with Fixes imported (updated 2014.01.10)

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What is this?
So, here is the Sims file with the FIXED Resources imported, for people who don't want to mess with files in S3PE. It is in one single archive file. That's right! No multiparts here, it fits in one 50MB archive, YAY!
You can find the full guide on how to use this in Game Help:World Routing Lagswiki. For other suggestion to fix lag, read the Game Help:Intermittent Freezeswiki FAQ

What has been done?

A Before and After image that you can use as Visual Indicators on how to check if the world file is the original or fixed version.
For a more comprehensive list of things done, please read this download thread Resources for's various Fixes for ALL of the problems that were addressed.


Heed that backup instructions in Game Help:World Routing Lagswiki, really! You've been warned!

If you care to continue any legacy games or Saves that you care about in the fixed version, use Twallan's Porter to transfer any Sims or Household you care about from your previous Saves. The World Routing Lag wiki has a FAQ section.

How to install?
  • Download the archive. This world file is small enough to fit into the allowed maximum upload size of 50MB, so there's only one file. Yes, no multi-parts to deal with.
  • Right-click on the file "Extract here", or whatever command your program uses. If you need a more comprehensive primer about Archives, read Game_Help:DFDD5_Extract_from_Archivewiki
  • Place the extracted .world file in this path and replace the default version. (You have backup, right?)
    \Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3 University Life\GameData\Shared\NonPackaged\Worlds
    • If you don't have the DVD version, please visit the Game_Help:World_Routing_Lags/Wherewiki wiki page for the path to other distribution System and/or Operating System, e.g. Origin, Steam, OSX
  • Delete caches before starting game if you encounter issues. Especially any files named SimsUniversity in
    \Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\WorldCaches
    Game Help:Sims 3 Delete Cache Fileswiki

How to remove or restore the file before updating?
  • Just in case, but not really necessary, as per past experience with EA's patches.
  • Go to the path above
  • Delete the *.world file. Or if you want to reuse it after patching, rename it with a ".fixed" extension, so the filename becomes ""
  • Rename the "*.orig" copy by removing the .orig extension (or from whatever you have renamed it to).
  • Delete caches before starting game. Game Help:Sims 3 Delete Cache Fileswiki

Notes & Changelog:

As and when I get reports of any issues, or new spots, or patch changes (if any).
  • Jan 10, 2014: Fixed the blotchy terrain issue reported by @fxchrfxchr.
  • Made while on Patch 1.63.
  • Would most likely be compatible with any patches in the future as well, as EA has never ever modified a .world file in any of the patches.

Q: My game crashed when I load my Sims University Save game.
A: Well, you need to start a new Sims University game. If it still crash on a new game with the caches and worldcaches deleted, please post in comments with the information asked for below.


As always, feedback is welcomed.
If you want to report an issue, please don't forget to state
  1. your gameversion Game Help:TS3_Patching Find Gameversionwiki,
  2. what browser and version, and archive program you are using (if you have issues with downloading),
  3. if you use a download manager (if you have issues with downloading),
  4. what archive program you are using (if you have issues with extracting), and
  5. if you're getting an error when downloading and it is not the 403/503 error explain above, state the exact error message, and how many times you have tried downloading; and if you haven't given it some time to try again later?

Additional Credits:
Inge & Peter Jones; the tool makers of s3pe, s3su, package compare
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