SPLIT.rar | rar | |
SparklyMari_AdultJobsTeens_University.package | package | 58468 |
SparklyMari_AdultJobsTeens_Basegame.package | package | 349960 |
SparklyMari_AdultJobsTeens_CityLiving.package | package | 95287 |
SparklyMari_AdultJobsTeens_DreamHomeDeco.package | package | 34709 |
SparklyMari_AdultJobsTeens_EcoLifestyle.package | package | 24643 |
SparklyMari_AdultJobsTeens_GetFamous.package | package | 24660 |
SparklyMari_AdultJobsTeens_GetToWork.package | package | 106725 |
SparklyMari_AdultJobsTeens_IslandLiving.package | package | 56604 |
SparklyMari_AdultJobsTeens_Moschino.package | package | 4893 |
SparklyMari_AdultJobsTeens_Paranormal.package | package | 4936 |
SparklyMari_AdultJobsTeens_Seasons.package | package | 15715 |
SparklyMari_AdultJobsTeens_SnowyEscape.package | package | 22359 |
SparklyMari_AdultJobsTeens_StrangerVille.package | package | 14245 |
Note from the Creator:
- sparklymari_AdultJobsTeens.rar : If you own ALL packs
- sparklymari_AdultJobsTeens_SPLIT.rar : If you DON'T own all packs (choose which files you need)
Uploaded: 16th Apr 2023, 782.2 KB.
Uploaded: 16th Apr 2023, 764.3 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the File tab to see the download link. Click the link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
Read the upload description for installation instructions. If nothing else is specified, do the following:
2. Extract: Use WinRAR (Windows) to extract the .package file(s) (if included, ts4script as well) from the .rar or .zip file(s).
3. Cut and paste the .package file(s) (if included, ts4script as well) into your Mods folder
- Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
- Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
Need more information?
- Anyone can use both .rar and .zip files easily! On Windows, use WinRAR.
- If you don't have a Mods folder, just make one.
- Mod still not working? Make sure you have script mods enabled
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Updated: 16th Apr 2023 at 12:13 AM
#teens, #teen jobs, #adult jobs, #dropout, #teenagers, #teen careers, #updated mod, #careers
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